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YSAK : G6 U1 Problem Solving & Number Sense

Name AG:

1) Complete the following multiplication grid

x 5 7 12 13

2) Complete the following multiplication grid

x 3 4 8
4 24

3) Calculate 48 x 56. You must show calculations.

4) Calculate 288 ÷ 3. You must show calculations.

5) Calculate the following

(a) 36 x 10 = _______ (b) 1.243 x 10 = _______

(c) 4.3 x 1000 = _______ (d) 5.78 ÷ 1000 = ________

(e) 0.031 x 10 = _______ (f) 0.41 ÷ 100 = _________

6) Order the following numbers from smallest to largest

(or we could say “ascending order”)

0.13, 0.09, 0.123, 0.2, 0.15

7) Paul wants to buy a new PS4 game costing $70. He plans to raise the money by
completing chores at home. Due to homework and study commitments, he can
only complete 4 chores per week. If he receives $4.50 for each chore, calculate the
minimum time needed to save up for the game?

You must make your thinking visible in an organised way to “show” how you
obtain your answer.

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