PSYC 380 W24 Workbook Assignment Instructions

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PSYC 380 – Positive Psychology

Winter 2024 Workbook Activity Assignments

In this course, you will be required to complete 10 short written assignments based on the applied
activities for each chapter in the workbook that comes with our textbook. The workbook chapters align
with the chapters we cover in class. You will read and complete ONE of the applied activities for the
chapter indicated in your workbook (it is your choice as to which activity you complete – there are a few
options per chapter, so choose one that interests you!)

Some of the options require you to go practice something in your life for up to a week or recruit others to
interview, so I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the assignments early and begin completing
them sooner rather than later (these aren’t the type of assignments you can complete last minute).

Please read and complete your selected applied activity and write a ~2 paragraph reflection regarding
your experiences of the activity. Your reflection should include the following:
 an overview of the activity you completed (including your findings/scores/etc., if applicable)
 a reflective discussion of what you learned, your thoughts, interesting connections to the course
content or ‘the real world’, etc. in response to the activity

You may write in first person perspective, but formatting is not relevant here (e.g., no need for APA style),
so long as you write in paragraph form. There is no strict word limit. I am most interested in hearing your
thoughts, experiences, and proof that you have both completed the activity and thought about it critically.

To submit your workbook assignments, you will post each one on the allocated Blackboard Discussion
post thread. All Discussion threads will be available for the entire term so you can post at your own pace.
Each workbook assignment post is worth 1% for a total of 10% of your course grade.

Rather than requiring you to hand them in each week, I have listed suggested submission dates below.
The last possible date that I will accept workbook assignments is Monday April 8, 2024 at 11:59pm. The
goal of the workbook assignments is to foster space for you to think about the course content more
broadly and to supplement your learning; my intention is not to stress you out or pile unhelpful work on
your plate, thus the submission dates are flexible. However, below is a recommended timeline for
submitting each assignment so that the activities will best serve your progress in this course and
understanding of the material:

Submission Date
Post # 1: Chapter 1 Workbook Activity January 15, 2024
Post # 2: Chapter 2 Workbook Activity January 22, 2024
Post # 3: Chapter 3 Workbook Activity January 29, 2024
Post # 4: Chapter 4 Workbook Activity February 5, 2024
Post # 5: Chapter 5 Workbook Activity February 26, 2024
Post # 6: Chapter 6 Workbook Activity March 4, 2024
Post # 7: Chapter 8 Workbook Activity March 11, 2024
Post # 8: Chapter 10 Workbook Activity March 18, 2024
Post # 9: Chapter 11 Workbook Activity March 25, 2024
Post # 10: Final Workbook Activity (choose one
more, any activity you wish from any chapter, April 8, 2024
including those we did not formally cover in class)

Note that we do not formally cover chapter 7 or 9 in the text in this course, so post #7 includes your choice of
workbook activities from chapter 8, post #8 is an activity from chapter 10 and so on – it can get confusing so be sure
to double-check which chapter’s activity you are doing, and what thread you are posting it in!
Late assignments (submitted after 11:59pm on April 8, 2024) will not be accepted and will
receive a grade of zero. Extension requests for workbook assignments will not be granted. It is
your responsibility to keep up with completing your submissions throughout the term, and I
recommend you begin earlier rather than later in the semester.2

A general note about AI: While Generative AI like ChatGPT and other programs can be useful in
many contexts, you may not use it for assignments in this course. The goal of these workbook
assignments is for you to apply your learnings in Positive Psychology to yourself and your life,
not to submit plagiarized text written by AI. AI does not have the rich, nuanced lived experience
and unique ideas that you do; thus, I expect that any work you submit in PSYC 380 will be
written by you, a human being, in your own words. The submission of any AI-generated text in
this course is considered Academic Misconduct and suspected AI submissions will be
investigated and penalized according to RDP policy.

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