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Edge and Contour Detection

What is edge and contour detection

• Edge detection involves identifying points in a digital image

where the image brightness changes significantly. These
points are usually the boundaries between different objects
in the image or the boundaries between object and
background. Edge detection algorithms aim to highlight and
localize these abrupt intensity changes.

• Contour detection goes a step beyond edge detection.

Instead of just identifying individual edges, contour detection
algorithms aim to identify entire contours or boundaries of
objects in an image. Contours are a set of continuous curves
that form the boundary of an object.
Types of edge detection techniques

• Sobel Operator: It calculates the gradient of the image

intensity function and is used for edge detection.

• Canny Edge Detector: Canny edge detection is a computer

vision technique that finds the edges of objects in images,
helping computers understand the boundaries between
different elements by highlighting where they change.

• Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG): It is a two-step process

involving smoothing the image with a Gaussian filter and
then applying the Laplacian operator for edge detection.
Canny Edge detection in detail

Canny edge detection is a sophisticated technique in image

processing that identifies edges within an image.

1) Smoothing the Image: Canny starts by smoothing out the image

data using a Gaussian filter. This step reduces noise.

2) Gradient Calculation: It measures how quickly the pixel values

change in different directions. Rapid changes in intensity often
correspond to the presence of an edge.

3) Non-Maximum Suppression: This step thins the edges by keeping

only the local maxima of gradient magnitudes. In other words, it
ensures that only the most prominent edges are preserved.
Canny Edge detection in detail (contd.)
4) Double Thresholding: Canny uses two thresholds - a high threshold
and a low threshold. Pixels with gradient values above the high
threshold are considered strong edges, while those between the low
and high thresholds are considered weak edges.

5) Edge Tracking by Hysteresis: To create continuous, connected edges,

Canny performs edge tracking by hysteresis. Weak edges that are
connected to strong edges are also considered strong, ensuring that
edges are traced through the image in a coherent manner.
Contour Detection using edge detection

Contour detection algorithms typically use edge information as a

starting point and then apply techniques like edge linking and curve
fitting to form complete contours.
OpenCV, a popular computer vision library, provides functions like
findContours() that can be used to find contours in a binary image.
These contours can then be analyzed, filtered, and used for various
applications like object recognition and shape analysis
Challenge and Limitations

• Lighting and Shading: Edge and contour detection can be

affected by variations in lighting and shading conditions.
Shadows and highlights might be detected as edges or
• Texture and Color: Edges and contours are primarily based on
intensity changes. Detecting boundaries of objects with similar
colors or textures but different shapes can be challenging.
• Computational Complexity: Some advanced edge and
contour detection algorithms are computationally intensive,
making real-time processing difficult for high-resolution images
or videos.
• Subjectivity: The definition of an edge or contour can be
subjective and might vary based on the application or human
• Object Recognition and Tracking:
Detecting edges and contours helps in identifying objects in images and
videos, enabling applications in robotics, surveillance, and autonomous
• Medical Imaging and Analysis:
Precise boundary detection in medical images aids in diagnosing
conditions, locating tumors, and understanding anatomical structures,
leading to improved healthcare outcomes.
• Image Segmentation for Computer Vision:
Segmenting images into meaningful regions using edge and contour
information is vital for various computer vision tasks, including facial
recognition, scene understanding, and augmented reality.
• Quality Control and Manufacturing:
Inspecting products and detecting defects by analyzing edges and
contours ensures high-quality manufacturing, reducing errors and
improving production efficiency.

• An interview of edge and object contour detection by
Daipeng Yang, Bo Peng, Zaid Al-Huda, Asad Malik
• Edge and line oriented contour detection: State of art by
Johan Bernoulli

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