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Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the methods undertaken to achieve the goals of

the study. It covers the research design, the environment, the respondents, the

instruments used, the data gathering procedure and the data analysis procedure.

Research Design

The study was quantitative in nature since the questions posed were

corresponded by numerical data. Particularly, this study employed a correlation

non-experimental design since it would investigate relationships among the

variables, students' social media usage and their study habits. Quantitative study

is analyzing appearances by composing numerical data that are examined using

mathematically established methods in knowledgeable statistics. A correlational

study is defined by Calmorin (1998) as the study that aims to determine the

relationship of variables. Specifically, this means to study whether an increase or

decrease in one variable corresponds to an increase or decrease in the other


Research Environment

The study was conducted in the University of Cebu– Main Campus Senior

High School Department located at J. Alcantara St., Cebu City. The University of
Cebu is an educational institution which has a vision to democratize quality

education, to be the visionary and industry leader, to give hope and to transform

lives. The university upholds core values such as innovation, camaraderie,

alignment, respect and excellence.

Research Respondents

The study respondents are Senior High School students of the University

of Cebu in any strands. The study used probability sampling with 40

respondents. According to Gay (1976), respondents of 30 are acceptable for the

descriptive correlational design. However, in a quantitative research, the larger

the sample size, the more accurate the results will be.

Research Instrument

The study adopted a standardized tool used in the previous study,

Assessment of Social Media Utilization and Study Habit of Students of Tertiary

Institutions in Katsina State by Olutola et al., 2016. To measure the level of social

media use, the "Utilization of Social Media Questionnaire" (USMQ) was used.

USMQ contained twenty-five items with a four-point Likert-type scale of Very

Frequently (e.g. Daily), Frequently (e.g. 3 times in a week), Sometimes (once in a

week), and Never. To measure the study habits, the "Study Habits

Questionnaire" was used. SHQ contained twelve items with a four-point Likert-

type scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared a transmittal letter addressed to their research

adviser for permission to administer their study and start gathering data. This

study used a standardized questionnaire that provides its validity and reliability.

The researchers used google forms for easier distribution of research

questionnaires. Respondents are given a consent form that is located in the first

page of the google forms prior to answering the questionnaire. Responses are

collected right away since the researchers used automated generated

responses. When all the data have been processed, the researcher's analysis

and interpretation of this study was undertaken.

Data Analysis Procedure

To analyze the data gathered, the responses are to be tabulated and it will

be analyzed using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

1. To determine the profile among the respondents including the gender, the

commonly used social media platforms and the study habits, frequency and

percentage method was used. The data were tallied and computed manually to

get the percentage.

2. To determine the significant degree of relationship between the students'

social media usage and their study habits, Pearson product-moment coefficient

of correlation was used. According to Cristobal and Dela Cruz (2017), Pearson
product-moment coefficient of correlation is an index of relationship between two


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