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M118A 2022L566A2EL

Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit

State Examinations Commission

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese
Higher Level
Listening Comprehension
Monday 20 June Afternoon 12:10 – 12:50
100 marks

Examination Number

For example, 3rd February

Day and Month of Birth
is entered as 0302

Centre Stamp
Do not write on this page

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 2

Answer all questions.

N.B. Questions to be answered in English, not necessarily in complete sentences.

Each section will be played three times: first right through, then in segments with pauses, and
finally right through again.

Read the instructions carefully.

You may only use blue or black pen when writing your answers. Do not use pencil.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.

This examination booklet will be scanned and your work will be presented to an examiner on
screen. Anything that you write outside of the answer areas may not be seen by the examiner.

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 3
Section A
You will hear Lili introduce herself.

1. How old is Lili?

2. Fill in the information about Lili and her family members.

(a) Lili’s father is a ______________. His hobby is _______________.

(b) Lili’s mother works at a ______________. Her hobby is ______________.

3. Indicate whether the following sentences are true or false by ticking () the boxes.

True False

(a) Lili’s older brother is learning history.

(b) Lili’s older brother studies computer science.

(c) Lili likes jogging and playing basketball.

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 4
Section B

You will hear a conversation between a lady and a travel agent.

1. (a) What mode of transport is discussed?

(b) Where does the lady want to go?

2. (a) When will she depart?



(b) What is the lady’s name?


First name:

3. Complete the lady’s phone number

1 8 8 6 3 4 5

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 5
Section C

You will hear a conversation between Jason and Lisa.

1. (a) What activity does Jason propose to do tomorrow?

(b) What is the relationship between Jason and Lisa?

2. (a) What does Lisa like the most?

(b) At what time does the activity begin tomorrow?

3. (a) What will they do at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow?

(b) How will they travel to the place?

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 6
Section D

You will hear an announcement made by a tour guide.

Complete the schedule below by inserting the starting times, places, and activities according to
what you hear.

Starting Time Place Activity

9:30 a.m.

The Dublin Zoo visit the Zoo

have lunch

The National Concert Hall

5:00 p.m.

The hotel have dinner

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 7
Section E

You will hear a conversation between a man and a customer.

1. (a) Where does this conversation take place?

(b) What has been sold out?

(c) The man proposes two items. What are they?

Item 1:

Item 2:

2. What drinks does the customer order?

Drink 1: Hot or cold:

Drink 2: Hot or cold:

3. What is the total cost?

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 8
Section F

You will hear a conversation between two passengers, Li Ming and Zhang Qiu.

1. (a) What is the destination?

(b) How much longer will it take to arrive at the destination?

(c) What mode of transport are they using?

2. (a) What time is it now?

(b) What will the weather be like when they arrive?

3. Indicate whether the following sentences are true or false by ticking () the boxes.

True False

(a) Zhang Qiu would like to have a rest now.

(b) Li Ming would like to enjoy some music now.

(c) Li Ming will remind Zhang Qiu to prepare to get off at 18:30.

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 9
Do not write on this page

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 10
Do not write on this page

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 11
Do not write on this page

Copyright notice
This examination paper may contain text or images for which the State Examinations Commission is not the
copyright owner, and which may have been adapted, for the purpose of assessment, without the authors’ prior
consent. This examination paper has been prepared in accordance with Section 53(5) of the Copyright and
Related Rights Act, 2000. Any subsequent use for a purpose other than the intended purpose is not authorised.
The Commission does not accept liability for any infringement of third-party rights arising from unauthorised
distribution or use of this examination paper.

Leaving Certificate – Higher Level

Mandarin Chinese
Monday 20 June
Afternoon 12:10 – 12:50

Leaving Certificate Examination 2022

Mandarin Chinese – Higher level 12

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