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Students are becoming more and more reliant on technology.

What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the
possible solutions?

The escalating reliance of students on technology, particularly the Internet and mobile devices, raises
significant concerns. This essay contends that the primary issues linked to this dependence involve a
dearth of original thought and a prevalence of plagiarism. To address these challenges, implementing
critical thinking classes and utilizing advanced writing analysis software emerge as potential solutions.

Foremost among the problems associated with excessive reliance on technology is the diminishing
ability of students to engage in independent thought and the rampant use of unoriginal work. With an
overwhelming volume of information readily available, students often opt for regurgitating others'
opinions rather than formulating their own. Additionally, the ease of finding answers through search
engines leads to a culture of copy-pasting, hindering intellectual growth of the students. This trend is
particularly concerning in educational institutions where the cultivation of independent thinking is a
fundamental goal. A glaring example is the frequency with which students simply copy text from
Wikipedia instead of offering thoughtful responses to academic questions.

To tackle these issues, targeted classes focusing on critical thinking can be instrumental. By creating
learning environments that demand inference, interpretation, and the articulation of original opinions
based on limited information, students can develop crucial analytical skills. Simultaneously, deploying
anti-plagiarism software can act as a deterrent. When students are aware that their work is subject to
scrutiny, it acts as a powerful disincentive for plagiarism.

In conclusion, the overreliance on technology in education poses significant challenges related to lack of
original thought and piracy. Addressing these concerns necessitates the implementation of critical
thinking classes and the integration of plagiarism detection software. (266 words)

credit: IELTS Advantage

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