Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two - Deck Department

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Energy Saving at Sea,

Module Two – Deck Department

In the previous course, "Energy Saving at Sea,

Module Two – Deck Department", you learned
about the regulations on energy efficiency
measures introduced by the IMO and
implemented by the shipping industry, in
particular through the Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan.

In this course on "Energy Saving at Sea", we are

looking at some of the practical operational
measures for energy saving on board ships. The
first module of this course focuses on how
energy can be saved by the engine department.

Deck Department
In this second module, you will learn what the
deck department, in cooperation with the
company’s shore operations, can do to reduce
energy consumption and, as a result, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Learning objectives

Learning objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• identify which aspects of ship

handling and ship operations by the
deck department can have an
impact on energy saving

• outline the different measures that can

improve ship energy efficiency

• discuss how practical measures could be

implemented on board your ship
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Learning objectives

Learning objectives
This module will cover:

• voyage optimization, including speed

optimization and weather routing

• ship hydrodynamics and trim

• ballast water and cargo operations

• energy saving measures applicable to ship

Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Ship Energy
Efficiency Management Plan

Ship Energy Efficiency

Management Plan
In the previous course, you learned about
the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

In this module, you will learn more about

some of the practical measures relevant to
the deck department that can improve a
ship’s energy efficiency. Some of them are
likely to be among the energy efficiency
measures in the ship’s SEEMP.

There are a variety of options to improve

efficiency and the best package of measures
for a ship differs substantially based on ship
type, cargoes, routes and other factors.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Ship Energy
Efficiency Management Plan

Ship Energy Efficiency

Management Plan
This is why the SEEMP is ship specific and
developed by companies for each individual
ship in their fleet.

Part I includes the list of energy-saving

Part I measures to improve ship energy efficiency.
Monitoring and continual improvement in
energy efficiency is an essential part of the
SEEMP procedures.

Part II Part II contains the ship-specific fuel oil data

collection plan. We will discuss later in this
module the importance of data collection for
the IMO fuel oil consumption database.

A new SEEMP Part III will be introduced

Part III
from the 1st of January 2023, to detail how
ships calculate, and improve, their carbon
intensity indicator (CII) as a measure of
their annual operational energy efficiency.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Personnel roles and
voyage optimization

Personnel roles and voyage

In this chapter, we will consider:

• roles of the ship’s personnel and

good communication between

• how voyage optimization increases ship

energy efficiency?

• how weather routeing maximizes safety

and comfort?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Personnel roles and
good communication between departments

Personnel roles and good

communication between departments
The ship’s personnel have the responsibility to
put the energy efficiency measures, as
described in the SEEMP, into practice on
their ship. All ship staff members have roles
to play in ship energy efficiency, but some
roles could have a more direct effect than
Master Chief Officer
Building up a culture of care for the
environment and fuel saving between staff is
essential for successful shipboard energy

As a principle, reducing fuel oil consumption

reduces CO₂ emission levels and other air
pollutants such as sulphur oxides (SOₓ),
nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) emissions and
particulate matter (PM), and given that, it
can have a positive impact on air quality.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Voyage optimization

Voyage optimization
Voyage optimization consists of selecting
the optimal route and optimum speed
to increase ship energy efficiency on a
voyage, taking into account the weather

It is a combination of energy-efficient
voyage planning, weather routeing and port
call optimization.

Energy efficiency should be taken into

consideration from the appraisal stage of
voyage planning, when the information
required is collated to develop the passage

As seen in the previous module, the shortest

route is not always the most fuel-efficient,
because of the ocean currents and tidal
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Voyage optimization

Voyage optimization
Voyage optimization also integrates weather
routeing and the impact of expected weather,
waves, current and water depth on fuel
consumption for the intended voyage. Water
depth and wind direction have a direct
impact on fuel consumption, as shown in the
tables here.

Adjusting the ship’s route and speed in order

to consume less energy is the outcome of
good passage planning for voyage

Today, many software tools are available,

with different levels of sophistication, to
support voyage optimization and improved
voyage planning.

It is reported that voyage optimization can

achieve fuel saving up to 12%.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Voyage optimization

Voyage optimization
Such tools can reuse voyage data and
parameters, such as under keel clearance, or
calculate fuel consumptions and support the
optimization of the ship speed and route.

It can have a high energy-saving potential, in

particular on long voyages – the longer the
voyage, the more flexibility the ship has –
and on some specific routes or in cases of
severe weather.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Focus on weather

Focus on weather routeing

Weather routeing proposes an optimum
route for a particular voyage based on
actual and historical weather forecasts, sea
conditions and the ship’s characteristics.

Weather routeing aims to maximize safety

and the comfort of the ship and its crew,
and it can also support the reduction of
fuel consumption and thereby greenhouse
gas emissions.

Specialized companies can provide such

a weather routeing service, using computer
models. They transmit weather routeing
Source: International Chamber of Shipping Bridge Procedures information by email. Frequent
Guide (courtesy ICS/StormGeo) communication between the weather
routeing service and the ship allows for regular
route updates.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Focus on weather

Focus on weather routeing

Ships can also use onboard software
applications allowing a wide range of vessel
and fleet management functions.

Some incorporate user-specified

constraints, such as speed limits, or allow
the master to interact with the
performance prediction tool.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• the roles of the ship’s personnel and good

communication between departments

• how voyage optimization increases ship

energy efficiency?

• how weather routeing maximizes safety

and comfort?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Speed

Speed management
In this chapter, we will consider:

• terms commonly used when we talk

about a ship’s speed

• speed optimization, including commercial

and operational considerations and slow

• the benefits of just in time operation

• how good cooperation between many

stakeholders is key when saving energy at
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Terms commonly
used when we talk about a ship’s speed

Terms commonly used when we talk about a ship’s speed

The design speed is the specific operating speed for which The optimum speed is the speed at which the fuel used
the ship has been designed. per tonne mile is at a minimum level for that voyage. It
does not mean minimum speed. In fact, sailing under the
optimum speed will consume more fuel.

Slow steaming or super slow steaming refers to operating Terms commonly used when we talk about a ship’s speed.
a ship at a significantly lower speed than its design speed. Let’s consider some commonly used terms when
describing a ship’s speed. Click "MCR" card for more
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Commercial and
operational considerations

Commercial and operational

Who pays for the ship fuel has a direct
impact on speed optimization and possible
decisions to reduce speed. Different
solutions can be explored to optimize
speed, depending on the ship, trade
types and commercial contracts.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Slow steaming

Slow steaming
Slow steaming, or sailing at speeds much
lower than design speed, is an operational
measure commonly used when market
conditions are difficult and/or when bunker
prices are high.

It is a very effective measure to reduce a

ship’s fuel consumption, as shown on the
graph here.

For example, a large containership (above

10,000 TEUs) sailing at 22 knots consumes
around 250 tonnes of fuel per day.

The same ship sailing at 18 knots consumes

125 tonnes per day, a fuel saving approaching
50% for a drop in speed of less than 20%.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Slow steaming

Slow steaming
Slow steaming can have technical drawbacks,
as explained in detail in the previous
module, aimed at the engine department.
Operating the engine well below its design
speed (for example, at less than 40% of
MCR) for long periods can trigger technical
maintenance issues and even emit larger
amounts of PM and carbon monoxide.

When slow or super slow steaming is chosen

as an ongoing energy efficiency measure,
technical modifications might be needed.

Commercial and contractual obligations

should also be considered and specific
agreement with charterers might be
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Focus on just in
time operation

Focus on just in time operation

Just in time (JIT) operation involves better
and earlier communication between the ship
and the next port to give maximum notice of
berth, fairway, and service provider
availability. This allows the ship to
optimize its speed accordingly, and would
often result in sailing at a lower speed
instead of at full speed and then
waiting at anchorage to proceed to the
berth, as shown in the illustration here.

JIT operation involves an efficient exchange of

information between the port authority,
terminals, and ships. Obtaining accurate
information on berth availability several
days ahead of the port call may be
challenging, but receiving information 12
hours in advance of the port call is feasible
today and would reduce emissions –
especially on shorter routes with relatively
high speeds. The video on the next screen
explains this concept further.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Just in time

Just in time operation

For ships on voyage charter, which is more
common in the bulker and tanker sector, the
shipowner has little incentive to practice JIT,
because the charterer pays demurrage
penalties if the ship has to wait for its berth.

But even in this configuration, JIT can be

encouraged if the shipowner and the
charterer agree to include the sharing of fuel
cost savings arising from JIT in the charter
provisions, so that it becomes beneficial for
every stakeholder.

When port calls are optimized and

waiting time at anchorage is reduced, it
also helps in reducing hull fouling as the ship
spends more time moving under way.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Good cooperation
between many stakeholders is key

Good cooperation between many

stakeholders is key
When considering voyage and speed
optimization, good cooperation is required
between the company shore operations and
the engine manufacturer, and between the deck
and the engine departments on board, in
order to resolve possible technical challenges.

For example, speed reduction may require

technical modifications and adjustments to
the frequency and procedures of engine

Good cooperation with the charterer and the

cargo owner, depending on the trade and
contractual obligations of the ship, is also
essential. For ships on voyage charter, for
example, speed reduction can only be carried out
with the charterer’s agreement.

Finally, enhanced cooperation with the

relevant port authorities and terminal
operators is also a must for JIT arrivals.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• the terms commonly used when we

talk about a ship’s speed

• speed optimization, including commercial

and operational considerations and slow

• the benefits of just in time operation

• how good cooperation between many

stakeholders is key when saving energy at
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Ship hydrodynamics

Ship hydrodynamics
In this chapter, we will consider:

• ship’s hull resistance and impact on


• factors that influence marine growth

• hull and propeller coating, monitoring,

and cleaning

• other factors that impede a ship’s motion

through the water.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Ship’s hull
resistance and impact on performance

Ship’s hull resistance and impact

on performance
Moving a ship through the water requires a
lot of energy because of the ship’s
resistance, which are the forces working
against its motion. The resistance of a ship is
not measured directly but calculated from
model tests.

The hull resistance is divided into two

main components: frictional resistance,
and wave making resistance.
Graph showing how each component of the hull resistance
varies with the ship speed. Source: US Navy Academy

Frictional Wave making

resistance resistance
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Ship’s hull
resistance and impact on performance

Ship’s hull resistance and impact

on performance
For low-speed ships, such as bulk carriers
and tankers, frictional resistance dominates
and represents 70% to 90% of the ship’s total

For high-speed ships, such as container

ships and passenger ships, wave making
resistance dominates and represents 40% to
60% of the total resistance.

The hull roughness is increased by fouling,

which increases in turn the frictional resistance
and results in loss of speed.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Factors that
influence marine growth

Factors that influence marine

There is evidence that a ship’s resistance
through the water is increased even by the
smallest amount of marine growth. The
rate of hull fouling by barnacles, weed and
slime is influenced by a number of factors,
such as:

• hull form and its initial roughness

• the robustness of the coating

against mechanical damage

• the ship’s operational profile – how

much time is spent at anchor

• the ship’s operational environment

• seawater temperature

• the amount of algae in the water, and

• ship speed.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Factors that
influence marine growth

Factors that influence marine

With so many factors influencing marine
growth, there is no one-size-fits-all approach
to hull coating and cleaning.

The amount of fouling varies greatly with

trading pattern and operational profile.

To put it simply, the warmer the water,

the faster the growth, and the faster the ship
sails, the greater the effect on water
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Hull and Propeller:
coating and monitoring

Hull and Propeller: coating and

Calculations show that a high-quality hull
coating can yield an average reduction of
up to 4% in propulsion fuel consumption.

Different types of coatings are

commercially available. Traditional coatings
use biocides, while more advanced coatings
use non-stick properties to control fouling.

The frictional performance of the hull and

propeller needs to be monitored, paying
attention to sensitive areas such as rudders,
propellers, and thrusters. Monitoring can be
done through indicators, such as fuel
consumption (performance monitoring
systems) or through regular in- water
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Hull and propeller

Hull and propeller cleaning

Hull and propeller cleaning and polishing
can be very beneficial in terms of energy
savings. Studies have shown that heavy
slime can result in an up to 18% increase
in propulsion fuel consumption.

Many ships will only need hull cleaning

during dry dock, while others will need
underwater hull cleaning more often,
accomplished by professional divers or
possibly by robots.

For partial cleaning, the priority is the forward

third of the hull and the propeller, then after
that, the remainder of the hull working aft,
especially areas which are exposed to light.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Hull and propeller

Hull and propeller cleaning

The scheduling of hull cleaning should be
based either on performance monitoring
or on regular underwater inspections.

Although hull cleaning is generally the

responsibility of the ship managers, the ship
personnel can put forward requests for
regular hull inspections. If the data they
collect suggest that the hull is fouled, then
cleaning can be recommended.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Hull and propeller

Hull and propeller cleaning

Regarding propellers, it is estimated that
in extreme circumstances, polishing a
roughened propeller can give fuel savings of

Polishing the propeller is much easier than

cleaning the hull. It can be done by divers in a
few hours in many ports.

Finally, remember that ports may apply

restrictions on cleaning operations or
underwater work.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Further resistance
to motion

Further resistance to motion

As well as the hull’s resistance, there are a
number of other factors that impede a ship’s
motion through the water.

Appendage Resistance due

resistance to shallow

Steering resistance Air resistance

Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• the ship’s hull resistance and impact on


• factors that influence marine growth

• hull and propeller coating, monitoring,

and cleaning

• other factors that impede a ship’s motion

through the water.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Steering and trim

Steering and trim

In this chapter, we will consider:

• how to improve autopilot system


• the hydrodynamics of trim

• how different ship types are affected by


• how to achieve optimum trim?

• how the use of ballast water impacts

energy efficiency?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Improving autopilot
system performance

Improving autopilot system

Minimizing the number of times the rudder is
used and the amount of rudder angle that is
applied to maintain course or execute a
change of course can help save fuel. This is
true under manual steering and when the
autopilot system is used.

As a general principle, good performance is

achieved with no more than six to ten
small rudder movements per minute, and an
observed vessel wake that is straight.

To reduce rudder use and angular

movements, it is possible to allow larger
course deviations on the autopilot settings.
Some voyage routeing tools can integrate
these options into the overall course
prediction. However, this may also increase
the distance sailed, and thus offset the
related GHG emissions reduction.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Improving autopilot
system performance

Improving autopilot system

It is also possible to minimize frequent or
large rudder motions (so-called hunting)
caused by the autopilot system using
adaptive course control mode, as shown on
the illustration. This consists of adjusting the
sensitivity of the ship’s steering system, so it
becomes more energy- efficient.

The new generation of autopilot

generally provides different steering
quality thanks to “precision” or
“economy” operating modes.

A good knowledge of the autopilot system and

its limitations, obtained by the familiarization or
training, can improve energy-efficient
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● The hydrodynamics
of trim

The hydrodynamics of trim

Trim is defined as the difference between the
aft draught and the forward draught. Trim
has a large effect on ship performance
because it modifies the ship’s resistance and
will therefore affect the power needed to
move the ship through the water.

Changing the trim alters the frictional

resistance, wave making resistance, air
resistance, and propeller efficiency.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● The hydrodynamics
of trim

The hydrodynamics of trim

Studies show that trim affects frictional
resistance only slightly, but has a great effect
on wave making resistance.

In general, a trim by the bow increases

the ship’s total resistance. Excessive trim, by
the stern or the bow, impacts ship
manoeuvrability and speed ability.

As you learned in the first course, trim

influences fuel consumption significantly,
with savings of up to 4% being reported with
an optimum trim.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Trim and different
ship types

Trim and different ship types

Trim impact depends on ship speed and
draught. During port operations, and for large
ships with soft bulbous bows such as tankers,
the optimum trim is generally zero trim, or
“even keel”.

For other ships, during sea voyages, a certain

trim, whether by the stern or by the head,
is normal practice. The opposite graph
shows an example of an optimum trim
curve for a certain ship type sailing at 15 knots.

Optimization of the trim has more effect

Variations of the optimum, reasonable and common on some ship types, in particular on
trims, for a 15 knots speed those with a slimmer hull, a pronounced
bulbous bow and a flat stern. This is especially
true when such vessels are sailing at high
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Trim and different
ship types

Trim and different ship types

Achieving optimum trim offers the greatest
potential for energy savings with the following
ship types:

• containerships

• ro-ro cargo and passenger ships, and

• ro-ro car carriers

However, design or safety factors may

preclude full use of trim optimization. Trim
optimization should by no means endanger
the ship’s safety or cause risk to the
marine environment.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Achieving optimum

Achieving optimum trim

The optimum trim will give minimal ship
resistance and maximize fuel efficiency.

First, the optimum trim should be

determined. It is a function of the ship’s
speed and draught, and depends whether
the ship is loaded or on ballast.

There are different methods to

determine a ship’s optimum trim:
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), tank
testing, sea trials and the machine learning
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Achieving optimum

Achieving optimum trim

Based on these calculations, some ships are
supplied with guidance tables (such as the
one displayed opposite), others have
onboard computer-based systems to indicate
optimum trim. Some simple software
applications display the most efficient trim for
a given draught and enable the testing of
ballast and consumable adjustments.

Then, to achieve optimum trim, the crew

can use the distribution of cargo,
consumables (such as fuel) and ballast
water, taking into account the ship’s
stability, manoeuvrability and loading.

Keep also in mind that the ship’s trim will

probably change during the voyage because
of fuel consumption or change in weather
and sea conditions. For this reason, the
trim must be regularly monitored and, if
necessary, adjusted during the voyage.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving for
ballast water operations

Energy saving for ballast water

Ballast is used to optimize the ship’s trim,
as we just explained in the previous
screens, it is also essential to control a
ship’s stability. It affects the trim, list,
draught, and structural stresses.

The use of ballast water impacts energy

efficiency. More ballast water carried means
more energy required to displace it. In
addition, when the ship’s displacement
increases, the wetted area is larger and the
resistance will also increase.

From an energy efficiency point of view, it

is generally desirable to carry less ballast.
Ballast levels should be optimized, within
the safe limits of ship stability, steer- ability
and trim.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving for
ballast water operations

Energy saving for ballast water

When ballast water exchanged is performed,
energy- efficient methods should be
chosen. Gravity assisted ballast exchange is
preferred to a simple pumping in/out

Sequential ballast exchange (where the

tank is first emptied and then refilled) is
more energy-efficient than the flow-through
or dilution methods, as less water needs to be

Similarly, on ships fitted with ballast

water treatment systems, it is advised to
optimize ballast levels and the use of
equipment associated with the treatment
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• how to improve autopilot system


• the hydrodynamics of trim

• how different ship types are affected by


• how to achieve optimum trim?

• how the use of ballast water impacts

energy efficiency?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Measures to save
energy on board

Measures to save energy on board

In this chapter, we will consider:

• how to optimize cargo space utilization?

• how to save energy with ancillary


• how to have an energy efficient cargo

heating plan?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Optimizing cargo
space utilization

Optimizing cargo space utilization

As the cargo transported on board is mainly
a matter of market demand, there is little
shipowners or operators can do, except for
making sure the size of the ship is optimized
in a given market for the expected cargo

However, there is a little more margin on

the stowage of cargo, which can also directly
impact energy consumption. For example, a
good placement of containers on deck
accounting for overall aerodynamic form
can reduce air resistance while under way.

Also, locating reefer containers to minimize

ambient heat gain or optimizing liquid cargo
temperature management can reduce
generator or steam load.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving with
ancillary systems

Energy saving with ancillary

Equipment and systems supporting auxiliary
functions and operations on board are used
by both engine and deck departments,
while their maintenance is usually supervised
and performed by engineers.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving with
ancillary systems

Energy saving with ancillary

Good practice usually consists of avoiding
unnecessary energy use, for example, by
ensuring the machinery is turned off when
not needed, and this applies to the
following systems.

Hydraulic systems Bilge and fire pumps

Inert gas system Compressed air system Steam system

Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving with
ancillary systems

Energy saving with ancillary

Good communication and planning are key.
Proper coordination on board between the
deck and engine departments for required
activities or task that will lead to reduced
electrical demand and energy savings.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Energy saving with
ancillary systems

Energy saving with ancillary

Jobs could also be coordinated and bundled
together so that two generators could be run
more effectively and for a shorter period of
time. This could be achieved via system
planning and more coordinated actions.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Cargo heating plan

Cargo heating plan

For ships carrying cargoes that require
heating, a cargo heating plan is established
in collaboration with the engine department.

To save energy it is best if the cargo that

requires heating is loaded in adjacent tanks.

When steam tank heating is in use, it

should be checked that the shut-off valves
are set so that only the required tanks are
supplied, and the steam traps and drains
are operating correctly. This will ensure the
energy for cargo heating is used most
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• how to optimize cargo space utilization?

• how to save energy with ancillary


• how to have an energy efficient cargo

heating plan?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Housekeeping
energy savings

Housekeeping energy savings

In this chapter, we will consider:

• housekeeping energy savings

• saving energy by saving lighting

• the heating, ventilation, and air

conditioning system
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Housekeeping
energy savings

Housekeeping energy savings

All crew members should be informed of the
potential for energy savings in the
accommodation. Housekeeping
improvements are a great way to achieve
energy savings.

The individual savings may seem small

when compared with other energy efficiency
measures, but all add up to make substantial
long-term energy savings.

A specifically designated officer or the

environmental officer should make regular
inspections of the ship and hold meetings to
discuss the findings.

Continuity is important, so the objectives

in terms of housekeeping energy savings
should be recorded and be part of the
handover to the relief officer who can then
continue with the planned improvements.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

Unused cabins should be closed and the
lights switched off. Switch off lights in
store rooms, lockers and void spaces when
not manned.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

Television, computers and other electrical
equipment should also be switched off when
not in use.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

Switching off one light may not make much
difference to everyday energy use, but
consistently switching off lights in unused
cabins and in storerooms during an entire
voyage will save energy.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

However, lighting in passageways and other
escape routes shall be maintained
continuously, even if passage is not frequent,
for safety reasons.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

When alongside, ensure that the deck lighting
is not on during the daytime.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Saving energy by
saving lighting

Saving energy by saving lighting

At night, use the lighting that is required by
safety considerations and for cargo operations.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● The heating,
ventilation and air conditioning system

The heating, ventilation and air

conditioning system
The heating, ventilation and air
conditioning (HVAC) system uses a lot of
energy, particularly on cruise ships, and
offers significant potential for energy saving.

It is good practice to adjust the air

conditioning to match the outside

Consideration should be given to

operating air conditioning at a lower load
at night, depending on the climatic
conditions. It might be possible to switch off
some fans, in appropriate circumstances.

Ensure that doors and portholes are closed

when the air conditioning is operating, and
that there are no unauthorized changes in the
distribution system arrangements, settings or
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• housekeeping energy savings

• saving energy by saving lighting

• the heating, ventilation, and air

conditioning system
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● System and
technology improvements, and data collection

System and technology

improvements, and data collection
In this chapter, we will consider:

• how “performance-based navigation”

systems save energy?

• how to improve a ship’s energy efficiency

through retrofitting?

• how to collect data for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Investment in
“performance-based navigation” systems

Investment in “performance-based
navigation” systems
To support companies and ship’s crews in
implementing energy-saving measures,
performance tools are available.

“Performance-based navigation” systems

or software integrate and optimize some or
all of the energy-saving solutions that have
been detailed in this module. They often
enable them to be considered together,
instead of separately, for maximum gains.

The more capable systems use predictive

models with all these factors to plan the
most efficient voyage, namely, what route to
Example of a fleet/ship performance management tool take, what speeds to use on each leg, what
trim to use, how much ballast to carry and
what autopilot strategies to use given the
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Data collection for
the IMO fuel oil consumption database

Data collection for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database
Remember that ships of 5,000 gross
tonnage and above are required, under
MARPOL Annex VI, to monitor and report
their annual fuel oil consumption.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Data collection for
the IMO fuel oil consumption database

Data collection for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database
The ship specific fuel oil data collection plan is
contained in Part II of the SEEMP.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Data collection for
the IMO fuel oil consumption database

Data collection for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database
This is not a measure for energy saving on
board ships, but it is interesting to understand
how it contributes to policymaking on the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from
shipping, and how ship personnel can support
this process.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Data collection for
the IMO fuel oil consumption database

Data collection for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database
The data collected onboard are:

• total consumption for each fuel oil

• distance travelled by the ship

• hours spent under way

Data are verified and reported to the IMO

on an annual basis.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● IMO fuel oil
consumption database

IMO fuel oil consumption database

The IMO collects and summarizes data for

the global fleet by ship type.

As fuel oil consumption is directly linked to

emissions, it reflects the global fleet’s CO₂
emission level.

The data provides a basis to better inform

future actions by IMO Member States in
relation to ships’ greenhouse gas emissions
and energy efficiency.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● IMO fuel oil
consumption database

IMO fuel oil consumption database

Different methodologies are available to

collect fuel oil consumption data onboard,
through bunker delivery notes, fuel tank
stocktaking/sounding, or readings from flow
meters. Reporting can be fully digital, if
appropriate tools are in place.

Data accuracy is important and errors should

be minimized to ensure that the IMO fuel oil
consumption database is truly meaningful.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● IMO fuel oil
consumption database

IMO fuel oil consumption database

The methods to measure distance travelled

and the hours under way under a ship’s own
propulsion are described in the SEEMP Part II.

To ensure the IMO fuel oil consumption

database is truly meaningful, data accuracy is
important and errors should be minimized, for
example, when entering data in the bridge log
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Summary

In this chapter, we have considered:

• how “performance-based navigation”

systems save energy?

• how to improve a ship’s energy efficiency

through retrofitting?

• how to collect data for the IMO fuel oil

consumption database?
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Conclusion

Every ship is different. Now that you have
finished this course, your knowledge can be
put into action and you may think of further
measures that can be applied to make your
ship more energy-efficient.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Conclusion

Changing established procedures can lead to
energy savings. Everyone on board can
contribute to an efficient use of energy.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Conclusion

Different trades, routes, services, and
charterers’ obligations will all have their own
energy efficiency advantages and
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Conclusion

It is important to understand that achieving
energy efficiency requires everyone to work
together, both in the deck and engineering
departments and with partners ashore.
Energy Saving at Sea, Module Two – Deck Department ● Key points to

Key points to remember

In this module you have learned about some of the practical measures for energy saving
that can be taken by the deck department, including:

Voyage optimization, Speed optimization Hull and propeller Trim optimization Efficient use of ship
including weather and slow steaming roughness, fouling systems
routeing and its monitoring

Ballast water

Good communication and cooperation are essential. Remember, we can all make a difference.
You can help save energy, save costs, and reduce pollution, and contribute to slowing down
climate change.

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