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DOC No: L.

062- Quality Checklist Revision Number: R0Revision

AmbujaNeotia Issue Date: 01/08/2023 Date: NIL

Concealed Electrical Conduits, fixtures etc. inside Concrete Member

Start Date: End Date: Checklist No:

Project: Location/Unit:
Client's Name: Contractor's Name:
Ref. WO No:
Ref Drawing No:
Type of Conduit & its Brand:
Junction Box & Switch box Brand:

# Check Points YES NO NA

A Pre Concrete Pour Inspection
A1 Whether the all concealed PVC conduits are placed in position as per GFC drawing?

A2 Whether the all electrical junction boxes are placed in position as per GFC drawing?

A3 Whether the all electrical switch boxes are placed in position as per GFC drawing?

A4 Whether the all kinds of pipe sleeves are placed in position as per GFC drawing?

Whether the other electrical/service related accessories including insert plates are
A5 embedded into concrete member as per GFC drawing prior to concrete pour in
B Post Concrete Pour Inspection
After striking formworks, whether the all exposed PVC conduits are found on good
condition in all respect ?

After striking formworks, whether the all concealed PVC conduits are checked
B2 pulling GI wire and found satisfactory in all respect?

After striking formworks, whether the all electrical junction boxes are checked and
B3 found in good condition in all respect?

After striking formwork, whether the all electrical junction boxes are checked and
B4 found in its proper place, line and level as per GFC drawing?

After striking formworks, whether the all electrical switch boxes are checked and
B5 found in good condition in all respect?

After striking formwork, whether the all electrical switches boxes are checked and
B6 found in its proper place, line and level as per GFC drawing?

After striking formwork, whether the all pipe sleeves are checked and found in its
proper place, line and level as per GFC drawing?

After striking formwork, whether the all other concealed accessories are found in
B8 good condition in all respect?

After striking formwork, whether the all other concealed accessories are checked
and found in its proper place, line and level as per GFC drawing?

Remarks of Execution Engineer/ PIC (if any):

Signature of Client
Signature of Contractor

Date: Date: Date: Date:

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