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Chapter 3:
Action, Personnel, and Cultural Controls

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Action controls

 Ensure that employees perform (or do not perform) certain

actions known to be beneficial (or harmful)
to the organization.

 Prevention/detection

 Most action controls are aimed at preventing

undesirable behaviors.

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Effectiveness of action controls

 They are usable and effective only when managers:

 Know what actions are desirable

Difficult in highly complex and uncertain task

(e.g. research engineers or top-level managers)

 Have the ability to make sure that the desirable actions occur

e.g., Effectiveness of organizational procedures !?

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Behavioral constraints

 Physical
 Locks, passwords, and limited access.

 Administrative
 Restriction of decision-making authority;
 Separation of duties.

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Preaction reviews

 Scrutiny of action plans, investment proposals, budgets.

Review and approval.

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Action accountability
Holding employees accountable for the
actions they take.
It requires:
 Defining what actions are (un)acceptable
 Communicating these definitions to employees
 e.g., work rules, policies and procedures, codes of conduct

 Observing or otherwise tracking what happens

 Direct observation/supervision

 Periodic tracking (e.g. “mystery shoppers”)

 Evidence of actions taken (e.g. activity reports)

 Rewarding good actions, or punishing actions that


Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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 Assigning more people (or machines) to

a task than necessary.

 e.g., backup people/computing facilities

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Pros and cons of action controls

 The most direct form of control  Only for highly-routinized jobs
 Tend to lead to documentation  May discourage creativity,
of the accumulation of innovation, and adaptation
knowledge as to what works best.
 May cause sloppiness
 Organizational memory
 May cause negative attitudes
 An efficient way of coordination:
 e.g., little opportunity for
 i.e., they increase the predictability
creativity and self-
of actions and reduce the amount
of inter-organizational information actualization
flows to achieve a coordinated  Sometimes very costly

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Personnel/cultural controls
 People controls ensure that employees

Will control their own behaviors

Personnel control

Will control each others’ behaviors

Cultural controls
 People controls are part of virtually every management control
system and becoming more important in “flatter and leaner
organizations with empowered employees.”

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Personnel controls
 Personnel controls build on employees’ natural
tendencies to control themselves, because most
 have a conscience that leads them to do what is right;
 find self-satisfaction when they do a good job and see their organization

 Labels
Intrinsic motivation
Ethics and morality
Trust and atmosphere

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Implementing personnel controls

 Generally, it is about
“finding the right people, giving them a good
work environment and the necessary resources”

 Selection and placement

 Finding the right people to do a particular job.

 Training
 Give employees a greater sense of professionalism;
 Create interest in the job by helping employees to
understand their job better.

 Job design and provision of necessary resources

 So that motivated and qualified employees have a high
probability of success (e.g. equipment, staff support,
freedom from interruption, etc.)

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Cultural controls
 Cultural controls or mutual-monitoring tap into
social pressure and group norms and values.

 Cultural controls are effective because members

of a group have emotional ties to one another.

 Cultures are built on shared

ways of behaving

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Five ways to shape culture

 Codes of conduct
 Codes of ethics, corporate credos, mission statements, etc.
 Formal written documents with broad statements of corporate
values, commitments to stakeholders, and the ways in which
top management would like the firm to function.
 Fundamental guiding principles of the company.

 Group-based rewards
 e.g., bonus, profit-sharing, employee ownership of company stock;
 Cultural controls rather than results controls because the link between individual
performance and rewards is weak.

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Five ways to shape culture (Continued)

 Intra-organizational transfers
 Improve the socialization of individuals in an organization and
inhibit the formation of incompatible goals and perspectives;
 Improve identification with the organization as a whole as
opposed to subunit identification.

 Physical and social arrangements

 e.g., office plans, interior decor, dress codes and vocabulary, etc.

 Tone at the top

 Top management statements must be consistent with the culture
they are trying to create, and importantly, their behaviors should
be consistent with their statements.

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007
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Start with people controls

 People controls
Must always be relied on to a certain extent
Have relatively few harmful side-effects
Involve relatively low out-of-pocket costs

 However, it is rare that people controls will be sufficient.

In most cases, it is necessary to supplement them with
action controls
results controls

 Maybe, you just shouldn’t put all your trust in

people !?

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede, Management Control Systems, 2nd Edition © Pearson Education Limited 2007

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