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Restatements Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 2

1. A few years ago, Turkey had marvellous historical 5. Hardly any of the islanders have failed to adapt to
sites, but for some reason, it is not that way modern life.
A) The islanders have not adapted to modern life.
A) Whatever the reason, Turkey’s historical sites are B) All of the islanders have adapted to modern life.
nowhere near as marvellous as they were a few years C) Until now have. the islanders adapted to modern
ago. life.
B) The way that Turkey follows as regards historical D) The islanders have nearly all adapted to modern
sites is not as it was a few years ago. life.
C) We don’t know the reason why Turkey had E) The islanders are supposed to have adapted to
marvellous historical sites in the past. modern life.
D) Turkey had some historical sites a few years ago
6. Until I went to England, I had thought that I would
but it doesn't now. dislike eating fish and chips.
E) Turkey lost her marvellous historical sites for some
reason and now she is trying to get them back. A) I enjoyed eating fish and chips in England,
contrary to my expectations.
2. Donating some of your wages to a charity will not
only help unfortunate people, but it will also give you B) I ate fish and chips in England and I doubt whether
a sense of pleasure, whichever charity you support. I liked it or not.
C) After I ate that terrible fish in England, I got sick.
A) If you want to be happy and help poorer people,
D) Had I never gone to England, I would never have

you should donate your wages to any charity.

known how delicious fish and chips are.
B) You will both help unlucky people and have a
E) I was really unwilling to go to England because I
sense of pleasure by giving some money from your
didn’t want to eat fish and chips there.
wages to a charity you like.
7. The meal we had yesterday was far better than this.
C) It doesn't matter which charity you support while
donating your wages. A) This meal was not nearly as good as the meal we
D) By donating to a charity you will not only support had yesterday.
unfortunate people but also be happier. B) This meal is less worse than the one we had
E) It will give you enjoyment to help unlucky people yesterday.
by donating your wages and also in this way you will C) This meal is a lot more delicious than the meal we
support a charity. had yesterday.
3. Fortunately, the car was travelling too slowly for D) The meal we had yesterday wasn't as good as this
anyone to be badly hurt in the accident.
A) The car was at the same speed as others luckily. E) I think the meal we had yesterday was marvellous
B) Fortunately, the car was travelling so slowly that and this one is terrible.
no one was injured. 8. I was charged five pounds entrance fee at the art
C) Luckily, the car wasn’t travelling fast enough for
anyone to be badly hurt in the accident. A) It cost me really expensive to go into the art
D) Luckily, the car was slow enough for the drivers to gallery.
be rescued from the accident alive. B) They gave me five pounds to enter the art gallery.
E) Fortunately, the car was travelling too slowly for C) They gave me five pounds as change for my
people to avoid the accident. entrance to the art gallery.
4. No one else brought a present but Charles. D) I shouldn’t have paid the five pounds they
demanded from me for the gallery entrance.
A) Charles brought presents to everybody.
E) It cost me five pounds to get into the art gallery.
B) Charles was the only person who didn’t bring a
C) The only one that brought a present was Charles.
D) Everyone brought a present to Charles.
E) Nobody brought a present and nor did Charles.

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9. What you expect them to do is quite impossible. 13. Her husband’s success is due to her, as much as to
A) Your expectations are rather high.
B) It’s out of the question for them to do what you A) But for her husband's help, she wouldn’t have
anticipate. been able to be successful as much as she is now.
C) They’re not talented to meet your demands. B) Everybody except his wife did their best to help
D) The task you gave them to do is quite impossible. him achieve his ambitions.
E) You're waiting in vain to see your expectations C) His achievement is up to her, but she didn’t
come true. expect thanks.
D) Nobody but his wife has helped him succeed in
10. I passed in every subject but Maths.
doing his job.
A) Maths was too easy a subject for me to pass. E) No one has made a greater contribution to her
B) Except for Maths, I was nearly overcoming all of husband's success than she has.
the subjects. 14. I regret not saying something nice about her
C) The only subject I failed in was Maths. appearance.
D) I was successful in none of the subjects except
A) If only I hadn’t complimented on her physical
beauty, then she wouldn’t have fallen in love with
E) It was my great failure to be unsuccessful in
B) I think it was my entire fault not to have said
11. Even if you had played at your best, you would still

something good for her appearance.

have lost to her.
C) I wish now that I had paid her a compliment on
A) Only if you did your best, would you be able to win her appearance.
the match. D) I couldn’t help paying tribute to her appearance
B) Since you didn’t play well enough, she did win the but I wish I hadn’t.
match. E) It would be a rude behaviour not to say something
C) Had you performed excellently in the match, you good about her appearance.
wouldn’t have lost the championship. 15. He ran away from home but came back when he felt
D) She would still have beaten you however well you like it after two weeks.
had played.
A) He escaped from home two weeks before and he
E) You did the best that can be done and could beat
hasn’t come back yet.
her easily.
B) He felt his hometown long ago and he came back
12. It never occurred to me to doubt the truth of what he
and settled down two weeks ago because he missed
was saying.
there very much.
A) I took it for granted that he was telling the truth. C) It has been more than two weeks since he
B) No matter how hard he tried to make me believed escaped from home.
that his words were accurate, I thought he was telling D) He slipped away from home and it was two weeks
a lie and didn’t believe him. before he came back of his own record.
C) Everybody knows that he always tells the truth E) Although he is longing for his house from which he
whatever he says. ran away about 14 days ago, he isn’t thinking of
D) If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't believe what he turning back.
had said because he is in a habit of telling lies.
E) I lack confidence in what he is saying due to the
fact that I have been never able to know whether he
is telling the truth or not.

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16. If you had attended her wedding ceremony, she 20. His lessons are both entertaining and full of
wouldn’t have been offended by you. knowledge, and therefore, it’s hardly astonishing that
he is in great demand.
A) She didn’t feel disappointed because you
attended her wedding ceremony. A) He gives his lessons in such a joyful manner that
B) If you don’t attend her wedding ceremony, she will all his students applaud him.
be insulted by you. B) He is a very amusing and instructive teacher and
C) She was resented because of your absence at her thus normally he is so popular.
wedding ceremony. C) His lectures’ being so full of humour causes him to
D) I wish you had attended her wedding ceremony. be the best instructor of the school.
E) It was on account of your thoughtless behaviours D) His sense of humour and his thoughtfulness are
in her wedding ceremony that made her offended. what have made Î him so much in demand as
17. Susan was the only candidate who had all the
necessary qualifications for the job. E) He’s the most knowledgeable teacher one can
ever see in his life.
A) No one but Susan had the competency that was
21. I must finalize my decision as to whether or not I will
needed for the job. go abroad for further studies.
B) Susan was qualified enough to be chosen for the
job, but so were some others. A) I want to go abroad for my academic career but I
C) Susan wasn’t the only applicant who was featured haven’t made my decision yet.
B) I should be given more time to come to a

as it was asked for the position.

D) Susan should have been the candidate with conclusion about an academic study abroad.
essential qualifications for the job. C) If I am not able to make up my mind immediately,
E) Everyone but Susan had the assertiveness to get I will miss a big opportunity to have my master
the job. degree abroad.
D) l should make a definite decision as regards if I
18. If he can be of any use to you, just say so.
will go abroad to make additional studies or not.
A) Provided you needed help, you could possibly tell E) Going abroad to make supplemental studies is an
him. irritating matter for me to decide.
B) Unless he can help you, I will be there, you know. 22. Upon hearing the sound of feet approaching, the
C) If we’re in need of him, you can talk to him. watchman instantly gave the alarm.
D) Are you certain that you need his help?
A) When the guard heard someone coming closer to
E) Let him know if there is anything he can do to help
him, he had already started the alarm.
B) After the sentry had given the alarm, he heard
19. Hardly any of her friends have come to see her in the
someone running away from him.
C) Just before the security guard heard the sound of
A) Most of her friends visited her in the hospital. feet drawing near him, he had given the alarm
B) Nobody but her friends have visited her in the intentionally.
hospital. D) Immediately after the watchman noticed that
C) She’s been visited by none of her friends in the someone was approaching, he operated the alarm.
hospital. E) The security guard switched the alarm on
D) Nearly all of her friends have come to see her in mistakenly without hearing anyone’s sound of feet
the hospital. inside the building.
E) Almost none of her friends have come to see her
in the hospital.

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23. The conversation was broken off by the arrival of a 25. Although most people couldn’t imagine life without a
servant. TV, nearly everyone realizes that it has a negative
effect on us.
A) By the time a servant came in, their conversation
had already finished. A) Despite its adverse effects on us, most of us are of
B) Because a servant was there, they chose not to the opinion that life would be unbearable without TV.
talk to each other. B) No matter how difficult it is for people to live
C) They stopped conversing until the servant went without TV, it is mostly known that TV has a lot of
out of the room. bad effects on us.
D) When a servant came in, their dialogue was C) For most of us, life without a TV would be
interrupted. extremely boring although nearly all of us have got
E) After the servant had left the room, the the idea that TV can affect us in a bad way.
conversation between them continued a little more. D) No one can deny that TV has a negative effect on
us, but at the same time, no one can think of a life
24. If the government had dealt with the crisis properly,
inflation wouldn’t continue at high levels now. without it.
E) Almost all people notice that TV affects us badly;
A) Although the government took all the necessary however, a lot of people couldn’t think of their life
precautions in the excepted way, inflation kept without it.
growing quickly.
B) Despite the government’s proper interference with

the crisis, inflation didn’t stop increasing.

C) Because the government didn’t cope with the
crisis appropriately, inflation is at a higher level at
D) Should the government handle the crisis in a
proper way, inflation will increase in the future.
E) Owing to the government's correct actions during
the crisis, the inflation level is now lower than it was.

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Answer Key:

1: A 14: C
2: B 15: D
3: C 16: C
4: C 17: A
5: D 18: E
6: A 19: E
7: A 20: B
8: E 21: D
9: B 22: D
10: C 23: D
11: D 24: C
12: A 25: E
13: E

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