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I. Identify the sentence patterns of the superordinate clauses of the following sentences and
state the name and function of each finite subordinating clause.
E.g. The fishermen / think/ that the company polluted the bay.
S V O (noun clause – object of “think”)
1. Although French, German, America and British pioneers have all been credited with the
invention of cinema(a),/ the British and the Germans/ played/ a small role in its world-wide
(a):adverbial clause of concession
2. The rest of the world/ survived/ partly because audiences continued to exist for a product (a)
which corresponded to needs(b) which Hollywood could not supply(c) (SVA)
(a): Adverbial clause of reason
(b):Adjective clause, post-modifier of ‘product’
(c):Adjective clause,post-modifier of ‘need’
3. Another hypothesis/ suggests /that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells
that food is scarce(b) and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode.(a) (SVOd)
(a):noun clause,direct object of ‘suggest’
(b):noun clause,direct object of ‘indicate’
4. There/ is /scientific evidence that eating fewer calories(a) may extend human life.(SVCs)
(a):noun clause, apposition of ‘evidence’
5. In experiments/, rats who ate(a) what they wanted(b)/ led /shorter lives than rats on a low-
calorie diet.(ASVOd)
(a): adjective clause,post-modifier of ‘rats’
(b): noun clause,direct object of ‘ate’
6. However difficult you find it to arrange your time,(a)/ it /will pay off/ in the long run if you
set aside a certain part of the day for studying and stick to it(b) (ASVAA)
(a): adverbial clause of concession
(b): adverbial clause of condition
7. If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own(a)/, you /will find/ it
/easier/ to adjust mentally to the activity(b)when you enter that area(c).(ASVOdCoA)
(a):adverbial clause of condition
(b):noun clause,real S
(c):adverbial clause of time
8. It /may help/ to discuss a topic with other people/, especially if you feel(a) that you have
insufficient ideas or too many disorganized ideas(b).(SVOdA)
(a): adverbial clause of time
(b): noun clause,direct object of ‘feel’
II. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic
E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.
M 1 : I’m glad
S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”
S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, Adjunct.
1. Don’t hesitate to bring your topic up in a conversation with other students and see what they
say, though you don’t want to copy their ideas, listening to what they think may well help you
develop or refine your own thoughts.
M1:Don’t hesitate to bring your topic up in a conversation with other students and see
S1:what they say (noun clause,direct object of ‘see’)
M2: listening to may well help you develop or refine your own thoughts.
S2:though you don’t want to copy their ideas (adverbial clause of concession)
S3: what they think (noun clause,direct object of ‘listening to’
2. Von Frisch knew from experiments by an early researcher that if he put out a bowl of sweet
sugar syrup, bees might at first take some time to find it but, once they had done so, within the
hour, hundreds of other bees would be eagerly taking the syrup.

M1:Von Frisch knew from experiments by an early researcher

S1:that if he put out a bowl of sweet sugar syrup, bees might at first take some time to find it
(noun clause,direct object of ‘knew’)
S1.1:if he put out a bowl of sweet sugar syrup, bees might at first take some time to find it
(noun clause,direct object of ‘knew’)
S2: but, once they had done so, within the hour, hundreds of other bees would be eagerly taking
the syrup.(noun clause,direct object of ‘knew’)

S2.1:once they had done so (adverbial clause of time)

III. Combine the set of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentence

1/You are doing a long essay or research paper. It involves the use of library books or other
articles. Keeping details of the tittles and authors on small cards in a card box may help.
2/Nearly everyone goes to see the original. They will be more familiar with the original than the
reproduction. They accept the fact. The fact is that fine art is more rewardingly viewed in its
original form. \

1. When you are doing a long essay or research paper which involves the use of library books or
other articles,keeping details of the tittles and authors on small cards in a card box may help.

2. Nearly everyone who goes to see the original which they will be more familiar with the original
than the reproduction accept the fact is that fine art is more rewardingly viewed in its original

IV. Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence

You can mark the article by making any comments that you have in the margin.
V. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence
structures (SVOCA) to show both possible meanings.
John /saw/ the man on the mountain with a telescope.(SVO)
John/ saw/ the man on the mountain/ with a telescope.(SVOA)

VI. Write sentences as guided.

1. [V-ing] can help you learn English better.(listening to music)

2. [non-finite clause] is my hobby.(reading books)

3. [finite clause] surprised all of us.(what he had done)

4. We are all glad that [ finite clause] (that we finally meet you)

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