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"Hadoop vs.

Spark: Exploring Essential Big Data Tools"

1. Hadoop's drawbacks We find four fundamental shortcomings with Hadoop when we
examine the key distinctions between Hadoop and Spark:
a. Real-time Processing Challenges: Since Hadoop mainly enables batch processing, real-
time or near-real-time data processing situations are not well suited for it (Altexsoft, 2021).
b. Complexity and Scalability Problems: Setting up and running Hadoop may be difficult,
and attaining great performance may need a large number of nodes, which raises costs and
complicates maintenance (Altexsoft, 2021).
c. Processing delay: Due to its batch-oriented architecture, Hadoop may introduce high
processing delay, making it unsuitable for applications needing quick answers (Altexsoft,
Hadoop is more dependent on disk storage than memory-based systems like Spark, which
might result in slower data processing (Altexsoft, 2021).
2. Apache Spark's shortcomings In the same line, let's examine Apache Spark's drawbacks as
they were noted in the article:
Spark tends to use more memory than Hadoop, which presents problems for applications with
constrained memory resources (Altexsoft, 2021).
A higher learning curve in Spark makes it hard for users who are not accustomed with
distributed data processing (Altexsoft, 2021).
Concerns about stability and dependability Spark users have sometimes reported stability and
reliability difficulties, demanding further work to assure robustness.
"Hadoop vs. Spark: An In-Depth Comparison of Big Data Frameworks"
3. Changes in Hadoop Versions: Between Hadoop 1.0 and Hadoop 2.0, there were notable
advancements in the technology:
Hadoop 2.0, often known as Hadoop 2.0, solved a significant flaw in Hadoop 1.0, the single
point of failure. Many noteworthy improvements were included in this new edition, but
Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) stands out. The flexibility and
effectiveness of resource management were considerably increased by YARN by separating
it from the process scheduling capabilities of the MapReduce component. Hadoop 2.0
improved as a result, becoming more capable of handling workloads other than MapReduce
and more scalable (Lawton, 2022).
 Altexsoft. (2021). Hadoop vs. Spark: Main Big Data Tools Explained. Retrieved from
 Lawton, G. (2022). Hadoop vs. Spark: An in-depth big data framework comparison.
Retrieved from

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