Statistical Survey Questionnaire Revised Today

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Factors in Reading Comprehension Questionnaire for Grade 9 Students

Introduction: This questionnaire aims to determine the various factors that affect the

reading comprehension of Grade 9 students. Your responses will help us understand

the different challenges you face and provide ways to improve your reading

comprehension skills. Please answer every question thoughtfully and truthfully.

Instructions: Please read each statement carefully and indicate your response by

ticking the corresponding box.

Respondent’s Profile

1. What is your sex?

___ Male ___Female

2. What is your age?

___ 14 ___15 ___16

Factors in Reading Comprehension

3. What is your mother tongue (first language)?

[ ] Filipino [ ] Another language (please specify: __________)

4. How often do you read for pleasure (non-school related books)?

___ Never

___ Rarely (once a month)

___ Sometimes (1-2 times a week)

___ Often (3-4 times a week)

___ Very often (5 or more times a week)

5. How often do you read academic texts (textbooks, assigned readings, etc.)?

___ Never

___ Rarely (once a month)

___ Sometimes (1-2 times a week)

___ Often (3-4 times a week)

___ Very often (5 or more times a week)

6. Do you struggle with understanding the vocabulary used in academic texts?

___ Yes ___ No

7. What are the top factors that affect your reading comprehension skills? Tick all that


___ Vocabulary

___ Prior knowledge about the topic

___ Ability to concentrate

___ Reading speed

___ Background noise

___ Visual distractions

___ Reading anxiety

___ Other (please specify: ____________________)

8. In your opinion, what reading strategies have helped you understand academic texts

better? Please rank your responses with 1 as the most helpful and 5 as the least


___ Highlighting important information

___ Skimming and scanning

___ Summarizing after each section or chapter

___ Re-reading difficult parts or passages

___ Taking notes while reading

9. How confident are you in your reading comprehension skills?

___ Not confident at all

___ Somewhat confident

___ Very confident

___ Extremely confident

10. I understand easier when text is aided with visual presentation.

___ Never

___ Rarely (once a month)

___ Sometimes (1-2 times a week)

___ Often (3-4 times a week)

___ Very often (5 or more times a week)

11. When I am motivated to read a text (in books, magazines, newspapers, and etc.), I

can comprehend faster, and better.

___ Never

___ Rarely (once a month)

___ Sometimes (1-2 times a week)

___ Often (3-4 times a week)

___ Very often (5 or more times a week)

12. When I read under pressure, I got trouble understanding a text with my full capacity.

___ Never

___ Rarely (once a month)

___ Sometimes (1-2 times a week)

___ Often (3-4 times a week)

___ Very often (5 or more times a week)

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your responses are important in

determining the different factors that affect reading comprehension skills of Grade 9


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