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1. Merit

The national education policy action plan brings benefits to students. In 2014,
it was implemented for the first time as the Third Level Assessment (PT3) to replace
the Secondary Assessment (PMR) to raise the level of student learning to an
international level. However, in 2022, the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR)
and Third Form Assessment (PT3) have been abolished to focus on comprehensive
and more detailed student development. This abolition gives space and opportunity
to grow covering every aspect or matter closely related to students. School-Based
Assessment (PBS) and Classroom Assessment (PBD) will be implemented to
replace UPSR and PT3. Evaluation of effectiveness can be seen through specific
work, project preparation, fieldwork, and case studies for history and geography
subjects while science, mathematics, Islamic religious education, life skills, Arabic,
Chinese, Tamil, Iban, and Kadazandusun subjects are evaluated. through a written
test but on the other hand, Malay and English lessons must sit for written, oral, and
listening tests, unlike the previous PMR. This is to test the mastery and achievement
of students not only fluent in Malay and English but also to familiarize themselves
with self-confidence and courage in public as well as preparation for university or
work later.

In addition, students can recognize their interest in a certain field and talents
that will be explored more deeply in the future. Students are not limited in their
understanding only in studies, but hidden abilities can be honed and shown to the
world that Malaysians also have the talent to make the country smell good. For
example, the reporting of physical activities and co-curricular activities is evaluated
by the teachers who teach because only they know their students better. This
process is carried out through a moderation and verification process for consistency
in the awarding of marks between examining teachers, even if this purpose is more
extensive, and making an assessment can change learning techniques. The change
of PMR to PT3 also has a difference where it has Higher Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS) to test students according to level. The purpose is to test the level of
students' ability to evaluate an idea logically and nationally, the students' ingenuity in
producing or creating something new, and to encourage smart students to be
organized in solving problems innovatively and have various ideas to create
something. After students finish form three to continue to upper secondary which is
form four, they not only receive the Third Form Assessment certificate (PT3) but there
are four more certificates which are classroom reporting, national physical fitness
standard reporting (SEGAK), curriculum reporting and psychometric reporting. These
certificates are very important for applications for admission to vocational colleges,
religious schools, and technical schools, not only PT3 result certificates are
requested. This is to identify which fields are suitable for them before continuing their
2. Demerit

Everything also has its weaknesses, as we know policy changes have their
reasons but there is no denying their effectiveness can have negative effects.
Although the change of Secondary Achievement (PMR) to Third Form Assessment
(PT3) for improvement in learning, no official statement was made in 2014 when it
was started and it was announced quite late causing a very high sudden drop
recorded at that time. This is because PMR and PT3 have different formats that is
PMR has objectives while PT3 has KBAT and each student does not have the same
level of intelligence which greatly affects performance. Many changes in learning
policies make students feel stressed and lose motivation to go through them. until
they feel their direction has strayed from the true track. This change also has an
impact in changing the language of the syllabus which changes many times.
Students feel confused because when they are familiar with a policy that has been
implemented for a long time, there are often changes that cause them to lose focus
on the language used, resulting in language mixing. After all, they cannot fully master
one language perfectly.

In addition, the exam implementation guide is also not clear and the teacher
has not revealed in advance the implementation method as an overview before it is
officially done. There are defects and non-uniformity in the aspect of printing the
examination paper which is done by the school itself, unlike the PMR questions are
prepared and printed by the examination board itself. It is known that the exam paper
was reviewed by the teacher who taught the subject, and questions arose from the
parents of the students for fear of unfairness in the review and marking. Among the
parents, they also voiced complaints because the government was slow to make the
official announcement of the exchange so they felt their children were being tested by
the Ministry of Education. Parents also must spend a lot of money to make the
project successful which is one of the tests that students must pass.

Last but not least, among teachers, there are also many complaints about this
change which is that it is difficult for teachers to make observations and monitor due
to the excessive number of students in one class up to 50 people at a time, if the
teacher has four classes to teach and that number you can imagine how difficult it is
for the teacher doing it, even the compact syllabus makes it difficult for teachers to
design various activities for the performance of the students for the future. Due to the
exam paper, the teacher who will be reviewing has difficulty filling in the marks
because all the teachers simultaneously open "Bandwidth" coupled with the school-
based assessment management system (SPPBS) which is slow to access so that the
teacher must wake up two or three in the morning to fill in the student's marks.
Matters this makes teachers feel stressed because they do a lot of work even during
holidays and breaks.

In conclusion, the national education policy not only emphasizes improvement in

international standard learning but also plays an important role in uniting all races in
Malaysia and educating students in the true sense of unity. Inculcating the value of
patriotism which fosters positive values such as respect, tolerance, and harmony. For
example, group work in accomplishing tasks regardless of who is compatriot or not and
learning various languages other than our national language which is the Malay language so
that they know that our country is very beautiful because it has diversity unlike other
countries. Students are introduced to culture that is unique in Malaysia as well as attracting
students' interest in learning the language and ethnic culture to better understand each other
and be sensitive to other people's feelings to fight for a strong community spirit.
In addition, parents and the community will also benefit from the national education
policy planning in addition to students. They will certainly be proud because their children
excel in academics and have positive values that become the pattern and pride of the
country. The future of their children will be seen more clearly because parents become an
important role and role model for this policy. Parents will also have more trust in their
children's teachers after the teachers approach and identify the difficulties the students are
going through. Teachers are also like real guardians for them when they are at school.
This policy will be successful when teachers show students that they care and are
passionate about teaching even if they do not understand the tasks and learning being
taught. Be responsible when parents ask for help, record, and submit to parents so that they
know the strengths, weaknesses, and difficulties faced by their children while at school. If
there is any problem, immediately inform the parents, then there is a social relationship
between the school and the student's parents. These factors are very important in
developing every school in this country, even the education strategy can meet the current
and future needs of the country for the sake of development, services, tourism, and others.
And we as Malaysians deserve the best and perfect education for the advancement of
ourselves and the country so that we are not easily oppressed at will.

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