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THE PLANNING FUNCTION OF Framework for Business Planning

CONTROLLERSHIP Perhaps the best way to understand what
constitutes good business planning is to recognize
Business Planning Defined three separate and related elements:

➢ Business Planning is a complicated but 1. The system of plans that should comprise the
fascinating procedure, intertwined with all the whole—for all activities of the business and for
functions or departments of the entity. all planning periods—and their relationship to
each other
➢ The financial aspects of planning are important
to business survival and growth; the financial 2. The orderly process by which each plan is
officers of the corporation should be aware of formulated
the interrelationship of plans, methods of
planning, problem areas, and the concomitant 3. The basic elements that should be inherent in
financial implications of each. any sound plan of action

➢ The process of thinking ahead and making a But before the planning system and process is
judgment on a course of action while giving discussed, it may be desirable to review the time
consideration to the many feasible alternatives factor.
available is the planning process.
Time as Related to Planning
➢ In a sense, planning may be described as an
A plan, accordingly, must recognize three factors:
opportunity to consider and experiment with
the valuable assets (including both employees
1. It must involve the future.
and materials) of a company before committing
2. It must involve action.
them to risk. The future period for which
3. It should give recognition to the organizational
different industries must commit these
structure of responsibility, authority, and
resources varies greatly as, for example, from
accountability by which action takes place in a given
the season-oriented apparel business to the
decade-oriented orchard or ranch operation.
➢ A plan assumes a predetermination to take
➢ It is obvious in the planting of citrus groves or
action, which distinguishes it from forecasting.
the building of a butadiene plant that a period
Forecasting may involve predicting the future to
beyond the immediate future must be
some degree, but it does not necessarily involve
considered. This properly should involve long-
future action by the planner or his or her
range planning. This difference in period for
company. It often involves future action by
which planning must be undertaken can be
someone else. Hence, forecasting may be used
better viewed in the light of generations of
to predict future conditions or action by other
product and market.
forces, such as governments, competitors, and
environment. The planner determines a course
➢ A company has existing products that are being
of action to reach an objective.
sold in present-day markets and may be
described as current-generation products and
➢ Business planning may be done only in the mind
markets. But at an unknown time in the future,
of the chief executive or may involve a well-
these existing products and markets will be
organized effort by many individuals.
superseded and replaced by new products
and/or new markets, and so on ad infinitum.
The same business judgment that recognizes the A clear and understandable statement of the
inevitability of the change or evolution of things also company’s basic purpose.
understands the need for a complete planning
process. This continual change in business A carefully thought-out strategy or means to
environment as related to the potential of the accomplish this basic purpose.
company is best illustrated in Exhibit 9.1.
A statement of specific goals to be achieved under
the strategy and means of measuring progress
toward each.

A statement of the assumptions or conditions used

or needed to achieve the goals.

Corporate Development Plan

➢ Auxiliary to the strategic plan is the corporate
development plan. It may be said to relate
principally to the new product and market
Planning Period: How Long Is “Long Range”? activities, to the actions or methods by which
the new generations of products and/or markets
➢ Strategic planning sometimes is referred to as will join existing ones.
long-range planning. Each business has
characteristics that need to be identified in This product- and market-oriented development
determining the time period of planning. A activity will concern itself largely with:
company should plan ahead only so far as it is • The establishment of those conditions or
useful. business climates that foster and encourage
the creation or discovery of new products and
➢ Surveys on this subject indicate that among markets
companies that do long-range planning, the • The gathering together of pertinent data to
most common period is five years. identify those fields with the highest potential
return on the corporate resources.
Some of the factors that serve as a guide in selecting • The determination of resource requirements
the proper planning time span are: and the scheduling needed to implement the
program as it passes into normal operations.
• Lead time for product development.
• Length of life of the product. The corporate development plan has three
• Market development time.
• Development time for raw materials and • The Divestment Plan
components. • The Diversification Plan
• Time for construction of physical facilities. • The Research and Development Plan
• Payout period for capital investment.
Operations Plan
Strategic Plan: An Overview ➢ is concerned principally with current business
actions. Essentially, it covers the near-term
A strategic plan generally involves the following activities and extends to every function of the
components: firm. It deals with and influences the functions
directly and indirectly involved in distributing
the present generation of products to existing The planning cycle, including the relationship of the
markets. strategic plan to the annual operating plan of the
corporate office.
➢ Basically, it relates to the development of the
plan of operations for the next year or two. It is
essentially detailed in nature and specifies plans
by individual function, the whole of which
becomes the “annual plan” or some such

Basic Elements in Any Plan

➢ The strategic plan is broad and general in nature.
Conversely, the annual operations plan is quite
detailed and specific – and becomes the budget
or control tool for the near term.
Planning Frequency
Basic qualities of a plan:
➢ In general, it might be stated that planning is a
1. Statement of purpose
continuous process and that as significant
2. Identification of action to be taken
developments occur, such should be inputted to
3. Specification of the resources to be used.
the master strategic plan.
4. Identification of goals.
5. Establishment of definite time schedules and
➢ In regard to the frequency of formal updating or
adherence thereto.
revision, many companies find it practical to
6. Identification of conditions to be met or
update the strategic plan on an annual basis.
assumptions made.
➢ The short-term business plan, of course, should
Planning Process
be prepared each year. However, since the
annual plan is not only a plan but also a control
tool, it would seem prudent to review it if major
events change.

Plan Guidelines
➢ The heart of sound planning is thinking and
communicating, whether for the strategic plan
or the short-range plan.

The contents of the executive summary should

1. Comparison to the prior-year plan
2. The major planning assumptions (external and
Planning Cycle - Five basic steps:
1. Selected strategic studies are made
3. Growth strategy
2. An environmental analysis
4. Business goals
3. Company objectives and goals (tentative) are
5. Perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
problems, and threats.
4. the strategic plan (for 10 years) is developed.
6. Optimization of profit plans for the existing
5. detailed annual plan for the first one or two
7. Programs and strategy for new business detailed plans to implement policies and strategies
development to achieve objectives and basic company purposes.
8. Financial summaries of major factors, trends, and
return on assets. Most strategic planning processes encompass these
seven steps:
Supplemental Planning: Alternative Scenarios 1. Analysis of the industry and business
environment and status

2. Determining the corporate mission or purpose

(in some instances, the sequence of these first
two activities, both closely related, may be

Planning Timetable or Schedule 3. Selecting the company’s long-term objectives

➢ To achieve a sound strategic or short term on a
timely basis, it is desirable to prepare a calendar 4. Developing appropriate strategies.
of events. With respect to the strategic plan, the
calendar may be issued at the time of the chief 5. Preparing the long-range plan, including the
executive’s announcement of the annual financial plan.
strategic planning effort.
6. Measuring actual performance (of the
milestones to be attained each year) against the

7. Analyzing the reasons for departure from the

plan, and taking any appropriate action.

Environmental Analysis and SWOT Analysis

Strategic Planning: An In-Depth Review Understanding each business segment as to market
systematic and more or less formalized effort of a share and growth rate, according to the Boston
company to establish basic company purposes, Consulting Group matrix as either:
objectives, policies, and strategies and to develop ➢ A star—high market share, high growth rate.

➢ A cash cow—high market share, low growth

rate; significant generator of Cash.

➢ A wild cat—low market share, high growth rate;

probably a cash user until the product and
market are more developed

➢ A dog—low market share, low growth; a

candidate for divestment
Role of the Controller
The following are possible roles the controller can
have in the planning process:

• General. In those areas susceptible to financial

or economic analyses, whether based on
internal and/or external data, where the
controller is knowledgeable, the controller
should prepare the analysis and present

• Company mission. The company mission or

purpose will be determined based on a
thorough knowledge of the entity’s strengths
and weaknesses and a host of subjective
opinions. If the controller is aware of erroneous
financial or economic assumptions used (which
should be disclosed) in reaching the decisions,
then the controller can and should provide
alternative suggestions. Otherwise, this area
should be left to the decisions of the other

• Long-range objectives. As to those long-range

objectives that involve conclusions based on
financial facts or calculations (such as return on
shareholders’ equity), the controller should
make or assist in making the necessary analysis.
If the conclusions reached are erroneous or not
realistic, there is an obligation to bring this to
the attention of the appropriate executive and
to demonstrate in what way the objective is
unrealistic (or too easy of attainment) and what
might be more appropriate.

• Developing strategies. In this phase, also,

financial analysis probably could be applied to
some of the strategies. Suggestions would be
those relative to profit impact of alternative
choices, cost effectiveness, unrealistic earnings
estimates of proposed acquisitions, unduly
optimistic economic assumptions, too high an
inflation rate, or cost estimates that are too low.

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