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Bays No.55-58, Prayatan Bhawan, Sector-2 Panchkula.

Telephone N o. 017 2-2565232

E-mail ID: sti:t:t-li.tttr rt ltt'r.trrr.itr

SETAAI{R/0O oIt 20n I 3 \ 6 Dated: oll.<lz*


Whereas, Project Proponents, having been Granted Environment Clearance

for the Proposals/ Projects under the scope & meaning of EIA Notification dated

14.09.2006, are required to comply with the provisions of the said Notification in letter

& spirit i.e. without any delay & deviation.

Whereas, it has been observed that in some cases, Project Proponent have

failed to comply with the directions as mentioned in Para I 0 of EIA Notification dated
Para 10 of the EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006. is reoroduced as under for reference:

10. Post Environmental Clearance Monitorin a

(, It shall be mandatory for the projecl management to submit half-yearly complitnce

reports inrespect of te stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and
conditions in hartl and soft copies lo the regulatory authori4t concerned on l"' June
& I"t December of each calendar vear.

(iil All such compliance reports submitted by lhe projecl management shall be public
documents. Copies of lhe same shsll be given to any person on application to the
concerned regulatory authoriflt. The latest such compliance report shall also be
dkplayed on the website of the concerned regulatory authority.

In view of the above, Project Proponents / Project Consultants are hereby

reminded and directed to ensure that Half Yearly Compliance Reports as required
under Para 10 of the EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006, must be submitted to the
Authority by the prescribed duration / perio d i.e. 1" June & 7"t December of each
cslendar vear.

Failure to comply with the schedule, in regard to fumishing of the Half

Yearly Compliance Reporls, ertainin to the Pro ect on the part ofthe Project
Proponent shall be viewed seriously and may be treated as willful avoidance / non-

compliance. For this action as deemed appropria te under Section 5 of the

Environment ( Protection) Act. 1986 shall be initiated against the concerned
Project Proponent, accordingly.

This issue with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Mombor m Secretary,

Copy for information to :

l. PS to Chairman, SEIAA
2. Chairman, SEAC, Haryana
3. Member Secretary, SEAC, Haryana
4. All Members of SEIAA & SEAC, Haryana
5. All EIA NABET Accredited Consultants

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