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PSYC 383 – Personality Psychology

Winter 2024 Participation Assignments

In the online Revel resource, you have access to numerous personality measures. For your participation
assignments, you are tasked with completing and reflecting on your personality questionnaire scores for
at least nine of these questionnaires throughout the term. (That said, I recommend you complete all of
the personality questionnaires available on Revel as these will be helpful for choosing questionnaires for
your term paper at the end of the semester.)

Please complete your selected questionnaire and write a ~1-2 paragraph reflection regarding your
findings. Your reflection should include the following:
 The name of the questionnaire you completed
 Your score and any comparison data provided in Revel
 An additional response (minimum 100 words) detailing your thoughts on the questionnaire.
Include not only your opinions, but also some deeper reflection based on the chapter
material/what you have learned in this course to earn full marks.

You may write in first person perspective, but formatting is not relevant here (e.g., no need for APA style),
so long as you write in paragraph form. I am most interested in hearing about your personality
questionnaire results and reflections, including tying your findings back to the course material. The goal of
these assignments is for you to learn something new or perhaps validate something you already knew
about your own personality – use these assignments as your opportunity to apply your learnings to better
understand yourself!

To submit your participation assignments, please use the submission portals in Blackboard. The nine total
assignments are split into three due dates:

Participation Assignment Due Date

Three questionnaire reflections from within Chapters 1-6 February 7, 2024 by 11:59pm
Three questionnaire reflections from within Chapters 7-11 March 13, 2024 by 11:59pm
Three questionnaire reflections from within Chapters 12-15 April 10, 2024 by 11:59pm

You may submit more than one reflection from a chapter. For example, in Chapter 4 there is both
Questionnaire 4.1 ‘Morningness-Eveningness Scale’ and Questionnaire 4.2 ‘Sociosexual Orientation
Scale’; you may complete both of these to comprise two of your three assignments for chapters 1-6, if you
wish. Choose what interests you!

Late policy: Should you find yourself unable to submit an assignment by the due date/time, I will grant
you an automatic 8-hour extension (no questions asked, no need to email me to confirm, no late penalty)
to submit your assignment in Blackboard. Otherwise, late assignments are not accepted and will receive a
grade of zero.

Note: If you choose not to purchase access to the online text through Revel, you are expected to find nine
personality questionnaires on your own (they should be mentioned within the chapter content of this
course) and write your reflections to earn the participation assignment marks.

A general note about AI: While Generative AI like ChatGPT and other programs can be useful in many
contexts, you may not use it for assignments in this course. The goal of these participation assignments
is for you to apply your learnings in Personality Psychology to yourself, not to submit plagiarized text
written by AI. AI has neither the unique, wonderful, interesting personality nor the rich lived experience
that you do; thus, I expect that any work you submit in PSYC 383 will be written by you, a human being, in
your own words. The submission of any AI-generated text in this course is considered Academic
Misconduct and suspected AI submissions will be investigated/penalized according to RDP policy.

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