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1. Would you prefer to watch a TV program or watch a Shakespeare play?

Explain your

Claim: I do prefer watching a TV program than Shakespeare play.


1. Shakespear play is not a trend type of program.

2. TV program is up to latest.


2. Do you think that there are ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ pleasures?

Claim: Yes, I think there are higher and lower pleasure


1. It is a way to interpret and measure pleasure.

2. This feeling can be great however time to time you will find it not anymore.


3. Why might someone think there are ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ pleasures? What
examples might she give?

Claim: They might think that it depends to the person and the level of the individual’s
resistance to pleasure.

The examples are: sky diving or shopping

it releases a lot of dopamine to the brain.

It serves as a reward from stress factors in the individuals life.

4. Mill thinks that, given that there is a distinction between ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ pleasures, it
is better to be a human experiencing a very small amount of higher

pleasure than a pig experiencing loads of lower pleasure. Do you think this is right?

Claim: Mill is right.


1. Time to time the higher levels of pleasure will build up resistance to the individual

2. The time will come that the level of pleasure the individual needs because impossible to
achieve which forces the individual to be miserable

5. What do you think of Mill’s ‘proof’ for the existence of higher and lower

Claim: It is true since I have experience it.


1. if Doing heavy task and it gets done with my expectations it really relives all my

2. If Doing task and its unfinished then not meet my expectations and the stress that I
experience increases.


6. Could anyone count as a competent judge?

Claim: Yes, anyone count as a competent Juge.
1. If the individual has experienced a specific event
2. If the individual understands how the specific subject reacts to the individual
and it is that great.

7. If there is no such distinction, why is there convergence in what people often take
as ‘worthwhile’ pleasures?
Claim: It is the time of pleasure that the people consider


1. People are not taking other considerations like the environment while experiencing

2. Pleasure is what they are prioritizing not its intensity which means the time frame
for them is the main focus.


8. Is it possible that out of all those people who experienced pleasure both from
eating a burger and from watching Shakespeare that there may be one/some that
would prefer eating the burger?

Claim: Yes, since eating a burger for them is much more rewarding.


1. The burger is cook well-done

2. It’s the person’s favorite


9. Are higher pleasures about cultural conditioning? If they are, does that mean that
Mill is wrong?

Claim: Mill is not completely wrong


1. Culture has different belief and perspective

2. The practice of the Culture is the one who influences it the most.

3. Even Mill is having a culture; this means he is basing on the one he experiences
and influences.

10.Mill says that even though higher pleasures are less intense they are more
pleasurable – can you make sense of that idea?

Claim: He is referring to the time and not the intensity of the pleasure.
1. The longer the time the higher the pleasure.
2.The shorter the time to lower the pleasure.

3. In this concept level of pleasure is neglected, because lets just say that it is high
however quick then its high intensity of pleasure is no longer that effective to the
individual unlike low pleasure how ever been experiencing for a long time that will
have a significance to the individuals overall experience

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