Understanding The Research Issue

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Understanding the Research Issue: A comprehensive literature review is

like a map that guides students through the vast field of knowledge
related to their research topic. It helps them understand the nuances of
the issue they are investigating. By examining various studies, theories,
and arguments, students can gain a deep understanding of their research
2. Theoretical Framework Development: The literature review process
allows students to construct a theoretical framework for their research.
This framework serves as the backbone of their study, providing a
structure for their arguments and findings.
3. Justification of Research: A well-conducted literature review can
highlight gaps in the existing body of knowledge. These gaps can serve as
a justification for new research. By demonstrating that their research
addresses these gaps, students can underscore the relevance and
importance of their work.
4. Familiarity with Current Knowledge: The literature review process
immerses students in the current state of knowledge in their chosen
field. They become familiar with key theories, findings, debates, and
limitations. This familiarity enables them to position their research
within the broader academic conversation.
5. Understanding of Theories: A literature review helps students
understand the theoretical underpinnings of their field. They learn about
key theories and models, and how these have evolved over time. This
understanding allows them to place their research question in context
and draw on relevant theories in their own work.
6. Refinement of Research Topic: The process of reading and critically
analyzing various sources can help students refine their research topic
and frame their research questions. It can help them narrow down a
broad topic into a focused research question.
7. Establishing Familiarity: Conducting a literature review establishes
students’ familiarity with and understanding of current research in a
particular field before carrying out a new investigation. It’s like getting
acquainted with the landscape before embarking on a journey.

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