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A learning contract is a voluntary document that outlines actions the learner promises to take in a course to achieve academic success. It is an agreement, written collaboratively
between a learner and a teacher that details what is to be learned.
In this student learning contract, you will need to outline your learning goals, action plan, and timeline for this particular course or subject. This contract will help you, as a student
to take ownership of your own learning, and be accountable of your progress. At the end of this course, you will need to evaluate your own self if you were able to attain your

Student Name: Course and Year: Subject:


Propose a written learning contract of your objectives (what you want to learn and how you plan to learn it) and your desired grade for this subject.

What do you want to learn in How are you going to learn it? Resources and Strategies: Desired grade:
this subject? Suggest activities/ways that
you think can help or enhance


Advising faculty

1. Assist in developing learning

contract and ensure its
completion and good quality

2. Recommend learning
resources, such as books,
journals, people, agencies,
library materials
3. Be available as a resource for
information, but allow student to
take initiative in asking for
assistance with learning.

4. Meet regularly with the

student to review progress, share
ideas, and encourage learning.

5. Evaluate student’s work.

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