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Muatan Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ………………….

Kelas : V (Lima) Nomor : ………………….…………

I. Put a cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D for the most correct answer!
(Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D pada jawaban yang paling benar!)
1. What is the taste of bitter melon?
a. Bitter B. Sweet C. Sour D. Salty
2. What is the taste of caramel?
A. Bitter B. Sweet C. Sour D. Salty
3. What is the taste of potato chips?
A. Bitter B. Sweet C. Sour D. Salty
4. The taste of orange is . . .
A. Bitter B. Sweet C. Sour D. Salty
5. Yulia : what is it?
Tia : it is ....... of banana
A. Bag C. jar
B. Hand D. box

6. Rastra : What is it?

Habibi : it is a ............ pizza

A. Loaf C. Slice
B. Bowl D. piece

The following text is for question nuber 7 and 8 (teks berikut untuk soal nomor 7 dan 8)

My father likes to drink a cup of coffee. He

usually drinks it in the morning. I can make it
for him. I put two spoons of sugar to make it
sweet. The coffe tastes sweet but a little bit
bitter too.

7. Father like to drink ...

A. A can of coffeee C. A bottle of milk
B. A glass of tea D. A cup coffee
8. I put ..... of sugar to make a coffee sweet
A. One spoon B. Two spoon C. Three spoon D. Four spoon
9. What quantifier can be used for chocolate?
A. a slice B. A loaf of C. A bar of D. A handful of
10. The best quantifier for bakso is . . .
A. a bottle B. A cup of C. A plate D. A bowl
11. Twenty six thousand rupiahs in Indonesia language is . . .
A. Enam belas ribu rupiah C. Dua puluh ribu rupiah
B. Tiga puluh enam ribu rupiah D. Dua puluh enam ribu rupiah
12. dua puluh ribu rupiah in english is . . .
A. twenty thousand rupiahs C. Twenty one thousand rupiahs
B. twenty two thousand rupiahs D. Twenty three thousand rupiahs
13. Look at the picture!
How much does a bar of chocolate cost

A. Seventeen thousand and five hundred rupiahs

Rp. 17.500
B. Twenty seven and five hundre rupiahs
C. Seven thousand and five hundre rupiahs
D. Seven thousand rupiahs

Read the following text for questions number 14 to 16! (Bacalah teks berikut untuk pertanyaan nomor 14
sampai 16!)
Johan is in the canteen now. He will have lunch. He is still confused about what to order.
Here is the menu:
Menu Price
Chicken soto Rp. 2.500
Fried rice Rp. 3.000
Mineral Rp. 1.700
Ice tea Rp. 2.000
14. How much is bowl of chicken soto?
It is . . .
A. One thousand rupiahs C. One thousand and five hundred rupiahs
B. Three thousand rupiahs D. Two thousand and five hundred rupiahs
15. Johan has four thousand and five hundred rupiahs. He can buy. . . .
A. Fried rice and ice tea C. Chicken soto and ice tea
B. Chiken soto and fried rice D. Chiken soto and mineral
16. How much money must johan pay if he buy fried rice and ice tea . . .
A. four thousand rupiahs C. Five thousand and five hundred rupiahs
B. Five thousand rupiahs D. Four thousand and five hundred rupiahs
17. Look at the picture
How much does a bar of chocolate cost?
A. Eleven thousand rupiahs
B. Twelve thousand rupiahs
C. One thousand rupiahs
D. One hundred rupiahs

18. Because of eating spicy food, i have a . . .

A. Toothache B. Headcahe C. Earache D. Stomachache
19. Eating too much candy can cause . . .
A. Toothache B. Headcahe C. Earache D. Stomachache
20. Mirna : What do you feel?
You look so pole
Hafiah : I feel pain in my head
I have a . . .
A. Toothache B. Headcahe C. Earache D. Stomachache
21. Baim has got a toothache.
He goes to see a. . .
a. Surgeon
b. Nurse
c. Dentist
d. security

22. Stella was brought to the hospital by a/an . . .

A. Ambulance B. Train C. wheelchair D. Prescription
23. To measure body temperature, we use a . . .

A.Microscope B. Stethoscope C. Syringe D. Termometer

24. Toni likes . . . than sandal
A. Necklace C. Shoes
B. Hat D. vest

25. Is He wearing a shorts?

A. Yes, he is C. Yes, he does

B. No, he is not D. No, he does not

The following dialog is for questions number 26-28 (dialog berikut untuk soal nomor 26-28)
Ibrahim : Azka, could you tell me where you buy the jacket?
It looks good on you.
Azka : oh, I buy it at Gotong Royong Store.
Ibrahim : how much does it cost?
Azka : it cost two hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs
Ibrahim : that’s quite cheap
It will buy the same jacket
26. What are Ibrahim and Azka talking about?
A. Clothes C. Gotong royong store
B. b. Daily activity D. Azka holiday’s
27. What kind of clothes worn by Azka?
A. Shirt B. Short C. Trousers D. Jacket
28. What does Ibrahim think about the jacket?
A. It’s large C. It’s pricy
B. b. It’s good D. It’s expensive
29. look at the picture
What does Mr. Hadi wearing?
A. He is wearing a T- Shirt and a pair of trouser
B. He is wearing a long dress
C. He is wearing a pair of short
D. He is wearing a pair

30. Look at the picture

What does Mis Dewi wearing?
A. She is wearing a shoes
B. She is wearing a Shirt and a pair of trouser
C. She is wearing a long dress
D. She is wearing a pair

II. Answer the questions below clearly and correctly!

31. Look at the picture
What does Yoha has?

32. What does the price of the hat?

Rp. 25.000

33. Convert these sentences into bahasa indonesia!

a. He has a sore throat
b. She has cough
34. What is Johan wearing?

35. Is Bu Ria wearing shoes?

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