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CSM ELECTRIC MOTORS THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Product Catalog OF OUR PRODUCTS QUALITY ASSURANCE We attaches great importance to product quallity and always adheres to the production and management philosophy of "integrity, win-win, focus and innovation’. At the same time, we have constantly increased staff training, established a complete ig assurance system, strictly controlled each link, and fully guaranteed the sus) & of products 01 PRODUCT OVERVIEW FEATURES CSM electric motors are totally enclosed and fan cooled (TEFC), three-phase squirrel cage induction motors, developed with newer technique. The mounting dimension is conformed with the relevant requirements of IEC standards. CSM electric motors have the merits of beautiful modeling, compact structure, low noise, high efficiency, lage starting torque, easy serving, etc. This models are widely used in many places, such as drilling machines, pumps, fans. mixer, transport machines, food machines, agriculture machines and equipment, etc, OPERATING CONDITION MODEL SPECIFICATION Ambient temperature : 15°C $0.5 40°C com 315 Li - Altitude Not exceeding 1000 m Rated voltage 380 V Poles: Rated Frequency: 50Hz conn Protection class: IPSS Insulating class: F Base center height fem) Cooling method: ICAI Duty $1 (continuous) Connection Star-connection up to 3 KW Delta-connection for 4 KW and above BEARING SIZE Frame Size| Poles | Driveend | Nondrive end [Frame Size] Poles | _Oriveend | Non-drive end @ 2458 G2OADRSZVI ——GLOKAREZVS | 225 24GB ORTSZRSICIZVI G319 ZRGCIZVI 60 «2488 «G2OS2RSZV. 62052RSZV3 | 250 «2488 6314 2RSICIZV3_ 6314 ZRSICIZVI 100 2488 — e062RSZvs62062RSZV3 | 280 2 GBY42RSICSZVG. 6314 RSCAZVE 112 2468 © ea062RSZva © ea062RSzva | 20 «= 468 st7z2 631722 132 2488 ea0BzRSzvs —g2o82RSZV3 | 315 2 es1622 316122 180 «2488 6002RSZV3ez00zRSZVS | 315 488 st zz 31922 180 2488 ett 2RSICazve asit2RSICSzva| 385 2 eotoz2 eaiaz2 200 «248A S2i2aRSCAzvs e2i22RSCHZVS] 355 4BR C2022 632272 02 Flange Shaft Cover Bolt Spring washer Front endshield Bearing Key Rotor Stator Frame Carnannwns s "1 12 13 14 5 7 8 19 a Name plate Wave form Rear endshield Vring oil seal Fan Fan clamp Fan cowl Washer Fan cowl screw Brass washer SBBNSERERRN Brass net Brass lug Terminal board Terminal box base Gasket Terminal box lid Screw Earth mark Jacket Leather washer 03 TECHNICAL DATA 50 Hz Synchronous Speed 3000 rpm (2 poles) = Rated Power |Current (Al] Speed | Eft |PowerFocor|inteaGareaactedTuren] Wax Tore] Noise | Weight Kw Hp | sev | (rpm | pm | (co8) | ascuree| naneTore [Rams Torque] 48 (A) | (Kg) ‘CawesT2 01802053 270650 080 22 55 22 1 3 e363 02 = 0330} 2mS ww 55 22 6 45 cowie 037 = 050) 255 TOUS 22 a 5 cswri22 05 7s 1407S 23 co) 155 csMesot2 07s 1 183 MSDS 2 23 a 165 cswacz2 44 15 285 mo 10 23 9 75 esM082 15 2 339 mo T8022 70 23 2 2 cSMO0L-2 22 3 40 0 m2 20 23 2 3 ‘esn-t00l2 3 4 631 Da 15 23 % 8 csuestaM2 4 55 82788) 5D BR 15 23 7 “1 CSM192S12 «58 73 «12D kT 23 % 6 csweisns22 75 0 = 51 OB 15 23 # 3 swat tt % 13 aD m0 75 23 6 110 esueteOMe2 38 2 = 83 Dw 15 23 ry 20 ‘CBMEI60L-2 es TM DT 23 8 135 ‘CSAH180N-2 2 mo 410 Dogo 20 15 23 88 165 csw200Lt2 2 © 555 M20 15 23 @ 218 ‘esi 200122 sr mo rg D020 15 23 @ 230 csuezasM2 6 = at 2803207 23 w 280 csM2soM2 % 7% 01 DSM 20S 23 83 355 ‘osu 2805-2 % 10013395020 75 23 o 485 caM250M2 * 1% 802 HDB OST 20 25 23 a 565 csuats5-2 0 1801854 57] wt tT 22 % 2 csusts2 0 N28 a) 22 % $80 CSMSILIZ «160s DS "a 22 1085 csusisi22 = 00ST HBB 1" 22 1283 OSM355M.2 20 0 DSH "a 221031880 CSM355L2 315A TBH mH 220384 50 Hz Synchronous Speed 1500 rpm (4 poles) a Rated Power [Current (A)| Speed | Eff. | PowerFacer|icneCoven] ioowaTrwe] Max Toreve] Noise | Weight Kw Hp |_s90v | tcp |x) | (eon) _|raeaciant| rave | fae Toree]_ 4B (A) | (Kg) CNET om 018 oa 11587002 21 44 2 z 3 swe 018 02H wa 44 22 2 135 sunita a a re 52 22 5 * osw7i24 re) 52 22 5 45 oswa0t4 0557S ts? 190152 52 23 8 5 cswez 075 1 2031807300782 23 58 6 canons rn 15 288 t80 50s 288 23 6 2B cswesoL4 15 2 am fag] 23 8 B Cswtout4 22 3 516 400 td 70 23 e 3 sw. 100L24 3 4 6m 0-070 23 e 35 wean 4 55 350287 23 6 a cow-ts2s-4 58 75 47 M445 SO] 70 23 n co CSM. 78 10 955 MS_—wR 28 70 23 n 8 CSW-16ON-4 1 1% 23 tad HOSES 2270 23 % 8 CSM 160L-4 15 2 = «448088227 23 % 132 CsMtONs =» 1855S HED BHCC2 TE 23 % 164 sw t00L4 2 0 4314600882258 6 182 SM. 200.-4 » 4 58a) 08B_COC( tk 7 23 2 25 sw.2258-4 a s 39, a7D—=—“itimBT 27D 23 81 256 csw.z25u-4 6 oo MS BTS 272 23 81 230 sw 25004 s 75 = 1031 OT 72 23 8 38a CsM-2808-4 5 jo 1398S task 23 8 50 CsM-26004 #0 1 = 689 ta7DSswH2 TS 7B 23 86 608 osw-stss-4 m0 150 aot tags at 69 22 % 910 CSM 42 180 = 4041480 BRB 68 22 8 1000 oswstsit4 160 07H] 63 22 71055 cswsiz¢ = 20070582 68 22 ett cease = 250 kaa Haag] 68 22 11700 CoMassL4 355518 8G 08D 69 22th 1800 _ = TECHNICAL DATA 50 Hz Synchronous Speed 1000 rpm (6 poles) — Rated Powor |Current Al] Speed | EM |owerFco:isnnecic]icecTren] Max Torque] Noise] Weight Kw [He | s00v | om | x9 | (605) _[rmscaren| raveree |RaedTorve]_48(A) | (Kg) Cars Tis 02 0% 660 860088 1940-20 7% caries 02 © 05mm] tt coments 037 ©0840 5D AT 8 csMai28 0s = 07517) H_COCitiS Sta # 6 comanse 075 + 2% © Dok a ‘9 coon. 483M DO OH 7 2 C3M-1001-6 15 2 35 THOS DB a 2 coMsians 22 2 587 = 5, TDSC 6 4 cM-1328-6 3 4 Ty 985 DOH kk ® 6 coms 4 85 96) SOD @ n comms = 55S 29 HSCS 2B ® a comics = 7510S wT 2B Bie C8M-1601-8 tt % 3ST Oh mB Ms CoM-1001-5 8 mn 8) mow noe commis = SBN TD) 2 % 0 comms = 2 m 45 9 mo oe 2k se comzns = 20 © 8 mS Ot mS comzons =o Tmt % m0 csM-2a0s-6 % ® 89 9m «=e cmos 7% TBE kt 2 csM3158-6 cn a ? 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Bete eieeaseattinas sam a wesc ose e sae tt eo oe ee 2258 356 286 149 60 110 18 «53 225 19 450 350 450 0 19 5 435 470 335 555 835 815 a: SERS Pea neat tigaecea By BHEEGSSEISSS LS PSA esas a Same sean eo on fw moon oe By SRECMS Chanel hi aa ee oo ee eee eS RASS BERS OS Sa SeeekSGSises igi Sess & eee ee ee 280M46.8 457 419 190 75 140 20 675 280 24 500 450 550 0 19 5 550 580 410 680 1035 ‘3152 08 405 216 65 140 18 58 315 28 600 580 660 0 24 6 635 645 530 845 1160 Su Ranewstaeseeettiaaas & a eee eek haeee st eeaae of Mime eee tases is Base eRe kaa eee ee eee sane tetnoeeota tama os Se Cea eOka kee tase es ‘355M-46.8,10 610 560 254 95 170 25 86 355 26 740 680 800 0 2 6 730 710 655 1010 1530, Gans eoueaeen sas aie ae eee eee ase ease a 06 ELECTRIC MOTORS PT. CAHAYA SAKTI MANDIF UI Boulevard Raya AA 10/23 Tambun Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (otfice) uJ Gondang, RT.OOW/RW.005, Cimuning Indonesia e-mail ptesms wv. pompain

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