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Low Vision

1.Low vision patient have following characteristics except

a.restricted visual fields b.colour vision defects

c.normal night vision d.reduced contrast sensitivity

2. A person with low vision is one who has impairment of visual functioning even after
treatment and/ or standard refractive correction has following characteristics except

a.visual acuity of 6/18 or less b.visual fielf less than 10 degree

c.visual acuity of 20/60 or less d. visual fielf less than 50 degree

3. prevelance of low vision is .............. children in low income regions.

a.0.7/1000 b.0.4/1000

c. 0.9/1000 d.0.9/100

4. Many children with distance vision of ……………. have excellent reading vision

a.20/20 b20/40

c.20/200 d.20/60

5. Optical aids include

a. conventional corrective lenses b.magnifying lenses

c.convex lenses d.all

6.Following are advantages of a hand magnifier except

a. it is small b.inexpensive

c.magnification is 20X-40X d.easy to carry

7.convex lense providing magnification has power in range of

a.+40-+60D b.+4-+60D

c.-3-+20D d.+10D

8.All are not true about telescope except

a.wide field of view b.poor illumination

c.cant held in hand d.cant use as spotting

9. 6. Magnification power of a lens is determined by:

a. the reading of a lensmeter b. the neutralization by another lens

c. taking the focal distance in inches and dividing this number into 10

d. the lighting present e. all of the above

10. The use of strong convex lenses creates which of the following?

a. Aberrations similar to those of highly myopic spectacles

b. An exceptionally close near point; for example, 20.00 diopters has a focal point of 2 inches

c. Distortions that are best controlled with a single-cut lens

d. Headaches if the correction is not bilateral

e. All of the above

11. the condition of vision loss is characterized by a loss of visual functions.

a.blindness b.functional vision

c. Visual impairment d.low vision

12. Blindness is defined as vision of ____________ or less in the best eye

a.6/60 b.20/60

c.20/200 d.both a,c

13. 8. Braille should be taught:

a. to every blind person b. only to the young blind person

c. to a person recently blinded d. only to those cannot possibl who y read with visual aids

e. to people going blind

14. …………………… is used to detect macular functions

a.Maddox Rod b.Cross Cylinder

c.Synaptophore d.Plasodo disc

15. Each 0.25 sphere improve ………….. of Snellen Visual Acuity chart optotype b.half line line d.two optotypes

16. Visual acuity of 20/200 means that a person sees at

a. 200 feet what a normally sighted person sees at 20 feet.

b. 100 feet what a normally sighted person sees at 10 feet.

c. 20 feet what a normally sighted person sees at 200 feet.

d. 10 feet what a normally sighted person sees at 100 feet.

17. Most of the visual impairments in school-age children result from

a. accident or injury. b. anoxia

c. x-ray damage. d. heredity or to fetal infection.

18. The Snellen Chart measures

a. ocular pressure. b. cognitive ability.

c. distance vision. d. functions of daily living.

19. Which of the following is generally NOT accepted as an orientation and mobility system for people
with visual impairments?

a. Sighted guide b. Guide dog

c. Electronic travel aids d. Echo travel

20. A device that increases visual access to print for the student with visual impairment is the

a. closed-circuit television (CCTV). b. Braillewriter.

c. talking sign. d. Kurzweil Reading Machine.

21. Braille is

a. a variation of Morse code. b. a specialized language of the blind.

c. a code rather than a language. d. based on a series of twelve raised dots.

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