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Senior High School

Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics

Quarter 2 – Module 5
Global Inequality

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Global Inequality 1
What’s In: 1
What’s New: The Global Picture 2
What is It: Global Inequality 2
What’s More: Concept Map 5
Bill is Real 5
What I Have Learned: Essay 6
What I Can Do: My Point of View 6
Summary 7
Assessment 8
References 11

What This Module is About

Inequality does not only exist in the community or a small society but also on a
global scale. The scope is diverse, inequality is evident between countries. Global
inequality refers to the disparity between people across countries in the world. This
includes economic differences, scarcity of resources, business activities, military
strength, etc.

At this moment, let us now start browsing the next pages of this module for us
to know more about this global inequality.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national, and global)


How to Learn from this Module

The following are your guide for the proper use of this module:

To the Learner:
1. Follow all the instructions in every activity.
2. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you
already know.
3. Answer all the exercises at the end of every lesson.
4. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand. Be resourceful.
5. All answers should be written in the module unless otherwise specified, for
example, a sheet of paper or bond paper.
6. All output should be placed in a folder that will serve as your portfolio. The
output should be arranged in sequential order.
7. Seek assistance from your teacher and parents/guardian.

To the Teacher:
1. Communicate with parents and learners regularly for updates and feedbacks.
2. Make sure that all activities are complied with before accepting the output or
the portfolio.
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity if it is still within the boundary
of the learning competency.

To the Parents/Guardian:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module.

Lesson Global Inequality

Learning Competency: Suggest ways to address global

What’s In

The previous module talked about social inequality. Even in this more
technologically advanced environment, social inequality can still happen. From the
concept notes and the activities given in the module, I hoped that you learned a lot
from it.

Share one (1) social inequality that you have seen, observed, or experienced,
and explain how this social inequality affects you and the entire community. Write
your answers in the blank space provided below.

What’s New


How does inequality look like on a global scale? Draw it inside the cloud. Be

What Is It

Inequality does not only exist in

our community, in our society, in our
country but also among states. There
are countries that are economically
matured and more powerful than
others and end up to becoming
influential in the global community.
This situation leads to a condition of


global inequality where developing countries end up being controlled and influenced
by the developed countries.

The balance of power of states is often rooted in historical events where the
process of colonization in the past led to a relation of unequal dependency between
a former colony and its former colonizer. The case of the Philippines and the United
States is an example of this, where, culturally, economically, and politically, the
Philippines is perceived to be under the strong influence of the United States due to
colonization in the past.

Inequality can also be an outcome of the relative strength of a state as

compared with another in terms of strategic importance or development assistance.
Countries with many resources, for example, oil-producing countries, tend to have
more power. Countries that send official development assistance (ODA) in the form
of loans and grants are in the position to dictate their policy conditions to the
countries that receive their development funds. Countries with rich resources tend to
have more advantages over others.

Military strength is also a source of inequality where countries with superior

military competence can bully or intimidate the countries with weaker military forces,
just in the issue or the situation in the West Philippine Sea between China and the
Philippines. It is a clear example of this unequal relationship.

Global inequality can also be manifested through transnational business

corporations and organizations that operate globally. These private corporations
have enormous power to influence the economy of the countries where they have
investments. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and Asian
Development Bank (ADB) are also positioned to a have huge influence in the policy
directions of countries that are indebted to them since they can dictate economic
policies to comply with their conditionalities for loans granted to countries.

The financial systems of the world have developed unevenly such that an
entire geographical region was left stalled in poverty and illness, while the rest of the
world began to reduce poverty and illness.

According to the World Economic Forum, income inequality is currently the

number one global concern, this is an assessment supported by research suggesting
even economic elites now worry over the impact on society of the escalating wealth
divide. Inequality is one of the key challenges of our time. Income inequality
specifically is one of the most visible aspects of a broader and more complex issue,
one that entails inequality of opportunity and extends to ethnicity, gender, age, and
disability among others.

There are ways to address global inequalities. One of these is the formation of
regional groups, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The
assumption is that the formation of regional groups can provide strength in numbers.
The main disadvantage is despite the presence of regional groups, ASEAN in
particular, individual members may be controlled or limited to assist to others due to
the policy of noninterference, where members are hesitant to intervene to the foreign
and domestic issues of another country.

Another way is to enter bilateral treaties and pacts with other countries, like
the mutual defense agreement between the Philippines and the United States. While
this provides some form of security for the Philippines when the United States can
help us in times of external aggression from another country, it further strengthens
our unequal relations with the United States.

There is the recourse to international treaties and agreements that set

agreements on issues as varied as climate change, transnational crime, and
international development. The Philippines is a signatory to these agreements, which
bind other signatories to a standard protocol. Any violation of these agreements can
be used as a basis to appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Furthermore, countries need to embrace an integrated program that looks at

the problem across the social, economic, and environmental dimensions, as well as
access to education, health care and resources to effectively solve inequality. Vital
to these solutions is a host of interventions that promote equitable access to
resources and services, as well as inclusive growth with decent jobs and livelihoods
for all people within the society. The following are the top solutions to inequality.

 Improved Education
 Tax Policy
 Social Welfare Policy
 Redistribution
 Job Creation
 Workforce Development

Addressing inequality is not only a responsibility but also an opportunity. Data

from the Pew Research Center show that people tend to believe governments are
responsible for the wealth gap, but governments cannot solve the problem on their
own. Addressing inequality is good for business as it creates a new demographic of
consumers, thus widening the market for profits and services and increasing profit

Efforts to reduce inequalities and achieve inclusion are a multi-stakeholder

responsibility that will require concerted action at all levels, from local to national,
and regional to global.

What’s More

Activity 2: CONCEPT MAP

Direction: Using the concept map below, give five (5) ways to address global

Ways to

Activity 3: “BILL” IS REAL.

Direction: If Given the chance to become a lawmaker, propose a “bill” or a policy

that will help solve global inequality. Write the title of the bill or policy and explain
what it is all about.
Title: ______________________________________________________________

Rubric for the Activity

The content and ideas are organized in a clear, logical manner. 5 4 3 2 1

The answer conveys a genuine personal view regarding the 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original and does not contain plagiarized content. 5 4 3 2 1
Total points (15)

What Have I Learned

Activity 4: Reflection Writing
Direction: In writing your reflection, you have to complete the sentence below.

I learned that________________________________________________________

I realized that________________________________________________________

If given a chance_____________________________________________________

What I Can Do

Activity 5: MY POINT OF VIEW (Performance Task)

Read and understand the concept of global inequality thoroughly. Based on

your understanding, look for newspaper clippings, old magazines, recyclable,
localized, or indigenous materials, or any available materials at home that best
explains the concept of global inequality. Paste it in the box below. Be resourceful
and creative.

 Inequality does not only exist in our community, in our society, in our country
but also among states.

 Some countries are economically matured and more powerful than others and
end up becoming influential in the global community.

 Inequality can also be an outcome of the relative strength of a state as

compared with another in terms of strategic importance or development

 Countries with many resources tend to have more power. Countries that send
official development assistance (ODA) in the form of loans and grants are in
the position to dictate their policy conditions.

 Military strength is also a source of inequality where countries with superior

military competence can bully the weaker ones.

 Global inequality can also be manifested through transnational business

corporations and organizations that operate globally.

 According to the World Economic Forum, income inequality is currently the

number one global concern, this is an assessment supported by research
suggesting even economic elites now worry over the impact on society of the
escalating wealth divide.

 One of the mechanisms involved which can address global inequality is the
formation of regional groups, such as the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN). The assumption is that the formation of regional groups
can provide strength in numbers within the group.

 Another venue is to enter bilateral treaties and pacts with other countries, like
the mutual defense agreement between the Philippines and the United

 There is the recourse to international treaties and agreements that set

agreements on issues as varied as climate change, transnational crime, and
international development. The Philippines is a signatory to these
agreements, which bind other signatories to a standard protocol. Any violation
of these agreements can be used as a basis to appeal to the International
Court of Justice (ICJ).

 Efforts to reduce inequalities and achieve inclusion are a multi-stakeholder
responsibility that will require concerted action at all levels, from local to
national, and regional to global.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Income inequality is an intensifying worry for the economic elites over the
impact on the society of the escalating wealth divide.
A. True C. Neither true nor false
B. False D. A, B, and C

2. Aside from wealth, what are the other sources of inequality?

A. Military strength C. Transnational corporations
B. Rich resources D. All of the above

3. The following are the top solutions to income inequality except

A. Reciprocity C. Redistribution
B. Social welfare policy D. Job creation

4. The gap between the rich and the poor can be classified as
A. Economic inequality C. Global inequality
B. Political inequality D. Social inequality

5. Inequality is a global issue.

A. False C. Neither true nor false
B. True D. A, B, and C

6. In the past, the non-industrialized country was also called

A. First World country C. Third World country
B. Second World country D. Fourth World country

7. In the past, the industrialized country was also called

A. First World country C. Third World country
B. Second World country D. Fourth World country

8. Equality exists in
A. Rural areas only C. Neither A nor B
B. Urban areas only D. Both A and B

9. The following are challenges closely related to inequality except

A. Poverty C. Persistent unemployment
B. Improved education D. Violence

10. The situation in the West Philippine Sea between China and the Philippines
is an example of an unequal relationship between nations.
A. True C. Neither true nor false
B. False D. A, B, and C

11. The following are top solutions to inequality except

A. Job Creation C. Tax Policy
B. Job Description D. Social welfare policy

12. The following are the causes of global inequality except

A. Natural calamity and war
B. Innovation and technology advancement
C. Lack of education and poverty
D. Wealth and rich resources

13. The formation of alliances to other countries and entering into treaties and
agreements can address global inequality.
A. True C. Neither true nor false
B. False D. A, b, and c

14. Only the government can solve inequality.

A. True C. Neither true nor false
B. False D. A, b, and c

15. The following are mechanisms that can address global inequality
A. Bilateral treaties and pacts C. A only
B. Formation of regional groups D. A and B


Baleña, Ederlina D., Lucero, Dolores M., Peralta, Arnel M. Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics for Senior High School. Quezon City: Educational
Resources Corporation, 2016.

Contreras, Antonio P., Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., Erasga, Dennis S., Fadrigon,
Cecile C. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics. Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016.

"Chapter 10. Global Inequality – Introduction to Sociology – 1st Canadian Edition."

BC Open Textbooks – Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC Faculty.
Last modified November 6, 2014.

"9.1 The Nature and Extent of Global Stratification – Sociology." Open Textbooks ·
The University of Minnesota Libraries. Last modified April 8, 2016.

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Telefax: (08822) 855-0048
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