On The Optimization of N-Sub-Step Composite Time Integration Methods

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Nonlinear Dyn (2020) 102:1939–1962



On the optimization of n-sub-step composite time

integration methods
Huimin Zhang · Runsen Zhang ·
Yufeng Xing · Pierangelo Masarati

Received: 12 May 2020 / Accepted: 12 October 2020 / Published online: 24 October 2020
© The Author(s) 2020

Abstract A family of n-sub-step composite time inte- 1 Introduction

gration methods, which employs the trapezoidal rule
in the first n − 1 sub-steps and a general formula in Direct time integration methods are frequently used
the last one, is discussed in this paper. A universal to predict accurate numerical responses for general
approach to optimize the parameters is provided for dynamic problems after spatial discretization. Driven
any cases of n ≥ 2, and two optimal sub-families of by the pursuit of desirable properties, including higher
the method are given for different purposes. From lin- accuracy and efficiency, robust stability, and many oth-
ear analysis, the first sub-family can achieve nth-order ers, a number of excellent methods were proposed in
accuracy and unconditional stability with controllable the past decades.
algorithmic dissipation, so it is recommended for high- In terms of the formulations, existing methods are
accuracy purposes. The second sub-family has second- generally classified into explicit and implicit schemes.
order accuracy, unconditional stability with control- Explicit methods are mostly used in wave propagation
lable algorithmic dissipation, and it is designed for problems, as their conditional stability limits the allow-
heuristic energy-conserving purposes, by preserving as able time step size to the highest system frequency.
much low-frequency content as possible. Finally, some Implicit methods have fewer restrictions on the prob-
illustrative examples are solved to check the perfor- lems to be solved due to the unconditional stability, but
mance in linear and nonlinear systems. they require more computational efforts per step.
In another way, the integration methods can also
Keywords n-Sub-step composite method · Optimiza- be divided into single-step, multi-sub-step and multi-
tion · High-accuracy · Energy-conserving step techniques. The single-step methods only adopt
the states of the last step to predict the current one,
while the multi-sub-step methods also need the states
at the intermediate collocation points, and the multi-
step methods require the states of more than one pre-
vious step. Each of them has specific advantages and
Huimin Zhang · Runsen Zhang · Yufeng Xing disadvantages.
School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang
From the literature, representative single-step meth-
University, Beijing 100083, China
ods include the Newmark method [25], the HHT-α
Huimin Zhang (B) · Runsen Zhang · Pierangelo Masarati
method (by Hilbert, Hughes, and Taylor) [17], the
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali,
Politecnico di Milano, 20156 Milan, Italy WBZ-α method (by Wood, Bossak, and Zienkiewicz)
e-mail: huimin.zhang@polimi.it [29], the generalized-α method [9], the GSSSS (gener-

1940 H. Zhang et al.

alized single-step single-solve) method [34], and many step composite methods [8,32], which are asymptot-
others [28]. These single-step methods were proved to ically stable with higher accuracy, were also devel-
be spectrally identical to the linear multi-step methods oped adopting the similar idea. Furthermore, to acquire
[34], so they suffer from the Dahlquist’s barrier [10], controllable algorithmic dissipation, the two-sub-step
which states that the methods of higher than second- methods [20,21,26], and the controllable three-sub-
order accuracy cannot be unconditionally stable. There- step methods [18,23], were proposed by replacing the
fore, the methods mentioned above are all second-order backward difference scheme with a more general for-
accurate and unconditionally stable; some of them can mula. However, with the increase in the number of
also provide controllable algorithmic dissipation. sub-steps, the number of scalar parameters required to
In the multi-step class, the Dahlquist’s barrier cer- be designed also increases, so the basic requirements,
tainly works, but in terms of accuracy, the linear two- including second-order accuracy, unconditional stabil-
step method [24,33] is superior to most existing single- ity, controllable algorithmic dissipation, are not enough
step methods under the same degree of algorithmic to determine these parameters uniquely. Two optimal
dissipation. In this class, BDFs (backward differenti- sub-families of the controllable three-sub-step method
ation formulas) [11,16] also represent a widely-used were proposed in [23], since different conditions are
branch, particularly useful for stiff problems owing considered as a supplement.
to the strong algorithmic dissipation. These popular On this basis, this paper purposes to provide a uni-
multi-step methods are also second-order accurate and versal approach to optimize the parameters of gener-
unconditionally stable. However, the multi-step meth- alized n-sub-step composite method, where n can be
ods are not self-starting, so another method has to be any integer greater than 2, and the trapezoidal rule
also used to solve the initial steps, which makes the is employed in the first n − 1 sub-steps. Two kinds
multi-step methods not as convenient to use as the of optimization goals are considered, producing two
single-step ones. optimal sub-families for different purposes. The first
The multi-sub-step methods, also known as multi- one intends to achieve higher-order accuracy, under
stage methods, allow more possibilities in terms of the premises of unconditional stability and controllable
properties. The most representative method is the algorithmic dissipation. The second one is dedicated
famous Runge–Kutta family [6,7,19], which can be to conserving low-frequency behavior, while still pro-
designed to be arbitrarily higher-order accurate and viding controllable high-frequency dissipation. From
unconditionally stable by choosing proper parame- linear analysis, the resulting schemes in the first sub-
ters and enough stages. Besides, Fung [12–15] pro- family can reach up to nth-order accuracy by using n
vided some methods to reproduce the generalized Padé sub-steps, and the schemes in the second sub-family
approximation. These methods can reach up to 2nth- exhibit very small algorithmic dissipation in the low-
order accuracy by employing n sampling grid points frequency domain. Most of these schemes are devel-
per step, but the dimension of the implicit equation to oped for the first time, and in each sub-family, the
be solved is n times that of the original, resulting in accuracy can be improved by using more sub-steps.
huge computational costs. In the multi-sub-step class, Finally, the proposed methods are applied to solve sev-
the composite methods [3], which divide each step into eral numerical examples to check the performance.
several sub-steps and employ different methods in each This paper is organized as follows. The formula-
sub-step, have received a lot of attention in recent years. tions of the n-sub-step composite method are shown in
Based on Bank et al.’s work [1], Bathe et al. [3] Sect. 2. The optimization of the parameters is imple-
introduced the concept of the n-sub-step composite mented in Sect. 3. The detailed properties of the two
method by utilizing the trapezoidal rule in the first sub-families are discussed in Sect. 4. Numerical exam-
n − 1 sub-steps and the (n + 1)-point backward dif- ples are provided in Sect. 5, and conclusions are drawn
ference scheme at the end of the step. The two-sub- in Sect. 6.
step scheme is known as the Bathe method, which
is asymptotically stable with second-order accuracy.
Thanks to its strong dissipation and preferable accu-
racy, the Bathe method has been found to perform
well in many fields [2,4,27]. The three-, and four-sub-

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1941

2 Formulation can be reformulated based on the general first-order

differential equation f ( y, ẏ, t) = 0, as
In the literature, the composite methods were mostly
developed to solve the problems in structural dynamics,  
as f yk+2 jγ , ẏk+2 jγ , tk + 2 jγ h = 0 (4a)
M ẍ + F (x, ẋ, t) = 0, x (t0 ) = x 0 , ẋ (t0 ) = v 0 (1) yk+2 jγ = yk+2( j−1)γ + γ h ẏk+2( j−1)γ + ẏk+2 jγ
where M is the mass matrix, F collects the damp- (4b)
ing force, internal force and external load, x, ẋ and j = 1, 2, 3, · · · , n − 1 (4c)
ẍ are the displacement, velocity and acceleration vec-
tors, respectively, t is the time, and t0 , x 0 and v 0 are the
given initial time, displacement and velocity, respec- and
tively. When this method is applied using n sub-steps,
it can be formulated as
  f yk+1 , ẏk+1 , tk + h = 0 (5a)
M ẍ k+2 jγ + F x k+2 jγ , ẋ k+2 jγ , tk + 2 jγ h = 0 ⎛ ⎞

  yk+1 = yk + h ⎝ q j ẏk+2 jγ + qn ẏk+1 ⎠ (5b)

x k+2 jγ = x k+2( j−1)γ + γ h ẋ k+2( j−1)γ + ẋ k+2 jγ j=0
ẋ k+2 jγ = ẋ k+2( j−1)γ + γ h ẍ k+2( j−1)γ + ẍ k+2 jγ
(2c) where {x; ẋ} is replaced by y, and the dynamics equa-
tions can be equivalently formulated as first-order
j = 1, 2, 3, · · · , n − 1 (2d) differential equations by adding the trivial equation
ẋ = ẋ. Equations (4) and (5) present more general for-
and mulations for solving first-order and arbitrarily higher-
order differential equations. However, for solving the
M ẍ k+1 + F (x k+1 , ẋ k+1 , tk + h) = 0 (3a) second-order dynamic problems, Eqs. (2) and (3) are
⎛ ⎞

n−1 still more recommended, since in the equivalent first-
x k+1 = x k + h ⎝ q j ẋ k+2 jγ + qn ẋ k+1 ⎠ (3b) order expressions, the number of implicit equations to
j=0 be solved doubles.
⎛ ⎞

n−1 From the formulation, the first n − 1 sub-steps
ẋ k+1 = ẋ k + h ⎝ q j ẍ k+2 jγ + qn ẍ k+1 ⎠ (3c) can share the same procedure in a loop, whereas the
j=0 last sub-step needs to be implemented separately. The
assumption qn = γ is introduced here, which imposes
where x k ≈ x (tk ) is the numerical solution at step that the last sub-step shares the same form of Jacobi
k, x k+2 jγ ≈ x (tk + 2 jγ h) ( j = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1) matrix as the first n − 1 sub-steps. This assumption
denotes the numerical solution at collocation points, is particularly useful when applied to linear problems,
h is the step size, and γ , q0 , q1 , · · · , qn are the control since it allows the constant Jacobi matrix to be fac-
parameters. The current step [tk , tk + h] is divided into torized only once, like in the single-step methods. For
n sub-steps: tk , tk + 2γ h , tk + 2γ h, tk + 4γ h ,· · · , applications, Table 1 shows the computational proce-
tk + 2(n − 2)γ h, tk + 2(n − 1)γ h , and [tk + dures of the n-sub-step composite method for the gen-
2(n − 1)γ h, tk + h . In the first n − 1 sub-steps, the eral first-order differential equation f ( y, ẏ, t) = 0,
trapezoidal rule is adopted. In the last one, a general where the Newton-Raphson iteration is utilized to solve
formula containing information about all collocation the nonlinear equation per sub-step.
points is utilized. The present formulation can reduce Besides, by reorganizing the formulations, the com-
to the ρ∞ -Bathe method [26] when n = 2 and to the posite method can be regarded as a special case of the
three-sub-step method [18,23] when n = 3. diagonally-implicit Runge–Kutta methods (DIRKs)
In this method, because the same form of assump- with the explicit first-stage. The corresponding Butcher’s
tions is used to solve x k+1 and ẋ k+1 , Eqs. (2) and (3) tableau [6] has the form as

1942 H. Zhang et al.

Table 1 Computational procedure of the n-sub-step composite method for solving f ( y, ẏ, t) = 0, y(t0 ) = y0

A. Initial calculations
1. From the function f ( y, ẏ, t) and its derivative functions with respect to y and ẏ, as f y and f ẏ , respectively;
2. Initialize t0 , y0 and ẏ0 ;
3. Select the time step size h, the algorithmic parameters γ , q0 , q1 , · · · , qn−1 , the tolerance error ,
and the maximum number of iterations N ;
4. Calculate the constant: a = 1
γh .
B. For each time step
1. The first n − 1 sub-steps
For j = 1, j < n, j + +:
a. Predict yk+2 jγ and ẏk+2 jγ :
i = 0, yk+2 jγ = yk+2( j−1)γ + 2γ h ẏk+2( j−1)γ , ẏk+2 jγ = a( yk+2 jγ − yk+2( j−1)γ ) − ẏk+2( j−1)γ ;
b. Prepare the matrices:
f k+2 jγ = f ( yk+2 jγ , ẏk+2 jγ , tk + 2 jγ h), f y,k+2 jγ = f y ( yk+2 jγ , ẏk+2 jγ , tk + 2 jγ h), f ẏ,k+2 jγ = f ẏ ( yk+2 jγ , ẏk+2 jγ , tk + 2 jγ h);
c. Update yk+2 jγ and ẏk+2 jγ :
i = i + 1,  yk+2 jγ = −( f y,k+2 jγ + a f ẏ,k+2 jγ )−1 f k+2 jγ , yk+2 jγ = yk+2 jγ +  yk+2 jγ , ẏk+2 jγ = ẏk+2 jγ + a yk+2 jγ ;
d. If i < N and | f k+2 jγ | > , go to b; If i ≡ N and | f k+2 jγ | > , abort.
2. The last sub-step
a. Predict yk+1 and ẏk+1 :
i = 0, yk+1 = yk+2(n−1)γ + (1 − 2(n − 1)γ )h ẏk+2(n−1)γ , ẏk+1 = a( yk+1 − yk − h j=0 q j ẏk+2 jγ );
b. Prepare the matrices:
f k+1 = f ( yk+1 , ẏk+1 , tk + h), f y,k+1 = f y ( yk+1 , ẏk+1 , tk + h), f ẏ,k+1 = f ẏ ( yk+1 , ẏk+1 , tk + h);
c. Update yk+1 and ẏk+1 :
i = i + 1,  yk+1 = −( f y,k+1 + a f ẏ,k+1 )−1 f k+1 , yk+1 = yk+1 +  yk+1 , ẏk+1 = ẏk+1 + a yk+1 ;
d. If i < N and | f k+1 | > , go to b; If i ≡ N and | f k+1 | > , abort.

0 0 0 0 ··· 0 0 order differential equation is discussed, as

2γ γ γ 0 ··· 0 0
4γ γ 2γ γ . . 0 0 0 1 x
.. .. .. . . . . . .. ẏ = y, y = (7)
. . . . . .. . −ω2 −2ξ ω ẋ
2(n − 1)γ γ 2γ 2γ · · · γ 0
1 q0 q1 q2 · · · qn−1 γ
Decomposing the coefficient matrix in Eq. (7) yields
q0 q1 q2 · · · qn−1 γ
the simplified first-order equation

3 Optimization 
ẏ = λy, λ = (−ξ ± i 1 − ξ 2 )ω (8)
In linear spectral analysis, owing to the mode superpo-
sition principle, it is common and enough to consider √
the single degree-of-freedom equation where i = −1. When the composite method is
applied, the recursive scheme becomes
ẍ + 2ξ ω ẋ + ω2 x = 0 (6)
where ξ is the damping ratio, and ω is the natural fre-
quency. To simplify the analysis, the equivalent first- yk+1 = A (λh) yk (9)

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1943

where the amplification factor A is Table 2 Formulas of q j ( j = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1)

⎛ ⎞ n q j ( j = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1)

n−1  j
A (z) = (1 − qn z)−1 ⎝1 + z qj ⎠, γ a1 a2
1−γz 2 q0 = + −
j=0 2 2 2γ
γ a1 a2
z = λh (10) q1 = + +
2 2 2γ
3γ a1 a2 a3
Since qn = γ is assumed in Sect. 2, Eq. (10) is updated 3 q0 = + − +
4 4 4γ 4γ 2
as a1 a3
q1 =γ + −
n−1   2 2γ 2
(1 − γ z)n−1 + z j=0 q j (1 + γ z) j (1 − γ z)n− j−1
A (z) = γ a1 a2 a3
(1 − γ z)n q2 = + + +
(11) 4 4 4γ 4γ 2
7γ a1 a2 a3 a4
1 + a1 z + a2 z 2 + · · · + an z n 4 q0 = + − + −
= 8 8 8γ 8γ 2 8γ 3
(1 − γ z)n
11γ 3a1 a2 a3 3a4
q1 = + − − +
8 8 8γ 8γ 2 8γ 3
where the coefficient of z p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n) is repre-
5γ 3a1 a2 a3 3a4
sented by a p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n), expressed as q2 = + + − 2

8 8 8γ 8γ 8γ 3
  γ a1 a2 a3 a4
p q3 = + + + +
ap = (−γ ) p 8 8 8γ 8γ 2 8γ 3
⎛ ⎞ 5 q0 =



n−1 min{
j, p−1} 16 16 16γ 16γ 2 16γ 3 16γ 4
+ γ p−1 ⎝q j P(m, j, p, n)⎠ , 13γ a1 a2 a4 a5
q1 = + − + −
j=0 m=max{0, p+ j−n} 8 4 8γ 8γ 3 4γ 4
p−m−1 m p−m−1 3a1 a3 3a5
P(m, j, p, n) = (−1) , q2 =γ + − +
j n− j −1 8 8γ 2 8γ 4
3γ a1 a2 a4 a5
p = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1 (12) q3 = + + − −
8 4 8γ 8γ 3 4γ 4
γ a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
and q4 = + + + + +
16 16 16γ 16γ 2 16γ 3 16γ 4
an = γ n−1 (−1)n− j−1 q j (13)
the formulas of q j expressed by a p and γ for the cases
n = 2, 3, 4, 5.
For example, n = 5 follows

a1 = −4γ + q0 + q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 (14a)
a2 = 6γ + γ (−4q0 − 2q1 + 2q3 + 4q4 )
a3 = −4γ + γ (6q0 − 2q2 + 6q4 )
3 2
(14c) 3.1 Higher-order schemes

a4 = γ 4 + γ 3 (−4q0 + 2q1 − 2q3 + 4q4 ) (14d)

A numerical method is naturally expected to be as accu-
a5 = γ (q0 − q1 + q2 − q3 + q4 )
(14e) rate as possible, so the higher-order schemes are con-
sidered first. From the scheme of Eq. (9), the composite
Consequently, the parameters under analysis change method uses the amplification factor A, rewritten as
from q j ( j = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1) and γ , to a p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n)
and γ in the following. When a p and γ are given,
the parameters q j can be obtained uniquely by solv- 1 + a1 z + a2 z 2 + · · · + an z n
A (z) = (15)
ing Eqs. (12) and (13). For applications, Table 2 shows (1 − γ z)n

1944 H. Zhang et al.

to approximate the exact amplification factor  which are the numerator and denominator of A(z) in
Eq. (15), respectively, |A(z)| ≤ 1 is equivalent to
1 1
 (z) = ez = 1 + z + z 2 + z 3 + · · · (16) N (iτ )N (−iτ )
2 6 |A(z)|2 = A(iτ )A(−iτ ) = ≤1 (21)
D(iτ )D(−iτ )
Hence the local truncation error σ can be defined as
Then the condition for unconditional stability can be
  transformed into
σ = yk+1 − y (tk+1 ) = A(z) − Â(z) y(tk ) (17)
S(τ ) = D(iτ )D(−iτ ) − N (iτ )N (−iτ )
If σ = O z s+1
, the method is said to be sth-order
= c2 j τ 2 j ≥ 0 for τ ≥ 0 (22)
accurate, which requires that up to sth derivatives of A
at z = 0 are all equal to 1, that is
where the function S(τ ) is introduced, and the coeffi-
A(0) = A(1) (0) = A(2) (0) = · · · = A(s) (0) = 1 (18) cients c2 j ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n) are expressed as
To satisfy Eq. (18), a p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n) can be solved j 2j
c2 j = γ
as n
(1) + (−1) j+1
(−1)m am a2 j−m
A (0) = 1 ⇒ a1 = 1 − nγ (19a) m=max{0,2 j−n}
1 n(n − 1)
A(2) (0) = 1 ⇒ a2 = − nγ + γ2 (19b) (23)
2 2
A(3) (0) = 1 ⇒ (19c) in which a0 is set to 1. By Eq. (22), the bounds on γ
1 n n(n − 1) 2 n(n − 1)(n − 2) 3 of the cases n = 2, 3, 4, 5 are provided in Table 3 .
a3 = − γ + γ − γ It follows that, with s = n, the allowable range of γ
6 2 2 6
··· (19d) narrows as n increases and, in some cases, the n-sub-
    step method can achieve (n + 1)th-order accuracy with
 (−1) j j
A(s) (0) = 1 ⇒ as = γj (19e) a fixed γ .
(s − j)! n Besides, algorithmic dissipation is also a desirable
property for a time integration method, to filter out the
inaccurate high-frequency content. Generally, it is mea-
Therefore, if all a p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n) follow the rela-
sured by the spectral radius ρ∞ at high-frequency limit,
tionships in Eq. (19), this method can achieve nth-order
that is
accuracy, and then γ becomes the only free parameter
to control the stability.
A time integration method is said to be uncondi- |A(z)| → ρ∞ as |z| = ωh → +∞, ρ∞ ∈ [0, 1]
tionally stable if |A(z)| (24)
 ≤ 1 for all R(z) ≤ 0 where
z = λh = (−ξ ± i 1 − ξ 2 )ωh. According to Ref.
[19], the bounds on γ can be given by considering the and it gets stronger with a smaller ρ∞ . With A(z) from
stability on the imaginary axis (ξ = 0), which can result Eq. (15), Eq. (24) can be satisfied if
in the unconditional stability when the accuracy order ⎛ ⎞2
s = n in the DIRKs. Therefore, let z = ±iτ where n  j  j 
τ = ωh is a real number, and an2 = ⎝ γ j ⎠ = ρ∞ γ
2 2n
(n − j)! n

N (z) = 1 + a1 z + a2 z 2 + · · · + an z n (20a)
which can be used to solve γ for a given ρ∞ . Table 4
D(z) = (1 − γ z) n
(20b) shows the solutions of γ for several specific ρ∞ in

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1945

Table 3 Bounds on γ for unconditional stability (s is the accuracy order) in the higher-order schemes
n s Bounds on γ

2 2 [0.250000000000000, +∞]
3 0.788675134594813
3 3 [0.333333333333333, 1.068579021301628]
4 1.068579021301628
4 4 [0.394337567297396, 1.280579761275305]
5 –

5 5 [0.246505193142435, 0.361803398875471] [0.420782512765729, 0.473268391258294]
6 0.473268391258294

the cases n = 2, 3, 4, 5. Note that Eq. (25) has multi- 1 n(n − 1) 2

a2 = − nγ + γ (26b)
ple solutions; the smallest one that meets the require- 2 2
ment of unconditional stability, as shown in Table 3, is
selected. and controllable algorithmic dissipation, achieved by
So far, the unconditionally stable higher-order accu-
rate schemes with controllable algorithmic dissipation an2 = ρ∞ γ
2 2n
have been developed, whose parameter γ can be solved
for a given ρ∞ by Eq. (25), a p ( p = 1, 2, · · · , n) In addition, unconditional stability also needs to be sat-
are determined by γ as shown in Eq. (19), and then isfied, which will be checked last.
q j ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n − 1) can be obtained by solv- To conserve the energy as much as possible, the
ing Eqs. (12) and (13). These information for the cases spectral radius ρ = |A(z)| should be as close to 1 as
n = 2, 3, 4, 5 are shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The possible over the low-frequency range. For the special
special case n = 2 is identical to the ρ∞ -Bathe method case ρ∞ = 1, ρ should remain 1 in the whole fre-
[26], whereas the other cases are presented here for quency domain. For other cases 0 ≤ ρ∞ < 1, the
the first time. In addition, the accuracy and algorithmic departure of ρ from unit value should be as slow as
dissipation are discussed in more detail in Sect. 4. possible from ρ(0) = 1. Considering the conservative
system (ξ = 0), this purpose can be realized by making
the function S(τ ), defined in Eq. (22), as smooth as pos-
3.2 Conserving schemes sible. It follows that S(0) = S (1) (0) = S (2) (0) = · · · =
S (m) (0) = 0, where S (m) (0) is the mth-order derivative
An original intention of the composite methods was to of S(τ ) at τ = 0, and m should be as large as possible.
conserve the energy of the system [2], which explains As S(τ ) is a linear polynomial, the condition transforms
why the trapezoidal rule is utilized in most sub-steps. into its coefficients c2 j ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , m) = 0. To
Existing two- and three-sub-step methods [18,22,26] clarify, c2 j ( j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n) are enumerated as
really show preferable energy-conserving characteris-
tic over other single- and multi-step methods. In this c0 = 0 (28a)
work, a simple and general approach to determine the c2 = nγ 2
− a12
+ 2a0 a2 (28b)
parameters, which enable the n-sub-step composite
n(n − 1) 4
method to conserve as much low-frequency content as c4 = γ − a22 + 2a1 a3 − 2a0 a4 (28c)
possible, is proposed.
n(n − 1)(n − 2) 6
First of all, to be competitive, the method needs to c6 = γ − a32 + 2a2 a4 − 2a1 a5
have some basically useful properties, including at least
+ 2a0 a6 (28d)
second-order accuracy, which requires
··· (28e)
a1 = 1 − nγ (26a) c2n−2 = nγ 2n−2 − an−1
+ 2an−2 an (28f)

1946 H. Zhang et al.

Table 4 γ for controllable algorithmic dissipation in the higher-order schemes

ρ∞ n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5

0.0 0.292893218813452 0.435866521508460 0.572816062482135 0.278053841136450

0.1 0.287089056989371 0.421486815409409 0.548366644975830 0.274141306031868
0.2 0.281754163448146 0.408500789512922 0.526386456842386 0.270459886774582
0.3 0.276820321671636 0.396647209121134 0.506330118970782 0.266978043925651
0.4 0.272233289109874 0.385731000460835 0.487797474812348 0.263670231711606
0.5 0.267949192431123 0.375602225015285 0.470480577621677 0.260515416607055
0.6 0.263932022500210 0.366142810103347 0.454130785036529 0.257496029856675
0.7 0.260151847569038 0.357257811967234 0.438536189902193 0.254597208170133
0.8 0.256583509747431 0.348869453074869 0.423503766067179 0.251806231183850
0.9 0.253205655191036 0.340912922771929 0.408841866120699 0.249112096529630
1.0 0.250000000000000 0.333333333333333 0.394337567297407 0.246505193142820

c2n = γ 2n − an2 (28g) all schemes, so these methods can be said to possess
unconditional stability for linear problems. Other prop-
From Eqs. (26) and (27), we can obtain c2 = 0 and erties are discussed in Sect. 4.
c2n = (1 − ρ∞ 2 )γ 2n ≥ 0, respectively. For the case

n = 2, the conditions on accuracy and algorithmic dis-

sipation are enough to determine all parameters, result- 4 Properties
ing again in the ρ∞ -Bathe method [26]. For other cases
with n > 2, the n − 2 remaining parameters, a3 , a4 , Two sub-families of the n-sub-step composite method
· · · , an−1 and γ , are obtained by solving the equa- have been presented for different purposes. To iden-
tions c4 = c6 = · · · = c2n−2 = 0. The values of tify them, the higher-order schemes are referred to as
these parameters for the cases n = 3, 4, 5 are shown in MSSTH(n), and the conserving schemes are MSSTC(n),
Table 5, where the set with γ close to 2n 1
is selected, where MSST means the multi-sub-step composite
which requires an = ρ∞ γ n . method which employs the trapezoidal rule in all sub-
Then all parameters of the conserving schemes have steps except the last one, H and C are utilized to dis-
been given by combining Eqs. (12), (13), (26), (27) and tinguish the two sub-families, and n is the number of
c4 = c6 = · · · = c2n−2 = 0. The resulting scheme of sub-steps.
n = 3 is equivalent to the first sub-family of the three- In this section, the representative methods in the lit-
sub-step method proposed in [23]; the other cases are erature, including the single-step generalized-α method
presented here for the first time. [9] (G-α) and the linear two-step method [33] (LTS) are
In particular, when ρ∞ = 1, the resulting scheme is also considered for comparison. As the employed meth-
a n-sub-step method with the trapezoidal rule in all sub- ods are all implicit, their computational cost is mainly
steps, which is supposed to be unconditionally stable spent on the iterative calculation when used for non-
in the linear analysis. Empirically, the algorithmic dis- linear problems, or the matrix factorization for linear
sipation is acquired by reducing the spectral radius ρ, problems. The vector operations brought by the recur-
so the dissipative schemes are likely to be also uncon- sive scheme of the method itself is generally considered
ditionally stable, and even present more robust stabil- to have little effect on overall efficiency. Therefore, G-α
ity. For the undamped case (ξ = 0), the stability can and LTS are recognized as having equivalent efficiency
be guaranteed since S(τ ) = (1 − ρ∞ 2 )γ 2n τ 2n ≥ 0; if the same step size is used. As the composite methods
for other cases, the stability conditions of the schemes implement a single-step or multi-step scheme in each
listed in Table 5 are checked one by one by consid- sub-step, they have the equivalent efficiency to G-α and
ering ξ ∈ (0, 1] and τ ∈ [0, 10000] numerically. LTS, if their required number of sub-steps is equal to
As expected, ρ ≤ 1 is satisfied at every point in the number of steps required by G-α and LTS. For this

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1947

Table 5 a p ( p = 3, 4, · · · , n − 1) and γ for controllable algorithmic dissipation in the conserving schemes

ρ∞ n = 3 n=4 n=5
γ a3 γ a3 a4 γ

0.0 0.180425306429398 0.00453529185986996 0.131378736730466 0.00763819606391975 0.000257160742971488 0.103557108920215

0.1 0.178619458204658 0.00494493283913114 0.130548620946472 0.00793598250555122 0.000286872844754286 0.103095631511675
0.2 0.176945806618224 0.00532986673141648 0.129777583818848 0.00821506063336095 0.000314958374958848 0.102666675025093
0.3 0.175385515842846 0.00569340893903897 0.129057207257355 0.00847799948547669 0.000341631205811411 0.102265594492185
0.4 0.173923607877197 0.00603821324069812 0.128380804919945 0.00872684827484184 0.000367062789628561 0.101888703879882
0.5 0.172547961422089 0.00636644119939074 0.127742970556848 0.00896327074168002 0.000391393000239752 0.101533025147874
0.6 0.171248618590691 0.00667987987582935 0.127139265902084 0.00918863822587218 0.000414737666914113 0.101196115073181
0.7 0.170017291772476 0.00698002584685393 0.126565999083137 0.00940409590940791 0.000437193952981663 0.100875942445807
0.8 0.168847004679168 0.00726814657645952 0.126020063586496 0.00961061107396470 0.000458844285976519 0.100570798918745
0.9 0.167731825756887 0.00754532615554921 0.125498818830422 0.00980900897660744 0.000479759288032603 0.100279232954742
1.0 0.166666666666667 0.00781250000000000 0.125000000000000 0.01000000000000000 0.000500000000000000 0.100000000000000

Fig. 1 Percentage amplitude decay for MSSTH(2,3,4,5), G-α and LTS

reason, to compare the properties under the close com- The results illustrate that the amplitude and period
putational costs, the same h/n, where n is the number accuracy cannot be improved simultaneously as the
of sub-steps in the composite methods, and n = 1 for order of accuracy increases in MSSTH(n). In terms
the G-α and LTS, is used in these methods. of amplitude, with a small ρ∞ , the ρ∞ -Bathe method
As discussed in Sect. 3, MSSTH(n) has nth-order (the same as MSSTH(2)) is the most accurate, and when
accuracy under the premises of unconditional stability 0.4 < ρ∞ ≤ 1, LTS shows smaller dissipation error,
and controllable algorithmic dissipation. Figures 1 and followed by the G-α and the ρ∞ -Bathe method. From
2 display the percentage amplitude decay (AD(%)) and Fig. 2, MSSTH(3,4,5) have smaller period error than
period elongation (PE(%)) respectively, of which the the second-order methods, and MSSTH(5) is the best
definition can refer to [34], of MSSTH(2,3,4,5), G-α among them.
and LTS, considering the undamped case (ξ = 0). The In the same way, the percentage amplitude decay
abscissa is set as τ/n to compare these methods under and period elongation of MSSTC(2,3,4,5), G-α and
the close computational costs. LTS for the undamped case are shown in Figs. 3 and 4,

1948 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 2 Percentage period elongation for MSSTH(2,3,4,5), G-α and LTS

Fig. 3 Percentage amplitude decay for MSSTC(2,3,4,5), G-α and LTS

respectively. It can be observed that under the similar of the cases n = 3, 4, 5, respectively, Figs. 8, 9 and 10
efficiency, MSSTC(n) presents higher amplitude and show the percentage amplitude decay, Figs. 11, 12 and
period accuracy with a larger n. The gap is more obvi- 13 show the percentage period elongation, all consider-
ous as ρ∞ decreases, and when ρ∞ = 1, all the schemes ing the undamped case. The generalized Padé approxi-
have the same properties as the trapezoidal rule. Both mation [14,15], referred to as Padé(n), is also employed
G-α and LTS are less accurate than MSSTC(3,4,5) in for comparison. It is known as the most accurate ratio-
the low-frequency range. nal approximation of ez by using
Besides, with the same n, MSSTH(n) and MSSTC(n)
are compared in Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13,
(1 − ρ∞ )Pn−1,n (z) + 2ρ∞ Pn,n (z)
where Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show the spectral radius (SR) A(z) = (29)
(1 − ρ∞ )Q n−1,n (z) + 2ρ∞ Q n,n (z)

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1949

Fig. 4 Percentage period elongation for MSSTC(2,3,4,5), G-α and LTS

Fig. 5 Spectral radius for n = 3

where As expected, Figs. 5, 6 and 7 demonstrate that

MSSTC(n) preserves wider low-frequency range, fol-

i!( j + i − p)! z p lowed by Padé(n), and MSSTH(n). Note that MSSTH(n)
Pi, j (z) = (30a) with ρ∞ = 1 exhibits mild algorithmic dissipation
(i − p)!( j + i)! p!
p=0 in the medium frequency range, so these schemes are

j!( j + i − p)! z p not recommended if all frequencies are requested. Fig-
Q i, j (z) = (−1) p (30b) ures 8, 9 and 10 also show that MSSTC(n) has the
( j − p)!( j + i)! p!
p=0 smallest amplitude dissipation in the low-frequency
content. The amplitude decay ratio of MSSTC(5) is
Padé(n) has (2n − 1)th-order accuracy if 0 ≤ ρ∞ < 1 very close to 0 over τ ∈ [0, 2]. In terms of period accu-
and (2n)th-order accuracy if ρ∞ = 1. racy, Figs. 11, 12 and 13 show that Padé(n) is the most

1950 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 6 Spectral radius for n = 4

Fig. 7 Spectral radius for n = 5

accurate, followed by MSSTH(n), and MSSTC(n), 5 Numerical examples

consistent with the sequence of the accuracy order.
From the comparison, MSSTC(n) performs really To validate the performance, several numerical exam-
good at conserving the low-frequency content, and its ples are solved in this section. As the spectral analysis
overall accuracy can be improved by using more sub- has revealed the properties based on the linear model,
steps. MSSTH(n) shows higher period accuracy than this section focuses more on the application and dis-
the second-order methods, whereas its dissipation error cussion for nonlinear systems.
is larger in the low-frequency content.

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1951

Fig. 8 Percentage amplitude decay for n = 3

Fig. 9 Percentage amplitude decay for n = 4

5.1 Single degree-of-freedom examples is considered, and the absolute errors of the displace-
ment xk , velocity ẋk , and acceleration ẍk versus h at
Firstly, two single degree-of-freedom examples, includ- t = 10 are plotted in Fig. 14.
ing a simple linear example and the nonlinear van The results are consistent with the accuracy order.
der Pol’s equation, are solved to check the conver- That is, MSSTC(n) and MSSTH(n) respectively present
gence rate. The ρ∞ -Bathe method, MSSTC(3,4,5) and second-order and nth-order convergence rate. As a
MSSTH(3,4,5) with ρ∞ = 0.6 is employed. result, the higher-order MSSTH(n) enjoys significant
Linear example The linear equation of motion accuracy advantage over the second-order methods.
However, when h decreases from 10−2 , it seems that
MSSTH(5) cannot maintain fifth-order accuracy. This
ẍ + 4x = 0, x(0) = 1, ẋ(0) = 1 (31) is because when h is small enough, all effective num-

1952 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 10 Percentage amplitude decay for n = 5

Fig. 11 Percentage period elongation for n = 3

bers stored in the computer are exactly precise, so if h is solved, where  is an adjustable parameter. For the
continues to decrease, the accumulated rounding error cases  = 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, the absolute errors of
can greatly spoil the numerical precision [31]. x1,k and x2,k at t = 1 versus h are plotted in Fig. 15,
Van der Pol’s equation The van der Pol’s equation [19] where the reference solution is obtained by the ρ∞ -
Bathe method with h = 10−7 .
From Fig. 15, in most cases, the second- and nth-
ẋ1 = x2 , ẋ2 =  −1 ((1 − x12 )x2 − x1 ) order convergence rate can be observed from errors of
MSSTC(n) and MSSTH(n), respectively, but for the
2 10 292 2 15266 3
x1 (0) = 2, x2 (0) = − +  −  +  stiffer case of  = 0.0001, MSSTH(3) and MSSTH(5)
3 81 2187 59049 show obvious order reduction in both x1 and x2 . It indi-

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1953

Fig. 12 Percentage period elongation for n = 4

Fig. 13 Percentage period elongation for n = 5

cates that the accuracy order also depends on the prob- 5.2 Multiple degrees-of-freedom examples
lem to be solved when applied to nonlinear systems.
The order reduction also occurs in other higher-order In this subsection, some illustrative examples are
DIRKs when used for nonlinear problems, see Ref. solved by using the ρ∞ -Bathe method, MSSTC(3,4,5),
[19]. Nevertheless, MSSTH(n) still shows significant MSSTH(3,4,5), G-α and LTS. In these methods, the
accuracy advantage over the second-order MSSTC(n) parameter ρ∞ is set as 0 uniformly, and the same h/n
with a small step size. is used for comparison under close computational costs.
The reference solutions are obtained by the ρ∞ -Bathe
method with an extremely small time step.

1954 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 14 Convergence rates for the single degree-of-freedom linear example

Fig. 15 Convergence rates for the van der Pol’s equation

one end and with a mass at the free end, is simulated.

Its motion equation can be written as

m r̈ + f (r ) − m(L 0 + r )θ̇ 2 − mg cos θ = 0 (33a)

m(2ṙ θ̇ + g sin θ )
m θ̈ + =0 (33b)
L0 + r

where f (r ) denotes the elastic force of the spring and

other system parameters are assumed as m = 1 kg,
L 0 = 0.5 m, g = 9.81 m/s2 . Three kinds of constitutive
relations, as

Fig. 16 Spring-pendulum model

f (r ) = kr (34a)
f (r ) = kr 3
Spring-pendulum model As shown in Fig. 16, the
spring-pendulum model, where the spring is fixed at f (r ) = k tanh r (34c)

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1955

Fig. 17 Numerical results

of the spring-pendulum
model ( f (r ) = kr ,
k = 98.1 N/m)

Fig. 18 Numerical results

of the spring-pendulum
model ( f (r ) = kr 3 ,
k = 98.1 N/m)

1956 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 19 Numerical results

of the spring-pendulum
model ( f (r ) = k tanh r ,
k = 98.1 N/m)

where k = 98.1 N/m, are considered. The initial con- Moreover, to check the algorithmic dissipation, the
ditions are set as stiff case, where f (r ) = kr (k = 98.1 × 1010 N/m),
is also simulated with h/n = 0.01 s. The numerical
π results of E − E 0 , r and θ are plotted in Fig. 20. The
r0 = 0 m, ṙ0 = 1 m/s, θ0 = rad, θ̇0 rad/s (35) results of r indicate that all employed schemes with
ρ∞ = 0 can effectively filter out the stiff compo-
nent in the first few steps. After the initial decaying,
Let h/n = 0.01 s; the numerical solutions of E − E 0
MSSTC(3,4,5) can still preserve the remaining energy
(E denotes the system energy and E 0 is the initial
in the following simulation.
value), r and θ for the three cases are summarized in
Slider-pendulum model The slider-pendulum model,
Figs. 17, 18 and 19. From the curves of E − E 0 , it
shown in Fig. 21, is considered in this case. The slider is
can be observed that MSSTC(3,4,5) can almost pre-
constrained by the spring, and one end of the pendulum
serve the numerical energy from decaying in all cases,
is hinged to the center of mass of the slider. The motion
despite the oscillations. MSSTH(5) can preserve more
is described by the differential-algebraic equations
energy than the Bathe method, while G-α, LTS, and
MSSTH(3,4) show obvious energy-decaying. From the
numerical results of r and θ , one can see that with m 1 ẍ1 + kx1 = −λ1 (36a)
the step size, the numerical solutions of these meth-
m 2 ẍ2 = λ1 (36b)
ods have clearly deviated from the reference solution
after a period of simulation. Among these methods, m 2 ÿ2 = λ2 − m 2 g (36c)
MSSTH(5) predicts the closest solutions to the refer- L L
J2 θ̈ = − λ1 cos θ − λ2 sin θ (36d)
ence ones, and G-α shows the largest errors. In addi- 2 2
tion, MSSTC(3,4,5) exhibit good amplitude accuracy L
x2 − x1 = sin θ (36e)
thanks to their energy-preserving characteristic. These 2
conclusions are all consistent with the results from lin- L
y2 = − cos θ (36f)
ear analysis. 2

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1957

Fig. 20 Numerical results

of the spring-pendulum
model ( f (r ) = kr ,
k = 98.1 × 1010 N/m)

The system parameters are m 1 = m 2 = 1 kg, L =

1 m, J2 = 12 1
kg · m2 , g = 9.81 m/s2 , k = 1 N/m
and 10 N/m respectively for the compliant and stiff
systems. The slider is excited by the initial horizontal
velocity 1 m/s.
By using h/n = 0.01 s, the numerical solutions of
E − E 0 , x1 and θ for the compliant and stiff cases
are shown in Figs. 22 and 23, respectively. From the
results of x1 and θ , these methods all perform well in
Fig. 21 Slider-pendulum model
terms of accuracy and algorithmic dissipation. How-
ever, the numerical energies of MSSTH(4) show a
slightly upward trend in the stiff case, so this method
cannot give stable results for the problem. MSSTH(4) is not recommended for these problems due
As already discussed in several papers [5,30], the to its poorer stability.
unconditional stability of a time integration method N -degree-of-freedom mass-spring system The N -degree-
derived from linear analysis cannot be guaranteed when of-freedom mass-spring system [23], shown in Fig. 24,
they are applied to nonlinear problems. For nonlin- is considered to check the computational efficiency.
ear problems, the stability of a method depends not The system parameters are set as
only on its recursive scheme, but also on the problem
itself. Therefore, it is hard to give a definite conclusion
about the stability of a method for general problems. m i = 1 kg, f i = sin t N, i = 1, 2, · · · , N (37a)
From the numerical results, all employed methods, ⎧
except MSSTH(4), provide stable results when solv- ⎨ 105 N/m, i = 1
ki =  
ing stiff problems and differential-algebraic equations, ⎩ 105 1 − 2(xi − xi−1 )2 N/m, 2 ≤ i ≤ N
so they can be said to have relatively strong stability.

1958 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 22 Numerical results

of the slider-pendulum
model (k = 1 N/m)

Fig. 23 Numerical results

of the slider-pendulum
model (k = 1010 N/m)

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1959

pendulum and slider-pendulum examples are also listed

in Table 7. In the two examples, h/n = 0.01 s is
adopted, and the simulation of [0, 30 s] is also per-
formed. The results indicate that the total numbers
Fig. 24 Mass-spring model
of iterations required by the second-order methods
are very close in all cases. Although the higher-order
methods need more iterations sometimes, the increased
With zero initial conditions, three cases, N = numbers, especially in MSSTH(3,5), are not very large
500, 1000 and 1500, are simulated by these methods in most cases. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that
using h/n = 0.01 s. Figure 25 shows the numerical these methods with the same h/n have similar effi-
solutions of x N . It follows that with the step size, all ciency for nonlinear problems, and the above compar-
methods can provide reliable results. The CPU time isons in terms of properties are conducted under the
and total number of iterations required by these meth- close computational costs.
ods in the simulation of [0, 30 s] are summarized in Overall, the numerical examples in this section
Table 6. With h/n = 0.01 s, these methods need to demonstrate that when applied to nonlinear problems,
proceed 3000 steps (sub-steps for the composite meth- the proposed methods can still take advantage of their
ods) in the whole simulation. Table 6 shows that in properties, including the energy-conserving character-
addition to MSSTH(4,5), other methods only require istic of MSSTC(n), the high-accuracy of MSSTH(n),
one iteration per step/sub-step, so their computational and the strong dissipation ability of both sub-families.
costs are almost equal to each other. One can also see However, MSSTH(n) shows reduced order and energy
that the required CPU time is approximately propor- instability in some examples. From the presented solu-
tional to the number of iterations. MSSTH(4,5), espe- tions, MSSTH(5) is more recommended in the higher-
cially MSSTH(4), take slightly longer time than other order sub-family because of its high accuracy and
methods. robust stability, whereas MSSTH(4) is not so prefer-
To check the generality of this conclusion, the
required total number of iterations in the above spring-

Fig. 25 Computed x N of
the mass-spring model

1960 H. Zhang et al.

Table 6 CPU time and total number of iterations required by these methods in the mass-spring example
Method N = 500 N = 1000 N = 1500
CPU time (s) Number of iterations CPU time (s) Number of iterations CPU time (s) Number of iterations

G-α 34.8852 3000 155.0207 3000 364.3084 3000

LTS 34.1053 3000 164.0188 3000 361.6325 3000
Bathe 33.6191 3000 162.6447 3000 367.3689 3000
MSSTC(3) 34.2762 3000 164.4059 3000 363.7048 3000
MSSTC(4) 32.6436 3000 164.3387 3000 365.8208 3000
MSSTC(5) 33.3455 3000 162.9475 3000 361.8247 3000
MSSTH(3) 38.1994 3000 162.6028 3000 360.1350 3000
MSSTH(4) 52.6115 3988 165.4999 3012 383.2466 3306
MSSTH(5) 47.8183 3289 163.5020 3000 369.4852 3008

Table 7 Total number of iterations required by these methods in the spring-pendulum and slider-pendulum example
Method Spring-pendulum example Slider-pendulum example
f (r ) = kr f (r ) = kr 3 f (r ) = k tanh r f (r ) = kr (Stiff case) Compliant case Stiff case

G-α 5999 5999 5997 5925 3161 5980

LTS 5999 6000 5997 5923 3164 5978
Bathe 5998 5997 5997 5902 3285 6001
MSSTC(3) 5999 5998 5998 5890 3000 5978
MSSTC(4) 5999 5998 6000 5893 3000 6003
MSSTC(5) 5999 5999 5997 5891 3000 5992
MSSTH(3) 6000 6001 6000 5989 5751 6007
MSSTH(4) 8405 8286 8355 6006 5973 6663
MSSTH(5) 6704 6583 6676 5998 5828 6139

able, since it shows energy-instability and needs more A general approach of parameter optimization, suit-
iterations in some examples. able for all schemes with n ≥ 2, is proposed; in
this work, the cases n = 2, 3, 4, 5 are discussed in
detail. When n = 2, both sub-families reduce to the
6 Conclusions ρ∞ -Bathe method. As n increases, MSSTC(n) shows
higher amplitude and period accuracy; its amplitude
In this work, the n-sub-step composite method (n ≥ 2), accuracy is even higher than that of the (2n − 1)th-
which employs the trapezoidal rule in the first n − 1 order Padé(n) approximation. MSSTH(3,4,5) exhibits
sub-steps and a general formula in the last one, is dis- lower period errors than the second-order methods, but
cussed. By optimizing the parameters, the two sub- their dissipation errors are larger.
families, named MSSTC(n) and MSSTH(n), are devel- The proposed methods are checked on several illus-
oped, respectively for the energy-conserving and high- trative examples. The numerical results are mostly con-
accuracy purposes. From linear analysis, MSSTC(n) sistent with the conclusions from linear analysis. That
and MSSTH(n) are second-order and nth-order accu- is, MSSTC(n) can conserve the energy corresponding
rate, respectively, and they can both achieve uncondi- to the low-frequency content, and MSSTH(n) shows
tional stability with controllable algorithmic dissipa- higher-order convergence rate for linear and nonlin-
tion. In MSSTC(n), the purpose of energy-conserving ear equations. However, in the nonlinear examples,
is realized by maximizing the spectral radius in the some unexpected situations, such as order reduction
low-frequency range.

On the optimization of n-sub-step composite 1961

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Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com- quadrature method. part 1: first-order equations. Int. J.
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