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General Physics II 95.

Lecture 4
Electric Potential (Ch 17)

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Topics in Chapter 17
• Electric Potential Energy
• Potential Difference (voltage)
• Equipotential Lines
• Acceleration of Charged objects by Electric fields
• The Electron Volt, a Unit of Energy
• Capacitance
• Dielectrics
• Storage of Electric Energy
Electrostatic Potential Energy and
Potential Difference
• Don’t be intimidated by the names, this is just the work-energy theorem again.
• Think about this analogy between gravitational and electrical potential energy:

GPE = mg.h
EPE = qE.d

• If you push a charge against the electric field, you do work, increasing the object’s EPE.
• If you release a charge in an E-field, it accelerates, just like dropping a weight. The change in EPE = KE
• Both Electrostatic and Gravity are inverse square-law forces
• Both are also Conservative Forces
ConcepTest 17.7a Work and Electric Potential I
1) P → 1
Which requires the most work,
2) P → 2
to move a positive charge from
P to points 1, 2, 3 or 4 ? All 3) P → 3
points are the same distance 4) P → 4
from P. 5) all require the same
amount of work


1 4
ConcepTest 17.7a Work and Electric Potential I
1) P → 1
Which requires the most work,
2) P → 2
to move a positive charge from
P to points 1, 2, 3 or 4 ? All 3) P → 3
points are the same distance 4) P → 4
from P. 5) all require the same
amount of work

For path #1, you have to push the
positive charge against the E field, 2
which is hard to do. By contrast,
path #4 is the easiest, since the 1 4
field does all the work. r
Electrostatic Potential Energy and
Potential Difference
The electrostatic force is
Change in electric potential
energy is negative of work
done by electric force:

Change in PE is the work done either

against (or by) the field, in moving a charge.
Electric Potential
Electric potential is defined as potential
energy per unit charge:

Unit of electric potential: the volt (V).

1 V = I J/C.

(Remember Electric Field was Force per unit charge)

Complete the Conceptual Soundbite:
• Electric Field (E) is _____ per unit ______
• Electric Potential (V) is _____ per unit ______

1. Force, Charge, Energy, Charge

2. Energy, Charge, Force, Charge
3. Energy, Force, Force, Mass
4. Force, Mass, Energy, Mass
Potential Difference

Difference in Potential from one place to

Only changes in potential can be measured,
there is no “absolute zero” for voltage.

Potential difference is work done per unit

charge, so Volts are Joules per Coulomb
17.5 Electric Potential Due to Point

These plots show the

potential due to (a)
positive and (b) negative

Physicists often talk

about something “rolling
down a potential” -what
do they mean?
Relation between Electric Potential and
Electric Field
Suppose we want to know the change in potential
energy per unit charge, we call this quantity the
Electric Potential ( symbol “V”)
EPE = W = F.d (From Newton’s 2nd Law)
= qE.d
Then “Energy per unit charge” would
be V = EPE/q = qEd/q = Ed
Finally note that due to the definition of Electric field and
charge, the potential energy of a positive test charge gets
smaller as the field pushes it from high to low potential, so
we need a minus sign, so:

V = -Ed
Compute the Electric Field between
the two charged wires shown in the
figures below:

7.0 cm
ConcepTest 17.1a Electric Potential Energy I
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both feel the same force
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no force
from the negative side. Which 5) they feel the same magnitude
feels the larger electric force? force but opposite direction


ConcepTest 17.1a Electric Potential Energy I
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both feel the same force
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no force
from the negative side. Which 5) they feel the same magnitude
feels the larger electric force? force but opposite direction

Since F = qE and the proton and electron

have the same charge in magnitude, they
both experience the same force. However, -
the forces point in opposite directions
because the proton and electron are +
oppositely charged. r
ConcepTest 17.1b Electric Potential Energy II
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both feel the same acceleration
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no acceleration
from the negative side. Which 5) they feel the same magnitude
has the larger acceleration? acceleration but opposite direction


ConcepTest 17.1b Electric Potential Energy II
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both feel the same acceleration
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no acceleration
from the negative side. Which 5) they feel the same magnitude
has the larger acceleration? acceleration but opposite direction

Since F = ma and the electron is much less -
massive than the proton, then the electron
experiences the larger acceleration. +
ConcepTest 17.1c Electric Potential Energy III
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both acquire the same KE
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no change of
from the negative side. When
it strikes the opposite plate, 5) they both acquire the same KE
but with opposite signs
which one has more KE?


ConcepTest 17.1c Electric Potential Energy III
A proton and an electron are in 1) proton
a constant electric field created 2) electron
by oppositely charged plates.
3) both acquire the same KE
You release the proton from the
positive side and the electron 4) neither – there is no change of
from the negative side. When
it strikes the opposite plate, 5) they both acquire the same KE
but with opposite signs
which one has more KE?

Since PE = qV and the proton and electron

have the same charge in magnitude, they electron
both have the same electric potential energy
initially. Because energy is conserved, they
both must have the same kinetic energy after
they reach the opposite plate.
17.3 Equipotential Lines

An equipotential is a line or
surface over which the
potential is constant.
Electric field lines are
perpendicular to
The surface of a conductor is
an equipotential.
Equipotential Lines

Imagine the green lines are contours on a

map showing a hill and a valley
ConcepTest 17.6 Equipotential of Point Charge
1) A and C
Which two points have 2) B and E
the same potential?
3) B and D
4) C and E
5) no pair

ConcepTest 17.6 Equipotential of Point Charge
1) A and C
Which two points have 2) B and E
the same potential?
3) B and D
4) C and E
5) no pair

Since the potential of a point charge is:

V =k C
only points that are at the same distance
from charge Q are at the same potential. B Q D
This is true for points C and E.
They lie on an Equipotential Surface.

Follow-up: Which point has the smallest potential?

ConcepTest 17.7b Work and Electric Potential II
1) P → 1
Which requires zero work, to
2) P → 2
move a positive charge from
P to points 1, 2, 3 or 4 ? All 3) P → 3
points are the same distance 4) P → 4
from P. 5) all require the same
amount of work


1 4
ConcepTest 17.7b Work and Electric Potential II
1) P → 1
Which requires zero work, to
2) P → 2
move a positive charge from
P to points 1, 2, 3 or 4 ? All 3) P → 3
points are the same distance 4) P → 4
from P. 5) all require the same
amount of work

For path #3, you are moving in a

direction perpendicular to the field 3
lines. This means you are moving 2
along an equipotential, which
requires no work (by definition). 1 4
Follow-up: Which path requires the least work?
The Electron Volt, a Unit of Energy

A charge subjected to an Electric field

experiences a force, and if it is free to move it
accelerates, and hence gains kinetic energy.
(Think of an electron in a TV tube, or X-ray

One electron volt (eV) is the energy gained by

an electron moving through a potential
difference of one volt.
Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer
Monitors, Oscilloscope
Old style Televisions and computer monitors
oscilloscopes etc… have a large
cathode ray tube
as their display.
Variations in the
field steer the
electrons on their
way to the screen.
Imagine an electron accelerated by the electric field
inside a TV tube, how fast does it go ?


Say V = 20,000 volts

Change in EPE = qV = 1.6x10-19 * 20x103
= 3x10-15 Joules In physics we often use eV
Change in EPE = change in KE = 1/2 mv2 because it is a “natural“ unit.
By definition, the electrons
so: v = sqrt (2KE/m)
here have a kinetic energy of
= sqrt(2 * 3x10-15 / 9.1x10-31)
20 keV
= 8.4x107 m/s
We have seen that when charges are separated, there is a
force-field between them. This field can both store energy,
and do work.

A capacitor consists of two conductors that are close but

not touching. A capacitor has the ability to store electric
17.7 Capacitance
Parallel-plate capacitor connected to battery. (b)
is a circuit diagram.
17.7 Capacitance

When a capacitor is connected to a battery, the

charge on its plates is proportional to the


The quantity C is called the capacitance.

Unit of capacitance: the farad (F)
1 F = 1 C/V (or Coulombs per volt)
Think about what the capacitance depends on
ConcepTest 17.8 Capacitors
Capacitor C1 is connected across 1) C1
a battery of 5 V. An identical 2) C2
capacitor C2 is connected across
3) both have the same charge
a battery of 10 V. Which one has
4) it depends on other factors
the most charge?

+Q –Q
ConcepTest 17.8 Capacitors
Capacitor C1 is connected across 1) C1
a battery of 5 V. An identical 2) C2
capacitor C2 is connected across
3) both have the same charge
a battery of 10 V. Which one has
4) it depends on other factors
the most charge?

+Q –Q

Since Q = C V and the two capacitors are

identical, the one that is connected to the
greater voltage has the most charge,
which is C2 in this case.
17.7 Capacitance
The capacitance does not depend on the voltage; it is a function of the
geometry and materials of the capacitor.
For a parallel-plate capacitor:

In other words the Capacitance is fixed, and determines how much charge is
stored for a given applied Voltage.

Capacitance depends on THREE factors

•Separation (think coulomb force)
Think about a Capacitor as being like a dam but for electricity
instead of water.
What factors affect the amount of energy that can be stored by
a dam?
A. Height of the dam
B. Volume of the lake
C. Shape of the lake
D. Area of the lake
ConcepTest 17.9a Varying Capacitance I
What must be done to 1) increase the area of the plates
a capacitor in order to 2) decrease separation between the plates
increase the amount of 3) decrease the area of the plates
charge it can hold (for
4) either (1) or (2)
a constant voltage)?
5) either (2) or (3)

+Q –Q
ConcepTest 17.9a Varying Capacitance I
What must be done to 1) increase the area of the plates
a capacitor in order to 2) decrease separation between the plates
increase the amount of 3) decrease the area of the plates
charge it can hold (for
4) either (1) or (2)
a constant voltage)?
5) either (2) or (3)

+Q –Q
Since Q = C V, in order to increase the charge
that a capacitor can hold at constant voltage,
one has to increase its capacitance. Since the
capacitance is given by C = ε 0 , that can be
done by either increasing A or decreasing d.
Dielectrics -Improving the basic capacitor

A dielectric is an insulator, placed between the

capacitor’s plates, and is characterized by a
dielectric constant K.
Capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor filled
with dielectric:

Inserting a dialectric INCREASES the capacitance

Dielectrics - what’s going on inside a Capacitor?
Dialectrics increase the amount of charge a capacitor can hold, at a given
voltage. The molecules in a dielectric tend to become oriented in a way that
reduces the external field.

This means that the electric field within the dielectric is less than it would be in
air, allowing more charge to be stored for the same potential.

Alternative conceptual viewpoint: The induced charges of the

molecules in the dialectric (an insulator) attract additional charges onto
the plates (from the battery).
17.8 Dielectrics

Dielectric strength is the

maximum external field a
dielectric can experience
without breaking down.
Think about factors
affecting suitability in
different applications
Look at water, but its not
usually a good choice!
Say a capacitor is connected to a battery and charged.
We then slide a piece of plastic between the plates.
What happens?

1. Nothing
2. More charge flows onto the plates (from the battery)
3. Some charge flows out of the plates (back to the
The keys in your computer/laptop
keyboard are all capacitors

Pressing the key squeezes the two charged plates closer

together, changing the capacitance
17.9 Storage of Electric Energy

A Capacitor’s main use is to store energy. It

can be charged slowly and then discharged
rapidly. For example in a camera flash unit.

A charged capacitor stores electric energy;

the energy stored is equal to the work done
to charge the capacitor.


See this week’s HW question about boiling water

17.9 Storage of Electric Energy
The energy density, defined as the energy per
unit volume, is the same no matter the origin of
the electric field:


The sudden discharge of electric energy can be

harmful or fatal. Capacitors can retain their
charge indefinitely even when disconnected
from a voltage source – be careful!
A capacitor consisting of two large metal plates, is
charged, and then disconnected from the battery.
What happens if I pull the plates further apart?

1. Nothing
2. Increase the energy stored on the capacitor
3. Decrease the energy stored in the capacitor
4. Increase the charge stored

5. Decrease the charge stored

17.11 The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

The electrocardiogram
detects heart defects by
measuring changes in
potential on the surface
of the heart.
• Electric potential energy:

• Electric potential difference: work done to

move charge from one point to another
• Relationship between potential difference
and field:

•Work done by (or against) an Electric Field

W = qV
•Equipotential: line or surface along which
potential is the same

• Nontouching conductors carrying equal and

opposite charge. Shape irrelevant.
unit is the Farad (joule per coulomb)

• Capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor:

•Energy stored in a capacitor

Next Lecture: Electric Circuits (Ch 18)
ConcepTest 17.9b Varying Capacitance II
A parallel-plate capacitor 1) the voltage decreases
initially has a voltage of 400 V 2) the voltage increases
and stays connected to the 3) the charge decreases
battery. If the plate spacing is
4) the charge increases
now doubled, what happens?
5) both voltage and charge change

+Q –Q
ConcepTest 17.9b Varying Capacitance II
A parallel-plate capacitor 1) the voltage decreases
initially has a voltage of 400 V 2) the voltage increases
and stays connected to the 3) the charge decreases
battery. If the plate spacing is
4) the charge increases
now doubled, what happens?
5) both voltage and charge change

Since the battery stays connected, the +Q –Q

voltage must remain constant ! Since
C = ε 0 A when the spacing d is doubled,
the capacitance C is halved. And since
Q = C V, that means the charge must

Follow-up: How do you increase the charge?

ConcepTest 17.9c Varying Capacitance III
A parallel-plate capacitor initially has 1) 100 V
a potential difference of 400 V and is 2) 200 V
then disconnected from the charging
3) 400 V
battery. If the plate spacing is now
doubled (without changing Q), what 4) 800 V
is the new value of the voltage? 5) 1600 V

+Q –Q
ConcepTest 17.9c Varying Capacitance III
A parallel-plate capacitor initially has 1) 100 V
a potential difference of 400 V and is 2) 200 V
then disconnected from the charging
3) 400 V
battery. If the plate spacing is now
doubled (without changing Q), what 4) 800 V
is the new value of the voltage? 5) 1600 V

Once the battery is disconnected, Q has to +Q –Q

remain constant, since no charge can flow
either to or from the battery. Since
C = ε 0 A when the spacing d is doubled, the
capacitance C is halved. And since Q = C V,
that means the voltage must double.

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