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Jenner, who for this reason is justly honoured in history as one of the greatest benefactors

of mankind. The term vaccination means the intentional inoculation with the matter of
vaccinia or cow-pox, and contrasting the results of smallpox inoculation with those of this
newer method - which is dangerous not only to the inoculated person but also (from its
contagiousness) to everyone around him, the latter practice produces a mild local disease
which effectually protects the vaccinated individual against human smallpox and is, more
over, entirely without danger to him and (not being contagious) entirely without danger to
others. Again, while smallpox inoculation tends—at any rate in crowded communities—to
increase the prevalence of the disease, vaccination reduces the prevalence and mortality of
smallpox in a remarkable manner. Obviously, therefore, vaccination is the better practice,
and it is not surprising that from the time when the famous work of Jenner brought to every
civilised country a knowledge and appreciation of " the greatest sanitary fact the world has
ever known " it has in those countries entirely supplanted the practice of smallpox
inoculation. The third chapter of this essay contains a record of the introduction and progress
of vaccination in India, and the fourth is occupied with the proof of the great benefits which
the people of this country have already derived from the measure. To anyone who reads that
chapter with discrimination it will be apparent that while the results already effected by
vaccination in this country are such as justly to afford reason for enthusiasm and pride, much
still remains to be done before we shall be within measurable distance of completing the
emancipation of the people from the horrors of smallpox. A discriminating person will
realise that, especially in a country like India, there

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