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Student name:
Class: AC002

Part C:
Student A:
1.e 2.g 3.h 4.f 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.a
Student B:
1.g 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.e 6.h 7.f 8.d
Part D:
Student A:
1. You should show confidence on the outside.
2. You need to know your products, bussiness and industry inside
3. 30 seconds: The time you interact with someone before they
form an opinion of you.
15 seconds: The initial time of a telephone call that you have a
chance to make a good impression.
4. Don’t take it personally.
5. You should focus on leads.
6. You need to know your starting point, the point which you
won’t drop below and a mid-way point which you’ll aim for.
7. You should know that selling is a challenge; enjoy closing deals,
making sales, each rejection should be looked on as a result. And
you should not approach selling with dread.
Student B:
a. The proportion of women believe that women make the best
b. The proportion of men believe that women make the best
c. The percentage of men agreed that women do make better
d. The percentage of women agreed that women do make better
e. The percentage of men ranked honesty as most important.
f. The percentage of women ranked personality as most
g. The ranking of integrity.
h. The percentage of people ranked integrity as important.
i. The percentage of sales professionals ranked good looks as
j. The number of years over that the reputation of sales has
k. The percentage of men believe that the reputation of sales has
improved over the last 10 years.
j. The percentage of women believe that the reputation of sales
has improved over the last 10 years.
m. The percentage of men agreed that the top incentive for
salespeople was money.
n. The percentage of women agreed that the top incentive for
salespeople was money.
o. The salary that the average sales executive expecting to earn,
including bonuses and commission, in their first year of work.

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