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Using the video below write

a brief summary of Orkney’s

strategy for sustainable

Atheer Abed Rabbo Al-Juhani

Supervision by
DR. Basma Al Harbi
Humanity is currently facing one of its greatest ever challenge that
has serious consequences for our planet and for all of us Climate
We all have to adapt to deal with the impact of the corona virus
pandemic, and we’re also feeling its economic effects, However we
urgently need to change the way we live and work long term if we are
to have any hope of turning the tide on global warming.
We already know that renewable energy holds the key to slow the
rate of climate change. Crucially, renewables also have the potential
to drive the economic recovery that’s now needed and doing it
sustainably too.
In Orkney “an island northern Scotland, United Kingdom”, people
have worked in harmony with their natural resources for centuries,
they are a small community seen as remote by some, but they punch
way above their weight in the energy world. That is their renewable
It’s very windy in Eday “northern Orkney”, they have been testing
large turbine pipes since fifties and pioneered the concept of
community turbines ownership. Now over 100% of their power
comes from renewable energy generators, most of that is wind in
addition you can find lots of solar panels on home and business and
range of innovative heating systems in public buildings. they are also
learning to harvest energy from their greatest natural resources, the
Since 2003, Orkney has been home to the European marine energy
center, the world only fully credited open see testing facility.

There, tide testing developer can connect their devices straight to the
national grid, testing the most amending sea conditions, those
developers are supplied with local supply chain that posies unrivaled
experience in wide range of specialties and the their harbor
infrastructure is world class too. Orkney also works on verities of
projects to help facilitate the development of marine renewables and
caring about environmental and wild life studies, knowledge sharing
project and infrastructure development. Orkney is an innovative
community and they have thought of finding practical solutions to the
challenges that comes hand in hand with island life. Naturally they
have played that mindset to that field of renewable energy. To deal
with the issue of local grid constraints, they developed a unique
project that trials and takes excess energy from turbines when the
island in need along with power generators by tidal devices.

They have been turning it into hydrogen. That was the first
hydrogen from tidal power in the world, leading the way to
other pioneering hydrogen projects including powering local
vehicles and furry fleets. Hydrogen is a renewable that
generate only water and placed as a carbon neutral fuel.
They are developing an integrated energy system in the island
linking their power, transport and heat networks together.
Reflex “response flexibility initiative” aims to make Orkney a
smart energy island and eliminating the need for any fossil
Orkney can set an example for the rest of the UK and the
world when it comes to electric vehicles and near future
electric planes. Economically these projects are incredibly
important to the island providing high quality jobs through
Orkney research and innovation campus, an international
center for excellence and learning for academics institutions,
businesses and organizations.
This green revolution hasn’t happened by chance, for over 20 years,
the Orkney renewable energy forum “OREF” has been helping drive
local renewable energy activities, providing a key focus and voice for
all those with interest in the sector. They are proud but they don’t
jealously guard their knowledge. All comes though collaboration.
Now as the world faces greatest threat, we believe the Orkney way
could hold the key to build more sustainable society, while driving a
green economic boom.

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