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Smart Irrigation v 1.

Kareem Sherif, Mahmoud Ali, Mohammed El-Mahdi
Keywords: Irrigation, Database, Moisture Sensor, Arduino, VB.NET 2010 Discussion
Visual Basic .NET After collecting these data, we calculate the average error ratio by subtracting the total
of expected reading from the total of practical reading then we divide them by the total Our project, smart irrigation system is designed to control the amount of water used in
One of Egypt’s grand challenges, is water shortage, which is mainly caused by We used it to program controlling program interface. It enabled us to build the database irrigation. The project is dealing with WATER SHORTAGE, such grand challenge is crucial,
of plants, and it could be attached to the program. Through this program, we could choose of expected readings. The error ratio is equal to ± 1 %. This makes the system is optimum
wasteful practices. A major water consumption path is the Agricultural activities. 40-50% which caused by shortage of sources and wasteful agricultural uses. We have two
a plant from a list, and give irrigation command according to its value. Fig 3 for irrigation and uses optimum values.
of water amount already consumed in irrigation are lost due to out-of-date irrigation options, the first one is to look for new resources which may take a long time. The
methods, and planting techniques. Consequently, It was critical to think about a Arduino IDE v 1.0.6 second solution is changing agriculture techniques from flood irrigation to a new
We used Arduino programming environment to build a program that enable Arduino UNO (2) According to the previous graph of the error ratio, we could claim that our project
revolutionary irrigation method, which controls water consumption through a program, developed smart irrigation depending on the usage of soil moisture sensor programing
to process the received moisture percent, and compare it with the needed percent. It also would deliver the optimum and the accurate amount of water needed for each plant,
with an embedded database of plant’s water needs. We could decrease the water and serial communication with database. Our project could be applied in any agriculture
enables us to control solenoid valve and water pumped to the land. Fig 4 with the smallest error, what makes us very near to saving the 40% water loss. The
consumed by 40% accomplishing the design requirement of water usage efficiency. land in Egypt. Applying this project all over Egypt will reduce the amount of water used in
normal amount of water consumed is adopted from reports of the ministry of irrigation,
Adding to establishing an open source system which could be updated and modified irrigation, It will save about 21.3 billion m3 of water consumption annually. Consequently,
and Agriculture. In Fig (8), it is the difference between old and smart irrigation
easily. Supported by the low cost of the infrastructure, and running of the project, our the project will reduce the cost of water used in irrigation, It will save about 33.15 billion
idea could set the bed-brick for a new efficient technological irrigation systems.
Amount of water used for different plants pound per year. The difference between the normal irrigation system and our smart
9 8.9 irrigation system is shown in Figures (11)&(12).

Amount of Water (L/Day)


Introduction 8
6.3 6.2 5.9 6.2

5.6 80
Total Water Consumption Cost of Water used for Irrigation
100 93.75

Billion Pound ( L.E)

According to the ministry of irrigation and Agriculture, 84% of water resources in Egypt 5 4.3 4.4 62.1 80
4 60

Billion M3/ year

goes to Agricultural paths and 40% of water loss in agriculture is due to old irrigation 3 40.4 60.6
40 60
systems. We looked for practical solutions that could decrease the water lost in agriculture Fig (3) Methods Fig (4) 2
using communication and technology solutions. We have set some design requirements The methods of building that project varied from coding the program using Arduino IDE 1 20 40
for the solution we would adopt in Figure (1): 0
1.0.6 ,VB.NET 2010, and installing electronic components and soil moisture sensor. WHEAT RICE MAIZE Assuming the
targeted area = 1BEANS
At first, Interface was coded by VB.NET, it has irrigation commands , examples of plants NORMAL IRRIGATION SMART IRRIGATION

Decrease the water loss from 40-50% to the minimum percent Amount of water using normal irrigation. Type of Plant
moisture percent in the database and it could be edited by a button to add or modify the Amount of water using smart irrigation. Fig (8)
Total Water Consumption Cost of Water used for Irrigation
database. Then, the Arduino code was functioned to convert the volts output of moisture

Fig (11) Fig (12)

Affordability of the cost of the project Fig (1)
sensor to a moisture percentage by the equation (Moisture Percent = Volts output * (3) We conducted a real experiment to find the pattern of moisture readings, and to The illustrations of data, test plans, design requirements and the results add many
21.7391304 ) then it is stored to be compared to the database in the computer by SERIAL make sure that our project works properly. In the experiment, we took readings every evidences to the success and the validity of the idea and the design. Determining the
Increasing the technological involvement in Agricultural system COMMUNICATION which send commands and readings from the computer to the Arduino one hour, along 12 hours. In the program of the experiment, we assigned moisture error ratio helped us to compute the appropriate soil moisture percentage in order to get
and vice versa according to the illustrated codes above and below. Fig (3), (4), (5), (6) percent of 80% for the plant, then if the moisture sensor reads 80%, solenoid valve was an optimum growing conditions. Conducting an experiment to calculate the amount of
By establishing a new irrigation system, in which, water pumps are controlled using a water used by our system and the normal system allowed us to fulfil our efficiency
shut down, if it is lower than 80%, solenoid valves starts working. Here are the readings
computer program programmed with V.b .NET, equipped with a database has all plants requirements. Using our irrigation system reduced the amount of water needed per day
of moisture along 12 hours, in Fig (9)
water needs, we could minimize water waste depending on a cycle illustrated in Figure 2. by 40%. Measuring the soil moisture percentage of certain plant for 12 hours proved that
Our prototype, would solve the problem of water loss, using an open source database, Hourly Soil Moisture Readings Fig (9) the system and programming are working properly. Also, we managed to prove our idea
which enables you to edit, add or delete data later. It offers a competitive cost for 90 that the project is updatable and feasible. We concluded that using this system will easily
introducing technology in Agriculture. 85 83 83 irrigate any new plant by adding its information to the program. If you assigned wrong
80 80 80
value of moisture for the plant, that would cause problems in growing the plant. So every
Send planting Receive moisture

soil moisture percentage (%)

Fig (5) Fig (6) 75 75
change should be considered scientifically.
command reading from sensor Secondly, the circuit was installed and the
75 73
70 We used many STEM principles as we focused on merging them in our work. The scientific
sensor was implanted in the soil as in the 65
base of our project is the product of learning transfer between different fields of science.
Giving command of Comparing value to picture next: An amplifier circuit was 65
Agriculture engineering has been used in knowing the amount of water needed for every
irrigating or not needed for the plant Fig (2)
connected to the Arduino in order to amplify 60 plant, also knowing the variables that affect the plant's growth and water level in the soil.
current to fit the relay, the relay connected 55 We got benefited from technology in using programming languages to fulfill our design
the two circuits; the circuit of the Arduino requirements. We used Arduino IDE program to program the Arduino UNO, VB.NET using
Materials and Methods with the amplifier and the 220 v solenoid
valve circuit. The soil moisture sensor
6 a.m 7 a.m 8 a.m 9 a.m 10 a.m 11 a.m 12 p.m
1 p.m 2 p.m 3 p.m 4 p.m 5 p.m 6 p.m visual basic program. WE also used SERIAL COMMUNICATION, it is used to connect
Arduino with computer, it monitors the readings and the sensors. Engineering is
To build the prototype, there are some materials needed, and other methods to connected by three pins to the Arduino (4) We conducted an experiment to make sure of accomplishing the design requirement functioned in designing circuits and system, also in building amplifier circuit. Lastly, we
construct this prototype. Materials should be selected depending on its capability on by SIGNAL pin, GROUND pin and Vcc pin. of having an open source program which can be updated and modified later. We used Mathematics in concluding the linear equations that control the reading . In
full filling the design requirement of the project. In our project, materials are classified launched our program, and tested the button of adding new plant with "Beans" and its Chemistry, we used water content formula to conclude the expected soil moisture. We
into two main parts, Hardware and Software, and here we start with the Hardware: have in our Electronics course many electric circuits like t
1- Arduino UNO Results values, and here are the photos that prove that you can add and update the database
whenever you want. In Fig (10) he amplifier circuit that is used in our project. For the
sake of development,
Using Temperature
It controls the working of solenoid valve, through comparing Improving System
(1) To test the efficiency of our design we need to calculate the error ratio of the soil we have some Using Soil Salinity Sensor

Moisture sensor reading with the needed value sent from computer.
moisture sensor . We calculate the soil moisture in the soil by two equations. First, we recommendations
get the mass of water in the soil by (M3 – M2 / M2 – M1) Where M1 is the mass of the for the future. They Reclaiming Arid Areas Using Relative Humidity

2- Soil Moisture Sensor v 1.3 pot = 150g, M2 is the mass of dry soil and pot = 2500 g, M3 is the mass of wet soil and the are shown in Sensor
It measures the amount of water in the soil, and sends varying voltage pot. After that, we calculate the volume of water by the second equation (Mass of Figure (13). Using RF "Radio
values, relative to the amount of water. Wireless Controlling
Water/ Density of Water) where Density of water is 999.97 Kg / M3. We get the volume Frequency" Module
Fig (13)
3- Solenoid Valve multiplied by 100 to get the percentage and compared it to the reading from the soil Self-Powered System
It controls water, as it open or shut off depending on the irrigation moisture sensor , Fig 7 Using Solar Cells
command received from the Arduino, wither it is True or False.
4- Relay 5v
Fig (7) 80%
Fig (10) Literature Cited
It connects the circuit of Arduino with the circuit of Solenoid Valve. 70%
[1] Atta, R., Boutraa, T., & Akhkha, A. (2011). Smart Irrigation System for Wheat in Saudi Arabia Using Wireless Sensors Network
5- Amplifier Circuit Difference Between
Expected Reading And
[2] Winter, C., Soylemez, N., Trivedi, J., & Pickens, M. (2006). Design of a sensor based smart sprinkler system.
Composed of resistor 1K Ω, Transistor TIP 31C NPN, and Diode 2N4000. Practical reading of
50% [3] K.P, S., & Kumar, R. (2014). Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System.
Soil moisture [4] Halcrow, S.W. and Partners. 1981. Small-scale solar powered irrigation pumping systems: technical and economic review.
It amplifies Arduino’s output current from 40 mA to 120 mA 40%
UNDP Project GLO/78/004.Intermediate Technology Power, London, UK.
6- Bread Board 30%
[5] Haley, M, and M. D. Dukes. 2007. Evaluation of sensor-based residential irrigation water application. ASABE 2007
Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2007. ASABE Paper No. 072251
It is the working platform, where we set all previously listed electronic 20%

components together.
Software Components:

Expected Reading 35% 43% 21% 65% 70% 75% 55% 48% 15% 17%
For the sake of programming our controlling program, with the database Practical Reading -
34% 44% 20% 67% 68% 74% 55% 49% 14% 18%
of plants water needs, we used 2 software, these 2 software are: -

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