P5 PSP Feb Ex2

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Problem Sums Practice

1. Florence shared 36 000 stamps equally with her 4 friends. How many stamps
did each of her friends get?

2. The enrolment of a school is 2340. There are 128 more boys than girls. How
many boys are there in the school?

3. Jennifer went furniture shopping with a sum of money. She spent of the
money on a sofa set and of the remainder on an oven. If she had $456 left,

how much money did she have at first?

4. Rachel, Shawn and Teresa shared $250. Shawn received thrice as much money as
Teresa. If Teresa received $50 less than Rachel, how much did Shawn receive?

5. After receiving 58 marbles from Jacob, Roberto had 2302 marbles left. If Prakash
had of what Roberto had at first, how many beads did Prakash have?

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6. Neil read of a book on Monday and of the book on Tuesday. If he read
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of the book each day from Wednesday onwards, on which day will he complete
reading the book?

7. Mandy had $50 more than William. After she spent $86, the amount of money
she had left was of the amount William had. How much money did the both

of them have altogether at first?

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8. Stephen spent $480 on food and of the remainder of his salary on

transport. If he deposited the remaining amount into his savings account, he

had a total of $1740. If he had $960 in his savings account at first, how much
was his salary?

9. Brendan has some 50¢-coins and Winston has some 20¢-coins. Brendan has 5
fewer coins than Winston. However, the amount of money Brendan has is
$2.60 more than the amount of money Winston has.
(a) How much money does Brendan have?
(b) How many 20¢-coins does Winston have?

10. The graph below shows the mass of 5 children.







Raymond Stanley Terrence Vincent Winston

(a) Express Raymond’s mass as a fraction of Terrence’s mass in its simplest

(b) If a 6th boy, who Is as heavy as Terrence, joined the group, what will

the total mass of the 6 boys be then?

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11. Ethan, Jensen, Leroy and Nicholas went shopping with a total of $500. After
shopping, they had a total of $50 left. Jensen spent $80. The amount of money
Leroy spent was the amount spent by Ethan. The total amount spent

by Ethan and Jensen was $70 less than the amount spent by Leroy and
Nicholas. How much did Ethan and Nicholas spend altogether?

12. A librarian recorded the number of books borrowed by pupils in Primary 5F in

the table below.

Number of books borrowed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of pupils 3 7 9 5 10 6 3

(a) How many pupils borrowed at least 3 books?

(b) What was the total number of books borrowed by the pupils of
Primary 5F?

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13. Gabriel spent of his money on a book, of it on a magazine and of the
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remainder on a dictionary. If he spent $12 more on the dictionary than on the

magazine, how much money had he at first?

14. Victor and Milton each have some money. If Victor spends $60 every day and
Milton spends $20 every day, Victor will still have $120 left when Milton has
spent all his money. If Victor and Milton spend $20 and $60 respectively each
day, Victor will have $840 left when Milton has spent all his money. How much
does Victor have?

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15. Leon bought a box of marbles. of the marbles were blue, were green and
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of the remainder were red. If there were 16 red marbles, how many marbles

were there in the box?

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16. Angela, Brendan and Camilla shared 7 boxes of sweets among themselves.
Each box contained 56 sweets. Angela received 32 sweets while Camilla
received thrice as many sweets as the total number Angela and Brendan
(a) How many sweets did Brendan receive?
(b) If Brendan were to get the same number of marbles as Camilla, how
many marbles must Camilla give Brendan?

17. Kelly had some pocket money. She spent $85 on food and $45 on transport.
After that, she spent of the remaining pocket money on 4 books. As for the
rest of the money, she then gave of it to her sister and had $75 left.

(a) How much did each book cost?

(b) How much pocket money did she have at first?

18. A fruit seller had a total of 252 apples and oranges. After he had sold of his
apples and of the oranges, he had an equal number of apples and oranges

(a) How many apples did he have at first?
(b) How many orangs did he have in the end?

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