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sal reetesmaipaice Rs roeag teat op woe Seaton ence tnperaNe:, Onenopcing yr me copy do grad co iso emi \a0a% usv 18ME33 CRCSISCHENE | ‘Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Jan/Reb. 2023 Basic Thermodynamics “Time: 3 bs Mix. Maes: 100, [Note 1. Answer any FIVE fll questions, chaating ONE fall question rom cach module. 2. Use of Thermodynamic handbook is permite, 18. Distinguish between the follow with an example fr eat 1) Open system an lod sytem {i} Macroscopic andmcrscopic approach 1h) Poin sineton and pth fonction in) Diathemic wall and adiabatic walls %) Intensive and extensive propery. womans b, The temperate’ on a Cees sake ified in terms of propery *P" by the relation Pet DNA. Whote A and B are constants Experiments gies value of Pi 1.86 and 681 fa the ie and sewn pint spectively. Oban relation for "and ls find fempertre forthe renting P= 2 5 womans) 2a, Explain wht do you unde by themotynani kuiibriam (oo mars) 1. State Zero a o thermodynamics, Wrte simporancein thermodynamics. (01 Mark) ©. A platinum wire is use av arsine thanpometer. The wie resistance was found to be 100 and 160 at epost and sea point respectively and 300 3 sup oiling pont of 484.6. Find th esstance ofthe wire a 750, he resinee vars with trpertie by ‘he relation R= R(T at BE "a0 a) Modut-2 3a. Distinguish bocwoen Heat an work (ox tens) ‘A system undrsacs «prov in which he pretsre and volume ae related hy an eqn ‘tthe fon P= conan, Derive an expen for Goplacement wok during this proces. (el ses) . “Acolinder contains Ik of cera ui ta inital presse of 20 bat. The fd allowed {o expand reversible behind x psp socording 3 nw Pee ~C nl he volume doubled te fal igthen cooled reversibly at constant pressure util he pison regains is original ‘Poston, heat i then soppy eves wih the piston fly lacked in positon unt the pressure ies foorginal value. Calulte the et work done by the Md for an iil ‘volume of 0.051 ten) on 44. Stating rom the flaw of themo-dypamis for a losod system undergoing anon cyeic proces derive the steady sate, steady flow eneray equation fora contol volume Mars) 5, Sutethe lmiations of fist aw ofthemodynamie Musiate wid amples, (O¢Mara) 18ME33 ‘The properties of system during ¢ reversible constant pessure non-slow proces a P= 1.6 bar change fom V,~ 03 mike, T)~20°C 0 Va 038 mKg, T;~ 260°C. The specifi hea ofthe Mui i given by Ge (tse ume panne Fiennes gyiDonte aves ane ‘abe Moduls-2 State and prove that Kevin Plank and nos sateen 6 second law of Thermodynamic sre equivalent ‘oats DN reverie eat engi, Sprang between two'themnal resol at 80°C and 30°C respectively. If ariveseTagertor operating between “15°C and 30. The heat input tthe heat engine is 1900K4 andthe network: utp from the exbined plan is 290K, Calculate thehea absorbed bythe eligrant and thot het ranseed to 30°C reservoir 18 Mars) oR Sate ad pove principle ofineeaeafentopy. (06 sa ‘A beat chuine is spplied with 27Hhlsee of heal at eosin’ feed tomperture of 283°C ‘th est jection ake placeat SC. The follwing els were epoted, 20a at het ened i) 130kySecofhest jets ii) 7oLiec ofheat ejected Casiy which of theres report reverie yeie ieversibl yse or imposible ele ont ake of water ab S64 are mid adlbaially with 3K oP water at 30°C ins constant pressure procearat | atmosphere, Delemmine the nreae entpy du Lo mixing proces Resume br water C= 4187 KiKg Costar) Modules Explain briefly avaiable nf naval nels rferredto acyclic process. 0a Ske of irat 555K and bari enclosed a system. ')* Determine th valbiliy of the sytem ithe sounding tempered presse fre 200K a1 har espocivaly. ii) Whe air cooled st constont pressure to the atmospheric temperate and if Gy= LOOSKIKg K and Cy 0.718 AIK for ai, determine the avail and elocsivenas ‘anna on Skeish and explain spaating and throting solrimeter to find ot the dryness faction of pre bstance aos) 2 vessel of volume 004m conmins a mixture of saturated water and saturated seam of 2 Temperate of 240°C. The mas of liquid present is kg Find the presse, mass, specific ‘volume, ealpy entropy ofthe neal every ‘ehars) 2013 18M E33 Define mass faction and mole action ‘outa State Gibbs Dalton lw of partial presses and Wane device an expression forthe gas" stamistur of ges (oer) ‘Aristueof del pes consis of 3K of ptogen and Ks of carbon diode a presse (0300 KPa anda tmpertire of 20° nd Mole faction ofeach constiuent i) The equivalent molar weightof Be mitre Ai) The equivalent gas constant of the misure s)he pata pressure and patil volume %) The volume and density ofthe mixture is on Explain the following 3) Compressibity ctor 4) Law ofcoresponding sates ‘Compress chat eens Determine the specif volime of Hp gas When its pressure is 60 bar and temperature i 100K BS using compres chat i) By sing Vander Waals extion “Tae forth Te=-259.26C P= 1292 be 13025105» 10" Nike mole! b= oanezm kg mole wom 063

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