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Week 11: Assessment Assignment

When delving into the details of Google's BigQuery pricing model, one comes across a
number of cost elements that specify its composition. Three main components comprise
BigQuery's pricing:
1. Data Storage: Payment plans can be customized to individual usage patterns with
flexibility, as charges are determined by the amount of data stored.
2. Streaming Inserts: There are costs involved with instantaneous, dynamic data insertions.
3. Data Querying: There is flexibility in the price structure, with a pay-per-query model and
a fixed rate for specialized resources as options.
Even while BigQuery offers free services like data import and export, the majority of its
pricing is based on the amount of data that is kept on file. With customized query parameters,
the platform accommodates a wide range of user preferences. Choosing to incorporate
BigQuery into a workflow requires striking a balance between the tool's robust data analysis
and visualization features and personal objectives and financial constraints. For best use,
determine whether its characteristics match particular goals and whether the expenses are
within the budget that has been set out.
2. Question
In the essay "Big Metadata: When Metadata is Big Data," the two most widely used schemas
in data warehousing—the star schema and the snowflake schema—are thoroughly examined.
1. Star design: This design is distinguished by a centre fact table that contains crucial
metrics, like sales revenue, and is encircled by dimension tables that offer further details,
such as product names or dates. Simplifying and deformalizing the star schema's structure
improves query efficiency while promoting comprehension.
2. Snowflake Schema: A further division of dimension tables into sub-dimensions or
different related tables, the snowflake schema stresses extra normalization and is an extension
of the star schema. As a result, the structure becomes more complex, which is advantageous
for reducing data redundancy and preserving high data integrity.
Because of how well these schemas organize and query data, they are widely used in the data
warehousing industry for reporting and analytical purposes.
3. Question
Whether a company is small or large, the decision between Google BigQuery and Snowflake
depends on the unique requirements and features of the enterprise. The purpose of this
assessment is to identify the platform that could most effectively meet the unique needs of
each category:
For a Small Business:
1. Cost-Efficiency: Google BigQuery is very cost-effective, particularly for smaller
businesses. Because it offers a free tier for the first terabyte of queried data, it is an
affordable option that appeals to startups and small businesses with modest data
storage requirements.
2. Ease of Use: BigQuery's user-friendly interface and connection with several Google
technologies make it an excellent option for small businesses with limited IT
resources, allowing data analysis without requiring a high level of technical skill.
3. Scalability: BigQuery is suggested for smaller businesses with varying workloads
that don't necessarily need considerable automated scaling, even though Snowflake
also provides scalability.
For a Big Business:
1. Unlimited Scaling: Snowflake's emphasis on automatic scalability helps big
businesses handle enormous volumes of data without sacrificing performance.
2. Flexibility: Snowflake is a recommended option for major organizations' varied
requirements due to its support for a variety of data kinds and connections, which
complement their complicated data ecosystems.
3. Security and Compliance: Snowflake's strong security features and compliance
assistance are a good fit for the demanding requirements of big businesses.
4. Collaboration and Data Sharing: Snowflake's data sharing and collaboration
features are invaluable for businesses that need to share information across several
teams or outside partners.
5. price Considerations: Although Snowflake has a rather complicated price structure,
larger businesses benefit from its scalability, which enables them to customize its use
to suit their specific requirements.
For instance:
Imagine overseeing enormous amounts of confidential financial data in the setting of a
sizable financial institution, together with the complexities of strict compliance regulations
and intense data security. Selecting the best data management platform becomes essential for
such a business. Snowflake seems like a better option because of its limitless scalability and
strong security features.
What Makes Snowflake Unique:
1. Security Measures: The strict security requirements of a financial institution
handling terabytes of sensitive financial data are easily aligned with Snowflake's
robust security standards, which include fine-grained governance and strict access
controls. This guarantees adherence to legal requirements and protects against
possible violations or unwanted access.
2. Scalability: A large-scale financial organization that continuously gathers enormous
volumes of financial data can benefit greatly from Snowflake's limitless scalability. In
a context with such high stakes, the platform's ability to manage and analyze large
datasets without sacrificing efficiency or data quality becomes crucial.
Conversely, consider a situation in which a small-scale online retailer primarily concentrates
on using consumer data analysis to improve its operations. The factors for a data management
platform are very different in this situation.
The Applicability of Google BigQuery:
1. Cost-Efficiency: For smaller e-commerce businesses, Google BigQuery's cost-
effective structure, which includes a free tier for data queries, is an appealing offer. It
makes it possible to perform the required analytics without having to pay a lot of
money, which fits in nicely with the budgetary limitations that small businesses
usually face.
2. User-Friendly Interface: Businesses with minimal IT resources and technical
experience can benefit from Google BigQuery's straightforward and user-friendly
interface. Its user-friendliness streamlines the data extraction and analysis process,
allowing for more efficient operations without requiring a high level of technical
In the end, whatever option to choose between BigQuery and Snowflake mostly depends on
the particular needs and resources that the company has. BigQuery turns out to be an
affordable and user-friendly option, which makes it the perfect alternative for smaller
businesses looking for excellent data management within a tight budget. On the other hand,
Snowflake distinguishes itself as the platform that meets the needs of larger organizations
handling enormous amounts of sensitive data in terms of scalability, flexibility, and strict
security standards.

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