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Answer questions 1-5 by filling in the blank with the type of health (mental, emotional, social, spiritual and

physical) described. 1. How you feel about yourself.

Answer: mental health 2. Finding peace and harmony in the world.

Answer: spiritual health 3. Taking care of your body.

Answer: physical health 4. The ability to adapt to life's problems.

Answer: emotional health 5. The relationships we make with others.

Answer: social health

Please select the best answer. 6. The need for __________________ best describes the first level of Maslow's hierarchy. a. b. c. d. friendship and social acceptance need for recognition and achieving goals order, routine, and security food, clothing, and shelter

A is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer Feedback: The basic level describes the need humans have to take care of their physical body and surroundingsfood, shelter, clothing, and waterin order to survive.


Which level of Maslow's hierarchy shows a person who has a belief system and values in place and is able to help others? a. Safety

b. c. d.

Esteem Social Self-Actualization

A is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer Feedback: The highest level for Maslow's needs is self-actualization. It describes a person who is both so competent and confident with themself that they are now able to look beyond themself and help others.


Which of the following effects is NOT associated with air pollution? a. b. c. d. C is Correct Feedback: Air pollution may affect the respiratory system causing difficulty breathing and possibly asthma in susceptible individuals. It may also cause an allergic reaction which shows up with itchy, watery eyes. Obesity is related to the imbalance between the intake of food and the expenditure of energy. difficulty breathing itchy, watery eyes obesity asthma


Which of the following is NOT associated with reducing air pollution? a. b. c. d. B is Correct Feedback: Air pollution can be caused by many everyday household productsmore than what we typically think of with cars and factories. So, if we watch our air conditioning and heating settings so they aren't running all of the time, turn off the lights, buy recycled products as well as recycle products ourselves, we can definitely reduce the amount of pollution in the air. reducing the time your air conditioning and heating units run. running the house lights on all the time. keeping your car in working order. buying recycled products.

10. What are heredity factors known as? a. b. c. d. D is Correct Feedback: Genetics is another name for hereditary factors. The actual units of DNA are sequenced into regions called genes that will environmental conditions social needs health genetics

control many of our personal characteristics and traits like blood types, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.

Please select the best answer. 11. True or False. Only mental disorders are associated with genetic factors. a. b. True False

A is Incorrect, B is the Correct Answer Feedback: Both physical diseases such as cancer and diabetes may also have a genetic link. Mental disorders are very complex - and have many causes including genetic factors. However, there are many diseases and disorders that have a genetic link including cancer and diabetes, as mentioned, hemophilia, Huntington's disease, etc.

12. Who seems to have the most influence over the habits of an eight-year-old child? a. b. c. d. peers community media family

B is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer Feedback: The family has the most influence over the habits of an eight-year-old child since the child typically spends more time with the family and the family is still the center of the life of the child.

13. What is your personal definition of health? Answer: Free response. Should include aspects of health in the physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas. Feedback: I like to think of health in terms of being able to do anything that I want to do and feeling good while I am doing it. I want to be free from mental and emotional baggage. I want to be able to worship in a manner I see fit. I want to be able to have relationships with family members and others, and keep in shape.

14. What is doing super well in one area to make up for doing something else poorly? a. b. c. d. reaction-formation regression daydreaming compensation

A is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer Feedback: Compensation describes a person's ability to try to find success in another area. For example, a person who finds out they cannot

dance very well may find that academics or playing the piano may be a better place for them and work hard to acheive that goal of success.

15. What is blaming someone else for your bad behavior? a. b. c. d. repression rationalization projection daydreaming

A is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: Projection occurs when you blame someone else for your bad behavior or take out your anger on another person or object that had nothing to do with the original problem.

Please select the best answer. 16. What is the failure to recognize there is a problem? a. b. c. d. A is Correct Feedback: Denial is when a person does not recognize there is a problemlike not being able to admit there is an eating disorder or emotional problem that should have professional help. denial daydreaming regression repression

17. What is removing a terrible thought from your memory? a. b. c. d. reaction-formation regression repression rationalization

B is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: Even though our minds may always unconsciously remember events of our lives, sometimes we don't want to go back to that event or dwell on it, so we work to "push it out of our minds." It sometimes helps us to cope with the here and nowalthough it may also cause us problems since we have issues that haven't been dealt with and we may act in strange patterns

18. Who gave us the pyramid of human needs? a. Maslow

b. c. d.

Leavitt Thomas Atkinson

D is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: Abraham Maslow gave us the Hierarchy of Human Needs. He liked to compare human needs to a pyramid saying there were things that had to happen for basic needs before we could truly grow emotionally and socially. For example, if a person is hungry and needs sleep, they are not going to be looking for ways to serve humanity when they are just trying to meet their own basic needs.

19. What is the genetic material in chromosomes? a. b. c. d. ATP ASA DNA RBC

B is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: The genetic material in chromosomes is known as DNA. It is the sequence of the DNA that forms our genes.

20. Which defense mechanism allows a person to go back to a more child-like pattern of behavior? a. b. c. d. B is Correct Feedback: Regression is when a person goes back to a more child-like pattern of behavior. This can happen because of an emotional or mental trauma that occurs or because of a disease process like Alzheimer's reaction-formation regression repression rationalization

21. List eight symptoms of depression.

Answer: hopelessness, unhappiness, constant sadness, negative view of self, poor memory, insecurity, changes in appetite, sleeping disturbances. There are others - which could include a loss of energy, complaints of aches, pains, and other illnesses.

Answer these questions by matching the mental disorder with its description or example. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. mood swings between extremely happy and depression recurring thoughts and actions; may be associated with guilt fear of flying in an airplane trouble perceiving reality shyness a persistent state of sadness increased anxiety which can lead to other phobias


schizophrenia Result: C is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer


simple phobia Result: A is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer


obsessive-compulsive Result: A is Incorrect, B is the Correct Answer


panic disorder Result: D is Incorrect, G is the Correct Answer


bipolar disorder Result: G is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer

27. What is another term for emotions?

Feedback: feelings

28. What is self-esteem? What factors influence it?

Feedback: Self-esteem is how we think and feel about ourselves. It is influenced by our families, friends, media, and life experiences both positive and negative.

29. Which of the following would help you develop self-esteem? a. b. c. d. B is Correct Feedback: Self esteem is a product of our successso we have to do something in order to have success. Charting our progress as we work towards our specific goals is a way for us to achieve success which in turn improves our self-esteem. 30. Which of the following is NOT an example of someone with a high self-esteem? a. b. c. d. Blaming others for doing poorly on an assignment. Forming healthy relationships with others. Respecting all people. Having a wide variety of interests. Lie in bed all day and watch TV. Chart your progress to goals you have set. Focus on the negative aspects of each day. Do what your friends are telling you to do.

B is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: Blaming someone else for their own short-comings is NOT an example of someone with positive self-esteem. People who have high self-esteem are able to take responsibility for themselves and their actionswhether those actions have positive results or negative results.

Please select the best answer. 31. What is the state of emotional tension which occurs when we face challenges, either real or perceived? a. b. c. d. stress eustress distress non-stress

D is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: Any emotional tension that we feel is known as stress. Stress is supposed to give us the energy we need to be able to cope with challenges we have. We shouldn't feel so overwhelmed that the stress becomes overwhelming which then becomes distress.

32. Which type of stress is good stress since it gives us energy to cope with the situation? a. b. c. d. stress eustress distress non-stress

D is Incorrect, B is the Correct Answer Feedback: The good stress or positive stress is known as eustress. Bad stress is known as distress.

33. Which type of stress is bad since it gives us an overwhelming feeling making it difficult to cope with the current problem? a. b. c. d. C is Correct Feedback: Bad stress is known as distress and can cause us to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the challenges we must face. Eustress is the good stress that helps us cope with problems. stress eustress distress non-stress

Please select the best answer. 34. Which of the following structures produces the major stress hormones? a. b. c. d. hypothalamus pancreas adrenal glands pituitary gland

B is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: The major hormones that help us respond to stress are produced in the adrenal glands. In fact, you have probably figured out that adrenaline comes from the adrenal glands.

35. What is the name of the major stress hormone? a. b. c. d. adrenaline cortisol growth hormone insulin

B is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: Adrenaline is the major stress hormone and causes the heart to speed up, which circulates more blood to the brain, heart, lungs, and muscles.

36. What is the name of the first major stress hormone produced to cope with new stress and challenges? a. adrenaline

b. c. d.

cortisol growth hormone insulin

B is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: Adrenaline is the first hormone that is produced to help us cope with new stressful situations. If we do get into long-term stress situations, the body will make cortisol.

Please select the best answer. 37. What is another name for the stress response? a. b. B is Correct Feedback: Fight-or-flight is the nickname given to the sympathetic response to stress. It allows being able to cope with the stress or to have the energy to run away from it. rest and relaxation fight-or-flight

38. Name six effects of the major stress hormone.

Feedback: Possible answers can include: increased heart rate, breathing rate, muscle strength, perspiration, decreased digestion, decreased formation of urine.

39. List and describe the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome.

Feedback: 1. The first phase is the alarm phase in which the body starts the stress response because the sympathetic division of the nervous system begins to signal organs (heart, lungs, brain) to increase their functions or organs (stomach, intestines, kidneys) to decrease their functions. 2. The second phase is the resistance phase when the body tries to get back into its regular, normal state under the influence of the parasympathetic division. The body organs begin to return back to their normal functions. 3. The last phase is called the exhaustion phase. This is when the body is extremely tired after having coped with a stressful situation.

Please select the best answer. 40. List five ways to control stress.

Feedback: Answers may include: learning time management skills, learning to say no, eating a nutritious diet, taking time to exercise, taking time to sleep, developing hobbies, relaxing, and laughing.

41. When we experience long-term stress, which hormone can stop our immune system from functioning properly and make us sick? a. b. c. d. B is Correct D. Feedback: Adrenaline is the first hormone that is produced to help us cope with new stressful situations. If we do get into long-term stress situations, the body will make cortisol. adrenaline cortisol growth hormone insulin A. B. C. fatigue that occurs because of illness or poor diet fatigue that occurs because of exercise the disorder in which fatigue lasts for at least six months the fatigue related to mental or emotional fatigue

For questions 42 and 43, match the types of fatigue to their descriptions.


psychological fatigue Result: C is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer


physical fatigue Result: B is Correct

44. Which type of fatigue is NOT helped by rest?

Feedback: Psychological fatigue makes us feel tiredeven after we have slept for 10 hours.

45. Which type of fatigue do you think is the most common and why?

Feedback: Although arguments could be made several different ways, the instructor believes that psychological fatigue is the most common since many people tend to feel burned out and overwhelmed. Your instructor feels that psychological stress is the most common form of stress since people from all walks of life tend to feel overwhelmed - like we are doing things all of the time for others without really taking the time for ourselves.

Please select the best answer. 46. In which stage of grieving does the person may try to postpone the imminent loss by saying "If you give me just a little more time, I will do..."? a. b. c. d. e. depression denial acceptance anger bargaining

C is Incorrect, E is the Correct Answer Feedback: This describes bargaining. It is the typicalif you do this, then I will do this. It isn't an effective stage, but it does make the person feel better since they feel like they have some power and control back during a very difficult situation.

47. In which stage of grieving would the person feel very resentful of the imminent loss and ask, "Why me?" a. b. c. d. e. depression denial acceptance anger bargaining

E is Incorrect, D is the Correct Answer Feedback: This is the anger phase. The person usually feels extremely upseteven angrythat they have to deal with the loss or the diagnosis.

48. In which stage of grieving does the person feel helpless but cannot accept the fact that the loss has, or will occur? a. b. c. depression denial acceptance

d. e.

anger bargaining

C is Incorrect, B is the Correct Answer Feedback: This is the denial phase. The person may ask "why me?"and not take their medication or seek care or treatment as they have been encouraged by others to do so. Sometimes, they just don't feel sick at this time, so they don't see the point of having to seek or continue with treatment.

49. In which stage of grieving does the person come to terms with the loss and faces reality? a. b. c. d. e. depression denial acceptance anger bargaining

A is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: This is the acceptance phase. The person has come to terms with the loss, maybe of a pet or a loved-one, or the fact that death is imminent.

Please select the best answer. 50. What stage of the decision-making model occurs when you reflect about the results of your decision and how it played out? a. b. c. d. e. identifying the situation making a choice and carrying it out assessing the choice list the different options list possible results of the different options

E is Incorrect, C is the Correct Answer Feedback: It is always good to be able to reflect on the decisions one has made and how the whole scenario played out. One needs to learn from the situation and decide whether or not that was the best decision to makeor how that decision could be modified in the future.

51. What stage of the decision-making model occurs when you recognize a problem and start thinking about how to resolve (fix) it? a. b. c. d. identifying the situation making a choice and carrying it out assessing the choice list the different options


list possible results of the different options

B is Incorrect, A is the Correct Answer Feedback: In order to fix a problem, one has to be able to tell what the problem iswhat is the situation that needs to be fixed? This is such an important stageit really helps to focus on the problemand not all of the other issues that may not actually be issues at all.

52. What stage of the decision-making model occurs when you think about all of the choices you have to resolve a problem? a. b. c. d. e. D is Correct Feedback: It is good to be able to think about a problem and actually list different options or choices one can make. You can do this as you go through the course and information is presented to you. What will you decide to do? What are your options? What are your choices? 53. What stage of the decision-making model occurs when you act on the decision you made? a. b. c. d. e. B is Correct Feedback: When you make a choice and carry it out that means you have made the decision to act. I think this is such an important conceptto try to be in control of your choices and your final action instead of letting things just happen to you. identifying the situation making a choice and carrying it out assessing the choice list the different options list possible results of the different options identifying the situation making a choice and carrying it out assessing the choice list the different options list possible results of the different options

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