Seminar Ilmufree Form 2 Maths MR Uzairi 14.12.2023

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It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,

If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,

If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.
It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

1. Kembangkan/ Expand � + 2 � − 3 .
3. Faktorkan/ Factorise 3�2 − 27.
A 2� + 6
A 3(�2 + 9)
B �2 − � − 6
B 3(� − 3)
C �2 − 6� C 3(� − 3)(� + 3)
D �2 + � + 6 D 9(�2 − 3)

2. Tentukan Faktor Sepunya Terbesar (FSTB) bagi 2� 2��

4. Permudahkan/ Simplify 3�+� ÷ 1+�
24� dan 8�2 �.
Determine the Highest Common Factor (HCF) 1+�
for 24� and 8�2 �. A 3��+�2
B 3
A 24� 2�
B 8� C 3�
C �2 D
D � 3�+�

5. (a) Tentukan sama ada sebutan algebra dalam kurungan ialah Faktor Sepunya Terbesar (FSTB) bagi
sebutan-sebutan yang diberikan atau bukan. Bulatkan ‘Ya’ bagi jawapan yang betul dan
‘Tidak’ bagijawapan yang salah.
Determine whether the algebraic term in the bracket is the Highest Common Factor
(HCF) for theterms given or not.

Ya / Yes
(i) 12m2n, 3mn (3mn)
Tidak / No

Ya / Yes
(ii) 7p 2r, 3p 2r (q2)
Tidak / No

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

(b) Tandakan () pada kembangan yang betul dan () pada kembangan yang salah.
Mark () for the correct expansion and () for the incorrect expansion.

(i) �+� 2
= �2 + 2�� + �2

(ii) �−3 2
= �2 + 6� + 9

6. Selesaikan yang berikut.

Solve the following.

�−� �−� 2
÷ 6�+2�

4�2 −1 ��+�
b) ×
�2 −1 4�−2

7. Encik Amir ingin membina sebuah banglo satu tingkat di sebidang tanah berukuran x
meter lebar dan y meter Panjang. Dia perlu menyediakan 2 meter rizab jalan untuk jirannya.
Encik Amir intends to build a single storey bungalow on a piece of land measuring x metres wide
and y metres long. He needs to reserve part of the land which is 2 metres wide for a road for his neighbour.

a) Berapakah luas tanah Encik Amir yang asal?

What is the total area of his piece of land?
b) Berapakah perbezaan luas tanah yang asal dengan luas tanah
selepas ditolak rizab jalan?
What is the remaining size of the land after reserving some parts
for the road?
c) Sekiranya harga tanah ialah RM18 per meter persegi, berapakah
harga keseluruhan tanah Encik Amir?
If the cost of land is RM18 per square metres, what is the total cost
of the remaining land?

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.


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