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This article examines the motivational factors that drive Melodie Stewart, a new

entrepreneur in the development and establishment stages of a networking and training

organization. The incidents detailed show how the young woman's needs for motivation

propelled and pulled her forward in the creation of her business idea, collaborative partnerships,

and workplace culture. The case study also provides a great illustration of motivating factors that

are both economic and personal in nature. (Hurst, nd).

Case Descriptions

Examining the five-stage hypothesis, which is founded on the basic physical, biological,

social, and psychological needs of humans. In the aftermath of the magazine's insolvency,

Melodie encountered various needs-related motivations, unexpectedly lost her job, and found

herself in a difficult situation. She then started her innovative career by trying to establish a

corresponding service for companies, the government, and charitable organizations.

The intention was to grow into the first company that customers consider when they need

specific information by building relationships and providing value. Melodie started by asking her

parents for four $200 postdated cheques. After that, she may go to the bank manager about

getting an overdraft loan of $1,500, which would be secured by Kim Doherty, her business

partner and closest friend. They exhibit a sincere commitment to the principles they uphold,

robust business ethics, and a strong sense of purpose and zeal (Hurst, n.d.).

A new company's establishment and development will be aided by a number of

motivating factors.

Among these demands are (Badubi, 2017) Maslow's theory makes sense when you consider that

people prioritise their needs and strive to achieve more in life. The content concepts of work
satisfaction, which are based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, concentrate on the specific

requirements and factors that lead to fulfilment (Badubi, 2017). Throughout the case study, the

following needs are noted as contributing factors to Melodie's motivation for making decisions.

This includes safety and security needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs and

Psychological needs.

Problem Solving Approach.

Problem Identification.

Because of the company's success, Melodie and Kim's relationship served as a motivator

when they first started working together and consulting on a regular basis. However, as the

business grew, they experienced frequent disagreements and task overload, which was extremely

stressful for both of them. They were going through a difficult time, and they were beginning to

argue about recently available positions (Hurst, n.d.).

McClelland's desire for success theory states that certain people are more driven by

success than by rewards. Three categories of requirements are identified by Alderfer's ERG

theory: existence (security/physical needs), development (self-actualization), and relatedness

(esteem/social needs) (Badubi, 2017). Because of Melodie's drive for success, she took on more

work, which led to other problems like using their own money, sleeping less, eating irregularly,

and having erratic schedules. These things made them less motivated to work in the business

world because their personal growth was stalling.

Melodie and Kim are dependent on the success of Pro-net because if it turns a profit, their

financial demands as well as the needs for a working relationship and culture growth will be met.

Possible Alternatives.
o Creating an organizational structure that will enable Melodie and Katie to specify the job

requirements and outline the job description, which is a significant endeavor (Kenton,


o They may be able to monitor their development within a company by setting expectations

that align with both their personal and professional goals.

o Focus on what sets them apart and take advantage of that—training courses, which are

incredibly valuable for the company.


o A job description's outline can be a useful tool for identifying areas where an employee

performs below expectations or above them. This will lessen the workload by enabling

Melodie and Kim to work effectively (Notman, 2021).

o establishing a transparent link between a person's performance goals and the

organization's strategic objectives, which will assist Melodie and Kim in understanding

how their participation affects an organization's success.

o Melodie and Kim will both function more effectively if they focus on what is best for the

company. This will help to limit the amount of unrelated work and allocate time to tasks



Establishing a business depends entirely on enthusiasm, and the path that the company

takes at different points in time is influenced by many demands. In order to launch a business, an

individual has to have a strong grasp of their unique motivating factors and have access to the

financial and non-financial resources that will drive the enterprise towards success. According to
this case study, Melodie and Kim may forge solid business ties, provide a safe harbour for their

finances, and further their own personal growth by realising their full potential.


Badubi, R.M. (2017). Theories of Motivation and Their Application in Organizations: A Risk

Analysis. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 3(3), 44-


Hurst, D. (n.d.). Young entrepreneurs -- Seizing opportunities and new directions. Acadia

Institute for Case Studies. Acadia University.

Kenton, W. (2021, November 13). How organizational structures work. Investopedia. Retrieved

November 20, 2023, from

Notman, M. (2021, June 13). Aligning personal objectives to organizational strategy - Bourton

Group LLP. Bourton. Retrieved November 20, 2023, from


Maniksaly, S. (n.d.). Importance of motivation in management. Retrieved November 20, 2023,



Tandem HR. (2021, April 22). 5 reasons why job descriptions are important. Tandem HR.

Retrieved November 20, 2023, from

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