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Important LTE Interview Questions & Answers Q401: Whatare the failure reasons of SRVCC? 3, Werneed to check strategy of SRVCC ether itis PSHO or Redirection (Recommended: PS HO) 2 Thresholds for SRVCC also need to be checked, in VOF we were using 108 defaults 125, Upon decreasing the valvefor this threshold, it means Traffic will betransferred from LTE to 3G 3- We need to check switch for SRVCC either Itis enabled or not on eNB level. ‘4 3G frequencies on LTE sideshould be defined properly. ‘Mini: istutrannfreg (QH02: Whatis Group & adaptive/Frequencybased CA? 1+ In Group based CA, we nead to define colls inthe form of groups of aiferent frequencies (bands) for which we need to define CA, Mu ADD CAGROUPCELL (Group Ces}, ADD CAGROUP (Particular Unique CA Group), MOD CAMGTCFG (Management Configuration) Prawback If latersiteNs are not defined then CA will natwork So NBs should be properly defined. 2 Frequency/adaptive based CA, we need to define frequonciesofcariers (8001900 two way), even HENBs arenot defined CA will work becauseitis freq based. How toactivate Frequency based CA: 3) Remove CA group by RMV CAGROUP ») MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH & enable frequency-based CA switch ©} ADD PCCFREQCFG (need to define priority and primary cell freq) 4) ADD SCCFREQCFG (need to define priority & secondary cell freq) QHO3: Reasonsof CA not working 3- First, we need to check type of CA we are using either Group/Freq based ‘4+ ie areusing group-based CA then we need to check Group & Group Cells aredefined properly with accurate ell IDs & InterSite NBs are added or not also eNB level switchis ON/OFF 5 UE Issue(ifin caseUE is locked on one specific frequency) Swe areusing Freq based CA, Frequencies are properly defined or not, moreover eNS level switchis onyoFF (QH04: How can you analyze Drop reasons through FMA tool? 1+ We need to collect Boardiogs (CHR) from U2000 2: Then through FMA tool, we can check High Drop from Retainability 3 May be Orop Rate Is high ustbecauseot only one problematic UE & we cancheck this type of issue ‘through IMSI ofthat UE (when we find IMSI, IMEI ean be obtained from EPC side) Qi04: Reasons of HO Failures Hflnter HO Fallure Rateis higher ata particular region then failure occurs and UE ill notbe able attach target eNB, as a resultcall drops sou: 2} You should increaseTT valuein order to make handover harder to happen, Parameters to change are; i) nterFreqHoALAzTimeToTrig li) InterFregHoasTimeToTrig +b) You shouldincreasethe hysteresis value, Parameters to change are; |)interFreqHoALA2tiyst ii) nterFreqHonatyst 2 HO failures occur if there are Ping Pong HOs. Ping Pong happens when UE becomes indecisive when UE Wants to handover toa particulareNB, ‘SOL: There are certain HO parameters that canbe used to mitigate the ping pong effect. These parameters are Biven inthe table below; Parameter Name | Deion et vat ~[Réconmended Velie) Filter indents the alpha fering | FCB Lowervalue than FE. | coetfient red sythe UE | Porsttevatues duringRsRe measurement eos | forpatiossestinaton | Gtemesiuemen pth | indctsthamesivener | Pate Patan? | seppectern 3: PCI Confusion, ‘#04: Whatis ANR? How ANR is working? On which basis ANR adds/removes NB relations? {tis Automatic NB Relation to matntain NRT (NB relation Table; MML:Istetranextcell we can get follownginfo like ClO, Forbid/Slacklist status, NB Frequencies) & NCL table (NB Cell List; MML: | steutraninterfreqnceli/steutranintrafreqncell wecan ust get NCL) Working: FastANR: it periodically measures reported PC! of UE & reads CGI of missingl8s. Incaseot FastANR, maybe all UES are involvedsoonce it crosses the threshold of max UE# itwill notadd further Ues, For InterFreq missingNs,it affects system throughput. We can define 64 NBs/Cell Aaidtion: There are RSR? thresholds, defaults -102 dBm for LTE, 106 d8m for 36 RSCP & -103.48m for GSM ReLevel (RSS! based) Removal: a) ANR delete cell threshold:we can define SR of HOs. Defaults 08 range is 0-100 b) Least No of HOs: Default is 200 & Range is 1-10000 ©) Static Cycle: Default time is 24 hours (1440 minutes) Event ANR: it s triggered onthe basis of HO Evens (Triggering). It produces Delay due to reading CGI but ‘advantage! thatthere is no periodic measurement that leads tothe threshold of max UE (Q#05: Whatis MOD3, MODE & MOD30? MODS interference? Mopa: 1+ The same siteshould not use the same PCI again onthe same frequency 2° The NGRs of the siteshould not have the same PCi on the same frequency 3+ Ideally, two NBRs of the siteshould nat have same PCI between them ODE: ithe system is onlyasingleportsystem likemostof he 18S systems, then the PC mod3 wil notimpact ‘because there will eno reference signalscon the second port. instead, the rule wil change'e PCI mode, MOB30: lust liksin downlink, every 3rd or Sth PCI collides onthe reference signals, every 30th PC! hes the samme Trani ctuplinkreference signals.1n uplink, thereference signalsarepresentin the central symbol ofthe slotand ‘heir patern or basesequence repeats for every 30th PC incase two acjacenteells havesamePCl mods, tag {he cell canhave dffcultyin decoding which can resuitin higher black error rateinuplink, However, this is nove critialissueand very rarely observed in the commercial networks. MODS Interference: If we have a collision on Reference Signal between the two ports. Tis is knownas the PC] ‘mod3 Issue/interference. ‘QH06: Whatis OMSTAR Tool and for which purpose do we use this tool? 1 NW Audit 2+ NB Audit 3+ EP Audit with configuration files obtained from 2000 4- CHR Analysis, Q#06: What is MIMO? 2+ Full Form: Multipleinput Multiple Output 2+ MIMO technique uses multipletransmitand receive antennas during transmission. Advantages of MIMO includes the following; “Power Gains *Aeray Gains “Multiplexing Gains Diversity Gains 3+ Downlink MIMO Techniques *Open-Loop MIMO: No Phil feedback from UE, *Close-Loop Milo: PM feedback from UE is required, “Transmit Diversity:Same informationis transmitted from multipleantennas. *Spatial Multiplexing: Different information is transmitted from multiple antennas. ‘4 Adaptive MIMO Transmission Mode: eNB dynamically selects theTM mode for every connected UE (RRC_CONNECTED) inthe network. ‘Condition Transmission Mode High SNR, Low Channel Correlation Spatial Multiplexing (SM) Low SNIR Transmit Diversity 0X Div) Stationary orlow Speed UE ‘Closed Loop Transmit Diversity (LTD) igh Speed UE Open Loop Transmit Diversity (OLB) 1U2000 check: heck the {M0 settings matched in U2000 andin the field (sometimes physicallyitis configured 86 2728 but in U2000 ts configured 4TAR, you can discoveritif RANKL utilization|s 100%), But note itthatindoor sites are1T1R, 2 2SP UCINFO command t check whether the license contrl item LTIDMIMOO1 or LOMIMOO? is valid. Ifitis invalid, load. valid icense lle for this item. 3+ Check the UE category. Ifthe UE category Is 1, the UE does ot support spatial multiplexing, Replace the UE with the one of a higher category. “+ ISTCCEUDISCHALGO command to check whether the valueof the maxlmum number of MIMO layers Bi sa AYMAX_SM_RANK_1(Rank). If yes, change itto SW_MAX_SM_RANK_2{Rank2) or SW_MAX_SM_RANK_4{Ranks}. IST CELIMIMOPARACFG command. TM2 or TMG Is configured as fixed transmission mode, change {tte another fixed transmission mode that supports two code-words based on the network non (Q#07: How to Improve Throughput? Throughput can be improved intwo parts: A) Control Part ‘++ POCGH allocation based on a BLER target: The PDCCH allocation{s mostly basedona BLER target roar anid by 2 Cal input If the UE is showénga good Ql, the eNB will allocate good aggregation Layer For example, the UE reported Calindex 12 hich shows thatitisingoodrediocondieneena, ‘he eN6 vill allocate it aggregation layer 2 whichuses 2 CCES, Vendors have dynamie power featane for POCCH and ifsucha feature is used, itwill increase the PDCCH power with the samme aggregation layer to increase the robustness & thereby helpto increase throughput 2 Another approachistotune the POCCH SLER target. the BLE target is slightly increased, then the NB will usethe some PDCCH aggregation layer for longer andthis wil reduce expansion of Pocch eultingina lower CCE uilzation and reduced overhead & increases throughput. However, ifthe SIER tergetisincreased excessively, the Us might fail to decade the POCCH resultingin retransmissions 3° Mother dimensionis the codingrate for the POCCH aggregation layers. the network shifts from Open toop to Close Loop, another increasein aggregation layer will beabserved ex Closed Loop MIMO allocations take mere number of bits on POCCH compared to Open Loop MIMO siloeators ‘This can be mitigated by increasingthe maximum coding rate threshold for the POCCH, Bur increasing ‘reduces the robustness ofthe POCCH and therefore, a balance mustbe maintained, 8) Data Part Ba Tr cesective, ifthe number of bits transmitted ina subframe(time) over a speciicnumber of Resource Blocks (frequency bandwidth) is high, then itwil correspond tohigher throughput ond higher spectral effleiency. Lets understand the various factors impacting thespectraleficeney andways to perform LTE throughput optimization, 1 ») Improve SINR: tenet stance: This one abasicthing.fsitesaretoo closeto each other, they wil havea higher tendency to interfere with each other, sou: 1) Electrical Down Tltto avoid Overshooting ")) Another thingthat can be done in caseof smallerinte-sitedistancels tousea more balanced Rs owe’ (Reference Signal). There aretwo parameters in LTE Pa and Pb which define the power of ihe Reference signals againsttheother symbols eg. POSCH Symbols.incaseof smell mee ce distance, Pb and Pa values of 0 might provide more optimized solution {ead & Urlization: Sometimes, the actual tific volumes net that high but the utilization ofthe cell ie Still very high. itis @ good idea to see the TA and CQ for the cel 2c Planning: it shouldbe tried to avold PC| modulo3 conflicts wherever possible. in FD networks, itis Peter to ensure that time synchronizationisnotenabledas that adds arandommess to the sytenrang PCI mod3 impactis reduced significantly, £31 A MCS Mapping: As MCS Increases, the throughput usually increases so we need to ensure that we have the most optimum CQ and MCS indexes for each SINR velue ‘Mobitty strategy: 1) Transition to Higher Cal layer fi) Load Balancing bothinidle& Connected Mode Scheduler Fairnes 1) Round Robbin Max cf iil) Proportional Fair Qi08: How to resolve PCI confusion? i) Need ta check Tits ) Need to check NB relation (QH09: What is CSFB Strategy you are/were using? BLINDHOREDIRECTION ') SFB Lowest priority Interfat for lle UE: indicate the lowest-priarty RAT or CSEB initiated by 26 in idlemode, It's COMA2000 by default this parameter is setto UTRAN, GERAN, or COMAZ000, the lowest-priorityRATs UTRAN, GERAN, or CDIMA2O0O, respectively. this, Parameter Is setto NULL, no lowest-priority RAT is specified and only the highest. or medium: Priority RAT can be selected for CSFB initiatedby a UE inidiemode. 'N) SFB to UTRAN Bind Redirection RR Switch: indicates whether the eNode® selects the target Frequency ina round robin (RR) manner from frequencies with the same pricrityin blind {tection fr CSES to UTRAN,Ifthis parameter is setto ONOn}, the function of target Fresuency selectioninan RR manner is enabled, Ifthis parameter is setto OFF(OM, ths function is disabled, MML: (ST CSFALLBACKBLINDHOCFG: #10: Diff between Rand flash CSFB? 8 CSFB: (Two Scenarios) ‘) Blind Scenario: ifthe elodes Is configured to provide bind handovers (thats, if lindHeSwitch Under the HoModeSwitch parameter is turned on), itdoes not deliver the measurement Configuration tothe UE, Instead, the eNlade8 performs a blind handover, Ui) Measure Scenario: In MeasureSeenario,eN8 sends the UE the measurement configuration, according to which the UE performs measurements on the specified system. The measurement configuration sentta the UE contains the configuration information for only the RATS and frequencies that are supported by the UE. ‘We useRIM (RAN Information Management) features, which gives us information of 36 PSCs & reduces delay, (Qi 11: What is MLB? {ntroduction:Inter-RAT MLB coordinates load distribution amongintar-RAT cells. For this purpose, MLB cheeks the load status ofcelis and transfers UEs from heavily loaded cells to lightly loaded inter RAT cells, Benefits: "Relieves load imbalances amonginter-RAT cells by transferringappropriate UES to inter= RAT neighboring cells. ") Increases the access successrate,improves user experience with telecommunication Services, and achieves better overall resourceutilization, Parameter Optimization: The following parameters may need to be adjusted fr better performance: |) GellMLB.interfathsThd: This parameter determines the probabilities and effect of Inter-RAT ML, 1) CettaeunteratMisueNumOfiset: A larger valueof this parameter results inelowe, probability of ping-pong load transfer, 1) GelM.g.nterRATMABUeNumTad: This parameter determines the probabilities and effet of inter- RAT MLB, ‘OH 13: When RRC Re-Establishment messages occurs and tell about its Counters \tthe RUF (Radio Link Failure) occurs before the UE gets the SMC (Security Made Command), then there will bene ERC Reestsblishmentbut ithe RLF (Radio Link Failure) occurs after the UE gets the SMC (Security Mode Cormmmand), then the UE will senda RRC Reestablishment, puniarly for examleif the N320 valueis 2 then itreans that ifthe UE fails to decode PDCCH for 210 ms, it wil {ave exceeded the configured N310threshold.Once, NB40 has been exceeded, the UE state hmer T310 andifthe gE isunablete retain the connection (stil unableta decode POCCH) before 1320 expires, the Ut will initete Re Reestablishment, Counters: outer me 1526727085 LURRC ReEst At 1526727087 LRRC ReEst Recon'Fai Att 1828727080 LIRRC ReEst HoFal Att 1526730836 URRC ReEst NonSrecall Att 1526721802 LIRRC NoCntiReget Att Number of RRC connection reestablishment requests, Numbar of RRC connection reestablishment requests teggered by reconfiguration | lures Numbar of RRC connection reestablishment requesis, triggered by failed handovers Number of RRC connection reestablishment requests to another cell | Number of RRC connection reestablishment attempts without UE contexts 1528741803, LIRRC NoCnsReEstReconfFail Att Number of RRC cenneetion LIRRC.NoCntRetst HoFail At 1826746978 URRC ReEstait Act Optimization: ‘MO: Global Procswitch MIMI: \ST/MOD GLOBALPROCSWITCH Recommended Value: PC|_CONFUSION_REEST_SWITCH:On S1_HANDOVER_REEST_SWITCH:On NO_CONTEXT_REEST_SWITCH:On SEC_CMD_REEST_SWITCH: On WITH_x2_NO_NCEL_REEST_SWITCH: On (Q# 14: what is the relation between PRB & DL Throughput (Inverse) feestabishment stamts without [UE contexts tnagered by reconfiguration failures Number of RRC connection reeslablshment aitempis without UE contexts triggered by handover falures Number of reestablishment requests of active RRC connections, (Q# 15: Which parameters need to check during cluster optimization? i) sina i) MOD3 interference (PCI Confusion & coltision) iil) HO Delay need to check or illogical HOs or HO Fallures iv) Session/call orop Vl Low Throughput patches (GH 16: Diff between FDD & TDD Frame Structure? There are two types of LTE frame structure: 1. Type 2: used for the LTE FOD mode systems 2. Type 2: used for the LTE TDD systems Type 1 LTE Frame Structure Frere YPe LTE frame has an overall length of 10 ms. this is then dividedintos total of 20individvalelots LTE Subframes then consistoftwo slots -inother words there areten LTE subframes withina frame LTE frame length Type 4 LTE Frame Structure Type 2 LTE Frame Structure fe frame structure forthe type 2 frames used on LTE TDD is somawhat different. The 10ms frame comprises two halfframes, each ms long, The (TE haif-rames arefurther spitintofivesubframes, each line long. Oneradie frame (10 ms) Hatttrame owls | ln + WETS - Downlink Pilot Time Slot + GP -Guard Period UpPTS - Uplink Pilot Time Stot, ese tree felds arealso used within TO-SCDMAand they havebeen carried over intoLTE TDD (TD-ATE) and thereby help the upgrade path. The fields are individually configurable in terms of length, although the total length of al three together must be ims, Qi 47: LTE Events? There are 5 different handover types Events: Event Ad is triggered when the power value of the servingcells better than the threshold, Event A2 is triggered when the power value of the serving.cell becomes worse than the threshold Event A3 is triggered when the power ofthe target cells greaterthan the power of the sourcecell by an offset, Event Ad is triggered wiven the power of the target cell becomes better then a defined power threshold, Event AS is triggered when the target becomes better than a threshold and when the source becomes worse than a threshold, ‘QH18: Whatis Root Sequence Index & PRACH Root Sequence Index Planning? ‘The Root Sequence indexis broadcastas partof PRACH configuration inSIB2 ofthe LTE cell This allows the UE to calculate which PRACH preamble tean se to atachto the cell. The PRACK preambles are Zadoff-Chow sequences of 838 length ‘The UE calculates the preamble by applyinga cyclic-shifton this Root Sequence Index. a» uy ii) Wy » vil Zadoff-Chu Sequence lengtis839 in LTE. Every Call needs 64 preambles. ‘To generate the neoded 64 preambles for each cell, we usecyclicshift(CS): Guar tena Site 0 Signature 1 —<—<—- cP ZC sequence Signaives a ee? i Zs by Cyclic Shift Signature 3 ; Y \We need a large CS for alargercell radius, sincethe larger the cell radius, the longer the transmission delay. From 4, we need more root sequences to generate the needed 64 preambles for a larger cell radius But too many root sequences used ina cell is notgood because sequences obtained from cyclicshiftsof Different Zc sequences arenot orthogonal. Therefore, orthogonal sequences obtained by eyelially shifting a singleroot sequence should be favored over non-orthogonal sequences; additionally, 2Croot sequences Should be used only when the required number of sequences (64) cannotbe generated by cyclic shifts of a singleroot sequence, (Q# 17: Diff between Blind and Measurement based CSFB? Blind: it can chooseany 3G cell blindly & hence reduces delay but affects HO SR ‘Measurement: itchooses particular PSC with good RF condition &inereases delay Qi 18: Which Necessary KPIS need to check? - ED bei gaa | eet bs (ia) Q0S in LTE QoS Class Identitier (ach (Q# 19: Parameter to show Root Sequence index? (RootSequenceld) Description: Meaning Ths parameter indicates theinitialogislindexnumberaf the C root sequence used in preamble Sequence generation, Value type: interval Value range: 0 to 837 Unit: none Default vatue:0 Impact scope: eel Setting: Med'tications on this parameter affect the orthogonality ofthe preamble sequences for the cll andits ‘ncighboringcells. Related Commands: IST CELL: Localcetlia-o MOD CEL: LocalCell Qu 20: Differentiate between Redirection, PSHO & CCO? Rootsequenceldx=0 Redirection: eUTRAN does not prepare the target Inter-RAT RAN with the UES info. Itjustreleases (with redirect info} the UE connection, ar Ghanee Order, only supported for GERAN, does not prepare the target Inte-RAT RAN with the UE Ino. the Baas CCO, a8 a partof whichit provides the parameters necessary forthe mebileto find andeyrchre veto the destination call (SIBinfo), for UE to access the target. Iranakes surethe UE completes CCO procedure and e-UTRAN connection sonly releasedafter that. Ifthe GERAN connection is not successful, UEis notdisconnected from e-UTRAN, PsHo: Pie reelstration, preallocation ofresources, with target Inter-RAT RAN happens Handover using HO-preparation/HO-command Notes: 1 festection means transition from connected state on the originating RATto idlestateon the target RAT. *_fandover means transition fromconnected state on the originating RAT to connected state on os target ar. rer gceseof handover the connections maintained "seamlessly" when switchingbetween 36 and LTE whereas crobtan san ne UE is moved to idlestate on the target radio, after which the UE hasto perform cena ee establishmentto get things moving again, * ZENO moves the UE from connected state to connected state (eg. LTE RAC_CONNECTED to UTRAN RRC fomrted 26 CELL_DCH state, whereas redirection (LTE -> 26/36) or CCO (LTE > 26) moves re Le from connected state to idlestate after which, the UE has to establish RRor ARC conmecoon he target system), reractonand CCO difersuchthat inCGO the UE is givena eingespecticcell otro access, {eeirestioncanbe targeted to several cells (/requencies) Also, in caseCCO fas the Ut shat eturn to ‘NE whereas with redirection the UE is free to find service from any system on ite own, (#21; Cell Radius vs Root Sequence Indexrelation in planning? {t's basiealya relation between preamble format configuration vs.the maximum cell radius duringthe random: access procedure. For example, Preamble Format 0 supports a maximum cell radius of 14.5 km, Another random ‘ccess parameter that affects the call sizeis the cyclic shift. err ° 3ies_| ous | 24576 | 0.600 [0.903 . 0.097 | s4km 4 [21028 | o.see | "24576 | 2.800 | ager 2 0516 | ~ 75 km 2 5240 | 0.203 | 2x 34578 | 1.600 | aos 2 0.397 |= 38 kn 3 [aie | 0.684 Ta xpasre | 2.800 a at 2 0.716 | ~ 108 km 3 ase [9015 [2006 | 0.33] 0.148 (Qif 22: What is Beam Forming? In which Transmission Mode it is used? Beamforming uses multipleantennas to control the direction ofa wave front by appropriately weightingthe ‘magnitude and phaseof individual antenna signals transmit beamforming). It's used in Transmission Mod ‘Table 3: Gverview of the tan Gouin tranaminaton Medea ETE Rokwase te Q# 23: DL Scheduling? DL scheduling performs three operations: * Selects UEs to be scheduled + Determine MCS5 to be used + Determines the number and positions of Ras to be allocated, Huawei eNode® supports four scheduling strategies: © Maxcf © Round Robin (RR) © Proportional Fair (PF) © Enhanced Proportional Fair EPF) he Gounlinkscheduling strategy s decided by the DlehStrategy parameter, and the uplinkscheduling stratagyis decided by the UschStratesy parameter. Max ci, RR, and PF schedulingstategies, dynamic schedulingis used forall services. With the EPF scheduling ‘strategy, only the VolP services use semi-persistent scheduling Relevant Configuration 5): HOD CELLD Free Users Downlink RE a oa Serce wegne rmaxtrum number of 0. DO ayers Reames aoe mo 4 for Noe-GBR servic wink CA Schade Downink EPF ca i 24: When RRC Reconfiguration message occurs? (Add/Remove/Modify) Direction: EUTRAN => UE SignalingRadio Bearer:SR8r RLC Mode: Amt logical Channel: occH ‘Transport Channel: DL-SCH AAC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION message s the command to modify an RC connection. The purpose of thie procedureis: * To establish/modity/releaseRadio Bearers + To perform Handover + To setup/madify/release Measurements + To add/modity/retease Scoils Dedicated NAS Information might also betransterred from eNoded to UE Q# 25; Whatis LTE eventin CA? Related Events ') Event At Indicates the RSRP threshold for Inter-RAT measurement event AL. When the measured ASAP valueof the serving cell exceeds this threshold, anevent Al reportwill be sent ‘1 _Bvent a2 (Searching) indicates thatthe signal quality ofthe serving cell becomes lower than a specific threshold. 8) Event 43 (Intra) indicates that the signal quality ofthe PCels neighboring cell becomes higher than thatof the PCell. 4 Event A4 (Inter) indicates thatthe signal quality ofa neighboring cell becomes higher than a specific threshold. Event AS (A2+A4) indicates thatthe signal quality of Pell becomes lower than a specific threshand signal quality of a neighboring cell becomes higher than another threshold, vi) Event AG indicates thatthe signal quality ofan SCell'sintra-frequency neighboringcell becomes higher than that of the SCell Ifthe eNodes receives an event AB report, itchanges the SCell while keeping the PCell unchanged. ‘Qi 26: What is PCC Anchoring? IPCC anchoring, an eNode selects a PCall for @ CA UE based.on PCell or PCC priorities, Toprioritizecertain ‘frequencies as PCCs, an operator can set high PCel or CC priorities, so thatthe eNode® will selectthehighest= prioritycell orcarrier asthe PCell or PCC for the UE. NoTEs: 4 a a) ‘When 2 CA UE Initialyaccesses a network, the eNode® skips PCC anchoringita bearer foran emergency call orwitha oS class identifier (QC) of 1 has been established. The purposes to revent gap-assisted measurements from affecting voice quality. (Bearers with 2 QCl of 1 are usedto carryVolte services.) ‘After PCC anchoringis enabled, the number of inter-frequency handovers increases A gap-assisted measurement timer is used in PCC anchoringand SCell configuration forcarrier Management. The timer has a fixed length of 3s. (Qi 27: CSFB Failures Issues and reasoning and solution? Parametric issue eB level switch BUNDHO is off, redirection OFF, 3G Freq not defined in Istutrannfreq) RF Condition (pilotpollution, coverage gaps) UE Issue ‘Qi 28: Tell briefly about some LTE Timers? = ‘SiMessogeWaiting | X2MesigeWaltingt | UutesageWalting Tier 300 ne nant men es a Con UslimerGe | Thiods8Connsae onuStatel Acorns mo lelimerConse Ey at mee mee mee ery smo. Isto | tst/o0 ist/woo \stanoo Isto ‘command | ucTivenconsr | ®ACcONvsTarE | uerivenc | evooesconnstar | enooenconnstare | enooeeecstar wen ons TIMER “TIMER TIMER Indicates thetimer soveringthe 1302 speites periogthat the the time dre stlodeB wats fora whieh a UE response mesiage | Indleatesthetiner istimerts | whose ne fromthe MMe | governingtne period startatwnenthe | Connection whenthe eNodeb. | "the lcalenodes Uesenar | _ tequeste pertrmsansi- | waltstorarespnte | seater shetiner acconnectonk | teoctedhasto Ssedhadover tr | ‘messgetomine. | ote sever, | wottctorete | iacats | aUrennnenon | peerenoaebunen | , SON Setreshetine | UEcnintawe | "GE'S | ctserns te | "heurirnang, | RtedtheeNees caires itis | T*ON*HAEN. | maximum | mer expres the | mon-acit serves it | Wels fer areseome ompedeteUE | mustimeris | mumberot | Stegenmrares | Me eNodeBperfoms | ie es Maan | aqcinsnetiete | snredwhen | Tcceanve | “Satranee | ankztared ‘umingnonceit topor | me UErecenes | ge | intact | cmngsenie wth | este on ceed | *NedeBperems | “theacttthe | {TAT ere te Maccarone | ancconnecien | "ected | MSIE | ye cloth the eeoneae elect mesage handoverfora UE | meraels parameter ie anertnetimer | “Sr stopped rurningaeries | Conuolsthepered | oerthe expires, the UE | when the UE. witha QCloft, the | thatthe eNodeb ie anterstha | “Sher the Sanguaitigrier | waits fr avespense fac.ibuEstate | ape Conner Gcitparameer | message temthe Dimode or conttstheveres | "peeretoses performs eal that the eno reseleton walt for acespoce message romthe Nave Defeat | Si000_ro00G0 7 oa as 6 a) 2» 20 3s ecomme nana, mer { weno! 4, [eee | > : Valve ra,nt0 (Qif 31: What is RRC Setup SR KPI? What are the failure reasons & how to improve this KPI? This isthe frst partin LTEKP| Optimizationand more relatedarticles willbe published soon. so, letus getstarted without wastinganyfurthertime, * Mo-data :Usualiyused for UE coming back from idle mode ifithas data to sendorifit has tomake acall ‘Mo-signaling Most commonlyobservedforTAUs and Attach messages Mt-access :ldle UE responds to pagingmessage Emergency High Ponty access Wtalso contains a UEIdentity which can bea TMSI valueif the UE was alreadyprevicusly attachedto (TE and hada TMS! allozation oritcan be a random vaive indleating that the UEdoes notknowaboutits TMS! oritmight be coming from another RAT. Besedon this request the eNB sendsa ARCConnection Setup message whichcontains the informationofSRBandsome basicradio parameters like power contra, SRi & CQ) periodicity, Once, the UE gets the RACConnection Setup, lt matesthe changes basedon the instructions inthe message andthen esponds with RRCConnection Setup Complete message. This message also contains the NAS information if the Ut intends tosendit, Random Access Preamble (sgt) Random Access Response (RAR or Msg2) faite Accs Response (RAR of Ms32) MAEM RRC Connection Request (Mss3) Re eee Re A) RC Connection Setup fii Connection Setup RRC Connection Setup Complete (Msg5) re Se Comection Setup Complete (Msg5) The eN® peas RRC attempt counter wihen it receives the RRC Connection Request and the process is deemed successful on ‘the receipe of the RRC Connection Setup Complete messoge. ‘Common Failures in RRCSetup Phase ‘mordertomsintainard optimize the RRCKPI, one should know the majorissues that eancausea RACsetup allure. RRC Setup Failure Due To No Response This Isthe most common RRCfailure whichis presentinevery network. Mos to the failuresin the RACstege are dueto no response from the UE.This means thatthe eNBreceives RRC Connection Request messagefiom the Usand respondewita '& RRC Connection Setup message but does natreceiveoris unable to decode the RRC Connect! on Setup Complete message. RRC Connection Request i RRC Connection Setup RRC Connection Setup Complete 98 er Complete cea gundestand why thishappens. The BRCConnection message susualyaround 7byes in length while the RRC Srangation Setup Complete mezsagemaycontain the whole NAS information| lite TAU or Attach Regeew von ean vary fromas smallas@ bytes to as big as aver 100bytes..Considerthars UE m Connection Request. Since, itis only around 7 bytes. it Sutwhen itneeds to sendARC Connection Setup Compl willneeda bigger number of probe brian pth® Messages fragmented, So, the average power percarierwillbe reduced lesdingtoe higher Probability thatthe messagemaynotbe decodedatthe es. scan ssoheppenifthere|sintererenceen the cellasitwilmakeitfurther dificult forthe eN to decode the Trassase- can alsohappenifthe UEfsllsto decode RRCConnection Setup message soit aillneversendine tec Connection Setup Complete message. RRC Rejections renee, tind issue thatcan happen butltis usually much less observed in commercial networks compared the {ailures dueto no casponse. In these cases, the eNB rejects the incoming RRC Connect Requestbysendinga RRCReject evr uae ner ncerastv observed when eNBexperiencescongestonandthere ae notenoughresourcesleftweesopng ewuserrequestinga RRCConnection. car Sot is congested, the ARCconnectioncan berejected, PUCCH caries HARQACK/NAGKS,COl and SRls.fthe ran escurces are notavalabe, users illot beable to sends andthe eNB canna schedule witentce) reset aU eualy endo implement PUCGH in a waythat wen PUCEH utilization sinerenced, the Ca ete walis caesar tee eamble users sending CQ with aninteral of 10ms willbe sifted towards 40me In orderte noone the capacityof the PUCCH Reece eee capaciys availabe the eNneedsto puta limon newincoming connections cesutngin RRC See euans Sietary ARCRejections canbe seen fthe active UE countincreases beyond the Bonrdlinicec ire eee ‘Sreeed the limit The details related ts troubleshootingand optimizations forsuch ssuesis given belong ‘Optimization For RRC Success Rate KPl ‘The following procedures areusuallyused based on different scenarios Conventional Method : Physical Optimization The easlestand conventional methodis the physical optimization Forinstance,down-titinga cell wllreduce the coverage and remove the far-away users. Thiswill educe the probability of RRC Failure due to no response. However, there mil oe [2sues thet might notbe resoivedbythe conventional approachso | have listed down other methods thatmightcome ie handy. Relevant Timers ‘There are two relevanttimers for RRCSuccess Rate KP! The frsttimer Is maintained on the UE anditisthe famous T300.UE starts Itaftersending the RAC Connection Request catopsitatthe receiptof RRC Connection Setup o Reject message. this timers too small the UE will stop wating ‘he RRC Connection Setup message andthe ARCprocedure wlfaiL So, inereasingthis timer can help inthis ohase Secondly eNB hasan internaltimer (aitferent vendors have different names fort} whlchthe eNG stars after sending the RRC Connection Setup message. itstops this timerafter successfully recolvng the RRCConnection Setup Complete esate Sox ifthistlmerissmallandthe UEis tying to send the ARCConnection Setup Complete withretransmissons, {then the eNB will considerita failureas oon asthe timer expires.So, increasing this imer™mightalsohelpin cerala scenarios, UE Timer 7300 ton Setup UE _ RRC Con RC Conn Coverage Enhancement & Power Control The RRC failures dueto lack of response from UE can alsobe causedif the powercontrolon the PUSCH is netorrectorif [Eig 20 conservative For instance, the powercontrol on PUSCH depends onthe PONominalvalve as wellas-Aipha factor, puerentvendors use ciferentsetings here like usinga low PO Nominal value forexample-1004m witha higher alpha {Retr of around.9er 1 ora usinga high PONominal alue{for example -70d8m) with smaller Alpha factoret ey ec oe Butif both the PO Nominal and Alpha fectorare lowthen the UEwilluse asmaller power value to send the eke Connection Setop Complete and therefore, the chances are thatitwillnt be decoded comedy, in ase thereisinterference onthe cel, then features which mitigate interference shouldbe enabled Forinstance, ‘enablingInterference Rejection Combining can provide good gains insuch scenarios Mobile Originting Signalling RRCSuccess Rate iually MorSig ARC Success Rate is lower than others, The reasonisonce againlinkedto the sizeof the MSG-5(RRC Sannection Setup Complete) Fora normal Mo-data or Mt-access, the size af ARCConnection Setup Completa messages 2rounc' 8040 bytes but forio-signalng, Itcan varyand usuallyis above SOb/tes This isbeeause Mo signaling Ae Requests usuallyused for NAS signaling messageslie Atach Request or Tracking Ares Update Requests These resages are bigin size and are sentinside the RRCConnection Setup Complete message as NAS. So, this reduces the RRCSoecee Rate of RACMo-Signalting comparedto atherRRCRequest types, Teldameansthatifthe neswork has a higher ratio of RRC Wo Signaling requasts then itwillhavealowerRRCSucces Rate tally, Mo-Sianallng|s around 20to 25% while Mo-datahasthe highest ercentage. Sil tean vanyfrom mctocthic Tanase basedon TAC planning and mobilitystrategy. However, if youhave veryhigh Mo-Signating percentege trenche Incompatible ues thegs been seen that sometimes thereare usersthatare notcompatlle with the configuration ofthe network So, once sneuraceive te ARCGoanection Setup messageandthey indout that theyare not compat iththacont mrsinn Fowrcren’ they do notrespand with a RRCConnection Setup Complete message resulting in aARCTallureon the ene, ‘ei tively same nconsecutive Intervals. However, such cases usuallygo unsolved as itis nota network lsuebetas ‘abnormal UE problem PUCGH Based ARC Rejections pec Releetons due to PUGCH congestion canbe solved by simplyincreasng the PUCDY Resource Blocks, Vendors hove Free rae aeesgy RUCGH allocations and minimum PUCDH Resource Block aliocation|s 4 persubframe,Thistsoecaere cach PGE Tone atthe top ofthe frequencyband and the otheratthe bottom ofthe band Since, each subframe hos ag slotsso thatmeansthatthe subframe willhave atleast 4 PUCCH Resource Bl ache sradepegg Ht RBE are not enough, theycan be expanded to» higher value using parameter rin some implementations, an adeptive approach canbe maintained where the eNB changes the PUCCH RB countaynamically based onthe ova Fequirement. This approach solvesthe issue completely, User Count Based or Flow Control Based RAC Rejections Seconal Wraeeand boards ndvendors have diferent limitations on active user countandCAPS (Cal Attempts Fer Second), When suchlintation is reached, incoming RRCConnection Requests are rejected bythe GND basen stew ‘control of resource issue. in such cases, the following baslestaps can be done Decrease the UE inactivity Timerto a smalier value This wl intate earlyrelease forthe users and loaddueto user Count will bereduced. However this canincreasethe signalingload a idle users cantiyto come Decktonesucn mre ceduentiywhich canincrease CPU usage of the eNB.So,onlyuse thisifthe issue ls related touser lite while PU usageisfine Jee spauld be increased timitthe RACs ignaling load, When a UE gets 2 RRCRejectfrom eB, thas to waltfor1302 ReCeus before sending another ARCConnection Request. So, increasing T302 wll crease the intewvalbesweon een RRC Connection Requests and therefore, reduce the sigrallingloadon the eh, raonarecteacl B2lancings another feature that an helpinsuch a scenario by moving users away rom the congested earriartoanotherless utilized cartige (Qi 32: What is E-RAB SR KPI? What are the failure reasons & how to improve thisKPI? She second major KP fr LTE isthe LTEERAB Success Rae which salsopartof the accessbilty Afterthe UE has completed the RRCConnection which has beenexplainedin my previeusartide, ization: RRC fate it Cert) ban Bearer assignedto ttoinitiate serdces. The bearercan be defaut(usuallyData GC) or dedientes Gace Gan During initial access the defeuitbearerisadded and thatcansttutes the major portion ofthe total eeate bearer isrequlred, Itwillsend aninitial Context Setup Requesito the eNB. This message considered asthe ate Dae Tea 4 {contains the bearers to be added along with their QC values. The ENG receives this message andadiés the 'RB (Data Rado Bearer based on the bearerprfiein intl Context Setup Request butbefarethe eNeconaddee res, [eneeds to activate the securityforthe connection. This s dane bythe Security Mode Command which caties the Gpherirg and integrityprotection algorithms. Afterthisthe eNB sends RRC Connection Reconfgurationmesageto the UE which adds DRBandit includes the configuration forthe DRB Ikebe areridentiy PDCP & RLC configure tion(AM/UM 6), SR62is alsoadded atthispoint withthis message. The UEreceives these messages andrecontigures tne eennection, ‘Then the UEresponds with Security Mode complete and RRCConnection Reconfiguration Complete messages Ae the aNd {eceives these messages, itsendsan intial Context Setup Response to MME and this message's consideredasthe Raw Success. ot 9) rig RC cece ep onsite iy) Bt Con tit stn Aongraten angie Mertlets understand the common failures that usually cause. ERAS setup flue, Most ofthe times, the ERAB setup failures canbe dividedinto two broadcategories @ Radic induced ERABSetup Failures 8 NIME induced ERae Setup Failures evs have anin-depthlook atboth ofthem and find ways to tacklethem aslo inivcad ERAB Setup Failures aslo Link Ears orang i thatrece ves Security Mode Command butfllsto maintain radio connectionafterwards This can happen in following wo scenarios: 1. NB10 cons bs SBI indicates an interval of 200 consecutive POCCH decodingfailure. Simplyput, ithe UEfellsto decode POCCH for {OME willbe considered one N310. However, fromhere onwards, tis asliing window with 10msgromulerty $f RENO value is 2then means thatifthe UE failsto decode POCCH for210 ms, it will have exceededthe configured (rain aheshold Once, N310has beenexceeded, the UE starts timer T310and ifthe UEis unable toretainthe connection (stillunable to decode PDCCH) before T310expires, the UE willintiate RRC Re€stabishment Lets undecterdanmrane Gramle. Consider N3100f 12 and T310 of Sd0ms, then the UE willinitiate RRC Connection Re€stablishmentefter Booms (0310 = (200 + (10°20)) = a00ms + T310 = 500ms), A 2. Mimum RUC retcansmizsion countexceedad rene asa tthe UE receives both the Securtyode Commandand the ARCConnectionReconfiguratonmess 82. Now, {thas to wans mitthe Security Mode Complete and RRCCannection | Reconfiguration Complete massagein Uolink. However, ifthe eN6 ailsto decode theso responses, it willsend 3 NACK to the UE or the eNBma ynot send anything fit However in both thesecases, the RACReEstablishment Request willbe rejected bythe eNB since processingthisrequest Sous notconale ana Ueconlentatthe eNB, But since the UEdldnotrespond to Seeunty Mode Command women dpe motconsiderthe cantesttobe active yetand rejects the RRCReEstablshmant hea aarp same instance,the ENB will send initial Context Setup Fallto MME indieatingan ERAS Setup atlore * Qotimization see ies an be reduced byincreasingthe N3104 7310 value. Forinstance, ifthe valueot N310(s Increased from 2t06 cggered. SEL ee 0m lms fo 1000ms, then the UE will waltlongerandthere emorechenestareenn one mesa aan gts the In-syrevalueand soitisthe opposite of N310.1310 stops NSILIs vggeres WfN322is 1thenit, NBL Ifthe vet econ Susesstl POCCH decodingto stop T30.So, theresa higher probabiyargeey ne NB1L Ifthe value of N310and T3105 big, Ste res one retansmissioncountthresholdsinceased from Bto6, then the RLCwil rtonsmit1Stimes Instead of8 umes whichwillnceasethe probabitythat ihe eNS mightbe ableto decode the meseare oe strecston ae et nlve networks. Once a UE receives a downlinkmessage whlch needea spore neat cose uplink =lecation to send orderto getan uplinkallocation, the UE requests the ane byusinga Scheduling Request The Sar conn nigrne UEsencs 3 SRI based onthe SR Configuration share withitin the RRCConnection Setup Message Tae SR! Configuration tells the UEaboutthe periodicity the Ski andit determines the subframe where the Tailed the SR. So the eNBwilllock forthat Ue's Sl inthat subframe onlyendbasedon thatthe eNBallovstesesupion the correeriogs Bani the UE‘s in poor coverage orifthe PUCCH has highinterferenc. The UEwillkep sending Risin Re ereet oration on PUCKH but the eN8 mightnotbe ableta read themresullingina simlarscansrices lence above, + Optimization eee Segrarolsobsened consistent, it willbex goodidea to shift roman adaptive Riperiadtos fixed Spero d ‘This will avold reconfiguring the SRI periodicityandwill praventthisissus, Also, usingPUCCH enhancements ike|RCon PUCCH can help reduce the prababiltyot uch issues. + RUC Mode tsue Unineae pagenin netwarks when 9 UM made (Unackrowedged Mode of RLC) OG is used fo UE whic donot support UM mode. Acommon exampleis the QCi7 which isa Nor-GBRQU defined forlive streamingorvoice ren voae peasalerts in UM Mode. Butthere are manyUEs which do not supportUM mode and the eN@ simply falls to sad eater with UM mode forthem.Thisissuecan be seenfrom the countersasitwillshow that ERAB ferives on ay interface are happening onlyon QCI7or anyatherGC! whichis set to UM Mede Simplychanging the RLCmode forthe QC from UM to AM should solvethisissue. Scewity Mode Fallure ‘MME Induced ERAB Setup Fallures fallurcs ncomenc nt NME Induced ERAB atures. Thismaycome asa surprise but most the MME inducedEnAB sup {ales ncommercial networks are actualycauseabythe radio interface and notthe MME.I know tic tanec sree plang but those ofyou wha navedelved themselves in ARCand Ss traces willunderstandit mare lewlyonce| explainthistssve Are Resor section above, when the UE experiences RL afer receiving theSecufty Mede Commane, [teen ty Defoe ereeenect which actualy tells the eNB that there wasa RLF onthe U's side. Consider a UF evperioneiees WF ane oe sees the Security Mode Command. The UE can onlysenda RRCReEstaishmen aftersecateis aarti tut mane LeenPeriencesa RLF before the Security Mode Command has beenreceved, teannotsende RRcTeseunn noes Request. How. consider that the UE experiences RUF after RRCSetup Complete message andbefore SecurtyMode Command, this UE will go toldleand etry new RRCconnection bysending another RRC Connection Request-Let’s saythatthe Ut sends 2 RRC Connection Requestto another eN6 (eN82) and trat eNB2 will startprocessingit. The eNB2 does not know thatthe ENBI already has a ERAB satup process goingon for this UE. The eN82 will senda Si lnitial UE Message to MBE for this UE and the MME will seethatit already has another ERAB setup process going on with eNBl. So, for MME to ntate the nee ERAB setup processbysending intial ContextSetup Requestto eN82, itneeds o frst stopthe processon eNBI, art cannothave separate context of same UE on two different eNBS. As 2 result, the MME will send a UE Context Release Command to eNB1 asking to abortthe ERAB setup provess. The eNB1 is tyingto find the UE overthe air interfacs cad once itreceives the Context Release Command from MME, itwill consider that the MME aborted the ERAB setup end wil pegitas a MME induced ERAB setup failure. eNB1 will send an initial Context Setup Fallure to MME ang the ERAG setupon eNBLwill be peggedunder MME induced fallure. However, thisissue was actually caused due to radio issue but the eNB1 was not ableto find thatout. Seculy Mae cannon 1 iat mege nig {ssue camalso happen ifthe UE sends the second RRC Connection Requestto the same eNBor even to the samecell AE RRC level, the eNB does not check TMS value andthe UEis referenced byits CRNTI.So,ifthe same UEsends smother BRE Connection Request to the same eNB, itwillalocate a new CRNT! andwill considerita new connection. Sutwhenthe ENB willsendst initial UE Message to MME, the MME willcheck the TMSI and willsend UE Contest Release Command te the previoussession resulting in ERAB setup fallureon the fist process, Another scenariothatcan causea MIME inducedERAB Setup fallue isthe initial Context Setup Timer on the MME.Ifthat timers setto smallvalue and eNBis watting forthe UE to respond to Security Mode Command. the MNte will send UE Context Release Command ueto timeout. This will also resultin a MVE induced ERAB Setup Failure + Optimization Tg ne eal optimization onthe first scenario asitis purely a coverage issueand coverage enhancement by physicalor soft changes canbe done to mitigate it.The second scenario canbe minimizedby increasingthe Intal Content Seton Timeren the MME, ‘OH 33: What is LTE Call Drop Rate KPI? What are the failure reasons & how to improve this KPI? ‘Snabnormalreiease whichis verified from the cause code nsidethe Content Release message Common m Luke other KP the call drop also divided into two broad categories Radio induced Drops MME Induced Drops 41 Radio Induced Call Droos 9 DLRLC Retransmissions Fone gammen drop peasedunder Radi issiesisthe dropdue to R\Cretransmicsons. fa network hase maximum of 36 RLC retransmissions for downlink, the eNB. SO emenwane i ° 2 bette 1 a Tress eseeatv de to coverage and quaity problems. So, the bestwayto sor this out isto Improve radio conditions me aaualv done with physical optimization. Increasing RLCretransmision threshold tee kere mightalsohelp Inreducing thisissue. Handover Execution Failure Consider scenario, where UEtries to perform a handoverand alls. In thiscase, the LE willaltfora specifictimeas per 7304 andonce T304 expires, [twill Intlatea RRCReEstablshment withthe cause value of Handover feiure. Now ifthie RC ReEstablishment also alls andthe UE is unableto geta connection the souree eNB wil eleasethe content after [ool tv oF the internal timer. Thisis the X2Reloc Overall Timerand the cause of thisrelease wl be 2 Reloc Overalexpiry ‘uct a case is pegged undercalldrop due to Handover failure. © Outimation The mostcommon issue for thiskind of filure is whenthe target cellisveryfaraway such that when the UE initiates handover onthe target cell itis ata distance beyondthe cellradlus.5o, the targetcellfallsto decode the dedicated RACH Broperiyforthis UEanditresultsina handover allure. So, inthis case, eltherinerease the cellradius ofthe target cellor Gountiltitso thatit doesnot overshoot beyondits planned radius. Thiscan also happen in areas where there arelaige water bodies s signals easllytendto get reflected over water. In such cases, eltherforbidhandoversto such celle edd offsets for those cellsto make handovers difficult. © Drop Due to No Response, Lan eNB sendsa signaling message forinstance RACReconfiguration then texpects a response from the UE. Ifthe UE does notsenda REC Reconfiguration Complete message to the eNB andi theintermaltimeron the eNB expires, then the ENB initiates arelease, This timerisusualy@ large value,so sucha drop rare. Ifauch dropsare seenthen verify nav che eENB's intemal imerisnotsetto a verysmall value. Pointto note is that RRCReconfiguration for mobiltycommandis excluded from this mechanismas the UEneeds to send its responseto the targetceliandnotto the source eel. © Other Optimization Work-Arcunds ‘The value of UE Inactivity timeralso plays animportant pa tin the calculation of Call Drop Rate. The expiryof this timer ‘means te the UEhas been inactne forsomatimeand the eNBreleasesit The UE goes odle modeandthe eNB peava normal release. The Call Drop Rates ratio of total abnormal releases to the total normal releases So, the Ue nantinty fmeris asmalvatue,therewilibea greater numberof narmal releases which can artifiillyreduce the COR, inshore Datta, uimarkingtwo different networks, tis importantto verify that theyhave the same UE Inactivity Timervalueso thattheycanbe compared properly. Nowever.reducingtheinactvtytimercancausean inceasein ARCsignaingsoitshould notbe reducedexcessely 2. MME induced Drops Crown ecb te ustaly cused byradio issues buttheyare pegged under MME drops because the eNBhes no wayot Ain ie natene top wascausedbye radiolssue.tetsunderstandvitvhelpofdifeenteasesthat ste enses once (MIaE induced drops. © Uplink RL Retransmission tssue 's perspective this willbe RUF. Nov, the UE will ‘Messageto the MME, jat this UE's context alreadyexistson the eN81 soit will send @ UE Context rrsesgap tne ENB: andthen Itwllsendt inital Context Setup Requestto the eNB2.The eNBI willconsicermas eME aie adrop since the eNB2 stl hols the U's contextand a release rom WME is consiuereg sbnornel Meweras in ‘ality sucha releases ceusedbya failreoverthe radiointeface butthe eN6! does nothaw this knowtedes —— * Qotimization count are Uplink RLcretransmisson threshold canhelp reduce suchalures, orinstance, ifthe AUCretansmision sravebaie pe sinereasedrom 8t0 16, then the ALC will retransmit i6times insteadof BUmes wrich alin ne robabilitythat the eNB mightbe able to decode the message and prevent ALF 310 POCCH Decoding Failures [fine UE s unable to decode POCCM n Dor 310 consecutive intervals, the UE wil nate a RRCReEstalshment. N310 cracccenay terval of200 POCO decoding failure. Simply put, ifthe UEfailsto decode PDCGH for Zoom, nit ke trae gered one N3t0 However, from here onwards, itis sliding window with 1Oms granblarty So, ihthe isto ees 2 ‘hen \tmeansthatithe UEfailsto decode POCLH for 210 ms, it willhaveexceededthe configured NadOtirecheWcnae POCO) ete danse the UE stars timer310 andthe UEts unable to retain the connection stl unable to decode Trane gue T3iCemires, the UE williniate ARCReEstablshment let's understondurth an example Conte eer Soom 2 ang Gams then the UEwill inate AECConnectionReEstabishmentafterSOOms NBI0~ [200 Clo" 300ms + T310= S00ms} Seein inks case ifthe Ue receivesa AACRetstaishment Rejection from the @NB2,thea the UE wilinate anew RRe MMe wil sooe cue eConnestion issetp, the eNB2willenda SLinitalUE Message tothe ME andconsencenty see nu send aUEContereRetease ommandto the eNBt since MMEalreadyhasthe contentotthisUtecenarnee ‘and in order:o process initial Context Setup on eNB2, ithas to release thecontexton eB. ‘Satimization and TH ener ee teed by increasing the N3108 T310 value. Focinstance, ifthe valueofNSI0is increased rom 2106 {and 7310 s inereasedromS00ms to 1000ms, then the UE will waitiongerand there ismore chance that N311 willbe NAL Trine wt eee gags of sucessfl POCGH decoding to stp T30.So, there is a higher prababiliyetaseneg N31L Ifthe valueofN320and 7310 is bi ® Handover Drow Oue To MME Anotherdrop thats pegged under MME isthe handoverinduced drop. As described before, the HOfailure induced dropis, panes naet radio due to x2 Reloc Overal Timer expiry, However, ifthe UE als the handewerthen eevee Ent alse ea ar T3Dtempresandifthatalso fasten the UE wiltuya new RACConnection Once see the news trae in net exniy then itwilbe pegged under MME drop whieif the UE sunableto nltatea newtRCorteacronin Sime, the source eN6 wllreleasethe contest ue to2Reloc Overall Timer expinesultnginaracaey targee teh anissuels usualy observed when the UE ties RACReEstablishmenton a third eNB which was aotthe {arse Itcanalsohappenifthe inter-RAT handoverallsand the UE reties ARCReEstablshmenton srorecce ‘The point to understanclis thatin this eas, the eNB is expecting a UE Context Release from the tergete NB overX2. 50, ft ets a UE Context Ralease Command from the MME, the eNE will considerthis abrormeland twill peei tuner Minis, drop. * Optimization Since the issue isrelated to handover failure, the specific neighbors shouldbe identified andactions should be takento resolve the issuewiththem, Also ontimiation of neighbors and verifying thatfunctionalX2linksare present forall the neighbors can greatly reduce the RRC ReEstablshment rejections since mostof these rejectionsare caused due to absence af X2 links. Increaving the timer 7301 can alsoreduce RACReEstablshment failures butitean alsoincrease the delaytrom UE's perspective wate, ‘should notbe increasedexcessively. (Qi 34: Relation between SINR & DL Throughput? IFSINR(good) > CAl(good) -> MCS{good) > Throughput (good) (Q# 33: Trails of improving DL Throughput? f)_DLRB Allocation Strategy (RoundUp; default: rounddown) |i) CArelated (Butter Length from SKB to GKB & Buffer Length timer from SOms to 20/30ms) Constantinstantludgement Switch (CA becomes active for micro milli secondinterval) CQ] Adjustment Switch (OFF-3ON) IRC & MIRC features can be used in caseot low throughput (Qi 34: What is power of PUCCH? (-600) Qi 35: What is DRX Cycle? What is short and long DRX Cycle? DRX status: + Active Time: in activetime, the UE turns on its receiver and monitors the PDCCH ‘+ Sleep Time: in sleep time, the UE turns off ts receiver anddoes not monitor the PDCCH DRX Cycle: A DRX cyclespecifies the periodic repetition of the On Duration followedby a possible period of inactivity. ADRX cyclemay be a long LongOAXCycle) or short cycle (ShortDRXCyel) rxStartOffset: ORK startoffset, the start of OnDurationTimeris decided by DRX Cycleand drxstartortset ORK timer: OnDurationTimer, DRKinactivityTimer, HARORTITImer, DRXRetransmissionTimer, ShortDRXCycleTimer ‘Short DRX Cycle: When the network configures DRX for a device, itdefines the valuefor the timer that starts ‘runningafter each data blockhas been sent. Ifthe new data is sent, timer is restarted and f still no data was sent when the timer expires then device enters into DRX mode with a Short DRX Cycle. This means itwill goto sleep ‘and wakeup ina short pattern, Devde starts ot the the SEN Sya stem Subra Sumber), ‘Long DRX Cycle: ifthe new data comes in itcan be delivered quite quicklybecausethe device only sleeps forthe shortgeriods.The shart ORX Cycle mode has also a configurable Timer attached and once it expires i-eno data was ‘received during the short cyclemode then device implicitly enters into ong ORK Cycle which is much more power efficient but further increased the latency time. Th 7 Qi 36: Whatis CCE in LTE? 41.CCE (Control Channel Element) is equivalent to 9 REGS or 36 RES. PDCCH aggregation layers use CCEs to define each layer. PDCCH exists on either the 1*symbol or the 1°'two symbols or the 1*\three symbols depending on the information in PCFICH. There are 4 aggregation layers for the POCCH and the difference isin the number of ces. PDCCH aggregation level 1, it consists of 1 CCE (9 REGS or 36 REz) PDCCH aggregation level 2, it consists of 2 CCEs (18 REGS} POCCH aggregation level 3, itconsists of 4 CCEs (36 REGs) POCCH aggregation level 4, It consists of 8 CCEs (72 REGS) (Qii 37: Whatis the diff between Hysteresis, offset & Threshold? Hysteresis is the parameter which Is used to make neighbor cell look worse than the current measured value. It helps to UE to make sure that neighbor cl! is strong enough and if network triggers handover after receiving the measurement report from the UE, handover to target cell will besuecessful. Offset isthe parameter that make servingcell look better than the actual measurement of it compare to neighbor call Threshold is used when measurement of both the cells are not compared and while taking decision to trigger ‘measurement report both or one cell measured independently, For example: Event Al, Event A2 (Qi 38: Whatis P-RACH? P-RACH is used to access the network and preamble request is sent by UE to eNB and eN@ response to It (Qi 39: What are reason of low P-RACH? + UE want to attach network beyond cell radius + _Increasecellradiusor down-tittbasedon TA percentage (Qi 40: What is false alarm? Root sequence index conflictcause PRACH false alarmand eNB cannotrecognize Itas RACH preamble, (Q# 41: What is contention resolution & non-contention? * When UE wants to access network thats called contention resolution. * When HO take placetYon-contention resolution happened (2H 42: RACHis down how can you know itis due contentionor non-contention? HOSR need to be checked alongwith cell radius and overshooting based on TAY (Qi 43: What is Group and group B attempt? + INKTE we set msg3 size request of user datas greater than sizeof msg.3itcome ingroup 8 otherwise group A + RSI pian canbe checked. (Qi 44: Root sequence index ranges? + 14km 10 ranges. + 22k 13 ranges. * 32KM 14 range. (QH 45: When CSFB triggered which message you saw in ACTIX? Extended service request. (Qt 46: Which message contain frequency to whi CSFB take place? ARC connection release, (Q# 47: What is optimum time for CSFB Call to UMTS? + TsecTo UMTS + Lsecto Gsm, bt 48: Party-A calls Party-B and on Party-8 side call cannot be reached during CSFB, Whatis a Issue? MIC (Party-8) sideLAC-TAC mappingissue (Qt 49; What are CSFB delay Features? © FLASH csea, = Blind csFa, + FAST RETURN To LTE. + Redirection better than PSHO + CS#PS mix priority. cS as irstoriority. (Qi $0: What are CSFB BLIND and MEASUREMENT based strategies? * 1 Coverage of UMTS/GSM is consistentthen we can define Blind CSFB else Measurement based Blind reduce delay so we define co-siteof UMTS/GSM as blind handover. (Q# 51: What is PCI MODE 3/6 issue? ‘As PCi represents location of RS in frequency domain, So in Mod 3 caseRS signal will repeatatsame locationin second branch that cause collision, inmod 6 caseRS will repeat at same location in same branch which is more severe to Interference. ‘Qi 52: LTE Call flow, RRC Setup Flow, ERAB Setup Flow and intra HO Flow? RACH request will go from UE to eNB. + eN8 will response the UE. + RRC connection request to eNB. + eNB will respond to UE. (Security message) ‘+ eNB will send request to MME for attach. + MME val raspondto eNa, ‘+ eNB will responseto UE, ‘+ After that RRC connection vill beestablished, + After RRC eRAB request again goes from eNB to MME and MME will send request to UGW/SGW for attach, + SGW will respond to MME and MME will respond to eNB & eNB will respond back to UE. + After that RAB will be established, (Qi 53: What are the number of RBs (Resource Blocks) in MHz? 1 RBs o=s0RBs S=25R8s 15=75R85 20=100R8s (Qi 54: What is OFDMA and SC-FoMA? * Multiplecarrier using same frequency but they are mutually orthogonal. itis for DL ‘+ SCFDWMA is singlecartier frequency using inglecarrier.Itis for UL au ss 1AK DL BITS/TIME aleulate Max DL Throughput? 10=50mb/sec 2*2MIMO 64-GAM 20=100Mb/sec 2*2MIMO 64-QAM 1 Qi 56: Cause of eRAB failure (COR& ACCESSIBILITY FAILURE)? 5-75 Mib/sec2*2MIMO 64-QAM + COR could be due to RF condition. ‘© Congestion. (DL PRB utilization) High interference. (RSSI) Transmission drop. High BLER, Hardware alarms. + Missingneighbors, ERAB ESTABLISHEMENT (ACCESSIBULTY) + CDR could be due to RF condition, ‘© Congestion. (L PRE utilization) + High interference, (RSSI} + Transmissiondrop. + High BuER. Hardware alarms. Causes of RRC failures + Itcould be due to RF condition. + Congestion. (SRS, PUCCH, PUSCH, POCCH, HIGH PRB UTILIZATION) © High interference. (RSS!) + Transmission drop. + High auER. + Hardware alarms, (Qi 57: cause of lowDL Throughput? += Mop 3/MoD 6 COUISION, * BAD SINR DUE TO OVERSHOOTING, + TNL drops dueto packet loss in transmission + High trafficonceils © UL interference, (Qi 58: LTE channels? POSCH: - physical downlinkshared channel and tis used for assigning resource to UE. PUCCH: - Physical uplink common control channel use for reporting CQ) RACH: - Physical Random-access channel for accessing network, PUSCH: - Physical uplinkshated channel and itis used when data and Signalingsend together for UE, Itis alsoused for assigningresourcein uplink ‘SRS: ~ Sounding reference signal used for channel estimation end quality, PCFICH: - Physical common format indicator channel and it usefor assigning resource for POCCH. PHICH: - Paging indicator channel and itis used for paging. POCCH: - its common control channel for signalingand used for handling common control messages. QU 58: What is BLER? BLER means block error rate and if UE are inbad radio condition than their data cannotbe decoded properly which will cause BLER high, Qi 60: What is Pa & Pb in LTE? Power control forthe PDSCH, OFDM symbols in one slotcanbe classified intotype A and type B: > Type A symbols arethose that appear duringa symbol period when there is no reference signal Type B symbols arethose that appear duringa symbol periad when there arereference signals ‘The transmitpower for the two types of OFDM symbols onthe POSCH is defined by PPDSCH_A and PPDSCH_B. The calculation formulasareas follows: > PPDSCH_A = pA+ ReferenceSignalPwe > PPOSCH_B = 8 + Referencesignalewr + For all PDSCH transmission schemes except multi-user MIMO and UE without 4 cell-specific antenna ports, + PA=PA, PAis sentto the UE by means of RRC signaling for POSCH demodulation, * PB depends on the power factor ratio pB/pA. Pb is setusingthe Bb parameter, Q# G1: What is HARQ? One of the purposeof LTE to come in isto bring in high data rates. To achieve this UE must embrace some techniques where it cantransmitdata quickly and reliably. ‘What happens when there areerror packets received on UE or ENB. Of-course, there would be some sort of mechanismapplied on the devices to rectify the errors. Therefore, in LTE two mechanisms are followed to detect and correct the errors, A mechanism (HARQ=Hybrid Automatic-Repeot-Request) is implemented to correctthe error packets in the PHY layer.Furthermore, there might be a chancethat some packets arestil left with errors ‘and might be acceptable to some applications. Hence, these are passed to upper layers + Works at PHY layer but controlled by MAC layer + [fthe received data has an error then the Receiver buffers the data and requests a re-transmission from the sender. 7 When the receiver recetves the re-transmittad data, it then combines it with buffered data prior to channel decodingand error detection. This helps the performance of the re-transmissions (QU 62: Whatis ARQ? ‘The second mechanism (ARQ) is implemented in RLC layer which takes careof these residual errors. teither fixes those errors or discards tha packets, + Works at ALC layer + Ifthe received data has an errar (as detected by ARQ) then itis discarded, anda new re-transmission is requested from the sender (Qi 63: SIB MESSAGES? + SiB2* for accessing network inciudePRACH. + $1B2.= CELL SELECTION. + SIQ3=CELL RESELECTION + SiedsiNnTRA HO + SIBSINTER HO + SIBGSINTERRAT HO FOR UMTS. + SIB7=INTER HO FOR GSM (Qj 64: What is VoLTE? VotTE is end to end packet call with delay less than Ssec. It involved IMSto handlepacket call and has more good voice quality compared to UMTS and GSM. Qit 65: What is SRVCC? Itis used for handling voltecall on UMTS or GSM when LTE coverage is poor coverage Volte call makes handover to UMTS or GSM network. (Qif 66: What are Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Transmission Modes? ‘These are transmission modes usedin MIMO. Wekeep itas adaptiveand mades will be changed according to ragiocondition.TM3is 2*2 MIMO Inbetter radio conditionand cango to TM2 (11*2R) due to bad radiocondition, there is VSWR alarmthen it will shiftto 1*1MIIMO TM. TMé is closed loop MIMO andit take feedback from UE ‘and eNB adjust its power based on UE reporting. Its more reliable. FSScannotbe used with MIMO as both features are mutually exclusiveand cannotusetogether. QU 67: What is FSSin LTE? 35 breaks band intosub band and schedulefirstthose UEs in subbands that has better radio quality. (Qi 68: What is MOS (Mean Opinion Score}? ITisusedto access voice quality and quality above3 4s good MOS. |t also degends on coder: Common used codec for NB (Narrowband) is 12.2kb/secand Wa (Wideband) are 23.85KBkb/sec & 12.65kb/see Qit 69: What is CQI? Channel quality indicator or showing radio condition and itrangefrom 0 to 15. best qualityis above 10 which Include64-aam, Qit 70: What is QI Scheduling? {tis usedin PUCCH and this channel is used for CQ! scheduling, ‘Off 71: Tell about LTE LAVERS? ‘+ PHY: Physical ayer depends on antenna ports and MIMO works on this.

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