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৫ম বাংলােদশ

জুিনয়র সােয় অিলি য়াড

বিরশাল আ িলক পব
ক াটাগির:​ জুিনয়র (৬ -৮ম) সময়: ১
​ ঘ া ১৫
নাম (​ বাংলায়): Registration No.:
Name (in English): Class:
Institution: Date of Birth:
[এই উ রপে র িনিদ ােন উ র িলখেত হেব। খসড়ার জন পৃথক কাগজ ব বহার করেত হেব। সকল সংখ া ইংেরজীেত লখা
হেয়েছ। সবাইেক িনজ িনজ উ রপ খসড়াসহ অবশ ই জমা িদেত হেব। সকল ে র মান সমান।]

No Problem Answer
1 On an alien planet, they use kula as their unit for temperature. When they
visited Earth they found out water starts to boil at 15 kula and freezes at
75 kula. If they say their planet's surface temperature is 30 kula, what will
be that temperature in Celsius?
2 Two airplanes are flying in the same direction (one is just above the
other). The airplane at higher altitude has a velocity of 150 m/s and the
lower one has 155 m/s. The upper plane started bombing downward. The
bombs were being dropped so that it fell vertically on the plane below.
The bomb made holes wherever it fell. If the upper plane drops 10 bombs
per minute, then what is the distance between two holes along the lower
3 ​If the system given in the picture is
at equilibrium, and m1 = 5kg and m2
= 8kg, what will be the value of M?

4 A small object of mass m is held horizontally at a distance r from fixed

support with the help of a stick. The object is then released. What is the
tension force of the stick when the object is at the lowest point of its
Imtiaz wants to separate pure water from a mixture of water and ethanol
(CH3CH2OH). He’ll be using a distillation machine to heat up the mixture to
100 degrees Celcius and will collect the vapor in a flask. What is/are the
liquid(s) that will be available in the flask?. Hint: The boiling point of ethanol
is 78.37 degrees Celcius.

বিরশাল, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৯

The concentration of a solute in a specific solution is It refers to how
many grams of solute is dissolved in the solution. It is expressed in g/ml.
Sarower makes a solution in a 500ml flask using 100mL water and 25gm
NaCl. Then pours the solution into a cup. If the volume of the cup is 50ml
what is the concentration of the solution in the cup. (Assume, the total
volume of the solution is equal to the volume of the solvent).
The solubility of a solid in
H2O at different
temperatures is indicated
in diagram A. The
temperature-time curve
of the day when we
made this question is
shown in diagram B.
What mass of the solid
will crystallize when 40.0 mL of a solution that is saturated at 2 pm is
observed at 8 pm.
In the reaction A + B -> C, 12g of A is produces 13g of C. How many grams
of A is required to produce 12g of C, with B in excess?
9 D. Siam was testing the growth of bacteria and viruses in a test tube at the
same time. In the morning, there were 1088 CFU/microlitre bacteria and 23
pfu/microlitre bacteriophage virus in the sample culture. He observed the
culture again after 4 hours and 24 minutes and found out 1472 pfu/microlitre
bacteriophage virus and 34 CFU/microlitre bacteria. If only bacteriophage
virus were taken in the test tube, how much time would it take to double its
10 Assume that an insect eats plant seeds containing 100 J of energy. A part of
this energy is lost or is unassimilated in the form of feces, while the rest is
assimilated through respiration and biomass production. It uses 36 J of that
energy for respiration and excretes 52 J in its feces. How much is the
insect’s net secondary production?

11 Our body requires a continuous supply of O2 to carry out aerobic respiration.

To have a continuous supply of O2 we have a well-developed gaseous
exchange system. R.B.Cs carry oxygen from the capillaries in the alveoli (in
the lungs) to other parts of the body. The capillaries are one-cell thick,
allowing effective diffusion of gases. What is the maximum and the minimum
number of membranes does an O2 molecule needs to pass through to reach

12 Represent the correct sequence representing an increasing order of biomass

production efficiencies for the following organisms: fish, mammals, birds,

বিরশাল, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৯

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