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Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti

“Xarici dillər” kafedrası

2023-2024-cü il I semestr imtahan sualları
Speakout Elementary I kurs (Əyani)

The Polar Bear
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives
inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South
Pole. The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is only
snow, ice, and water. There is not any land. People cannot see the polar bear in the
snow very well because its coat is yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because
the weather is cold north of the Arctic Circle.
This bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos (kilograms). It can stand up
on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms.
The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water.
It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it is afraid. Some
people want to kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The governments of
the United States and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not
want all of these beautiful animals to die.

Put the right word in each blank.

swim afraid North south warm weigh ice wide snow bears
1. There are brown and black _______ in North America.
2. How much do you ___________? Fifty kilos?
3. Winter is cold. Spring is ___________ . Fall is cool.
4. Sometimes children are ___________ of animals.
5. Do you like to ____________ in a swimming pool?
6. Italy is ____________ of France.
7. Do you want some _______ in your soft drink?
8. There is ___________ all over Canada in the winter.
9. The Sahara Desert is in _____________ Africa.
10. Tenth Street is a _______ street.
Answer the questions:
1. Why do we call the big white bear the polar bear?
2. Why can't people see the polar bear very well?
3. Why does it have a warm coat?
4. How much does it weigh?
5. What does it eat?
6. Where does it go when it is afraid?
7. Why do some people want to kill the polar bear?
8. What do the governments of Russia and the United States say?
9. Can a polar bear live near New Zealand?
10. Why doesn't a polar bear eat fruit and vegetables?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. The polar bear lives __ _
a. at the South Pole
b. in warm countries
c. near the North Pole
d. on land
2. At the North Pole, there is no __ _
a. ice
b. water
c. snow
d. land
3. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because __ _
a. it has a yellow-white coat c. it can run very fast
b. it goes under the snow d. it goes into the water
4. The polar bear for food.
a. catches land animals
b. looks for trees
c. catches sea animals and fish
d. looks for fruit and vegetables
5. When the polar bear is afraid, it __ _
a. goes into the sea c. runs away
b. goes under the snow d. stands up on its wide feet

The Hippopotamus
The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa. It is a mammal. That is,
its babies are born alive, and they drink milk from the mother's body. The
hippopotamus is a large animal. It weighs four tons. Its stomach is seven meters
long, and it eats only plants. It is a mammal, but it spends a lot of time in the water.
During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. Sometimes it wakes up. Then it
goes under the water to get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay
under water for ten minutes. Its ears, eyes, and nose are high up on its head. It can
stay with its body under the water and only its ears, eyes, and nose above the
water. Then it can breathe the air. At night, the hippo walks on the land and looks
for food. It never goes very far from the water. A baby hippo often stands on its
mother's back. The mother looks for food underwater. The baby rides on her back
above the water.

Put the right word in each blank.

beside plants large lake high above mammal breathe spend stomach
1. The camel is a _______ , but the kiwi is a bird.
2. Food goes from your mouth into your____________ nose high
3. How do you smell a beautiful flower? You ____________ in through your nose.
4. Hippos eat ____________ . Polar bears eat fish and sea animals.
5. I want to talk to you. Please sit _____________ me.
6. Tom likes to ____________ his free time in the Student Union. He
__________there a few hours every day.
7. Birds can fly _____________ the trees.
8. ___________ Geneva is a beautiful lake in Switzerland.
9. The polar bear is a __________ animal. It is very big.
10. New York City has a lot of ___________ buildings.
Answer the questions:
1. Where does the hippopotamus live?
2. Is a parrot a mammal?
3. How long is a hippo's stomach?
4. Does a hippo eat meat?
5. Why does a hippo go under water?
6. How can it stay under water for ten minutes?
7. Can it breathe under water? Why?
8. What does it do at night?
9. Where does a baby hippo ride?
10. Is a bear a mammal?
Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false. Write NI if there is no
information about the sentence in the text.
1. Hippo babies are born alive.
2. Hippos eat plants.
3. Hippos live under water.
4. A hippo can close its eyes.
5. A hippo breathes under water.
6. A hippo looks for food on the land during the day.
7. A hippo has long eyelashes to keep water out of its eyes.
8. A mother hippo has more than ten babies.
9. At night, the hippo walks around and looks for something to eat.
10. The government of the Africa says that no one can kill hippopotamus.

The Dolphin
Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with sounds.
They show their feelings with sounds. Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group
of fish a "school." They don't study, but they travel together. Dolphins are
mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell
when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes
back to the school. They talk when they play. They make a few sounds above
water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot hear these
sounds because the sounds are very, very high.
Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them. Sometimes people catch
dolphins for a large aquarium. (An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch
the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be away from their school in an
aquarium. They are sad and lonely. There are many stories about dolphins. They
help people. Sometimes they save somebody's life. Dolphin meat is good, but
people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people
believe this.

Put the right word in each blank.

lonely dolphin together save believe scientists show travel feels group
1. The ____________ is a mammal, but it lives in the sea.
2. Many students at a large university feel _________ . They don't have many
3. Do you like to _______ to different countries?
4. Please ___________ me your picture.
5. Children like to play _____________ in the snow.
6. There is a _________ of Omani students in our class.
7. Is it true? Do you __________ it?
8. ______________ study animals and many other things.
9. She ____________happy today because it's warm outside.
10. You must ____________your money. Don't spend it on a new car.
Answer the questions:
1. Can dolphins talk?
2. What is a school of dolphins?
3. What do dolphins talk about?
4. When do they say "Welcome"?
5. Do they make more sounds above water or under water?
6. Can people hear dolphin sounds? Why?
7. How does a dolphin feel in an aquarium?
8. Do dolphins bring good luck?
9. Dolphins are not fish. What is the difference between dolphins and fish?
10. Why don’t people eat dolphin meat?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. Dolphins talk with ___
a. words b. their hands c. sounds
2. Dolphins talk when they __
a. play b. listen c. show
3. They make more sounds __
a. above water b. under water c. for tapes
4. Scientists study __ of dolphins.
a. shows b. schools c. aquariums d. tapes
5. Dolphins like to be __
a. at an aquarium b. in their school

Why Do We Yawn?
Bears yawn. Camels yawn. Most mammals yawn. Why do we yawn? No one
really knows the answer. We do know that everyone yawns in the same way. First
you open your mouth slowly. Your mouth stays open for about five seconds. Then
you quickly close your mouth. We also know that yawning is contagious, or
catching. When you see someone yawn, you yawn, too.
Many people say that they yawn because they are bored or tired. This might be
true. However, we know that people also yawn when they are excited or nervous.
Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a race. Why is that? Some
scientists believe that yawning makes you more alert. When you yawn, you breathe
more deeply. You also stretch the muscles in your face and neck. Maybe this
makes you feel more alert. Scientists don't spend much time studying yawning.
That is probably because yawning doesn't hurt. It is just something we do.
Put the right word in each blank.
alert deep muscles might excited quickly contagious however race yawn
1. Soccer players have strong leg _________because they run a lot.
2. I_____________ go to the party, but I'm not sure.
3. Headaches are not _________
4. Airplane pilots need to be _______ on the job.
5. A kiwi is a bird_________ , it doesn't have wings.
6. Children can't sleep when they are _____________
7. He doesn't like to swim in _______ water.
8. Swimmers are tired after a long ________________
9. Do you breathe ____________when you are afraid?
10. Do you cover your mouth when you ____________?
Answer the questions:
1. How do people yawn?
2. Why do people yawn?
3. What happens to your muscles when you yawn?
4. What usually happens when you see someone yawn?
5. How long does a yawn last?
6. Why do Olympic runners yawn before a race?
7. What other things are contagious?
8. Why do you feel more alert when you yawn?
9. Why don’t scientists spend much time studying yawning?
10. Does yawning hurt?
Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false.
1. Many different kinds of mammals yawn.
2. People only yawn when they are bored.
3. When you yawn, your breathing changes.
4. You can't yawn when you are excited.
5. Some people yawn quickly, and some people yawn very slowly.
6. Scientists don't know why people yawn.
7. Runners never yawn before a race.
8. You stretch your neck muscles when you yawn.
9. Yawning is dangerous.
10. Before sleeping you must yawn for a few minutes.

Why Do People Laugh?
Do you laugh every day? Most people do. Scientists say that people laugh about
17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter. In India, there are hundreds of laughter
clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch their
hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing
naturally. People say they feel good after laughing together. Scientists believe that
laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good exercise. When you
laugh, you exercise many muscles in your body.
Scientists say that one hundred laughs equals ten minutes of running. When you
laugh, you also breathe deeply. This helps you relax. That's good for you, too. Why
do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more
often in a group. They don't laugh very often when they are alone. Many scientists
believe that we use laughter to connect to other people. Laughter helps us feel part
of a group. In English, people say that laughter is the best medicine. Some think
that laughter helps sick people get well. Do you think so, too?
Put the right word in each blank.
clubs exercise relax connect hard natural well equals pretend medicine
1. In the movies, actors _________to be someone else.
2. It's hard to __________ before a test.
3. Five plus ten ____________ fifteen.
4. You need to ____________ a telephone before you can use it.
5. Playing soccer, walking, and bicycling are types of ______________
6. You should go to a doctor when you don't feel___________?
7. It's _______ to laugh when you hear something funny.
8. You can buy ______________ in a drugstore or pharmacy.
9. Many high school students belong to school ____________
10. I think science is easy, but my brother thinks it is ______________
Answer the questions:
1. How many times a day do people laugh?
2. At a laughter club, what do people do first?
3. Why is laughter good for you?
4. What happens to your muscles when you laugh?
5. What happens to your breathing when you laugh?
6. Why do scientists think that laughter helps us connect to other people?
7. What kind of things make people laugh?
8. In English, people say that laughter is the best medicine. WHY?
9. Some think that laughter helps sick people get well. Do you think so, too?
10. Why is laughing contagious?
Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false. Write NI if there is no
information about the sentence in the text.

1. There are laughter clubs in many countries.

2. Laughter is a kind of exercise.
3. You need to stretch before you laugh.
4. People laugh more often when they are alone.
5. All mammals laugh.
6. Laughter clubs help people feel good.
7. Laughter might help us connect to other people.
8. People say that laughter is the best medicine.
9. People laugh more in the evening than in the morning.
10. India is the top 1 to have the most positive people.
Why Is the Sea Salty?
There is a lot of salt on the Earth, and it mixes very world well with water. There
is some salt in all water. Water on the land runs into lakes and rivers. The water
from most lakes goes into rivers. These rivers run into the seas and oceans. They
carry a little salt with them. Some of seas the ocean water moves into the air and
clouds. It evaporates. Salt cannot evaporate. It stays in the ocean. The water in the
oceans has more salt than the water in rivers.
Ocean water is about 3/2 % (three and a half percent) salt. Some seas have more
salt than others. Some lakes do not have a river to carry the water and salt away.
Some of the water evaporates, but the salt cannot. These lakes are very salty. There
are two famous lakes like this. They are the Dead Sea in the Middle East and the
Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah in the United States. They are much saltier than
the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Put the right word in each blank.

Evaporates salt clouds moves percent Earth salty carry famous ocean mix
1. Two of the students always _______ the chairs into our room.
2. The ___________ is round. It arounds the sun.
3. Many people put _____________ on their food.
4. Muhammad Ali was a ___________________ boxer.
5. Some people put sugar in their coffee. Then they _______ it with a spoon.
6. Some of the water in a swimming pool ___________
7. The Pacific _____________is bigger than the Atlantic Ocean.
8. There are beautiful white ___________ in the sky today.
9. Eighty _____________ of the students are men.
10. This soup is very ____________. Can you change with new one?

Answer the questions:

1. What does salt mix well with?
2. Is there salt in lakes and rivers?
3. Where does river water go?
4. Where does some of the ocean water go?
5. Where does the salt in the ocean go?
6. Does river water or ocean water have more salt?
7. Why are some lakes very salty?
8. Name two famous salty lakes.
9. What is Utah? Where is it?
10. Which is saltier, the Atlantic Ocean or the Dead Sea?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false.

1. Salt mixes with water.
2. Clouds have salt in them.
3. Water on the land moves into lakes and rivers.
4. There is salt in rivers.
5. Rivers have more salt than oceans.
6. Salt evaporates.
7. Ocean water is about 2/ 4salt.
8. The Great Salt Lake is in the United States.
9. All lakes do not have a river to carry the water and salt away.
10. Atlantic Ocean is much saltier than the Pacific Ocean.
How Can a Plant Kill?
People kill. Animals kill. Animals and people kill for food, or they kill their
enemies. People and animals can move around and find something to kill. They
can run away from an enemy. They can kill it if it is necessary. Many kinds of
animals eat plants. The plants cannot run away from their enemies. Some plants are
poisonous. If an animal eats part of the plant, it gets sick or dies.
Animals learn to stay away from these plants. There are many kinds of plants that
make poison. Most of them grow in the desert or in the tropics. Farmers use many
kinds of poison on their farms. Most of these poisons come from petroleum, but
petroleum is expensive. Scientists collect poisonous plants and study them. Maybe
farmers can use cheap poison from plants instead of expensive poison from

Put the right word in each blank.

Expensive tropics collect cheap farm kind if instead of poisonous enemy
1. David's parents have a big __________ . They are ___________
2. A Mercedes Benz is an __________ car.
3. Please come to the Student Union at 12:00 _________ you can.
4. Malaysia, Togo, and Nigeria are in the ________
5. Please write the answers on a piece of paper ___________in the book.
6. Ali, please _____________ all the students' papers.
7. Some things we use in the garden are __________. We must keep these things
away from children.
8. People are the only __________ of polar bears.
9. What ____________ of car do you have?
10. ____________ clothes are not usually very good.

Answer the questions:

1. Why do people and animals kill?
2. Can plants run away from an enemy?
3. What happens to an animal that eats a poisonous plant?
4. What do animals learn about these plants?
5. Where do most poisonous plants grow?
6. Why do farmers use poison on their farms?
7. Where do most poisons come from?
8. Why do scientists collect and study poisonous plants?

9. Why do farmers prefer to use poisonous plants?

10. Can all plants release poison to their enemies?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. Animals and people kill their __
a. poisons
b. enemies
2. cannot move around.
a. Plants
b. Animals
c. plants
d. farmers
c. Farmers
d. Scientists
3. An animal if it eats a poisonous plant.
a. gets sick or dies c. moves around
b. runs away d. studies the poison
4. Most poisonous plants grow in the desert or in the __ _
a. farms c. Arctic Circle
b. tropics d. laboratories
5. use many kinds of poisons.
a. Scientists c. Farmers
b. Workers d. Animals
The Date Palm
The date palm is a wonderful tree. People eat dates. They feed them to their
animals. They use the leaves and the wood to build houses. They use the wood to
build boats. They make baskets from the leaves. They burn the other parts of the
tree to cook their food. The date palm came from the Middle East. Seven thousand
(7,000) years ago, people in Syria and Egypt ate dates. They made pictures of date
palms on their stone buildings.
Today date palms grow in the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa, southern
Europe, and other warm parts of the world. There are more than 2,700 kinds of
palm trees. Most of them cannot grow in the Middle East because it is too dry. The
date palm grows there very well. Hundreds of years ago, people in southern Europe
and some Arab countries made pictures of palm trees and palm flowers on some of
their buildings. Today we can see these pictures in art museums. People think that
the palm tree is beautiful. People thought the same thing a long time ago.

Put the right word in each blank.

Southern palm burn leaves wood basket museum ago dates stone
1. Some trees have very large green __________
2. Argentina is in the ______________ part of South America.
3. Marie started to study English five years_______________ .
4. Stone cannot ___________ . Wood can.
5. People burn ______________when they make a fire.
6. A science ____________ is a very interesting place.
7. There is a _____________ of fruit on the table.
8. Pam has a small ________________ in her shoe. It hurts her foot.
9. One kind of ______________ tree gives oil. People make soap from it.
10. People dry _______________ and keep them for a long time.
Answer the questions:
1. How do people use the palm tree?
2. What is the name of the fruit of the palm tree?
3. Where did the date palm come from?
4. When did Syrians and Egyptians start to eat dates?
5. How many kinds of palm trees are there?
6. Why can't most of them grow in the Middle East?
7. Where can we see beautiful old pictures of palm trees?
8. Why did Syrians and Egyptians make pictures of palm trees?
9. Why do date palms grow in the Middle East?
10. Why is the date palm a wonderful tree?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. People make boats from the __ of palm trees.
a. leaves c. dates
b. wood d. flowers
2. They make baskets from the __
a. leaves c. dates
b. wood d. flowers
3. They __ part of the tree to make a fire.
a. enjoy c. burn
b. dance d. grow
4. The date palm came from __
a. California c. southern Europe
b. Africa d. the Middle East
5. People started to eat dates about __ years ago.
a. a few hundred c. 5,000
b. 100 d. 7,000


People all over the world eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South
America eat it very day of their lives. Some people eat almost nothing but rice.
Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than 7000 kinds of rice. Farmers grow rice
in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern
No one really knows where rice came from. Some scientists think that it started to
grow in two places. They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia
thousands of years ago. Someone in Chine wrote about it almost 5000 years ago.
Another kind probably grew in West Africa. Other scientists think that rice came
from India, and Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world.

There are two main ways to grow rice. Upland rice grows in dry soil. Most
rice grows in wet soil. People in many countries do all of the work of growing rice
by hands. This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago. In some
countries, people now use machines on their rice farms. The farmers all use
fertilizer. Some insects are enemies of rice. Farmers poison them. People use every
part of the rice plant. They make animal feed and rice oil from it. They also make
baskets, brooms, rugs, sandals, and roofs for their houses. They burn dry rice
plants in fires for cooking.

Put the right word in each blank.

Even/ probably /rice/ eastern/ sandals/ insects/ roof/ soil/ West/ broom

1. In the summer, people like to wear __________ instead of shoes.

2. Chicken, _______________ , and salad make a good dinner.

3. Frank is two years old. He wants to play basketball, but he can't ___________
pick up the ball.

4. We can have our picnic on the ___________ under that tree.

5. Paul cleaned the garage floor with a _________

6. The rain comes through the _______ of the old house.

7. Korea is in the _______ part of Asia.

8. Some ___________ live together in a group.

9. Lebanon is in _________ Asia.

10. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It will _________ nun.

Answer the questions

1.Why do some people eat almost nothing but rice?

2.In what countries is rice an important food?
3.What kind of plant is rice?
4.How many kinds of rice are there?
5.Scientists have two ideas about where rice came from. What are they?
6.What does upland mean?
7.Why do rice farmers use fertilizer?
8.Why do most farmers do the work of growing rice by hand?
9.How do farmers kill the insects?
10.People eat rice. What are other ways people use the rice plant?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. Rice is a kind of grass.
2. Rice grows on dry land and in wet soil.
3. Scientists know that rice came from India.
4. Rice grows in the United States.
5. There are more than 7,000 kinds of rice.
6. Maybe Chinese travelers took rice to India.
7. More people grow rice with machines than by hand.
8. Farmers use fertilizer to kill insects.
9. Chinese farms need more fertilizer than Indian farms.
10. People use every part of the rice plant.
Everybody loves oranges. They are sweet and juicy. They are in sections, so it is
easy to eat them. Some oranges do not have any seeds. Some have thick skin and
some have a thin skin. The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot shiny green leaves.
The small white flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree has flowers and fruit at
the same time. There were orange trees twenty millions years ago. The oranges
were very small, not like the ones today. The orange tree probably came from
China. Many different kinds of wild oranges grow there today.
The Chinese started to raise orange trees around 4400 years ago. Chinese art has
lovely old pictures of oranges and orange trees. Farmers in other parts of Asia and
the Middle East learned to raise oranges from the Chinese. Than they taught
Europeans. The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World (North and South
America). They took them to Florida first. Oranges are a very important crop in
Florida today. In English, orange means both a fruit and a color. We use the name
of the fruit for the color.
Put the right word in each blank.
lovely sweet wild sections raise shines seeds around thin skin
1. Japanese __________ fish on farms in the sea.
2. The Syrians made _________ pictures of date palms on stone buildings.
3. Plants grow from ____________
4. A bird has feathers on its ________ , A camel has hair.
5. The polar bear and the hippo are ____________ animals.
6. There are three _______ of the beginning class.
7. The sun _____________ every day in the desert.
8. Dates and oranges are _________
9. Carlos is fat. Pablo is ___________
10. People started eating dates _______ 7,000 years ago
Answer the questions:
1. Describe an orange.
2. Do all oranges have seeds?
3. Describe an orange tree.
4. Where did orange trees probably come from?
5. Who plants wild orange tree?
6. How did Europeans learn to raise oranges?
7. How did the United States get orange trees?
8. What does orange mean?
9. Why did people in Saudi Arabia eat dates instead of oranges?
10.How often do you eat oranges?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

The asterisk(*) means you have to
think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Oranges are __ _
a. shiny and green c. sweet and juicy
b. old and wild d. thin and white
2. Some oranges do not have __
a. seeds c. flowers
b. sections d. a skin
3. Orange leaves are __ _
a. shiny c. sweet
b. thick d. wild
4. There are many ___ orange trees in China today.
a. shiny c. wild
b. thin d. thick
5. Europeans learned to plant orange trees from farmers in __ _
a. the Middle East and Asia c. China
b. Florida d. Spain

How many cups of coffee did you drink yesterday? Where did the coffee come
from? There is a good chance that your coffee came from one of these countries:
Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, or Ethiopia. These five countries
produce most of the coffee in the world. Brazil produces about half of the world’s
crop of coffee beans. The coffee plant is really a small tree with shiny leaves. A
coffee plant grows for about three years before it produces any fruit. After that, it
produces fruit for about 40 years. The coffee bean is the seed of the fruit.
It’s difficult to pick the coffee beans. Machines can’t do it well, so people pick
most of the coffee beans by hand. Workers typically pick between 20 and 40
pounds of coffee beans a day. The old way to grow coffee plants is under large
trees. The trees protect the coffee plant from the sun. The trees are also home to
many kinds of birds. On many modern farms, however, farmers cut down the trees.
They grow the coffee plants under the sun. Large farms can produce more coffee
this way. Unfortunately, the coffee plants on these farms need more water and
more fertilizer. And without the trees, the birds don’t have a place to live.

Put the right word in each blank.

by hand/ half/ protect/ produces/ modern/ chance/ pick/ unfortunately/ typically/

1. What __________ is south of Canada?

2. Feathers ____________ a bird from the cold.
3. ______________ cars have air bags to protect people.
4. Many people make their clothes ___________
5. How do people __________ dates from a date palm?
6. When you cut something in ____________ you have two equal pieces.
7. The date palm _______ dates.
8. Polar bears _____________ live in cold places.
9. There is no ___________ that she will come with us.
10. I want to go to the party, but ____________ I need to work.

Answer the questions:

1. Which country produces the most coffee?
2. When does a coffee plant start producing coffee beans?
3. For how many years does the coffee plant produce fruit?
4. Why do people pick coffee beans by hands?
5. Why can’t machines pick the beans well?
6. Why do some farms raise coffee plants under the sun?
7. Is it cheaper to grow coffee plants under trees or in the sun?
8. How much coffee do the workers pick every day?
9. Can you tell the five important countries which produce the coffee plants?
10.Is drinking coffee typically for Europe or Azerbaijan?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. The coffee plant is a small tree.
2. There is only one way to grow coffee plants.
3. Most coffee farms are in southern countries.
4. A coffee plant typically produces fruit for more than 40 years.
5. It's difficult to pick coffee by hand.
6. You need less fertilizer and water to grow coffee under trees.
7. Farms can grow more coffee when they cut down the trees.
8. It's better to grow coffee plants on large farms.
9. The coffee plants on large farms need more water and more fertilizer.
10. The best coffee in the world grows under trees.

Music and Behavior
Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any of those places? There is a
good chance that you did. Today most stores and restaurants play music. You
might even hear music in an office or on a farm. Scientists believe that music
affects the way people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of western
classical music (Mozart and Bach) makes people feel richer. When a restaurant
plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the
restaurant plays modem music, people spend less money. With no background
music, people spend even less.
Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. People
actually chew their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play
fast music during their busy hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly.
Restaurants can make more money this way. Some scientists think that music
makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more
alert. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to
music can help you relax. The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It
might change the way you behave.

Put the right word in each blank.

Affect /scientists /loud/ office/ relaxed/ background/ chew /careful/ music/ behave

1. You should ______ your food well. You don't want to get a stomachache.
2. Her _____________ is very small. There is only a desk and a chair in it.
3. The children can't go to the movies this week because they didn't ____________
well at school.
4. We couldn't study because there was a loud noise in the ____________
5. What is your favorite kind of ______________ ?
6. You should be ___________ when you drive your car.
7. ______________ music can hurt your ears.
8. Laughter can ________________ your feelings. Usually it makes you feel
9. He seemed ___________ and confident before the match.
10. Some ____________ say that laughing is a good exercise.
Answer the questions:
1. What kind of music makes people feel richer?
2. Why do some restaurants play classical music?
3. Why do some restaurants play fast music?
4. How can you get people to chew their food faster?
5. Why is there background music in some offices?
6. How might music help you to learn better?
7. Why do students listen to music?
8. What happens when you listen to classical music?
9. What places play music today?
10. What happens if people eat and leave restaurants quickly?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence if false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. Mozart and Bach wrote classical music.
2. Music can affect how quickly someone eats.
3. It's possible that music can help you learn better.
4. Some restaurants use music to make more money.
5. People in restaurants spend more money when they hear loud, fast music.
6. Office workers are more productive when they listen to music.
7. People all over the world listen to Mozart and Bach every night.
8. Music might change the way you behave.
9. Babies sleep well when they listen to classical music.
10. Scientists all over the world think that music makes you think and learn better.
Work Hours
Many people say that they are working too many hours. They don't have enough
time with their families. They can't take care of things at home. They don't have
time to relax. Work hours vary from one country to another. In France, people
spend about 1,646 hours a year at work. In Japan, however, people work about
2,159 hours a year. That means a Japanese employee works 513 more hours a year
than a French employee. That is more than 12 weeks, or three months, of extra
Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they
want to earn more money. However, many companies don't pay overtime. Their
employees don't get extra pay for extra work. These people work extra hours
because they think it's their duty. Some people are afraid they will lose their job if
they don't work extra hours. Many people say that their vacations are too short. In
France, people get five weeks of paid vacation. In Germany, they get from four to
six weeks. In the United States, two weeks of vacation is the average. Many people
don't even use all of their vacation days. In one study in Great Britain, fewer than
half of workers used all their vacation days. In English, people say, "All work and
no play makes Jack a dull boy." If that is true, there are a lot of dull people in the

Put the right word in each blank.

Average/ dull /duties/ earn/ enough/ lose/ overtime/ pay/ varies/ vacation

1. They left early because the movie was very ____________

2. She didn't buy the book because she didn't have _____________ money.
3. At the movies, you ______________ before you enter the theater.
4. He worked four hours of ____________ last week.
5. In some places, the weather __________ from day to day.
6. He wants to get a job so he can ____________ some money.
7. The ______________ person sleeps about eight hours a day.
8. Florida is a popular place for a ___________
9. Take care of your passport. You don't want to _____________ it.
10. One of my _____________ at home is to cook dinner.
Answer the questions:
1. What do people need more time to do?
2. How many hours a year do people in France work?
3. How many hours a year do people in Japan work?
4. Why do some people work extra hours?
5. Why don't some companies pay overtime?
6. In which country do people get the longest vacations?
7. Why don't people use all of their vacation days?
8. What do employees do if they don’t get extra payment?
9. According to the text: in which country do people work longer hours?
10. What is the negative side of working longer hours?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. People in France work more hours than people in Japan.
2. You don't always earn extra money when you work extra hours.
3. If your company pays overtime, you get more money when you work extra
4. In most countries, people get five weeks of vacation every year.
5. People in the United States have fewer vacation days than people in France or
6. In Great Britain, most employees use all their vacation days.
7. Workers in America often go on strike because they do not receive overtime.
8. If you work extra hours, you can promote easily.
9. Work hours are the same in all countries.
10. Many people say that their vacations are not long.

Family-Friendly Companies
In many families today, both the mother and the father have jobs outside the
home. This can make it difficult to take care of the children. To help, some
companies are changing the work rules. These companies are trying to be more
family-friendly. What are companies doing to become family-friendly? Many
companies are allowing their employees to work flexible hours. With flexible
hours, or flextime, people can work full time, but they don't have to work a nine-
to-five schedule. Some employees choose to come in early and leave early. Some
employees choose to work ten hours one day and six hours the next. Most
companies say that flexible hours increase productivity. In the United States, about
one-third of full-time employees have flexible work schedules.
Family-friendly companies also allow two employees to share one job. Each
employee does half the job and gets half the salary. In the United States, 27% of
companies offer some kind of job sharing. Many family-friendly companies also
give paid leave to both parents when a baby is born. In many countries, employers
have to give female workers time off before and after the birth of a child. In the
United States, for example, female employees get 12 weeks of unpaid time off.
New mothers can stay at home, but they don't get their salary. In some countries,
employers have to give all workers paid leave for the birth of a child. In Finland,
for example, both male and female employees get paid leave. Women get 105 days
of paid leave and men get 42! The way people work is changing. For many people,
that is a good thing.
Put the right word in each blank.
Allow/ flexible/ time off/ share /choose/ full-time/ male/ schedule/ leave/ increase/

1. Do you want a ___________ job or a part-time job?

2. Did your parents _____________ you to work when you were in high school?
3. Reading helps to ___________ your vocabulary.
4. In the past, most pilots were _______________ , but today there are many
5. Do you know the _______ for American football?
6. Who has a more _____________ body-a 15-year-old boy or an 80-year-old
7. Do you take ___________ every year? How many days of paid
___________ do you get?
8. Is it important to teach children to ___________ things with their friends?
9. Where can I get a bus ___________?
10. Do you think people should ____________ their own name?
Answer the questions:
1. What are flexible work hours?
2. What is job sharing?
3. Why are some companies becoming more family-friendly?
4. Why do employers like flexible work hours?
5. Why do employees like flexible work hours?
6. Why are more men getting time off after the birth of a child?
7. What is a family – friendly company?
8. When do many family-friendly companies give paid leave to both parents?
9. Why is it difficult to take care of the children for parents?
10. What does “nine-to-five schedule” mean?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. Most companies offer employees flexible hours.
2. With job sharing, one person has two jobs.
3. Paid leave is different from paid vacation.
4. Family-friendly companies are trying to help employees with children.
5. Only employees with children can share jobs.
6. In the United States, female employees get a month of unpaid time off.
7. The best job opportunities are given to single women in the USA.
8. With flexible hours, people can work full time, but they have to work a nine-to-
five schedule.
9. In the USA new mothers can stay at home, and they get their salary.
10. In Finland, both men and women employees get paid leave.

Time Off
Amal works 45 hours a week. It takes him an hour to travel to work every day.
That means he spends 10 hours commuting each week. At home, Amal spends
about 23 hours a week doing work around the house. Of course, he needs to sleep
(56 hours a week) and prepare and eat meals (14 hours a week). So Amal has 20
hours of leisure. That is a typical amount of leisure time for someone in the United
States. What do people do in their leisure time? Obviously, watching television is a
popular free-time activity in many countries. Studies show that people are
watching more TV today than they did twenty years ago. That is probably because
there are many more TV channels today. People can choose programs from
hundreds of TV channels.
Computers are also changing the way people use their leisure time. Today people
are spending more time doing things on their computers. Surfing the Internet is
becoming another popular free-time activity. In fact, some employers are finding
that workers are skipping lunch to surf the Internet. More and more, people are
mixing their work time and play time. They talk on the telephone while they are
commuting to work. They read work papers while they are eating. They listen to
music while they are studying. Maybe this is why people believe that they have
less free time today.
Put the right word in each blank.
Channel/s leisure/ lunch/ prepares/ commute/ program/ meal /computer/
obviously/ surf

1. What is your favorite evening TV _____________ ?

2. Too many people _____________ to work by car. The roads are very crowded.
3. Do you know how to use a _________________ ?
4. How much _______________ time do you have each week?
5. Why do people like to _____________ the Internet?
6. _______________ she is very smart. She finished high school at age 14.
7. Who ___________ the meals in your family?
8. What's your favorite _______________ - breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
9. How many ________________do you get on your TV?
10. Brunch is a new word consists of two words: breakfast and _________.
Answer the questions:
1. How many hours a day does Amal spend sleeping?
2. How much leisure time does he have every week?
3. What are some popular leisure activities?
4. What do people like to do with their computers?
5. What kinds of things do employees do during their lunch time?
6. Why are so many people mixing their work activities and free-time activities?
7. Why do some workers skip lunch?
8. Can you give example of mixing work time and play time?
9. What is a popular free-time activity in many countries?
10. How does Amal commute?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. Amal has a very unusual work schedule.
2. Amal prepares all of the meals at home.
3. Most people in the United States commute by car.
4. Most people in the United States have about 20 hours of leisure time each week.
5. Watching TV is a popular leisure activity.
6. There were hundreds of TV channels twenty years ago.
7. There are more programs on TV today.
8. Instead of working, many employees are surfing the Internet.
9. People have less free time today than in the past.
10. People are studying and eating more today.
The Polynesians
The Polynesians were probably the best explorers in the history of the world. They
traveled thousands of kilometers across the Pacific Ocean in large boats called
"double canoes." They could look at the stars and know which way to go. They
also understood the winds and the ocean currents. They made maps of the stars and
the water ocean currents. They made these maps out of sticks and shells. About
4,000 years ago, a group of people lived in southern China. They were a mixture of
white, black, and Mongol people. When the Chinese moved farther and farther into
the south, these people needed to find safer homes.
Slowly these people left China in their double canoes and started toward the
southeast. They took animals and plants with them. A group of people might arrive
at an island and stay there until they had children, grandchildren, and great-
grandchildren. Then a few families might start traveling again. Some canoes went
one way and some another. It took hundreds of years for them to reach all of the
islands in Polynesia. The double canoe is one of the greatest inventions in history.
The Polynesians were among the greatest sailors in history. They understood how
to sail by the best, most wonderful stars and use the winds and ocean currents. This
made them great explorers.
Put the right word in each blank.
Explorer/ safe/ history/ map/ great/ toward /sailor/ current/ shell/ invented

1. Madame Curie was a ___________ scientist.

2. Children study the __________ of their country.
3. Horses are sometimes afraid of people. You should move ____________ them
4. A warm ocean ___________ off the coast of Norway makes Norway warmer
than Sweden.
5. A _____________ works on a ship.
6. Can you find Polynesia on the ___________?
7. It isn't _____________ for a little child to play alone in a swimming pool.
8. A _______________ is a small sea animal's house.
9. Do you know who _____________ the Internet?
10. Marco Polo was a great ______________ . He crossed Asia and lived in China
for several years in the 13th century.
Answer the questions:
1. What did the Polynesians travel in?
2. How did they know which way to go?
3. What did they make their maps out of?
4. Where did Polynesians come from in the beginning?
5. Why did they leave China?
6. What did they take with them?
7. How long did it take for them to reach all of Polynesia?
8. What made the Polynesians great explorers?
9. Are ocean currents important for ships today? Why?
10. Are the stars important for ships today? Why?

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if

there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. Hawaiians are Polynesians.
2. Maori are Polynesians.
3. Polynesians came from southern China.
4. Polynesians are a mixture of different groups of people.
5. They traveled from one group of islands to another very quickly.
6. They took dogs with them from China.
7. Some people died on the way to new islands.
8. The double canoe is a great invention.
9. The Polynesians were great sailors and explorers.
10. They made maps on paper.

A Giraffe in Central Asia
Tamerlane (1336?-1405) was a very strong Mongol leader. He and his soldiers
fought until Tamerlane became the ruler of all Central Asia. Rulers of other
countries wanted to make friends with Tamerlane. It was safer to be friends than
enemies. Ambassadors from many countries took gifts to Tamerlane. They took
beautiful cloth, jewelry, gold, and silver. They often tried to take something
unusual as a gift, too. In 1404, near the end of Tamerlane's life, an Egyptian
ambassador arrived in Samarkand. This was where Tamerlane lived. The
ambassador and his men traveled on horses and camels. They brought a giraffe
from Africa as a gift.
Egyptian camels and horses were used to walking in the desert. They did it all the
time. A giraffe is not used to the desert. But this giraffe walked 5,000 kilometers
from Cairo to Samarkand. We know about the Egyptian ambassador's gift because
several people wrote about it. No one wrote that Tamerlane liked it. However, we
suppose that he was very pleased to have this strange African animal in Central
Put the right word in each blank.
Giraffe/ suppose/ used to/ deserts /leader/ gold/ jewelry/ gifts/ pleased/

1. Who is your country's _________ to the United States?

2. A _______________ has a very long neck.
3. _______ jewelry is expensive. __________ jewelry is less expensive than gold.
4. Some women like to wear a lot of ____________
5. Masako has never been absent from class, but she is not here today. I
___________ she is sick.
6. A king is the _______ of a country. He is also the ___________ of his people.
7. When Japanese students study in the United States, they can't get __________
the food because it is very strange to them.
8. Ali got an excellent grade on his quiz. He was ___________
9. Americans usually get ___________ on their birthdays.
10. Camels are still the best vehicle in the ___________.

Answer the questions:

1. What does the question mark in "(1336?-1405)" mean?
2. Who was Tamerlane?
3. Why did rulers of other countries want to make friends with him?
4. Why did ambassadors take gifts to Tamerlane?
5. What kind of gifts did they take?
6. Why did they often try to take something unusual?
7. Who took a giraffe to Tamerlane?
8. How did the giraffe get to Samarkand?
9. Do you think Tamerlane liked the giraffe? Why do you think so?
10. Why did the Egyptian ambassador give a giraffe as a gift?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. Tamerlane was __ leader.
a. an Egyptian c. a Mongol
b. a Chinese d. an Arab
2. Tamerlane became the ruler of Central Asia because of __ _
a. ambassadors c. enemies
b. wars d. gifts
3. Rulers of other countries wanted to __ friends with Tamerlane.
a. make c. buy
b. give d. find
4. A giraffe was __ gift.
a. an unusual c. a double
b. a safe d. a dead
5. Giraffes are not __ walking in the desert.
a. afraid of c. used to
b. interested in d. tired of
The First Woman on Mount Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayas between
Nepal and China, and it is 8,900 meters high. Sir Edmund Hillary from New
Zealand and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever to climb Mount
Everest. They climbed it in 1953. Men from several different countries climbed it
after that. Junko Tabei, a Japanese from Hokkaido, was the first woman to make
this difficult climb. A Tokyo newspaper-television company organized the Mount
Everest climb in 1975. They chose fifteen women from mountaineering clubs to go
to Nepal. The group climbed for several days. Then there was an avalanche. The
heavy ice and snow injured ten of the women. They had to stop climbing. The
other five continued. Only Ms. Tabei was able to climb the last 70 meters. She was
standing on top of the world. She was the first woman there.
Ms. Tabei was 35 years old at the time. She started climbing mountains in 1960.
She still climbs mountains. She is not an ordinary Japanese housewife. Her
husband works for Honda Motor Company. He likes to climb mountains, too. But
he can't get enough vacation from his work to go with his wife all the time. So he
stays home to work and take care of the house. In 1992, Ms. Tabei became the first
woman to climb the highest mountain on each of the seven continents. Now her
goal is to climb the highest mountain in every country of the world. To do this, she
travels to foreign countries several times a year. Ms. Tabei also helps an
organization that is working to protect mountain environments.

Put the right word in each blank.

Injured/ ordinary/ climbed/ was /able to / still /organize /heavier/ goal/
mountainous/ continent

1. The smallest ___________ in the world is Australia.

2. Abdullah took the test four times. He _____________ pass it the fourth time.
3. He _____________ a ladder to get to the roof of the house.
4. The students are going to____________ a party for the last day of classes.
5. A hippopotamus is ______________ than a camel.
6. Robert ________________ his leg while he was skiing.
7. He walked 20 kilometers, but he wasn't tired.
8. There was nothing ___________ about the food at his house. It was very special.
9. Switzerland is a __________ country. That's why a lot of people there can ski.
10. His ____________ is to become a famous musician.
Answer the questions:
1. When did the first mountain climbers reach the top of Mount Everest?
2. Where is Mount Everest?
3. Is Mount Everest an ordinary mountain? Why?
4. Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest?
5. Who organized the climb?
6. What happened to ten of the women climbers?
7. Is Mount Everest the only mountain Ms. Tabei has climbed?
8. Why isn't Ms. Tabei an ordinary Japanese housewife?
9. Why does Ms. Tabei want to protect mountain environments?
10. Will Ms. Tabei stop climbing mountains soon?

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

l. When people climb Mount Everest, most of them start in ____ _
a. Japan c. the United States
b. New Zealand d. China or Nepal
2. Two people climbed Mount Everest in 1953. They were from
a. Japan c. China and Nepal
b. China d. New Zealand and Nepal
3. _______ Japanese women started to climb Mount Everest.
a. One b. Five c. Two d. Fifteen
4. A company in _______ organized the climb.
a. Tokyo c. Nepal
b. Hokkaido d. New Zealand
5. _______ injured ten of the women.
a. A club b. An ordinary c. An avalanche d. A storm

The lditarod
Every year in early March, dogs pull sleds in a race along the Iditarod Trail. This
trail is 1,770 kilometers long. It goes from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. The
people who drive the dog teams are called "mushers." A musher is an adventurer.
Each musher races alone with a team of dogs. Some mushers are women. Susan
Butcher is a famous musher. She won the Iditarod race four times. Rick Swenson
won the race five times. Mushers are very brave to go on this adventure. The dogs
run across snow and ice pulling their sleds. Sometimes the mushers ride, and
sometimes they walk.
In 1991, Rick Swenson led his dogs through heavy snow in a bad storm. It was so
dark that no one could see. He fell to his knees and got up again. In 1990, Susan
Butcher's dogs got sick. Then they came to a river where there was water on top of
ice. They were very lucky that they didn't fall through the thin ice. No one could
live in the icy water below. At night, the mushers sleep in tents. In the morning,
they can see footprints of wild animals near the camp. Sometimes they have to
shoot at the wild animals to make them go away. The Iditarod race is very long,
dangerous, and cold. The mushers spend eleven or twelve days running this race.
The temperature can go down to -46°C (minus forty-six degrees Celsius). The dogs
and the mushers take care of each other during this adventure.

Put the right word in each blank.

Below/ footprints/ brave/ stormy/ temperature /trail /knees/ adventure /shoots/
1. Our volleyball _________ won the game.
2. Junko Tabei had a great ___________ when she climbed Mount Everest.
3. When a hunter finds an animal, he usually __________ it.
4. Your ____________ are in the middle of your legs.
5. It was difficult to find the ____________ because the snow covered it.
6. When you walk on the beach, you leave your ___________ in the sand.
7. Junko Tabei is a ____________ woman.
8. He doesn't like to fly in ___________ weather.
9. From the airplane, I could see the ocean __________ us.
10. The _____________ is always minus forty degree in Siberia.
Answer the questions:
1. In what month is the Iditarod race?
2. What is the weather like in Alaska then?
3. Did Rick Swenson always ride in his sled?
4. How many other people travel with the mushers?
5. Why do mushers sometimes shoot at wild animals?
6. How do the mushers know that wild animals come near the camp at night?
7. Why couldn't Susan Butcher's dogs see the ice?
8. Who won the race more often-Swenson or Butcher?
9. How do the dogs and the mushers take care of each other?
10. About how far each day do the dogs have to run?
Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if
there is no information about the sentence in the text.
1. The end of the Iditarod race is in Anchorage, Alaska.
2. Susan Butcher is a young woman.
3. The first dog is called the musher.
4. Rick Swenson helped his dogs through a storm.
5. Butcher's dogs didn't fall through the ice.
6. Sometimes wild animals come near the camps at night.
7. Swenson went to the University of Anchorage.
8. The dogs eat a lot of food during the race.
9. The temperatures during the Iditarod are below freezing.
10. The mushers have radios to call for help.

Sailing Alone
In 1996, Subaru Takahashi sailed alone across the Pacific Ocean. Many other
people did this before Subaru, but he was special. At age 14, he was the youngest
person to sail across the Pacific by himself. Subaru left Tokyo on July 22, 1996.
His boat was 30 feet (9 meters) long. In the boat he had a two-month supply of
food and water. He also had a radio and other modem equipment for sailing. The
beginning of the trip went very well. Subaru often talked to his parents by radio.
He didn't have any problems with his boat.
Then, on August 11, the engine in his boat quit. Suddenly, Subaru was without
electricity. This affected his navigation equipment. Then, five days later, his radio
quit. Now he wasn't able to communicate with anyone. And he was still 2,770
miles (4,490 kilometers) away from his destination San Francisco. By the end of
August, many people believed that Subaru was lost. No one was able to contact
him by radio. His parents expected him to arrive in San Francisco on September 3,
but he didn't. Then, on September 13, Subaru sailed into San Francisco. After 55
days in his boat, his trip was finally over. Many people believe that Subaru was too
young to sail alone. They say that parents shouldn't allow children to make such
dangerous trips. However, other people say that children should have adventures,
too. What do you think?

Put the right word in each blank.

Communicate/ problems/ contact/ engine/ quit /sudden/ destination/ equipment
/over /supply

1. It's faster to ____________ someone by phone than by letter.

2. A car won't go anywhere without an ____________
3. What ___________ do you need to play soccer?
4. Don't make any ____________ movements. You might frighten the animals.
5. Don't ___________ school early. It's good to get a university education.
6. She was tired when the test was ___________
7. If your ____________ is across the ocean, you can't get there by car.
8. Are you having any ___________ with your car?
9. I need to get a ____________ of paper for my office.
10. Many hearing-impaired people _____________ with their hands.
Answer the questions:
1. Where did Subaru Takahashi sail from? Where did he sail to?
2. Who did he sail with?
3. How did he communicate with his parents?
4. How long did it take Subaru to sail across the Pacific?
5. What problems did he have on this trip?
6. Why did he arrive in San Francisco late?
7. Why was Subaru's trip unusual?
8. How much food and water did he take with him?
9. Why did people think he was lost?
10. Why did Subaru take this trip?
Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.
1. Subaru's trip was unusual because he ___
a. was brave c. was comfortable
b. was very young d. didn't have a radio
2. When Subaru left Tokyo, he did not have in his boat.
a. his parents c. a radio
b. navigation equipment d. food and water
3. At the beginning of the trip, Subaru __
a. had terrible weather c. didn't have any problems
b. didn't have a radio d. didn't eat well
4. When his radio quit, Subaru ___
a. called his parents c. continued his trip
b. went back to Japan d. turned on the electricity
5. Subaru's trip was ___
a. from Tokyo to San Francisco c. from San Francisco to Tokyo
b. around the world d. from south to north

21.Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

1. Karen ………………. me an e-mail. (to send)

2. Dave and Pat …………………. the museum. (to visit)
3. I …………… at the pet shop. (to be)
4. They …………….. already their backpacks. (to pack)
5. Marcus…………….. an accident. (to have)
6. We ………….. the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)
7. I ……………. just my bike. (to clean)
8. Emily ……………. her room. (to paint)
9. Lisa and Colin ……………. to a concert. (to go)
10. My friends ……………… smoking. (to give up)

22.Make affirmative or interrogative sentences in the present perfect or the past simple.
Use the verbs in brackets.

1. I a great film yesterday. (see)

2. a cheap laptop? (you ever buy)
3. Sue the flu last winter. (have)
4. A few days ago, we to his uncle. (drive)
5. They bingo on Wednesday afternoon. (play)
6. He the bus to get there. (already take)
7. Last week my rabbit away. (run)
8. We a lot last Sunday. (do)
9. to India? (she ever be)
10. I him last Monday. (meet)

23.Fill in the past simple or present perfect.

1. I (have) a problem with my computer yesterday.

2. We (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want.
3. We (be) in John’s room when the storm (begin).
4. I (not begin) my homework yet.
5. He (not sleep) for three nights, even though he (go) to bed early yesterday evening.
6. My uncle (never forget) my birthday.
7. They (travel) around the world last summer.
8. They (decide) this at a meeting a few days ago.
9. (You ever be) to Paris?
10. I know Manchester well. I (live) there for three years when I was a student.

24.Use the present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences below.

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

2. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.
3. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.
4. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.
5. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.
6. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.
7. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.
8. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.
9. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.
10. We ____________ (have) lunch now.

25.Use the present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences below.

1. Who is that man? What _____________ he _____________ (want)?

2. Who is that man? Why _____________ he _____________ (look) at us?
3. _____________ you _________ (believe) in God?
4. Gilbert says he is 80, but nobody _____________ (believe) him.
5. Every Monday Maite _____________ (drive) her kids to football practice.
6. Be quiet. Arturo _____________ (sleep).
7. Don´t forget to take your umbrella. It _____________ (rain).
8. I don´t like living in England. It always _____________ (rain).
9. Look!. It _____________ (snow). We are going to have a white Christmas.
10. Maila _____________ (watch) TV every morning.

26.Complete the following sentences with have/has to or don’t /doesn’t have to:

1. James is a smart guy, he_____________________ (study) a lot!

2. Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they ____________ (buy) a new one.
3. Do you really ___________________ (speak) so fast?
4. No, you___________________________ (write down) every word I say, just the most
important ideas!
5. Oh, look at the time I_____________(run) or a I’ll miss the train!
6. You___________________(run), the train is going to be delayed.
7. She has a wonderful hair but she _______________________ (wash) it every day.
8. We can share a taxi if you want. You ___________________ (walk) home.
9. Do we ____________________(go) now or can we wait for my sister?
10. We ________________ (wait) for your sister she has the keys!

27.Complete the sentences with will / won’t / might (not).

1. Look at the clouds! It ____ definitely rain soon.
2. Unfortunately, there ____ be a holiday next month, but I’m not sure.
3. I definitely ____ go to the parties. I hate parties.
4. I am not sure, but I ____ watch the football game on Sunday. I am too busy.
5. I ____pass the exam. I don’t feel very confident.
6. Yesterday I saw Ted looking at diamond rings in a store. I think he ____ propose
marriage to Stella.
7. I have gained so much weight lately. I am sure my suit____ fit me.
8. It will be dry all next week. It ____rain next week.
9. I don’t know where your socks are. They ____be in the drawer.
10. Drink this and you ____feel better, that’s sure.

28.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb,
comparative or superlative of the words provided.

1. This is ___________________________ (fancy) dress I own.

2. In my opinion, a deer moves ____________________ (graceful) of all the animals.
3. The politician spoke ________________ (loud) than was necessary.
4. When we travel, my suitcase is always _______________ (heavy) than my husband’s.
5. January is _____________________ (cold) month of the year.
6. Mrs. Pedrido speaks _______________________(fluent) than her husband.
7. December 21 is the ________________(short) day of the year.
8. Andrew is __________________ (fast) runner on the team.
9. This apartment is __________________(convenient) of all the apartments I have seen.
10. Annie usually gets up ________________(early) than her sister.

29.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb,
comparative or superlative of the words provided.

1. Max finished the homework _________________ (fast) than anyone else in the class.
2. Andrew is __________________ (fast) runner on the team.
3. A turtle moves _____________________(slow) than a rabbit.
4. Bonnie works ___________________(hard) of all the employees in the office.
5. This book is _____________________ (interesting) than the one I read last week.
6. Daniel drives ____________________________ (careful) than his father.
7. Judy goes to the library ____________________ (often) than I do.
8. That gold necklace is ____________________(expensive) one in the whole store.
9. This is _____________________ (bad) movie I have ever seen.
10. Shaun sings even __________________(beautiful) than her mother, who is a famous
opera star.

30.Answer the questions with: ‘a/an’, ‘the’ or ‘no article’.

1. I love going on holiday to ____ Maldives.

2. Did you watch ____ Mel Gibson film on TV last night?
3. Do you still live in ____ Bristol?
4. I’ve had ____ terrible headache all day.
5. The book is about someone who lives on ____ small island.
6. She lives in ____ Scotland now, but is from ____ Netherlands.
7. They speak ____ Chinese.
8. I’d love to go sailing along ____ Ganges river.
9. Who is that woman in ____ photo?
10. Can I have _____ sugar in my coffee please?
31.Complete the text with the correct answer, a), b) or c).

You 1 might remember getting lost when you were a child. It probably wasn’t a happy
experience. But have you ever 2 lost in the mountains? It can happen 3 and it’s
very frightening, but it
be so dangerous if you prepare carefully. First of all, tell your family or friends where
you are going and when you 5 come back. Check the weather forecast but 6
prepare for bad weather. You never know, it 7 change. Wear a warm coat and boots, take
extra clothes, food and lots of water. You can survive for weeks without food but you 8
survive long without water. Take a map, a compass and some matches 9 . You can also
take your mobile phone and GPS. They might save you if you get lost but it 10 be
possible to get a telephone signal. Finally, remember you never go walking in the
mountains alone.

1. a) did b) have c) might

2. a) to get b) got c) getting
3. a) easy b) very easy c) easily
4. a) will b) won’t c) might
5. a) are going to b) going to c) don’t

6. a) too b) also c) as well

7. a) might b) will c) is going to
8. a) might b) won’t c) shouldn’t
9. a) as well b) after that c) finally
10. a) might b) might not c) will

32.Complete the phone call with the present simple or continuous.

A: Hi, Mel. Where 1 are you (you / be)?

B: Sweden!
A: What 2 (you / do) there?
B: I (visit) my Swedish friend, Magritte. She 4 (study) here.
A: (she / live) in Stockholm?
B: Yes. She (work) part-time for a magazine, too.
A: Great. (you / have) a good time?
B: Yes. It’s her birthday. We 8 (sit) in a lovely restaurant at the top of a tall building
and 9 (enjoy) the view of the city.
A: 10 (drink) champagne?
B: Yes, of course. And we 11 (eat) salmon.
A: Mmm . . . that sounds wonderful!

33.Write the correct form of the word in brackets.

I 1 got (get) my first job in 2012 because I

(want) to move out of my parents’ house and 3 (rent) a flat. First, I 4
(see) lots of flats. Some of them were awful. There
(not/be) enough cupboards or shelves, and the rooms 6 (be) too small.
The bathrooms were old and they didn’t have a shower. Then I (find) the perfect
flat. It
(have) a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen with a table and a bathroom with a
shower. There 9 (be) lots of cupboards and shelves, and a big wardrobe in the
bedroom. The flat
(not/have) a garden but it had a lovely balcony. I 11 (grow) plants
there and it was a great place to relax in the summer.

34.Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect.

1. They all the new words. They needn't worry about the test. (to learn)
2. Three people him in hospital last Friday. (to visit)
3. Martin for 50 miles three weeks ago. (to cycle)
4. We chicken Tandoori before. (never/to try)
5. a job yet? (you/to find)
6. Emily and Molly each other for more than 10 years. (to know)
7. She late four times this week. (to be)
8. What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin a yummy cake. (to bake)
9. The Titanic an iceberg in 1912 and within three hours. (to hit - to

35.Choose a, some, any to complete the sentences below.

1. I need information about the city.
2. I always have egg for breakfast.
3. Can you help me? I need advice.
4. We don't have money.
5. Can I have milk, please?
6. Have you got pen?
7. We didn't see people in the streets.
8. Does Peter have magazines in his office?
9. Do you want chips?
10. My wife doesn't want dog.

36.Write the missing word in each sentence. Choose from the modal verbs below.
can / can’t / have to / don’t have to

I work in the evenings at the theatre, so I get up early. But I learn the text by heart,
because I make mistakes when we act on the stage. Very often I
work on Saturdays, so I go away at the weekend. I be slim, so I
eat fast food. I love my job because I be many different people!

I am a cook. I work for a school. I come to work very early because I cook
breakfast for children. I wash my hands before I cook. I cook with
dirty hands.

37.Write the missing word in each sentence. Choose from the modal verbs below.
can / can’t / have to / don’t have to

I am the boss of a big IT company. I get up very early in the morning because I
come late to work. I be polite with all the people who work for me. I also
wear a suit and a tie to work every day, because I am the boss. I work at the weekend,
so I go to the zoo with my family.

I wash the dishes, because we have a dishwasher. I wear a special uniform,

I wear what I like to work. I am lucky, because I eat at work
when I have a break!
38.Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
1. My house is (big) than yours.
2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.
3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.
4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.
5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?
6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.
7. It is strange but energy drink is (expensive) than a beer.
8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?
9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.
10. He was the (clever) thief of all.

39. Complete the email to a friend. Use be and have got in affirmative, negative and
interrogative forms.

My name …………………….. Emily. I …………………….. seventeen years old. How

old …………………….. you?
My home town is Bristol, in England. But I …………………….. English – I’m American. My
parents …………………….. from California. I …………………….. lots of cousins in the USA.
Where …………………….. you from? This …………………….. a photo of me.
I …………………….. brown hair and blue eyes. I …………………….. a brother – his name is

40. Put in the verbs in brackets in Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. Andy sometimes comics. (to read)

2. We never TV in the morning. (to watch)
3. Listen! Sandy in the bathroom. (to sing)
4. My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help)
5. My mother breakfast now. (to make)
6. They often the bathroom. (to clean)
7. Look! The boys home. (to come)
8. Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go)
9. I with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
10. Cats mice. (to eat)

Speaking Topics
41. Answer ten questions about yourself to practice speaking and sharing information.
1. What is your full name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your favorite hobby or activity to do?
4. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
5. Do you have any pets? If yes, what are their names?
6. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
7. What is your favorite book or story?
8. What do you want to be when you grow up?
9. Where is your favorite place to go for vacation?
10. What is one interesting fact about yourself that not many people know?
42. Practice making arrangements by answering ten questions related to planning activities or
1. What is one activity you would like to do with a friend this weekend?
2. Which day of the week do you prefer to have a movie night at home?
3. What time do you usually wake up on Saturdays?
4. Where would you like to go for a family outing next month?
5. Who would you invite to your birthday party and where would you have it?
6. What would you like to have for dinner on your next special occasion?
7. When would be a good time to visit your grandparents or relatives?
8. Which game or sport would you like to play with your classmates during recess?
9. What time do you think is best to start your homework after school?
10. How would you plan your ideal day during the holidays?

43. Practice speaking about special occasions by answering ten questions related to celebrations
and events.
1. What is your favorite special occasion to celebrate (e.g., birthday, holiday, etc.)?
2. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
3. Who do you invite to your special occasion celebrations?
4. Where is your favorite place to have a party or celebration?
5. What decorations do you like to have at your special occasion?
6. What is your favorite food or dessert to have during celebrations?
7. Do you have any special traditions or activities you do during these occasions?
8. How do you feel during your special occasion celebrations?
9. What gift would you like to receive on your next special occasion?
10. If you could plan any special occasion party, what would the theme be?

44. Practice speaking about favorite places by answering ten questions related to special
1. What is your favorite place to go on weekends?
2. Describe your favorite place using three words.
3. Why do you like this place more than others?
4. Who do you like to go to this place with?
5. What do you usually do when you're at your favorite place?
6. When did you first visit this favorite place, and what did you like most about it?
7. What makes this place special or unique to you?
8. Can you draw or paint a picture in your mind of this favorite place?
9. How does being in this place make you feel?
10. If you could bring one thing to your favorite place, what would it be?

45. Practice speaking about eating habits by answering ten questions related to food and meals.
1. What is your favorite meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
2. What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you have any favorite breakfast foods?
3. What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
4. Do you prefer sweet or savory snacks? What is your favorite snack?
5. How often do you drink water during the day?
6. Do you have any foods that you don't like? If yes, what are they?
7. Who cooks most of your meals at home? What is your favorite dish they make?
8. What is your favorite drink?
9. Do you have a favorite restaurant? What do you like to eat there?
10. What is your favorite dessert?

46. Practice speaking and making choices by answering ten questions related to ordering food
at a restaurant.
1. What is your favorite type of cuisine (e.g., Italian, Chinese, Mexican, etc.)?
2. If you could have any meal for dinner tonight, what would it be?
3. What drink would you order to accompany your meal?
4. Do you prefer spicy or mild food? Why?
5. What appetizer would you choose before your main course?
6. Can you describe your ideal pizza toppings or favorite pizza flavor?
7. How do you like your burger (or sandwich) to be prepared?
8. What sides or extras would you like with your meal (e.g., fries, salad, etc.)?
9. Are there any foods you don't like on your plate?
10. What dessert would you order to finish your meal?
47. Practice speaking about a favorite dish by answering ten questions related to describing
1. What is your favorite dish or meal?
2. Can you describe the appearance of your favorite dish?
3. What ingredients are used to make this dish?
4. How is your favorite dish prepared or cooked?
5. What does your favorite dish smell like?
6. What do you like most about the taste of this dish?
7. When was the first time you tried this dish, and where were you?
8. Who cooks your favorite dish the best?
9. Are there any special memories or occasions associated with this dish?
10. Can you share the recipe or steps to make your favorite dish?

48. Practice speaking about favorite things by answering ten questions related to personal

1. What is your favorite color?

2. Can you describe your favorite toy or object?
3. What is your favorite book or story? Why do you like it?
4.Who is your favorite cartoon or storybook character?
5. What is your favorite game to play? Why?
6.What is your favorite animal? Can you describe it?
7.Do you have a favorite place to visit? Where is it and why do you like it?
8.What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
9.Who is your favorite person in your family? Why?
10.Can you describe your favorite activity to do in your free time?

49. Practice speaking about important events by answering ten questions related to significant
1. What is one memorable event that happened in your life?
2. Can you describe a special celebration or holiday that is important to you?
3. Do you have a favorite birthday memory? What made it special?
4. Can you recall a significant achievement or accomplishment you're proud of?
5. Describe a time when you felt really happy or excited.
6. Have you experienced a moment where you helped someone or did something kind?
7. Can you remember a time when you felt really scared or nervous?
8. Do you have a favorite family trip or outing? Where did you go, and why was it
9. Have you ever participated in a special event at school? What was it like?
10. What is an event or experience you're looking forward to in the future?

50. Practice speaking about weekends by answering ten questions related to weekend activities.
1. What do you usually do on Saturday mornings?
2.How do you like to spend your Saturday afternoons?
3.Do you have any special activities or hobbies you enjoy doing on weekends?
4.Where is your favorite place to go on a Sunday afternoon?
5.Do you have any weekend traditions or routines with your family?
6.What is your favorite weekend meal or snack?
7.Can you describe a particularly memorable weekend you've had?
8.Do you prefer to spend weekends outdoors or indoors? Why?
9.Is there a particular movie or TV show you like to watch on weekends?
10.What would be your ideal weekend activity if you could choose anything?
51. Practice speaking about a hero or someone admired by answering ten questions.
1. Who is your hero or someone you admire? Can you tell me about them?
2. What makes this person special or heroic in your eyes?
3. Can you describe the qualities or characteristics that make this person admirable?
4. How did you come to know about this hero or person you admire?
5. Can you share a specific story or action that this person did that made them your hero?
6. Do you have a favorite quote or saying from this person?
7. How has this hero or admired person inspired you in your life?
8. What do you think you can learn from this person?
9. If you had the chance, what would you say to this person if you met them?
10. Has this hero or admired person made a positive impact on others or the world
52. Practice speaking about a holiday by answering ten questions related to a memorable
vacation, either good or bad.
1. Can you describe a holiday or vacation that you went on?
2. What was the best part of this holiday experience?
3. Were there any special activities or places you visited during this holiday?
4. Can you recall a funny or exciting moment from this vacation?
5. Were there any challenges or difficulties you faced during this holiday?
6. What made this holiday a good or bad experience for you?
7. Who did you go on this holiday with? Did you enjoy their company?
8. How did you feel at the beginning and end of this holiday?
9. What did you learn or discover during this holiday experience?
10. If you could change something about this holiday, what would it be?
53. Practice speaking about planning a trip by answering ten simple questions related to a
1. Where would you like to go on a trip?
2. How would you get there (by car, plane, train, etc.)?
3. Who would you like to go with on this trip, if anyone?
4. What things would you bring in your bag for the journey?
5. What places would you want to visit during this trip?
6. How many days do you think the journey would take?
7. What fun things would you want to do during the trip?
8. What kind of food would you like to eat while traveling?
9. Where would you stay during your trip (hotel, camping, etc.)?
10. How would you remember or capture memories of this trip?
54.Practice speaking about clothing preferences by answering ten questions related to
what you usually or never wear.
1. What type of clothing do you usually wear on a typical school day?
2. Is there a particular color you like to wear often? Why?
3. What kind of shoes do you prefer to wear?
4. Do you have a favorite piece of clothing (shirt, dress, etc.)? Can you describe it?
5. Are there any clothes you never wear? Why?
6. What kind of outfit do you wear when it's hot outside?
7. What do you wear when it's cold or rainy?
8. Do you like to accessorize with anything like hats or jewelry?
9. Are there any clothes you wish you could wear but haven't worn yet?
10. Can you describe your favorite outfit for a special occasion?

55.Practice speaking about a favorite movie by answering ten questions related to movies.
1. What is your favorite movie? Can you tell me about it?
2. Who are the main characters in this movie?
3. What is the movie about? Can you summarize the story?
4. Why do you like this movie more than others?
5. What is your favorite scene or part of the movie?
6. Do you have a favorite line or quote from the movie?
7. When did you first watch this movie, and where were you?
8. How does this movie make you feel when you watch it?
9. What lessons or messages do you think this movie teaches?
10. Would you recommend this movie to your friends? Why?
56. Practice suggesting a movie by answering ten simple questions about a film you like

1. What movie would you recommend to a friend?

2. What is the movie about? Can you tell a little bit about it?
3. Who are the main characters in this movie?
4. What is the best part or scene in this movie?
5. Why do you like this movie?
6. What kind of feelings or emotions does this movie make you feel?
7. When did you watch this movie for the first time?
8. What lessons or messages can someone learn from watching this movie?
9. Why do you think your friend would enjoy this movie?
10. What would you say to convince your friend to watch this movie?
57. Practice talking about how people travel in different places

1. How do people go from one place to another in your city?

2. What do people use to travel in other cities?
3. Have you heard of places where many people ride bicycles or scooters?
4. Do you know cities where people travel by boats or ferries?
5. What about cities where trains go underground?
6. Have you heard of places where there are big buses that carry many people?
7. Do you know of any cities where people walk a lot to go places?
8. Have you heard about cities with interesting ways of getting around, like big
trains up in the sky or small three-wheeled vehicles?
9. Can you name a city where people use very different ways to move around?
10.If you could choose how people move in your city, what would you pick and why?

58. Practice discussing actions to take when feeling unwell by answering ten simple questions
1. What do you do when you feel sick or unwell?
2. How can you tell when your body doesn't feel right?
3. What would you do if you have a headache or feel dizzy?
4. Can you name some foods or drinks that might help you feel better?
5. How do you take care of yourself when you have a cold or a cough?
6. Who would you talk to if you don't feel well?
7. What activities might help you relax and feel better?
8. When do you think it's important to see a doctor or a nurse?
9. What can you do to prevent feeling unwell in the future?
10. How would you help a friend who isn't feeling well?
59. Practice discussing ways to offer help by answering ten simple questions
1. How can you tell if someone needs help?
2. What are some things you could do to help someone who is feeling sad?
3. Can you think of ways to help a friend who is having trouble with schoolwork?
4. What would you do if you noticed someone being left out during a game?
5. How can you help someone who is carrying something heavy?
6. What might you say to offer help to someone who looks lost?
7. How could you help someone who has hurt themselves?
8. What can you do if you see someone being teased or bullied?
9. How might you assist an elderly person who needs help crossing the street?
10. What would you do to help someone who is upset or crying?
60. Practice talking about personal life experiences by answering ten simple questions
1. Can you tell me about something new you learned?

2. What was a fun trip or adventure you had?

3. Have you faced something hard? What happened?

4. Can you describe a time when you made a new friend?

5. What's a special day or party you remember?

6. Can you talk about a gift you really liked?

7. When did you feel really proud of something you did?

8. Have you ever helped someone?

9. Can you tell a funny or silly thing that happened to you?

10. What's something fun your family likes doing together?

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