EV3 - LME - Team5 2

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First of all, the study of all the possible motions of a body, disregarding the causes that produce it is called
kinematics. In this subdivision of physics, there is a kind of motion where a body rotates or translates,
drawing a circular path at a constant speed. This type of motion is one of the most common, since it is
present in many activities of our daily life, such as the rotation of a wheel or the orbitation of the planet.
The purpose of this presentation is to try to make consience of the importance of the circular motion in our
daily life, since, as mentioned before, it’s very common. This is the reason why it’s important to know how
to calculate the concepts that come with this motion in the right way. These calculations are of great value
when it comes to recreating a motion of this type with specific numbers.
Before beginning, we have to point out the fact that the knowledge of this movement has been vital for the
progress of the technology, because it’s seen in many places of the universe.


: around a curve. When a car takes a curve at a constant speed, it experiences uniform circular
A common example of uniform circular motion in daily life is when a car travels at a constant speed

motion as its direction constantly changes while maintaining a constant speed. Centrifugal force
acts to keep the car in the curve. You can describe this
movement with the following formula: - *Angular velocity (ω): ω
= Δθ / Δt - **Linear velocity (v)*: v = ω * r Where ω is the
angular velocity, Δθ is the change in angle over time, Δt is the
elapsed time, v is the linear velocity, and r is the radius of the
curve. These formulas relate angular velocity, linear velocity, and
radius in uniform circular motion.


An additional example of uniform circular motion in daily life is
the turning of a wheel on a bicycle while traveling at a constant
speed. When a bicycle is in motion and the wheels are spinning,
the particles in the tire perform a uniform circular motion. The
formulas that are applied in this scenario are the same ones that
I mentioned above: - *Angular velocity (ω): ω = Δθ / Δt **Linear
velocity (v)*: v = ω * r Where ω is the angular velocity, Δθ is the
change in angle over time, Δt is the elapsed time, v is the linear
velocity, and r is the radius of the bicycle wheel. This example
illustrates how these formulas are applicable in everyday
Spinning Clothes in a Washing Machine: Concept: When
you put wet clothes in a washing machine and it starts
spinning, the clothes experience circular motion.
Formula: The centripetal acceleration (a) of the clothes is
given by a = (v^2) / r, where v is the linear speed of the
clothes and r is the radius of the drum.

In this scenario, the washing machine's drum

rotates, and the clothes inside stick to the drum's
walls due to the centripetal force, effectively cleaning the
clothes. This is another practical example of circular motion
and the associated formula for centripetal acceleration.
Roller Coaster Loop:
Concept: In a roller coaster, when it goes through a loop-the-
loop, passengers experience circular motion.
Formula: The minimum speed required at the top of the loop
to avoid falling is given by v = √(rg), where v is the velocity, r is
the radius of the loop, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

In this case, the formula shows the relationship between the

speed needed to complete the loop and the radius of the loop.
Roller coasters use these principles to provide thrilling and safe
rides with circular elements like loops.
In our solar system, planets, including Earth, orbit the Sun in nearly circular paths. This
phenomenon is a classic example of uniform circular motion. The gravitational force
between the planets and the Sun provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the
planets in their orbits. The Sun's gravity pulls the planets towards it, preventing them
from flying off into space. At the same time, the planets' inertia, which tends to keep
them moving in a straight line, is balanced by the gravitational force, causing them to
move in a circular path around the Sun.

Artificial satellites, orbit the Earth in circular or nearly circular paths. Satellites are launched
into space with a specific velocity that allows them to achieve a stable orbit around the Earth.
Once in orbit, they experience uniform circular motion, continuously falling towards Earth due
to gravity while moving forward with enough velocity to avoid crashing into the planet. The
gravitational force between the satellite and Earth provides the centripetal force necessary for
the circular motion. Satellites are carefully placed in different orbits, depending on their
intended purpose. For example, geostationary satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude where
their orbital period matches the Earth's rotation period, allowing them to remain fixed over a
specific region on the planet's surface. Other satellites, like those in low Earth orbit (LEO),
circle the Earth at lower altitudes and higher speeds, completing multiple orbits each day.
Cyclist Taking a Turn:
When a cyclist takes a turn at a constant speed, they are undergoing
uniform circular motion. To successfully navigate the turn, the cyclist must
lean inward, towards the center of the curve. This action shifts the cyclist's
center of mass, allowing the gravitational force to provide the necessary
centripetal force required for circular motion.

Particles in Accelerators:
In particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), subatomic particles are
accelerated to extremely high speeds and then directed into circular paths by strong
magnetic fields. These particles, such as protons or electrons, move in circular or nearly
circular paths at nearly the speed of light.

The circular motion of these particles is achieved through a combination of electric and magnetic fields. Electric
fields provide the initial acceleration, giving the particles kinetic energy. Once the particles reach the desired
speed, magnetic fields are used to bend their paths into circular trajectories. The magnetic fields act as the
centripetal force, keeping the particles in their circular paths.

By manipulating the strength of these magnetic fields, scientists can control the radius of the circular path and,
consequently, the energy of the accelerated particles. This uniform circular motion allows researchers to study the
fundamental properties of matter, explore particle interactions, and gain insights into the nature of the universe at
the subatomic level.

From studying these celestial phenomena, I learned the universe's design and the precision
required to maintain stable orbits. The fact that planets in our solar system and artificial
satellites around Earth move in nearly circular paths at constant speeds illustrates the
harmonious interplay between inertia and gravity. This delicate balance ensures that celestial
bodies remain in their orbits, providing us with the stability necessary for life and advanced

By delving into the intricacies of circular motion, I gain the ability to design efficient
transportation systems, amusement park rides, and satellite orbits. These calculations are not
just theoretical exercises; they are the building blocks of technologies that have transformed
our lives. Think of GPS systems that rely on the precise calculations of satellite orbits or the
smooth, stable ride of a car taking a turn – all made possible through our understanding of
circular motion.

Circular motion plays a fundamental role in various aspects of our daily lives, from the Earth's
rotation to the functioning of machinery and technology. Understanding the principles of circular
motion is essential for engineers, physicists, and anyone seeking to comprehend the dynamics of
objects in circular paths. It is a fascinating area of study that continues to shape our
understanding of the physical world.

I'm fascinated by their shared reliance on the principles of motion. The roller coaster embodies
the thrill of balanced forces, teaching us about life's unexpected twists. Meanwhile, the washing
machine showcases practical applications, reminding us of the seamless blend between science
and everyday convenience. Both examples highlight the profound impact of understanding
motion, shaping our experiences and innovations in simple yet powerful ways.

Reflecting on the spinning wheel, car navigating a curve, and bicycle wheel turning, I'm struck
by their shared lesson: the art of balance. They symbolize life's equilibrium, adaptability, and
transformation. These everyday motions remind us that in the constant whirl of life, finding
balance and steering with purpose lead to stability, progress, and meaningful change.
Bioprofe. (2018, november 26). El movimiento circular. Bioprofe. https://bioprofe.com/elmovimiento-

Ejemplosde.com.mx. (n.d.) Ejemplos de movimiento circular. Ejemplosde.com.mx.


Fisicalab. (n.d.) Movimiento Circular Uniforme (M.C.U.). Fisicalab.


StudySmarter. (n.d.) Movimiento circular uniforme. StudySmarter.


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