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Housekeeping NCII
When a defective or damaged item is indentified three are two passible caurses of
action to take.
The choice will depend on how serious the defect or damaged is or if
the health or someone would be at risk.

Thelse actions are:

1.item(s) must be replaced as soon as possible. For example a
defective,hairdryer may be replaced temporarily by a new onefrom the
housekeeping office or from Vacan't room.
Defective or damaged items are reported to maintanance for
appropriate action.If the defective or damaged items poses a health
hazard,it is taken out of the the room and is markedas out of service .
Reporter: XXX / Date: 202X.08.08
Record damaged item.

Damaged items need to be recorded for virious operational


Every establishment has it own sets of procedures when it

comes to recording damaged item,GRAs Should comply with
these procedures.GRAs must be able to identify which items are
damaged in the guest room caused the damaged or the reason
for it's damaged.
Damaged item have to be identified for the following

• Monitoring of Coast
• Determining of supplies that have to be ordered
• To determine whether items are pulled outor not from the
guest room or if there are alternative sources for the damaged
• To determine items prone to damaged and develop policies
how to prolong it's operational life.
• For the safety of Guest and staff-damaged item can
sometimes be sources of injury.
Identifying damaged item.

GRAs can identify damaged items by personal

observation when servicing a room.Some important
points are:

• Look-visually inspected items for damage.

• Listen-defective or damaged items sound differently
than they normally would.
• Smell-particularly for electrical/burned scents.
• Take seriously the advice of Guest who report such
Reporting the damaged
Damaged or defective items must be reported immediately for
appropriate action.
Some opinions in reporting damaged items are:

• Verbally speaking to immediate supervisor, floor housekeeper or

head housekeeper,or relevant person.
• Using the phone, either the telephone inside the room or a
service phone located around the establishment.Be sure to check
the hotel policies when it comes to using the room phone since
some hotels do not allow staff to use the in room phone.
• Use if internet communication method such as (pagers,mobiles,2
way radios ).
• Complication of a maintenance report identifying the damaged
item,room where the damaged item is from nature the damaged,
and name of the GRA who identified the damaged .

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