Diagnostic Test Kelas X

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Diagnostic test





1. What is the primary purpose of an exposition text?

A) To entertain the audience with a compelling story.

B) To inform, explain, or describe a subject or topic.

C) To persuade or convince the reader to take a specific action.

D) To evoke strong emotions through descriptive language.

2. What kind of language is commonly used in an exposition text?

A) Highly emotional and figurative language.

B) Technical and specialized jargon.

C) Poetic and rhythmic language.

D) Simple, straightforward, and factual language.

3. Which of the following is an example of an exposition text?

A) A fantasy novel with intricate plot twists.

B) A newspaper article explaining the causes of climate change.

C) A poem about the beauty of nature.

D) A persuasive speech advocating for animal rights.

4. What is the main difference between an exposition text and a narrative text?

A) Exposition texts focus on events and characters, while narratives present information

B) Exposition texts aim to entertain, while narratives aim to inform or explain.

C) Exposition texts present facts and information, while narratives tell a story with a sequence
of events.

D) Exposition texts include dialogue and descriptive language, while narratives rely on analysis
and argumentation.
Choose one of the following topics for your writing:


-Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

-Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

-The Importance of Wearing Uniform At School

Use the following questions to help you.(Example; you choose the importance of wearing

Uniform at School)

1. What is the advantage of Wearing Uniform At School ?

2. What is your opinion about The Importance of Wearing Uniform At School

School ?










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