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#_ Becoming a DevOps Engineer { StudyPlan }

📆 1-Month DevOps Engineer Study Plan [ OPTIMISTIC PLAN ]

🎓 Week 1
● Working Hours: 3-4 hours daily (Total: 20-25 hours)
1. 🎓 Fundamentals
○ 💻 Basics of Computers & How They Work
■ Watch online tutorials and read articles to understand
computer architecture and how the CPU, RAM, and storage
work together.
○ 🌐 Networking Fundamentals
■ Study networking concepts such as IP addresses, TCP/IP,
DNS, and HTTP. Online courses can be helpful for a
deeper understanding.
○ 🐧 Linux Basics and Command Line
■ Set up a Linux virtual machine and practice basic Linux
commands through tutorials and exercises.
2. 🔧 Version Control System
○ 📚 Git Basic commands
■ Learn common Git commands for version control and
practice using Git with sample repositories.
○ 🌿 Branching & Merging
■ Understand branching and merging concepts by creating
branches and merging them back into the main branch.
○ 🤼‍♀️ Conflict Resolution
■ Practice resolving Git conflicts to handle situations
when multiple team members modify the same file.

By: Waleed Mousa

🚀 Week 2
● Working Hours: 4-5 hours daily (Total: 25-30 hours)
1. 🌍 Infrastructure as Code
○ ☁️ Cloud Computing Concepts
■ Enroll in online courses that explain the basics of
cloud computing, the major cloud providers, and their
○ 📜 Infrastructure Configuration with YAML or JSON
■ Start with simple infrastructure configuration using YAML
or JSON files for services like AWS S3 or Azure Storage.
○ ⚙️ Infrastructure Provisioning Tools (Terraform, AWS
■ Follow online tutorials to provision resources on AWS or
Azure using Terraform or AWS CloudFormation.
2. 🐳 Containers and Containerization
○ 📦 Docker CLI and Dockerfile
■ Install Docker and create Docker containers using Docker
CLI and Dockerfiles. Try running sample applications in
○ 🧰 Docker Compose (Multi-container Applications)
■ Learn how to define multi-container applications using
Docker Compose and deploy them on a local Docker
○ 🌐 Docker Registry (Docker Hub, AWS ECR)
■ Set up Docker Hub and AWS Elastic Container Registry
(ECR) accounts, and push and pull Docker images.

By: Waleed Mousa

⚙️ Week 3
● Working Hours: 4-5 hours daily (Total: 25-30 hours)
1. 🔧 Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code Tools
○ 🛠️ Ansible Playbooks and Roles
■ Practice writing Ansible playbooks and roles to configure
and manage remote servers.
○ 🌐 Ansible Tower or AWX
■ Set up Ansible Tower or AWX (open-source version) and
use it to manage Ansible playbooks and automate tasks.
2. 🛡️ Security and Compliance
○ 🚦 Infrastructure Security Best Practices
■ Read guides and documentation on best practices for
securing infrastructure, such as AWS Security Best
○ 🛡️ Secure Configuration Management
■ Implement secure configuration management using Ansible
playbooks or other tools.
○ 🚧 Security Testing and Scanning
■ Explore security testing tools like OWASP ZAP or
SonarQube for code scanning and vulnerability testing.

By: Waleed Mousa

🌐 Week 4
● Working Hours: 4-5 hours daily (Total: 25-30 hours)
1. 🔄 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
○ 📝 CI Principles and Best Practices
■ Study CI best practices, such as committing small
changes, fast builds, and automated tests.
○ 🌐 CI Tools (Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI)
■ Set up a CI server (e.g., Jenkins) and create CI
pipelines for a sample project.
2. 🌐 Monitoring, Logging, and Observability
○ 📈 Monitoring Concepts and Best Practices
■ Understand monitoring principles and explore popular
monitoring solutions like Prometheus.
○ 📊 Log Management (ELK Stack, Splunk)
■ Deploy ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or
Splunk to collect and visualize logs.
○ 🚦 Metrics and Alerting (Prometheus, Grafana)
■ Set up Prometheus for metrics collection and Grafana for
visualization and alerting.

By: Waleed Mousa

📆 2- Optimum Study Plan
🎓 Phase 1 - Foundation (1-2 months)
● Working Hours: 2-3 hours daily (Total: 60-90 hours)
● Week 1
○ 💻 Basics of Computers & How They Work
■ Spend 1-2 hours daily watching online tutorials and
reading articles to understand computer architecture and
how the CPU, RAM, and storage work together.
○ 🌐 Networking Fundamentals
■ Devote 1-2 hours daily to study networking concepts such
as IP addresses, TCP/IP, DNS, and HTTP. Online courses
can be helpful for a deeper understanding.
● Week 2
○ 🐧 Linux Basics and Command Line
■ Set up a Linux virtual machine and practice basic Linux
commands through tutorials and exercises. Spend 1-2
hours daily on this practical learning.
○ 🔧 Version Control System
■ Spend 1 hour daily to learn Git basic commands and
practice using Git with sample repositories. You can use
online resources and repositories for practice.
● Week 3
○ 🔧 Version Control System (Continued)
■ Dedicate 1 hour daily to understand branching and
merging concepts by creating branches and merging them
back into the main branch.
○ 🔧 Version Control System (Continued)
■ Spend 1 hour daily practicing resolving Git conflicts to
handle situations when multiple team members modify the
same file.

By: Waleed Mousa

⚙️ Phase 2 - Tools and Automation (2-3 months)
● Working Hours: 3-4 hours daily (Total: 180-240 hours)
● Week 4
○ 🌍 Infrastructure as Code
■ Spend 1-2 hours daily to understand cloud computing
concepts and explore major cloud providers and their
services through online courses.
○ 🌍 Infrastructure as Code (Continued)
■ Spend 1-2 hours daily on hands-on practice, starting
with simple infrastructure configuration using YAML or
JSON files for services like AWS S3 or Azure Storage.
● Week 5
○ 🌍 Infrastructure as Code (Continued)
■ Spend 2 hours daily exploring Terraform or AWS
CloudFormation to provision resources on AWS or Azure.
Follow online tutorials for practical implementation.
● Week 6
○ 🌍 Infrastructure as Code (Continued)
■ Devote 2 hours daily to learn Ansible, Chef, or Puppet
for configuration management. Practice writing Ansible
playbooks and roles to configure and manage remote

🔧 Phase 3 - Security and Compliance (1-2 months)

● Working Hours: 3-4 hours daily (Total: 60-120 hours)
● Week 7
○ 🛡️ Security and Compliance
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily studying infrastructure security
best practices through guides and documentation like AWS
Security Best Practices.

By: Waleed Mousa

● Week 8
○ 🛡️ Security and Compliance (Continued)
■ Devote 2-3 hours daily to implement secure configuration
management using Ansible playbooks or other tools.
● Week 9
○ 🛡️ Security and Compliance (Continued)
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily exploring security testing tools
like OWASP ZAP or SonarQube for code scanning and
vulnerability testing.

🌐 Phase 4 - Advanced Topics (1-2 months)

● Working Hours: 3-4 hours daily (Total: 60-120 hours)
● Week 10
○ 🌐 Monitoring, Logging, and Observability
■ Dedicate 2-3 hours daily to understand monitoring
principles and explore popular monitoring solutions like
● Week 11
○ 🌐 Monitoring, Logging, and Observability (Continued)
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily on setting up ELK Stack
(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Splunk to collect
and visualize logs.
● Week 12
○ 🌐 Monitoring, Logging, and Observability (Continued)
■ Devote 2-3 hours daily to set up Prometheus for metrics
collection and Grafana for visualization and alerting.

By: Waleed Mousa

🌪️ Phase 5 - High Availability and Disaster Recovery (1-2 months)
● Working Hours: 3-4 hours daily (Total: 60-120 hours)
● Week 13
○ 🌪️ High Availability and Disaster Recovery
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily learning about scalability
strategies and disaster recovery planning.
● Week 14
○ 🌪️ High Availability and Disaster Recovery (Continued)
■ Devote 2-3 hours daily to implement high availability
measures and perform disaster recovery tests.

🧪 Phase 6 - Testing and Automation (1 month)

● Working Hours: 2-3 hours daily (Total: 30-60 hours)
● Week 15
○ 🧪 Testing and Automation
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily mastering different testing types
and test automation frameworks like Selenium, JUnit, or
● Week 16
○ 🧪 Testing and Automation (Continued)
■ Devote 2-3 hours daily to focus on testing in production
and canary deployments.

🌐 Phase 7 - Networking and Security in the Cloud (2-3 weeks)

● Working Hours: 2-3 hours daily (Total: 30-45 hours)
● Week 17
○ 🌐 Networking and Security in the Cloud
■ Spend 2-3 hours daily understanding cloud networking
concepts and network security.

By: Waleed Mousa

● Week 18
○ 🌐 Networking and Security in the Cloud (Continued)
■ Devote 2-3 hours daily to implement VPN and direct
connect for hybrid cloud networking.

📚 Phase 8 - Continuous Learning and Collaboration (Ongoing)

● Working Hours: 1-2 hours daily (Total: Continuous)
● Week 19 and Beyond
○ 📚 Continuous Learning and Collaboration
■ Spend 1-2 hours daily staying updated with the latest
DevOps practices and tools through blogs, conferences,
and webinars.
○ 📚 Continuous Learning and Collaboration (Continued)
■ Engage in community involvement and participate in
meetups to network with other professionals in the
DevOps field.

⏳ Becoming a professional DevOps Engineer usually takes from 6 month

to over 1 year, depending on your previous experience and dedication to
learning. With continuous learning and hands-on experience, you can
achieve a high level of expertise in the DevOps field and take your
career to new heights!

By: Waleed Mousa

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