Fatique Management Level 2

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An excellent example of the Buddy System is when a

passenger in a vehicle remains awake to ensure the driver

remains alert while driving.



According to Fatigue Management level 2 training material,

how many hours of sleep do most people require in order to
feel well rested?




Yes! That is correct.

Select examples of vigilance tasks (Select all that apply)


Rigging up heavy equipment


Monitoring a pressure pump gauge

Processing seismic data from a work station

Monitoring a chemical reaction in a laboratory

Micro-sleep can be indicated by: (Select all that apply)

Slow eyelid blinking

Fatigue-Induced Insomnia (FII) diagnosis

Head nodding

Blank stares

The Health Hub possesses a devoted page containing Fatigue
Management tools and resources.



Fatigue management is a proactive part of the Risk Management

element of the QHSE-MS.



Select the best definition of alertness:

You are alert when you have no more than 16 hours of driving and/or working in one 32-
hour period, except in countries regulated to 14 hours

The state that enables us to make conscious decisions and solve problems

The state that causes us to lose situational awareness


The waking state in which you remember your dreams

Yes! That is correct.

If you are working nights, it is important that you realize that your
sleep is likely to be diminished in both quality and quantity by day
time noise and distractions.



Time cues are: (Select the best answer)

Lowest levels of alertness during a 24 hour period, whether due to shift work or
East/West Time Zone Travel (Jet Lag)

The risks associated with cumulative sleep deficit buildup, and they are to be avoided
especially during vigilance tasks

The same as circadian rhythms

External conditions that reset our circadian rhythms on a daily basis

When taking a nap, the recommended duration is:

05 - 10 minutes

15 - 20 minutes

20 - 45 minutes

45 - 60 minutes
Yes! That is correct.

Circadian rhythms are regular physiological changes that occur in

the body on a daily cycle.



FMP stands for:


Food Measuring Process

Fatigue Minimization Process

Fatigue Management Plan

Yes! That is correct.

To minimize the effects of jet lag, it is important for a traveler to

quickly adjust meal times, activities and sleep times to the new time
zone schedule when staying for more than a day.



Research has shown that, in the long term, sleep loss is associated
with medical issues other than fatigue including some forms of



Staying awake for as little as 18 hours can impair a person’s

performance as much as having a blood alcohol concentration of .05
to .10; exceeding the allowable driving level in many countries.



Energy drinks such as Red Bull and Power Horse can be very high
in caffeine and sugar and should be discouraged due to the “crash”
or “let down” effect.



personal alertness log can be used to: (Select all that apply)

Manage the likelihood of fatigue-induced risk, especially for Vigilance Tasks.

Replace a Heavy Vehicle Driver’s Legal Log in some Areas and GeoMarket’s.

Assess when your high and low levels of alertness occur during a typical 24 hours period.

Salah : abc

Define the employee and management responsibilities regarding

fatigue management.
Ensure that employee rosters allow adequate breaks for recovery between shifts. Management

Provide employees with information and tools to enable them to manage their Management
personal fatigue.

Treat seriously all reports of fatigue brought to their notice by employees Management

Obtain adequate sleep between shifts. Employee

Manage off duty activities so they do not adversely effect work performance. Management

STOP the job or task when feeling too fatigued. Employee

Report operational or personal factors that could increase fatigue risk. Employee


According to the Fatigue Management level 2 presentation, place

the alertness strategies in order of effectiveness from 1 to 4, with 1
being the most effective.
Good amount of quality sleep 1

15-20 minute nap 2

Warm-Up-to-Work Session before/during Vigilance Task 3

Strategic use of caffeine 4

Awakening from Stage 1 sleep is better than awakening from Stage

4 sleep because:

A full Stage 1 sleep cycle takes 180 minutes

Awakening from Stage 4 sleep can leave you feeling groggy & disoriented

Stage 1 sleep is a deep sleep stage

Stage 1 sleep is where you get physical recuperation necessary to sustain shift work


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