Ryan Healy's 17 Tested & Proven Email Tips

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17 Tested & Proven Email Tips for

Boosting Opens, Clicks & Revenue

Since 2015, I’ve been in charge of sending hundreds of millions of emails,
which have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue for my clients.

During that time, I’ve conducted hundreds if not thousands of split-tests and
analyzed mountains of data.

The 17 tested and proven tips in this brief document come directly from that

Keep in mind, my experience is primarily in the B2C market, particularly

health, weight loss, survival, precious metals, conservative politics, and
some financial as well.

As with all things that have been “tested and proven,” every email list is
different so your mileage may vary.

1. The #1 reason people open emails and click links is… curiosity.

2. Sell the click, not the product. Let the sales page do the selling.

3. Most winning subject lines fall into a narrow range of 6 to 10 words.

4. All other things being equal, shorter subject lines are better.

5. The single best word for cranking up curiosity in subject lines: THIS

6. A link in the first 1-3 sentences of your email will boost clicks.

7. Using your subject line verbatim as the final CTA link will increase

Copyright © 2023 Ryan Healy - All Rights Reserved

A Winning Email I Wrote for a Client that
Clearly Demonstrates Tips 1-3, 6 & 7:

8. People who click images in emails usually buy more than those who
click text links.

9. Once you have a winning email, test a variety of images. A good

curiosity-inducing image can lift response significantly.

10. Winners are winners. You can run a winning email again 30+ days
later and get similar results.

11. Bigger font boosts readership and sales, especially in 50+

markets. (I prefer 20-point Arial in email.)

Copyright © 2023 Ryan Healy - All Rights Reserved

12. The time you send your email matters. On a list we mail twice a
day, a recent multi-day test showed that a 2 p.m. send time produced
52.7% more revenue than 7 p.m. for the second email. (This was an
interesting discovery for us since we’d been mailing at 7 a.m. and 7

13. Emails that look personal will get higher open rates… but higher
complaint rates, too. Be prudent in how you use this strategy.

14. Pattern interrupts are effective. Whatever your pattern is, break it
occasionally to reclaim subscribers’ attention.

15. An easy pattern interrupt is to change your From: line (assuming

your ESP permits it). This can lift open rates significantly.

16. The email that drives the most clicks doesn’t always drive the most
sales. This is due to how you frame the click. Better framing and
pre-selling equals a better conversion rate on the sales page.
Obviously, the best case scenario is to have a high-click,
high-conversion email.

17. One easy way to get an email out of Gmail’s Promotions tab:
remove all exclamation points. This is because Gmail classifies
exclamation points as “promotional language.”

I have a lot more to share about how to generate more opens, clicks, and
revenue from email. And I’ll be sharing some of what I’ve learned in my
emails – along with stories and lessons from my 18-year freelance
copywriting career.

Until then, you might want to check out this article on my website:

=> 11 Email Subject Line Templates Every Marketer Should Know

Copyright © 2023 Ryan Healy - All Rights Reserved

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