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Page 7 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 4 (a) Inwhich two ways, according to Pi, was his name odd? Mark. Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r 1mark | (i) he was named after! _| Lift of | was named after called after / had the a swimming poo!’ ‘swimming pool / as It meant swimming pool Piscine Molitor // his name / Piscine was the French word for swimming pool / 1mark _| (ii) his parents never liked | Lift of ‘my parents never large expanses of water _| liked large expanses of water’ Allow inclusion of what was even odder about his my name’ in either limb Additional information (b) P's uncle was ‘a great storyteller’, What was the topic of his favourite story? r T Mark Expected Answer Allow Don’t Allow 1mark | Piscine Molitor / Molitor A swimming poo! | Swimming Pool swimming pools ‘swimming competitions 5 (a) Explain in your own words what prompted one of 's classmates to make fun of his name. r T Mark Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r tmark | EVIL: bad / wicked / Mean Mischievous | malicious / nasty / crue! | He was a bully untriendly | unkind mark | GENIUS: smariness/ _| Bright / brainy intelligence / cleverness _| A great / good mind / brain Knowledge Additional information This is an OWN WORDS question. Key words are EVIL and GENIUS. @UCLES 2016 Page 8 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 (b) One of Pi’s classmates pointed at him In what way did the other children show their ‘cruelty’? Mark Expected Answer Allow Don’t Allow I ‘mark | they laughed (at Pi/ him / | Lift of ‘laughter would drift | They laughed at him Pi's name / until they filed into class) across the yard to me (unprovoked) Excess denies all day (or any other extension of time beyond filing into class) (©) Pick out and write down the single word which shows that Pi dealt with ‘the cruelty of children’ in different ways. r Mark T Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r 1 mark alternatively ‘The use of the correct word in a phrase or sentence provided that it is underlined or otherwise highlighted More than one word @UCLES 2016 Page Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 6 (@) The lessons ‘started to stretch out like a desert’. What impression of the lessons is given by this description? Expected Answer Allow Mark Don't Allow I 1 mark (they were) monotonous Hot | long) ! boring / dull / tedious / Drag (slowly) dry / tiresome / Spread out all the same / lifeless Tiring {tre seemingly endless Tense Unenjoyable Difficult (b) Why did th fe teachers wipe ‘their foreheads with their handkerchiefs"? Expected Answer Allow Mark. Don't Allow r 1mark | itwas hot they were —_| The high temperature /! to. | Warm sweating (in the heat) _| clean off / wipe sweat The temperature rose Twas rising The temperature (alone) (c) ‘Lanticipated the insult’. What was the insult he anticipated? Mark Expected Answer Allow Don’t Allow I ‘mark | Teacher(s) would smirk | ‘Smile’ or ‘iaugh’ for ‘smirk’ | Smirking (alone) ‘when using Pi's name / at Pi's Teachers smirking (alone) they’ for teachers’ Teachers would make fun of his name @UCLES 2016 Page 10 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge 0 Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 (4) Explain fully how Pi reacted when he ‘anticipated the insult’. Mark. Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r ‘1mark | (i) he decided not to | He refused to answer (the | Lift of ‘sometimes answer (the question) when my hand question) //he offering to answer’ changed his mind about answering He was unsure | (the question) / he uncertain about didn't answer (the answering the question) question tmark | (ii) he took his hand down 7 (a) Give two pi uggest that Ravi had ‘a good reputation’ in the school. r T Mark Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r 1mark — |()_he was (very) clever Lift, in whole or on I'smart / bright | part, of ines 19-20 intelligent, etc. would suffer from having to follow in the footsteps of a very clever older sibling, who already had a good reputation’ He was a clever older mark | (ji) he was/ had been sibling elected captain of the (school) cricket Lift of ine 22 ‘But it team wasn't being related to Ravi, the elected captain of the school cricket team. He was an excellent ‘swimmer @UCLES 2016 Page 11 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 (b) In what way did Pi suffer because he lived ‘by the sea’? Mark Expected Answer Allow Don’t Allow I 1mark | he was an excellent Lift of ines 20-22 ‘That |_| he was an excellent / swimmer BUT others / people / his classmates / people living by the sea didm't think that swimming was important oR he was an excellent swimmer BUT others / people / his classmates / people living by the sea saw swimmers / swimming as rather odd was an excellent swimmer see swimmers as rather odd? Excess denies Being an excellent swimmer was seen as unimportant / (rather) odd / was unimportant / (rather) odd to other people / his by the sea He was seen as odd because he was an excellent swimmer He wasn't recognised / noticed for his excellent swimming ‘They’ for people, classmates ete Weaker forms of ‘excellent’, e.g. ‘good’ very good swimmer (alone) people | his classmates didn't think that swimming was important (alone) being an excellent ‘swimmer was unimportant (alone) he was seen as odd he saw swimmers as odd @UCLES 2016 Page 12 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 8 (a) Pihad a ‘plan’. Without using the words of the passage, explain in no more than fifteen words what the plan was. Mark. Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow ‘11mark (i) totelleveryone/the | To emphasise his name | To tell everyone | his class/ his teachers | being Pi // to make people | class / his teachers his name was /he | call him Pi that his name was not was called Pi 1! to Piscine say what he wanted | Reference to writing (on tobecalled/his | board) as long as the new ideas of old name and | To escape from his, new name are mentioned | name for 1 mark each Lift of lines 32-33 'I double | Lift of lines 31-32 to underlined the firsttwo | say ‘my Pi’ letters of my given name’ =1 Underlined first two Paraphrases of this lit = 1 | letters of his name tmark | (il) by changing / (alone) shortening his name (from Piscine) /! so that nobody would call him Piscine / To avoid ridicule (of know that his name his name) was Piscine / know his given / old / real / full name @UCLES 2016 Page 13 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 (b) Why do you think Pi ‘hurried’ to the chalkboard? Mark Expected Answer Allow Don’t Allow I ‘mark | he wanted to get there | So that the teacher He was scared / before the teacher told | wouldn't stop him / object him to sit down / before the teacher stopped him | Before he was told to sit {called him back / could | down / before he was saya word // they were | stopped supposed to call out their names from their desks // | Before the teacher could he had not asked call out / say his name permission to leave his _ | NB although the pupils desk were to call their names nervous | excited (alone Ad jonal information Inference must be related to teacher not pupils (a) Why do you think Pi took ‘every chance’ he could to answer questions that day? Mark. Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow 1mark | he wanted the teachers / | He wanted to hear (the | The lift in whole or in the class /everyone to _| teachers say) his new remember! use his new | name / Pi name / the name Pi/ to call him Pi i he wanted | He liked the sound of his to reinforce his new name new name / Pi He liked the teachers calling him Pi/ by his new name So he could hear his name as a single syllable /! so teacher(s) / others called him by a single syllable To eam respect for his new name / for his name Pi ‘nickname’ for ‘new name’ part of line 39 * teachers ... tomy ear’ So that no one would Jaugh at his name @UCLES 2016 Page 14) Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 (b) What do you think Pi’s brother ‘might have been about to say’? Mark. Expected Answer Allow Don't Allow r 1mark —_| (that) Pi's name was To say//call him byhis | He was about to call Piscine /Piwasn'this | realname ito call him —_| him lemon pie brother's name /Piwas__| Piscine a nickname / Pi had Any suggestion that changed his name Piscine (alone) Ravi was going to ‘mock his name (alone) 10 Choose five of the following words. For each of them give one word or short phrase (of not more than seven words) which has the same meaning that the word has in the passage. T T Mark Words Expected Answer Don't Allow T T tmark [1 watt (L9) drift float /carry Iglido/ | spread fy/ swoop / For each filter come / travel | move correct “Any word with the idea of meaning ‘spoed" (max 5) + r 2 unprovoked (L9) | uninvited/ uncalled for/ | unwanted / unwelcome / Unprompted /not asked | not angered / not for) unwarranted / annoyed without cause / for no reason 3. freeze (L9) (stand) stil stop (what he | pause / unable fo move | was doing) / did not move | stagnate / not do I motionless / halt /stick | anything | stay (in a (ina position) /hold (a | place) position) / stay in place 4° inadvertently (11) | accidentally / without cause J without Unintentionally / without | realising f without meaning to / involuntarily / | knowing | unconsciously without intending to 1 secretly | unavoidably | indirectly 1 unwillingly 5 promptly (L30) immediately / at once’ _| decisively / suddenly / without hesitation /without | punctually pausing / right away Iquickly / speedily / rapidly Hast / briskly / sharply / smartly @UCLES 2016 Page 15) Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘Cambridge O Level - October/November 2016 1123 24 Mark Words Expected Answer Don't Allow 6 stunt(L35) trick / ruse / ploy! scheme/ | plan / action | technique | device / dodge / tactic / act | behaviour Imove T T 7 sauntered(L45) walked slowly / wandered I moved slowly / ambled / swaggered / strolled / walked airly / walked casually / walked nonchalantly 8 refuge(L46) rescue / shelter / solace | comfort | relief | sanctuary / retreat / peace | rest | freedom asylum / protection / shield / safety/ haven / security / place to hide @UCLES 2016

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