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Environ Earth Sci

DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3109-9


Using combined AHP–genetic algorithm in artificial groundwater

recharge site selection of Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran
Saeed Rahimi • Majid Shadman Roodposhti •

Rahim Ali Abbaspour

Received: 1 October 2013 / Accepted: 27 January 2014

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Flood spreading is one of the suitable strategies provided by such significant spatial coincidence between
to control and benefit from floods which in turn improve the produced map and the control areas located near
the groundwater recharge, makes soil more fertile, and Kowsar research station, where the earlier flood spreading
increases nutrients in soil. It is also a method for reusing projects were successfully performed.
sediment, which is usually wasted. Thus, selection of
suitable areas for flood spreading and directing the flood Keywords Flood spreading  AHP  Genetic algorithm 
water into permeable formations are amongst the most Gareh Bygone Plain
effective strategies in flood spreading projects. Having
combined analytic hierarchy process (AHP) of multi-cri-
teria decision analysis and genetic algorithm (GA) of Introduction
artificial intelligence approaches, this paper addresses the
problem of finding the most suitable area location for flood Artificial groundwater recharge is the planned infiltration
spreading operation in the Gareh Bygone Plain of Iran. To of effluents from sanitation systems (e.g. waste stabiliza-
this end, the nine effective geodata layers including slope, tion ponds, surface, horizontal flow or vertical flow con-
alluvium thickness, geology, morphology, electrical con- structed wetlands), storm water or surface runoff into the
ductivity, land use, drainage density, aquifer transmissiv- aquifer to increase the natural replenishment of ground-
ity, and elevation were prepared in geographic information water resources. Groundwater recharge is increasing in
system environment. This stage was followed by elimina- popularity as groundwater resources are being depleted and
tion of the exclusionary areas for flood spreading while as saltwater intrusion is becoming a greater threat to coastal
determining the potentially suitable ones. Having closely communities (Tilley et al. 2008).
examined the potentially suitable areas using the proposed In recent years, researchers in watershed engineering
methodology, the land suitability map for flood spreading and other fields have become increasingly interested in
was produced. The AHP and GA were used for ranking all using geographic information system (GIS) to fulfill arti-
the alternatives and weighting the criteria involved, ficial groundwater recharge site selection. Along with GIS,
respectively. The results of the study showed that most remote sensing and the technology of satellite data pro-
suitable areas for the artificial groundwater recharge are cessing with access to up-to-date and diverse information
located in Quaternary Qft2 and Qsf geologic units and in are broadly used to deal with management problems (Saraf
morphological units of pediment and Alluvial fans with and Choudhury 1998). Accordingly, the main purpose of
slopes not exceeding 2 %. Finally, further evidence for the using remote sensing, GIS, and multi-criteria decision
acceptable efficiency of the integrated AHP–GA method in making (MCDM) together in an integrated approach is to
locating most suitable flood spreading areas have been provide scientific evidence for the site selection processes.
Many studies have found evidence for the efficiency of
the combination of the satellite data, GIS, and MCDM in
S. Rahimi  M. Shadman Roodposhti  R. Ali Abbaspour (&)
College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran locating the optimal zones for flood spreading and other
e-mail: ground water recharge methods (Krishnamurthy and

Environ Earth Sci

Srinivas 1995; Krishnamurthy et al. 1996; Saraf and Cho- objective function. In this paper, selection of optimal sites
udhury 1998; Han 2003; Chowdhury et al. 2010; Jamali for flood spreading involves integrating several compli-
et al. 2013). Using GIS and spatial decision support sys- cated parameters, which necessitates the use of GIS in
tems, Ghayoumian et al. (2002, 2005 and 2007), Zehtabian combination with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
et al. (2001), Alesheikh et al. (2008) and Sargaonkar et al. and optimization methods.
(2011) have located suitable sites for the artificial recharge This study presents an integrated strategic framework
of aquifers. Kheirkhah Zarkesh (2005) has developed a with emphasis on structuring the decision problem
decision support system for flood spreading site selection including careful selection and weighting of criteria and
and a conceptual model of flood spreading schemes in the alternative evaluation. Accordingly, using AHP technique
semi-arid areas. Moreover, many studies have been con- the qualitative judgment can be quantified to make geodata
ducted to find appropriate conditions for ground water layer comparison more intuitionistic using pairwise com-
recharge site selection (Al-Assa’d and Abdulla 2010; de parison process. Moreover, a number of favorable charac-
Laat and Nonner 2012). teristics of the AHP method could enhance optimization
Regarding the fact that the groundwater has long been methods, namely at the level of structuring of the decision
believed to be the single most important water resource in problem and of the determination of weights. Finally, this
many regions of Iran, this is considered as a major his- article introduces an approach that integrates AHP with GA
torical limitation in the social and economical development of Artificial Intelligence, which could be a useful geospa-
of the country. Recent studies on the management of water tial tool for integrating multiple features/attributes that
resources in Iran have shown that out of the 430 billion m3 affect the artificial ground water recharge process. It also
of the annual precipitation in the country, 20 % is lost should be mentioned that to the best of our knowledge,
during sudden floods which flow into the playas, lakes, and nonetheless, the AHP–GA method has not been applied to
seas (Foltz 2002; Mohammadnia and Kowsar 2003). While the flood spreading site selection thus far.
several groundwater recharge methods have been devel-
oped including the direct surface recharge, direct subsur-
face recharge, and indirect recharge techniques (Oakford General situation of the region
1985), the direct surface recharge method is one of the
most cost-effective, simple, and commonly used tech- The Gareh Bygone Plain (28°300 to 28°450 N and 53°450 to
niques employed for the artificial recharge of aquifers. The 54°010 E) is located in the south part of Fars province of
direct surface recharge method contains the surface Iran (Fig. 1). The mean elevation of the area is 1,476 m
spreading of floodwater and is helpful in areas with widely above mean sea level. According to the De Martonne cli-
available land, highly permeable soils, and a shallow mate classification, the area represents arid to semi-arid
unconfined aquifer (O’Hare et al. 1986). climate type with the average annual rainfall of 259 mm,
In this regard, there are at least two major questions to the average annual potential evaporation rate of 2,934 mm
successively utilize the direct surface recharge approach. and the average annual temperature of about 20.6 °C.
First, ‘‘which land is the most suitable for artificial Gareh Bygone is an area located in the folded Zagros
groundwater recharge in the region?’’, while the second Mountains stretching like a folded belt from the northeast
and most important question concerns, ‘‘to what extent it is to the southwest of the country. In this area, only signs of
considered as the most suitable geographic location?’’ the last two geological eras are found. The Mesozoic for-
As an essential domain, the site selection methods have mation constitutes mountains and hill units and contains
always performed a significant role in spatial decision- sandstone, limestone, clay stone, siltstone and conglomer-
making processes. Traditional methods used at the begin- ate. The Cenozoic formation is composed of alluvial
ning of necessity for site selection appearance, developed deposits (with the average depth of 30 m), which in the
relatively by analysts and specialists based on multi-criteria forms of alluvial fans and pediments play the major role in
methods. A main disadvantage of these methods relates to the formation of the aquifers of the basin. The source of the
dependency of the final results to personal privy of par- water of the Gareh Bygone Plain is of both subsurface and
ticipant experts. In addition, using different multi-criteria surface types. Bishezard and Chahghuch seasonal rivers are
methods for one problem could make different results, not the surface sources of water, with the former having a
a unique or even similar result. To resolve these issues, length of 28 km and being the major recharge source of the
artificial intelligence and soft computing methods were aquifers of the region and the latter having a less significant
used for site selection problems, in the context of GIS Geo- role. Finally, it should be mentioned that the small amount
Computing. However, these methods have still their own and unbalanced distribution of precipitation both spatially
drawbacks such as the process of problem solving is a and temporally can lead to serious problems. In other
black box to the users and the final result is sensitive to the words, high-intensity rainfalls which result in destructive

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 1 Locator map of the study area

floods bring about serious damages to downstream towns, alluvium thickness, geology, morphology, electrical con-
roads, and agriculture, and sometimes even cause casual- ductivity (EC), land use, drainage density, aquifer trans-
ties (Hayati et al. 2006). Flood spreading on aquifers by missivity, and elevation (Fig. 2) which were selected based
artificial recharging of the aquifers, is an efficient strategy on the similar earlier studies (Krishnamurthy and Srinivas
for controlling floods and managing water shortage and 1995; Krishnamurthy et al. 1996; Saraf and Choudhury
water resources in the region (ASCE 2001). 1998; Han 2003; Chowdhury et al. 2010; Nasiri et al.
2013). Then, a questionnaire was designed to collect nec-
essary information required for artificial groundwater
Materials and methods recharge site selection of Gareh Bygone Plain, including
local experts’ opinions to ensure the practicality and
Influencing data layers integrity of the selected geodata layers and also the
importance (weight) of the approved ones. In other words,
First of all, the artificial groundwater recharge site selec- weights of the approved geodata layers were subsequently
tion in this study started with the selection and preparation calculated using pairwise comparisons, based on the local
of nine geodata layers of the study area including slope, expert responses to the questionnaires.

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 2 Nine input geodata layers involving: a slope (°), b alluvium thickness (m), c geology, d morphology, e electrical conductivity (lmhos/
cm), f land use, g drainage density (km/km-2), h aquifer transmissivity (m2/day) and i elevation (m)

Environ Earth Sci

Slope hills. Floodplain, alluvial fans, and pediment constitute

5.1, 3.3, and 33.6 % of the area, respectively, while hills
Surface runoff velocity is directly related to land slope. and rocky outcrops comprise the remaining 58 %
Hence, slope is one of the most effective factors in the (Fig. 2d).
artificial groundwater recharge site selection (Alesheikh
et al. 2008). National and international studies show that
Electrical conductivity
the areas with slope range from 1 to 5 percent are suitable
for flood spreading (Krishnamurthy et al. 1996; Nasiri et al.
Electrical conductivity is a measurement of total dissolved
2013). Consequently, the slope map of the study area is
solids (TDS), or the total amount of dissolved material in
prepared from the 30 m SRTM DEM and is shown in
an aqueous solution, which relates to the ability of the
Fig. 2a.
material to conduct electrical current through it. This
implies the quality of groundwater which demonstrates the
Alluvium thickness
amount of chemicals and biological impurities and is a
major factor in specifying water for certain uses (Nasiri
The thickness of alluvium is another major factor in flood
et al. 2013). Consequently, in the present study, EC has
spreading and groundwater recharge. In general, the greater
been employed as a parameter for assessing water quality
the thickness of alluvium, the larger the amount of
index (Fig. 2e). It also should be mentioned that although
groundwater storage. In other words, if all the parameters
both EC and TDS were measured and their maps provided,
are appropriate except the alluvium thickness, flood
only EC was used as the water quality index, hence TDS
spreading may cause saturation of the recharged layer
and EC showed the same trend of change.
(Ghayoumian et al. 2007; Nasiri et al. 2013). The alluvium
thickness map of the study area is shown in Fig. 2b.
Land use
Land use is also one of the key factors in the artificial
Since different geological units have different suitability groundwater recharge site selection. From the land use
values or potential for flood spreading and groundwater point of view, the Gareh Bygone Plain includes river bed,
recharge, geology is one of the important factors for arti- residential areas, range land, and irrigated and dry farming
ficial groundwater recharge site selection. Therefore, (Fig. 2f). Undertaking artificial recharge projects is feasible
geology and the types of geological formations in the in areas with an appropriate density of vegetation coverage
region have important roles in selecting flood spreading because these regions not only recharge water into aquifers
sites (Fig. 2c). Because of enjoying good permeability, but also prevent the surface soil erosion. Poor rangelands,
transmissivity and high water storage capacity, limestone on the other hand, are not proper places for artificial
and coarse alluviums present good conditions for recharge projects due to the increasing rate of soil erosion
recharging aquifers. Coarse (sand and gravel) and pervious (Alesheikh et al. 2008; Nasiri et al. 2013).
or karstic formations typically enjoy better hydraulic con-
ductivities and aquifer transmissivity, and the regions with Drainage density
young alluvial are known to be suitable sites for flood
spreading (Nasiri et al. 2013). Drainage density is the total length of all the streams and
rivers in a drainage basin divided by the total area of the
Morphology drainage basin and calculated through the following
Morphological maps are one of the most important end P
products of investigations made by geomorphologists on a Li
l¼ ; ð1Þ
territory. Moreover, at the present moment, in places A
where no subsurface information could be obtained, geo- where L is the length of each stream segment and A is
morphological maps can be used as an appropriate crite- the area of drainage basin. There is an inverse relation-
rion for artificial groundwater recharge site selection ship between drainage density and permeability. More-
(Nasiri et al. 2013). Vast plains with moderate slopes, over, it is clear that the higher the permeability, the
pediments, and alluvial fans are considered the best loca- lower the drainage density, and vice versa. Accordingly,
tions for developing artificial aquifer recharge projects. drainage density can be considered an indirect indicator
The area under study includes geomorphological units of of the suitability of an area for artificial groundwater
floodplains, alluvial fans, pediments, rocky outcrops, and recharge (Nasiri et al. 2013). Drainage density for all the

Environ Earth Sci

micro-watersheds in the study area ranged from 0.7 to

2.3 km/km2 (Fig. 2g).

Aquifer transmissivity

Transmissivity, as one of the hydraulic properties of

aquifer relates to the ability of an aquifer to transmit water
through its entire saturated thickness. It is defined as
hydraulic conductivity multiplied with the saturated layer
thickness of the aquifer:
T ¼ K  D; ð2Þ
where K is hydraulic conductivity and D is saturated layer
thickness. Here, aquifer hydraulic conductivity was asses-
sed through the pumping test, which is the best and the
most precise method for the measurement of hydraulic
conductivity. This coefficient is indicated by different
quantities but it typically ranges from 10 to 10,000 m2/day
(Nasiri et al. 2013). Aquifer transmissivity in Gareh
Bygone Plain varies as a function of the differences in the
thickness of the saturated layer (Fig. 2g).

Proposed methodology

Proposed methodology has two steps. In the first step, using

pairwise comparison process through the analytical hier- Fig. 3 Flowchart of binary GA (Haupt and Haupt 2004)
archy process (AHP) method, the qualitative judgment has
been qualified to make comparison more intuitionistic. In representation of the variables, the binary method is presented
the next step, obtained results have been used as weights of first. (Haupt and Haupt 2004) The components of the GA are
geodata layers in genetic algorithm. shown as a flowchart in Fig. 3.

General method of genetic algorithm

Model implementation
The computation of genetic algorithm (GA) is an iterative
process which simulates the process of genetic selection and Assuming that the artificial groundwater recharge site
natural elimination in biologic evolution. Candidate solutions selection of Gareh Bygone Plain could be based on the
are retained and ranked for the each iteration according to proposed methodology, a 3-step procedure has been applied.
their eligibility. Consequently, a fitness function is used to Step 1, includes necessary data preparation of selected
remove unqualified solutions. Genetic algorithms belong to geodata layers to further facilitate the implementation of
the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA), which gen- genetic algorithm. In step 2, hierarchical structure to esti-
erate solutions to optimization problems using techniques mate the weights of geodata layers was constructed
inspired by natural evolution, such as selection, crossover, and employing AHP. In Step 3, preprocessed, weighted geodata
mutation. Such GA operators are then performed on those layers had been used as input layers, to reach the optimal site
qualified solutions to estimate new candidate solutions of the for the artificial groundwater recharge using genetic algo-
next generation. The above process is carried out repeatedly rithm. These steps are described in detail as the following
until certain convergence condition is met. Genetic algorithm subsections.
has two type of representation of variable: Binary and con-
tinuous representation. Both algorithms follow the same Preprocessing and standardizing
menu of modeling genetic recombination and natural selec-
tion. One represents variables as an encoded binary string and To facilitate the implementation of GA, it is necessary to
works with the binary strings to minimize the cost, while the perform data preprocessing and standardization. Spatial
other works with the continuous variables themselves to data models are useful for convenient layer display, but
minimize the cost. Since GAs originated with a binary may not be suitable for the implementation of searching

Environ Earth Sci

in genetic algorithm (Yeh et al. 1995). Therefore, the Coding and decoding the chromosomes and define
spatial data provided by GIS database need to be pre- objective function
processed and re-modeled before they can be used for
GA. Accordingly, all derived FS geodata layers were The binary GA works with bits. The variable x has a value
converted into proper raster format with 30 m 9 30 m represented by a string of bits that is Ngene long. If
resolution, and after subsequent data normalization (in an Ngene = 10 and X has limits defined by 1 \X \1024,
interval of [0,1]), the spatial datasets were processed in then a gene with 10 bits has 2Ngene ¼ 1024 possible values
ArcGIS. (Fig. 5).
Here, x and y coordinate of each geodata layer repre-
Assessment of weights with AHP sents chromosome dimensionality. In other words,
regarding the total area of study region, data accuracy and
To express the relative importance of each geodata layer data dimensionality each of these two variables (i.e. x and
and to derive the relative weights, the basic idea of per- y) has been determined by a 10 bite string composed of
forming pairwise comparison is a pedagogical and intuitive binary numbers. Accordingly, Fig. 5 shows structure of a
participatory approach. The result of interview with local sample chromosome.
experts expresses that with which intensity aij a geodata In our optimization problem, each chromosome is pre-
layer gi is more or less important than another geodata sented in a string of 20 bits that are decoded by Eq. 3
layer aj, using the fundamental scale of absolute numbers (illustrated in Fig. 6):
from 1 to 9 (Saaty and Vargas 2001), quantitatively defined X
and explained (Tables 1, 2). x¼ 2i zwi ; ð3Þ

Application of GA in the Gareh Bygone flood spreading where x represents the decoded number, z is the binary
string and w is the number of binary characters in that
After weighting the FS geodata layers, in the next step, the string.
modified GA is implemented to select the most suitable site To illustrate the working principles of GAs, artificial
for FS. Figure 4 shows an overall flowchart of GA groundwater recharge site selection of Gareh Bygone Plain
implementation for artificial ground water recharge site is considered as a constrained optimization problem. The
selection. linear programming of the problem is as follows:

8 h i   9
> 0:175 Slope þ 0:149 Alluvium Thickness >
> ðx; yÞ ðx; yÞ >
> >
> þ 0:147½Geology >
< ðx; yÞ  þ 0:140½Geomorphologyðx; yÞ 
Minf ðx; yÞ ¼ h i
> þ 0:122½ECðx; yÞ  þ 0:077½LUðx;yÞ  þ 0:078 Drainage Densityðx; yÞ >>
> >
> >
> h i   >
: þ 0:065 AquiferTransmissivityðx; yÞ þ 0:048 Elevationðx; yÞ >

0\drainage density\0:25
400\aquifer transmissivity\600
Alluvium thickness [ 50
Geomorphology ¼ flood plainjalluvial fan
Geology ¼ QgjQgscjQscgjQbjQc
LU ¼ Low density range;

Environ Earth Sci

where f(x, y) is chromosome costs in problem solving and in this case, P1 and P2 are problem variables that show
(x, y) are x and y coordinates of corresponding chromosome coordinate of pixels in geodata layers
in constructed evaluation matrix.
Natural selection
Generate initial population
Natural selection which has been represented by other phrases
Population size has significant impact on the final result and namely, ‘‘survival of the fittest’’, translates into discarding the
performance of genetic algorithm. According to the Schema chromosomes with highest costs. In this regards, the Npop
Theorem (Chen 1996), given the population size M, the costs and associated chromosomes are ranked from the lowest
genetic operators are able to produce M3 schemas. Based on cost to the highest in the first step. Then, the best are selected
this fact, more and more building blocks can be generated to continue, while the rest of them are deleted. The selection
and optimized till the optimal solution is found. Here, in the rate, Xrate, is the fraction of Npop that survives for the next step
present study, 100 random chromosomes (Npop) consisting of mating. The number of chromosomes that are kept each
of 20 bits (Nbits) string have been selected using ‘Rand’ and generation is (Haupt and Haupt 2004):
‘Round’ (Eq. 5). Then, 10 first numbers of each chromo-
some strings have been used as x coordinate and the rest as y Nkeep ¼ Nrate  Npop : ð7Þ
coordinate, respectively (Fig. 5). Natural selection occurs in each generation or iteration of
Pop ¼ round rand Npop ; Nbits : ð5Þ the algorithm. Of the Npop chromosomes in a generation,
only the top Nkeep survive for mating and the bottom
Find cost for each chromosome Npop - Nkeep are discarded to make pool for the new off-
spring. Deciding how many chromosomes to keep is
A cost function simply generates an output from a set of somewhat arbitrary. Letting only a few chromosomes sur-
input variables (a chromosome). The cost function also vive to the next generation limits the available genes in the
may be a mathematical function, an experiment, or a game offspring. Keeping too many chromosomes allows bad
(Haupt and Haupt 2004). Here, variables are x and y in each performers a chance to contribute their traits to the next
data layer, then: generation. It is common to keep 50 % (Xrate = 0.5) in the
Cost ¼ f ðP1; P2Þ ¼ f ðChromosomesðx; yÞ in each layerÞ: natural selection process (Sivanandam and Deepa 2007).
ð6Þ Accordingly, in the present study, the population has been
sorted by descending fitness values within which the first
50 % were selected as candidates for further examination.

Table 1 AHP evaluation matrix of nine geodata layers involving: Selection

(a) slope, (b) alluvium thickness, (c) geology, (d) morphology,
(e) electrical conductivity, (f) land use, (g) drainage density, GA simulates the ‘‘survival of the fittest’’ theory to make a
(h) aquifer transmissivity and (i) elevation search process. Therefore, GA is naturally suitable for
a b c d E f g h i solving maximization or minimization problems. In this
step of GA application in the Gareh Bygone flood
A 1 2.2 1.5 1.3 1.3 3 1.5 1.5 3
spreading, the fitness value of each chromosome (square
B 0.45 1 1.1 1.3 1.5 3 2 2.4 2.4
matrix composed of 23 9 23 pixels) has been determined
C 0.66 0.91 1 1.5 1.4 2.4 2 2.4 2.4
by the active fitness conditions and retrieved further.
D 0.76 0.77 0.66 1 1.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 2
Afterwards, two chromosomes were selected from the
E 0.76 0.66 0.71 0.66 1 2.8 2 2 2
mating pool of Nkeep chromosomes to produce two new
F 0.33 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.35 1 1.8 2 2.2
offspring. Pairing takes place using weighted random
G 0.66 0.5 0.5 0.38 0.5 0.55 1 2 2.2
pairing in the mating population until Npop - Nkeep off-
H 0.66 0.41 0.41 0.38 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2.4 spring are born to replace the discarded chromosomes. The
I 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.45 0.41 1 probabilities assigned to the chromosome in the mating
Inconsistency ratio: 0.04 pool are inversely proportional to their cost. In other words,

Table 2 The calculated weight vector from AHP

Slope Alluvium thickness Geology Morphology EC LU Drainage density Transmissivity Elevation

0.175 0.149 0.147 0.140 0.122 0.077 0.078 0.065 0.048

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Fig. 4 Flowchart of proposed methodology to determine optimal sites for flood spreading

Fig. 5 Coding the

chromosomes with 2 genes
(20 bits)

Fig. 6 Decoding of a chromosome with 2 genes (20 bits)

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Fig. 7 Single-point crossover

illustration regarding the 7th
chromosome as crossover point

a chromosome with the lowest cost has the greatest prob- genetic search strategy. It determines the major behavior of
ability of mating, while the chromosome with the highest optimization process. Several crossover schemes are used,
cost has the lowest probability of mating. A random such as one-point crossover, two-point crossover, and multi-
number determines which chromosome is selected. This point crossover. However, as a common criterion, any
type of weighting is often referred as roulette wheel crossover operator should ensure that the proper genes of
weighting (Haupt 2004). For this goal, we have used rank good individuals be inherited by the new individuals of next
weighting method of weighted random pairing that is generation. A big crossover probability may improve genetic
named roulette wheel ranking squared. This approach is algorithms capability to search new solution space, while
problem independent and finds the probability from the increase the likelihood of disordering the combination of
rank, n, of the chromosome (Haupt and Haupt 2004): good genes. However, if the crossover probability is set too
small, search process may be trapped in a dull status and is
ðNkeep ðn þ 1ÞÞ2 ð50  ðn þ 1ÞÞ2
Pn ¼ PNkeep 2 ¼ : ð8Þ prone to ceasing (Wu and Shan 2000; Wu et al. 2004).
n¼1 n
To recombine two strings to get a better string, here, one
Then, a random number between zero and one is generated. crossover point has been selected as GA operator. As a result,
Starting at the top of the list, the first chromosome with a a random number ranging from 1 to 19 has been selected and
cumulative probability that is greater than the random considered as crossover point. Then, binary string from
number is selected for the mating pool. beginning of chromosome to the crossover point is copied
from one parent (father chromosome), the rest is copied from
Mating the second parent (mother chromosome) (Fig. 7).

Mating is the creation of one or more child(ren) from the Mutation

parents selected in the pairing process. The genetic makeup
of the population is limited by the current members of the Binary mutations randomly change a bit in a chromosome
population. The most common form of mating involves two (Haupt 2004). Mutation is the second way a GA explores a
parents that produce two children. A crossover point, or cost surface. A single point mutation changes a 1 to a 0,
kinetochore, is randomly selected between the first and last and vice versa. Mutation points are randomly selected from
bits of the parents’ chromosomes (Haupt and Haupt 2004). theNrate. Npop total number of bits in the population matrix.
After selection of elite parents, there are three possible Mutations do not occur on the final iteration (Haupt and
actions which further evolve the selected population: create Haupt 2004).
a new randomized individual, clone an existing individual or To add new information in a random way to the genetic
mate a randomly chosen pair of individuals to produce a search process and ultimately help to avoid getting trapped at
new individual. Here, in the present study, the latter action local optima, we have used 0.1 mutation probability rate
was applied to produce a new individual out of the mating (l = 0.1). It also should be noted that selection of this
pool. Similar to the gene recombination, which plays an mutation rate was achieved using a trial-and-error approach.
essential role during the process of natural biologic evolu- Mutation may cause the chromosomes of individuals to be
tion, the crossover is the most significant operation in the different from those of their parent individuals (Fig. 8).

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Fig. 8 Mutation process


Fig. 9 Schematic representation of proposed FS site selection and suitability analysis


The number of generations that evolve depends on whether

an acceptable solution is reached or a set number of iter-
ations are exceeded. After a while all the chromosomes and
associated costs would become the same if it were not for
mutations. At this point, the algorithm should be stopped
(Haupt and Haupt 2004). In this step, we achieve new
offspring with 100 chromosomes. Accordingly, to further
achieve our goal, we have examined objective fitness
function composed of several weighted fitness conditions.
In case the optimal solution could not be found in this Fig. 10 Repetition of GA in artificial groundwater recharges site
generation, this generational process is repeated until a selection of Gareh Bygone Plain

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Fig. 11 Output map of AHP–GA application in artificial groundwater recharge site selection

Fig. 12 Resultant 3D output of

chromosome cost

termination condition and optimum solution has been The nine collected geodata layers related to casual FS
reached. Here, we define 2 conditions that algorithm must projects involving slope, alluvium thickness, geology,
have one or both of them to stop. The main criterion is that morphology, electrical conductivity, land use, drainage
results should not be changed during 50 iterations of density, aquifer transmissivity, and elevation were prepared
algorithm. If this criterion is not satisfied during 300 iter- and analyzed in GIS environment in the present work.
ations, the algorithm stops. Having collected the geodata layers according to the flow-
chart, the nine geodata layers were converted into the raster
format in the GIS environment to implement AHP–GA, and
Results and discussion the preliminary data preprocessing and standardizing of
selected geodata layer were performed on them. Following
The overall process of combined AHP–GA application in this, the pixel values of the raster datasets related to the FS
the artificial groundwater recharge site selection of Gareh site selection criteria were extracted and stored in nine sep-
Bygone Plain has been schematically presented in Fig. 9. arate spatial matrixes in a database.

Environ Earth Sci

Afterward, to implement artificial groundwater recharge Alesheikh AA, Soltani MJ, Nouri N, Khalilzadeh M (2008) Land
site selection using the proposed methodology, the database assessment for flood spreading site selection using geospatial
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