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DATED ON - 14.07.2023.

Block E, 2nd part,

There are no hard barrication on the Mr. Debashis Each & every openings shall be
1 11.07.2023 Basement staircase Closed
staircase. Mondal hard barricaded for all time.

Block E, 1st part, (Shuttering gang) Two workers are

Mr. Debashis Safety belt is mandatory for any
2 12.07.2023 Rajat Da working on top the coloum without Closed
Mondal height work job.
(Shuttering) FBH.

Shaft opening has no hard Mr. Debashis Each & every openings shall be
3 12.07.2023 Block E, 1st part Closed
barrication. Mondal hard barricaded for all time.

Lift shaft opening has no hard Mr. Debashis Each & every openings shall be
4 12.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Closed
barrication. Mondal hard barricaded for all time.
Lift shaft opening has no hard Each & every openings shall be
5 13.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
barrication. hard barricaded for all time.

Plugtop should be provided

Mr. Debashis
6 13.07.2023 Block E, 1st part Working without plugtop. immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Safety belt must be worn when

A worker is working without safety
working at site and scaffolding
belt and no guardrail, midrail on Mr. Debashis
7 13.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part guardrail,midrail and coverd should Closed
scaffolding and platfrom is not Mondal
be properly installed on the
coverd properly.

Provided double safety lanyard full

body harness to all the workers
One worker was found working at Mr. Debashis
8 13.07.2023 Block E, part 1 who work at height or work near Closed
slab edge area without FBH. Mondal
slab edge. Safety belt is mandatory
for any height work job.
Broken halogen are being uesd on Mr. Debashis Broken halogen cannot used on
9 13.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Closed
site. Mondal site.

Plugtop should be provided

10 14.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Working without plugtop. Mr. Subhran Das immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Two workers are working on top the Mr. Debashis Safety belt is mandatory for any
11 14.07.2023 Block E, 1st part Closed
coloum without FBH. Mondal height work job.

Two workers are working on top the Mr. Debashis Safety belt is mandatory for any height
12 14.07.2023 Block E, 1st part Closed
coloum without FBH. Mondal work job.
There is no proper housekeeping in the Good housekeeping should always be
13 15.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part
lobby area.
Mr. Subhran Das
done in the workplace. Closed

Lift shaft opening has no hard Each & every openings shall be
14 15.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
barrication. hard barricaded for all time.

Each & every openings shall be

15 15.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Cut out opening has no coverd. Mr. Subhran Das Closed
coverd for all time.

Lift shaft opening has no hard Each & every openings shall be
16 15.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
barrication. hard barricaded for all time.

17 15.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Broken halogen are being uesd on site. Mr. Swarup Mondal Broken halogen cannot used at site. Closed
Provided double safety lanyard full
body harness to all the workers who
One worker was found working near
18 17.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Mr. Subhran Das work at height or work near slab edge. Closed
building edge area without safety belt.
Safety belt is mandatory for any height
work job.

Lekage in electrical wiring and these Electrical cables should always be tied
19 17.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part leaks can cause electric shocks to any Mr. Swarup Mondal high above the head to prevent sort Closed
workers. circuit.

One worker was found working at slab Helmet are mandotary while working
20 17.07.2023 Block E, 1st part Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
edge area without helmet. at site.

Two workers are working without safety Safety belt is mandatory for any
21 18.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Mr. Atanu Biswas Closed
belt during coloum casting time. height work job.

One worker are working without safety Safety belt is mandatory for any
22 18.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
belt during coloum casting time. height work job.
Safety belt is mandatory for any
Two workers without full body herness height work job and the block head
23 18.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part are coloum casting time and block Mr. Atanu Biswas Closed
supervisor was with them. should also ensure that his workers
are maintaning proper safety.

Each & every openings shall be

24 18.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Cut out opening has no coverd. Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
coverd for all time.

Provided life line or double layer hard

25 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Unbarricaded slab edge area was found. Mr. Subhran Das barricading by MS pipe immediately to Closed
all slab edge areas at the site.

Unsafety condition, Improper platfrom It is not suitable for use at site, a

26 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part are being used for metarial lifting Mr. Subhran Das proper platfrom should be made for Closed
purpose. lifting purpose.

27 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part

One worker are working without full
Mr. Subhran Das
Safety belt is mandatory for any Closed
body herness. height work job.
28 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part
One worker are working without full
Mr. Subhran Das
Safety belt is mandatory for any Closed
body herness. height work job.

Between the 1st part Planter opening has no hard Each & every openings shall be
29 20.07.2023 and 2nd part of block Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
E. barrication. hard barricaded for all time.

Unsafety condition, Improper platfrom It is not suitable for use at site, a

30 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part are being used for metarial lifting Mr. Subhran Das proper platfrom should be made for Closed
purpose. lifting purpose.

One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
31 20.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
safety belt. height work job.

Plugtop should be provided

32 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Working without plugtop. Mr. Subhran Das immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.
Deploy man power and maintain
Nails were found in spread condition at proper housekeeping. Remove these
33 20.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
site and in plyboard. nails. Proper superviosn is required at

The steel cutting and bar bending The proper shed must be provided of
34 21.07.2023 Block D, Part 1 machine was found kept open to sky Mr. Subhran Das the cutting bending yard protect from Closed
not available any proper shed. sun and rain.

One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
35 21.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
safety belt. height work job.

36 21.07.2023 Block E, 2nd part

Two workers was found working
Mr. Debashis Mondal
Safety belt is mandatory for any Closed
without safety belt. height work job.

Each & every openings shall be coverd

37 22.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part Cut out opening has no coverd. Mr. Subhran Das Closed
for all time.
Plugtop should be provided
Block E, Part 1,
38 24.07.2023 Working without plugtop. Mr. Swarup Mondal immediately, no work can be done Closed
Ground floor
without plugtop.

Block D, 2nd part, 2nd One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
39 24.07.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
floor safety belt. height work job.

Plugtop should be provided

40 24.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Working without plugtop. Mr. Swarup Mondal immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
41 24.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
safety belt. height work job.

Barricade down while de-shuttering

Block D, 2nd part, 2nd There are no barricade below during de
42 24.07.2023 Mr. Subhran Das either there should be a person Closed
floor level shuttering time.
standing by.
Eye glasses must be used while
43 24.07.2023 Block D, 2nd part No eye protection while chipping work. Mr. Subhran Das Closed
chipping work.

Unsafety condition, Improper platfrom It is not suitable for use at site, a

Block D, 1st part, 2nd
44 25.07.2023 are being used for metarial lifting Mr. Subhran Das proper platfrom should be made for Closed
purpose. lifting purpose.

45 25.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Shaft opening has no barricaded. Mr. Subhran Das
Each & every openings shall be Closed
coverd/barricaded for all time.

Block C, Sadhan One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
46 26.07.2023 Mr. Abhijit Adhikary Closed
Karmakar safety belt. height work job.

No unsafe situations can be created

Block E, 2nd part, 1st Unsafe condition: Loose plywood is
47 26.07.2023 Mr. Debashis Mondal and the board must be removed as Closed
floor level hanging.
soon as possible.
Block C, Sadhan One worker was found working without Safety belt and helmet mandatory for
48 26.07.2023 Mr. Abhijit Adhikary Closed
Karmakar safety belt and helmet. any height work job.

One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
49 26.07.2023 Block D, 1st part Mr. Subhran Das Closed
safety belt out site. height work job.

Block C, Sadhan One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
50 26.07.2023 Mr. Abhijit Adhikary Closed
Karmakar safety belt. height work job.

Two workers standing on top of

Block E ,P - 1, Palash Helmet & Safety belt is mandatory for
1 01.09.2023 scaffolding fixing boards without safety Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
Roy, Carpenter gang. any height work job.
belts and helmets.

One worker was found working without Helmet & Safety belt is mandatory for
2 01.09.2023 Block E, Part - 1 Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
safety belt & helmet. any height work job.
No proper anchoring point at these Outside lifeline rope must be installed
3 01.09.2023 Block E, Part - 2 place and working without full body Mr. Debashis Mondal and safety belt and helmet must be Closed
herness and helmet. worn while working.

Block E, Part - 1, MD The platfrom is not correct, there is no The platfrom should be properly
4 01.09.2023 Tarikul Islam (Block support in the middle besides, the Mr. Debashis Mondal supported and MS jally should be well Closed
work) platfrom has no bindings. tied.

Safety belt is mandatory for any

Block D, Part 2, Baidul One worker are working on top of
5 02.09.2023 Mr. Debashis Mondal height work job and out side work Closed
Sekh scaffolding without fullbody herness.
mimimum height 1.8 mtr.

Block E, MD minarul One worker was found working without Mr. Subrata Kumar Safety belt is mandatory for any
6 02.09.2023 Closed
Islam (Block work) safety belt. Acharjee height work job and out side work.

Safety belt is mandatory for any

Block D, Part 2, Two workers are working on top of
7 02.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das height work job and out side work Closed
G.Prasad scaffolding without fullbody herness.
mimimum height 1.8 mtr.
Block E, Part 2, MD
One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
8 02.09.2023 Minarul Islam (Block Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
safety belt. height work job.

No proper anchorage point at these Outside lifeline rope must be installed

Block C, Sadhan
9 05.09.2023 place and worker working without full Mr. Santanu Routh and safety belt and helmet must be Closed
body herness and helmet. worn while working.

Block D, Part 2, One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
10 05.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
G.Prasad safety belt. height work job and out side work.

Plugtop should be provided

Block D, Ground floor,
11 07.09.2023 Working without plugtop. Mr. Santanu Routh immediately, no work can be done Closed
Sadhan Karmakar
without plugtop.

Block E, Part 2, MD
Mr. Subrata Kumar Electrical cable must be tied at
12 07.09.2023 Minarul Islam (Block Electric cable laying in water. Closed
Acharjee minimum man height.
No material can be wasted, must
deposited in the store at the end of
13 07.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Gum boot are wastage at site. Mr. Subhran Das
work and fine will be ensured if Closed

Block E, Part 2, MD
A boy below eighteen years of age is Mr. Subrata Kumar No employee under the age of
14 08.09.2023 Minarul Islam (Block Closed
engaged in brick work. Acharjee eighteen is allowed on the site.

Block C, Sadhan Safety belt is mandatory for any

15 08.09.2023 working without FBH. Mr. Santanu Routh Closed
Karmakar height work job.

Block D, Part 2, One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
16 08.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
G.Prasad safety belt. height work job and out side work.

Block D, Part 2, One worker was found working without Safety belt is mandatory for any
17 08.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
G.Prasad safety belt. height work job and out side work.
Block F, Club house, Three workers was found working Helmet are mandotary while working
18 09.09.2023 Mr. Subhajit Ghosh Closed
Binoy Chalraborty without safety helmet. at site.

19 09.09.2023
Block D, 2nd floor, Lift
Lift shaft opening has no barricaded. Mr. Subhran Das
Each & every openings shall be Closed
shaft opening. coverd/barricaded for all time.

While de-shuttering the area below

No caution tape below when de-
Block D, Binoy should be barricaded and safety full
shuttering time and two peoples are
20 09.09.2023 Chakraborty (Daily Mr. Subhran Das body herness are mandatory for any Closed
working outside but without full body
Labour) outside related work and height work

While de-shuttering or material

The platfrom has no guradrails and
shifting the area below should be
midrails, no caution tape below when
Block E, Part 2, Palash barricaded and the platfrom should
21 14.09.2023 de-shuttering metarial are being shifting Mr. Debashis Mondal Open
Roy have guardrails and midrails and safety
time and two people are shifting
full body herness are mandatory for
without full body herness.
any outside related work/height work.

While de-shuttering or material

The platfrom has no guradrails and
shifting the area below should be
midrails, no hard barrication below
Block E, Part 2, Palash barricaded and the platfrom should
22 14.09.2023 when de-shuttering metarial are being Mr. Debashis Mondal Open
Roy have guardrails and midrails and safety
shifting time and two people are shifting
full body herness are mandatory for
without full body herness.
any outside related work/height work.
Point no 1. Catch nets cannot be
opened without official instructions.
Block D, Part 1, 2nd I observed, the safety catch nets were Point no 2. If you
23 21.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
floor. removed without official instruction. open the catch net without
information, you will be fined from the
next time.

Block E, Part 1, Two workers was found working Mr. Subrata Kumar PPE are mandotary while working at
24 22.09.2023 Closed
Minarul Islam without PPE. Acharjee site.

Block E, Part 1, Unsafe Practice, One worker was Mr. Subrata Kumar PPE are mandotary while working at
25 22.09.2023 Closed
Minarul Islam working at site without safety helmet. Acharjee site.

No unsafe situations can be created

Unsafe condition: Loose ply board is
26 23.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Mr. Subhran Das and the ply board must be removed as Closed
soon as possible.

D-Shuttering time, one worker was

Block D, Part 2, Safety belt is mandatory for any
27 24.09.2023 found working at out site without safety Mr. Subhran Das Closed
G.Prasad height work job and out side work.
Plugtop should be provided
28 26.09.2023 Block E, Part 1 Working without plugtop. Mr. Debashis Mondal immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

No unsafe situations can be created

Block D, Part 2, Unsafe condition: Loose ply board is
29 26.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das and the ply board must be removed as Closed
G.Prasad hanging.
soon as possible.

Each & every openings shall be coverd

30 26.09.2023 Block D, Part 2 Lift shaft opening has no barricaded. Mr. Subhran Das Closed
for all time.

Stair half landing opening has no Each & every openings shall be coverd
31 27.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
barricaded. for all time.

Barricade down while de-shuttering

Block D, Part 2, There are no barricade below during de
32 27.09.2023 Mr. Subhran Das either there should be a person Closed
G.Prasad shuttering time.
standing by.
One worker was found working without PPE are mandotary while working at
33 28.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
any PPE. site.

Plugtop should be provided

34 28.09.2023 Block E, Part 2 Working without plugtop. Mr. Debashis Mondal immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Safety belt is mandatory for any

One worker was found working without
35 28.09.2023 Block E, Part 2 Mr. Debashis Mondal height work job and out side related Closed
safety belt.

Safety belt is mandatory for any

Two workers was found working
36 28.09.2023 Block D, Part 2 Mr. Debashis Mondal height work job and out side related Closed
without safety belt.

Safety belt is mandatory for any

One worker was found working without
37 28.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Mr. Subhran Das height work job and out side related Closed
safety belt.
Two workers was found working Safety helmet is mandatory for any
39 28.09.2023 Block D, Part 1 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
without helmet. job.

Block D, Part 2, Ahed One worker was found working without Safety helmet is mandatory for any
1 03.10.2023 Mr. Subhran Das Closed
Ali Pipe line gang. helmet. job.

Block E, Part 1, Palash One worker was found working without FBH is mandatory for any height work
2 04.10.2023 Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
Roy safety belt. job.

Point no 1. The is not suitable fare for a

The platfrom should have guardrails
coloum scaffolding. Point
Block E, Part 1, Palash and midrails and safety full body
3 04.10.2023 no 2. The platfrom has no guradrails and Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
Roy herness are mandatory for any outside
midrails and one people without full
related work/height work.
body herness.

Each & every openings shall be coverd

4 04.10.2023 Block E, Part 2 Lift shaft opening has no barricaded. Mr. Debashis Mondal Closed
for all time.
No material can be wasted, must
Block D, Part 2, 3rd deposited in the store at the end of
5 05.10.2023 Gum boot are wastage at site. Mr. Subhran Das Closed
floor. work and fine will be ensured if

Safety full body herness are

One worker was found working without
6 05.10.2023 Block E, Part 2 Mr. Debashis Mondal mandatory for any outside related Closed
safety belt.
work/height work.

Safety full body herness are

Block E, Part 1, Two workers was found working Mr. Subrata Kumar
7 05.10.2023 mandatory for any outside related Closed
Minarul Islam without safety belt. Acharjee
work/height work.

Plugtop should be provided

8 06.10.2023 Block D, Part 2 Working without plugtop. Mr. Subhran Das immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Unsafe condition : The block is placed Mr. Subrata Kumar No material can be kept in such risk
9 09.10.2023 Block E, Part 1 Closed
on window seceond floor. Acharjee zone.
Block E, Part 1, Mr. Subrata Kumar
10 09.10.2023 One worker is working without PPE. Safety PPE is mandatory for any work. Closed
Minarul Islam Acharjee

Safety full body herness are

Block E, Part 2, Tarikul One worker was found working without
11 13.10.2023 Mr. Subhod Kuila mandatory for any outside related Closed
Islam safety belt.
work/height work.

Block E, Part 2, Tarikul A boy below eighteen years of age is No employee under the age of
12 13.10.2023 Mr. Subhod Kuila Closed
Islam engaged in brick work. eighteen is allowed on the site.

Point no 1. Catch nets support cannot

be opened without official
I observed, the safety catch nets
13 13.10.2023 support were removed without official Closed
Point no 2. If you open the catch net
without information, you will be fined
from the next time.

Block D, Ayesha Bibi

Working without reflective jacket, Mr. Subrata Kumar Helmet & reflective jacket are
14 13.10.2023 (Habibur Rahaman) Closed
helmet. Acharjee mandotary while working at site.
Block Work Gang
Plugtop should be provided
15 13.10.2023 Block D, G. Prasad Working without plugtop. Mr. Subhran Das immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Plugtop should be provided

16 13.10.2023 Block D, G. Prasad Working without plugtop. Mr. Subhran Das immediately, no work can be done Closed
without plugtop.

Working without reflective jacket,

17 13.10.2023 Block D, G. Prasad Mr. Subhran Das Safety PPE is mandatory for any work. Closed
safety shoe.

Safety full body herness are

One worker was found working without
18 17.10.2023 Block E, Palash Roy Mr. Debashis Mondal mandatory for any outside related Closed
safety belt.
work/height work.

Safety full body herness are

Sub-Contructor supervisor was found
19 17.10.2023 Block E, Palash Roy Mr. Debashis Mondal mandatory for any outside related Closed
working without safety belt.
work/height work.
Reminder: Uesd only alumuniam
20 17.10.2023 Block E, Palash Roy Don’t use wooden ladder. Mr. Debashis Mondal Open

The platfrom should have guardrails

The platfrom has no guradrails and
Block F, Club house, and midrails and safety full body
21 26.10.2023 midrails and one people without full Mr. Dibakar Purkite Closed
Sadhan herness are mandatory for any outside
body herness.
related work/height work.

Safety full body herness are

Block E, Md Minarul One worker was found working without
22 26.10.2023 Mr. Subodh Koila mandatory for any outside related Closed
Islam (Block work) safety belt.
work/height work.

Block E, Ground floor

to basement stair.









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