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CA - 1116

The Hindu tenable case for continued detention, no man

Protect our Republic, my lords should be held imprisoned.
There is however the disturbing contrast
Sriram Panchu, NOVEMBER 16, 2020
between the breakneck speed of the Supreme
Court in this case with other cases which
The judiciary’s quick intervention in the Arnab involve large scale and serious violations of
Goswami case turns the spotlight on other fundamental freedoms. And at the back of the
serious cases that languish discourse looms large two questions, almost
too frightening to voice. Has the Court done the
The facts are brief. Mr. Arnab Goswami of one thing which a separate and equal judicial
Republic TV, a media group perceived to be arm never does, and that is to cease being the
supportive of the ruling party, was arrested by counter-majoritarian check to a powerful
the Mumbai Police on November 4, 2020 on a executive? Has the Court abandoned its role of
charge of abetting the suicide of Anvay Naik. judicial review over acts of government,
The suicide note mentioned that the channel reducing itself to an arbiter of private disputes?
had not paid bills amounting to ₹83 lakh and
this was a proximate cause of the act of suicide. What is of import
The accused was remanded to judicial, not I cannot but help recall what happened at
police, custody. He moved a writ petition for Rashtrapathi Bhavan when the then chief
habeas corpus before the Bombay High Court, Justice of India M.N. Venkatachaliah was sworn
wholly unusual, since that only applies to in to his office in February 1993. Prime Minister
detention without cover of law; in this case he P.V. Narasimha Rao said that he looked forward
should have moved the Sessions Court for bail to a cordial relationship between the Court and
or discharge and then come to the High Court if the government.
He received a riposte which can only be
A contrast that is worrisome described as classical — “Mr. Prime Minister,
The High Court heard his case for five hours on the relationship between us has to be correct,
a holiday, and said exactly this on November 9. not cordial. Cordiality between court and
Mr. Goswami did file such a petition. Strangely, government has no place in our constitutional
he also moved the Supreme Court and his case scheme of checks and balances.”
is listed on November 11. It takes up the whole
day, and that evening he is set free, and When comes another such Chief Justice of
emerges pumping his hands in the air, much like India? And what must the Bheeshma Pitamah,
a conquering public hero. Two whole days of recently turned 92, be going through when he
judicial time of top constitutional courts have surveys the present Court and notes that there
been spent in deciding whether this one man is not one decision in the recent past where the
should get bail, when his case for precisely this Court has held against the executive?
relief was coming before the Sessions judge the
next day. As regards the release itself, suffice it
to say that once a court thinks there is no

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Judgments never made scenario. (Incidentally, this is the man the

And that there are several where it is the writ of Ministry of Civil Aviation banned from flying for
the executive that runs, simply because there is accosting and berating Arnab Goswami on a
no judgment of the Court. Witness the petitions flight.) What kind of message is being sent out
against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, here? The staple fare of comedians is to
preventive detentions in Kashmir, and the exaggerate to make a point; has our Supreme
challenge to the dilution of Article 370. And the Court really come to the stage that it should be
appeal against the gag order of the Andhra pricked by this? And then again, remember that
Pradesh High Court preventing the reporting of in all courts, there was a special place reserved
the first information report about land grabbing for the jester. Not just for humour, he also had
by those with proximity to high places is still the licence of satire to make pungent
awaiting listing after two months. observations. In so doing, he served a valuable
purpose — of telling the king what he needed
And in one case, a decision comes in after the to know, not what he wanted to hear. A
issue no longer survives, that of the Shaheen stratagem to ensure that truth got spoken to
Bagh protest, where the Court decried the power sans aggressive posture. Great kings
unregulated use of public spaces for protest. valued their jesters like Akbar did Birbal and
Leave aside the merits of the decision, the Krishnadevaraya did Tenali Raman, good kings
question is whether a gentler factual backdrop tolerated them, the others beheaded or
would not have been more advisable. Context banished them. Mark you, also, it is very
matters, my Lords, context matters. It is not just difficult to use the blunderbuss law of contempt
every word of what you say that is examined, to deal with a nimble jester, who incidentally,
but in what kind of case you say it, as well as has now become nationally famous. Speaking of
the cases where you say nothing. That all adds the Attorney General, one hopes that he will
up to tote the balance you hold between us the soon revert to what he is constitutionally
people and our rulers. It also determines mandated to do — to appear in Court in major
another balance, that of power between you cases of constitutional importance. He is our
and the ruling forces in politics and seniormost lawyer of constitutional vintage,
government. The unstated major premise of with unmatched erudition and experience, and
judicial realpolitik is that your power comes not knows perfectly that he is the first law officer of
from Articles 32 and 226 but from the public the Union, not the lawyer for the government
esteem and regard in which you are held, and of the day or party in power, a distinction that
that proceeds from the extent you act as our seemingly evades his deputy, the Solicitor
constitutional protector. In direct proportion. General.
Sans that, there are only the trappings.
They remain unheard
Words of caution May I present, my Lords, a solution. Extend the
Following on the heels of the Arnab Goswami grace of your early hearing to Varavara Rao,
release comes the Attorney-General for India’s poet, aged 80, suffering neurological and
nod to book the stand-up comedian, Kunal urological health issues. To Sudha Bharadwaj,
Kamra, for contempt of court for his tweets aged 59, civil liberties defender, suffering
about the Supreme Court in the instant hypertension, heart disease, diabetes. They

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2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 ||011- 49878625
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have been incarcerated from August 2018. To

Siddique Kappan, the journalist from Kerala
detained on his way to Hathras in October this
year. Take heed of the pitiable plight of Stan
Swamy, activist, aged 83, suffering abdominal
pain and multiple falls in jail; he is unable to
hold a glass because of Parkinson’s disease, his
plea to use a sipper/straw in jail has been
adjourned by three weeks to November 26. Let
their cases too be posted emergently before the
same Bench — which so instantly gave relief of
personal liberty to Mr. Goswami — and let
them be judged according to law. And then lead
us on the path of constitutional purity so that
our Republic may prosper.

Sriram Panchu is Senior Advocate, Madras High


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2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 ||011- 49878625
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The Hindu The Home Ministry circulated a set of guidelines

Decoding the DNA Bill to States in July on how to search crime scenes
and collect, store and transport DNA samples in
Helen Wallace, AUGUST 09, 2018
criminal cases. However, it is not yet clear
whether these guidelines will be effective.
Important safeguards are needed Because many errors occur before samples get
The DNA Technology (Use and Application) to the laboratory, the requirement for
Regulation Bill, 2018 has been introduced in laboratory accreditation in the Bill should
India’s Parliament this week, with a view to include quality assurance for crime scene
creating a national DNA database for use by the examination. Consideration should be given to
police in solving crimes and identifying missing an independent forensic science regulator to
persons. ensure oversight of both laboratory quality
assurance and crime scene examination. There
Although DNA can be an important tool here, in is also a need for elimination databases for
solving crimes, it is important that there are police, crime scene examiners and laboratory
safeguards to protect human rights and prevent workers, whose DNA may contaminate the
miscarriages of justice. Further, creating large evidence they touch.
databases is often not a cost-effective way to
solve more crimes, and limited resources must The Bill’s proposed DNA Regulatory Board is still
be targeted effectively. too powerful and insufficiently transparent or
accountable. Conflicts-of-interest should be
The Forensic Genetics Policy Initiative published published for each board member when
its report, “Establishing Best Practice for appointed and updated on an ongoing basis and
Forensic DNA Databases”, last year after board proceedings should also be published.
extensive consultation and a review of policies The Board’s need to review the ethics of its own
worldwide. A comparison with the DNA Bill behaviour may conflict with its other roles: an
reveals a number of important issues. independent ethics board should be set up. to
advise it, and the ethics board’s opinions should
First, using DNA effectively during criminal be published. Provisions which give the
investigations requires proper crime scene government or the Bboard the power to amend
examination, trained and reliable policing, a aspects of the safeguards in the Bill, and to
trusted chain of custody of samples, reliable avoid accountability in court, should be deleted.
analysis, and proper use of expert evidence in
court. Without these prerequisites, a DNA The Board’s responsibilities for privacy
database will exacerbate rather than solve protections need an independent regulator: the
problems in the criminal justice system: for easiest way to achieve this would be prior
example, by leading to miscarriages of justice adoption of a privacy or data protection bill
through (false matches or misinterpretation or (which includes a role for a data protection
planting of evidence, and diverting resources) officer). This would allow individuals some
from more important priorities. recourse if their rights were not protected. This
is particularly important, especially following
the Supreme Court’s Right to Privacy judgment.

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2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 ||011- 49878625
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A number of other privacy protections are also The Bill allows two categories of persons to
missing from the Bill. These include the need to have their DNA collected without consent and
restrict DNA profiling so that it uses only non- their DNA profiles added to the database. These
coding DNA, a commonly used international are persons suspected of any offence, where an
standard for one, which prevents the use of order is made by a magistrate, and persons
parts of the DNA which code for personal suspected of more serious offences, where an
characteristics, including medical conditions. order from a magistrate is not required. Who
Rightly, the Bill includes provisions for the should be included in the database, and
destruction of DNA samples and removal of whether a court should always have a say, is an
innocent people’s DNA profiles from the important matter for national debate. However,
database. However, these provisions are there is no attempt to assess the cost
currently inadequate because it is unclear how effectiveness of these provisions or to estimate
they will operate in practice: currently, the the database’s likely size.
removal of innocent people’s records is not
automatic, and some samples will be retained The financial memorandum to the Bill estimates
by the police. Any international sharing of DNA that there will be a one-off cost of ₹20 crore to
profiles should also be covered by a privacy or set up the database, with annual costs₹5 of
data protection law, and meet international crore to maintain it. This is completely
human rights standards. unrealistic: for comparison, the U.K. National
DNA database cost £3.7 million to run in 2015-
Database separation 16. International evidence shows that the
Further, it is a best practice to separate the success of a DNA database is driven primarily by
databases for missing persons and for criminals the number of crime scene DNA profiles loaded
set up by the Bill, so that people who volunteer on to it, not by the number of DNA profiles
their DNA to help find their missing relatives are from individuals, so proper crime scene analysis
not treated as suspects for criminal offences. should be the top priority.
Provisions allowing the use of these databases
for civil cases, for example to test paternity, In short, important safeguards and a cost-
should be deleted from the Bill. To maintain benefit analysis are still lacking for this Bill. The
trust in the system, people should not be Bill needs further improvement, and full
concerned that non-paternity might be revealed parliamentary scrutinyshould be utilised to
if they offer to assist a criminal investigation, or achieve that end.
are accused (perhaps falsely) of a crime. This
does not prevent DNA being used for such Helen Wallace is Director, GeneWatch UK
purposes, but this should be done case by case
and not included in the system for a criminal
database. More detail is also needed to specify
that volunteers must be fully informed about
future storage and uses of their genetic
information before they give consent.

Current Affairs Classes by ForumIAS

2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 ||011- 49878625
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Current Affairs Classes by ForumIAS

2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 ||011- 49878625

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