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e Advisory USOeparen een Circular Subject! CERTIFICATION OF NORMAL Date: ‘9130/2008 AC No: 27-18 CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Initiated by: ASW-110 Change: 3 4, PURPOSE: a. This Advisory Circular (AC) publishes needed changes tothe existing AC material as a result of a safely-focused study . This change revises existing material n 6 sections The change number and the date ofthe changed material are shown atthe top of each page. The vertical lines in the right or let margin indicates the beginning and end of each change. Pages thal have different page numbers, but no text changes, will retain the previous heading information. d._ This AC does not change regulatory requirements and does not authorize changes in, or deviations from, regulatory requirements. This AC establishes an acceptable means. but not the only means, of compliance. Since the guidance material prasented in this AC Is nt regulatory, terms having a mandatory defriton, such as “shall” and “must.” et, as used inthis AC, apply tether to the reiteration ofa regulation itself, or to an applicant who chooses to follow a prescribed ‘method of compliance witnout deviation. 2. PRINCIPAL CHANGES. Sections 27.571, 27.679, 27.695, 27.783, 27.8014, and 27.1351 are revieed 3. WEBSITE AVAILABILITY. To access this AC electronical hnitpywwsiweb faa.cov/el and then click on AC's log en to AC 27-1B, Cho3 9130/2008 AC 27-48, Chg3 PAGE CONTROL CHART Remove Pages Dated [insert Pages Dated thru xi 919099 & 4/25/06 | v thru x... 78089, 425106, & 9130/08 Cas thu a7 9130199 & 2/1203 | C-83 thru C-88 913008 0-39 tha 0-40. ‘0199 | D-39 thru 0.40.2 9130/08 D-4s thru 0-46. ‘9730199 | D-45 thru D-46 ‘i399 & 9/30/08, D-71 thru 0-72. 930/90 | 0-71 thru 0.72.2 9730100 & 9/30/08 ESthu eS Coos | €5 thu €6 930/08 F-53 thu F-58, 9130180 | F-53 thru F-56 9130/08 Signed by Scott. Hom for Mark R. Sehiting ‘Acting Manager, Rotorcraft Directorata ‘Alreraft Certification Service Page i 412512008, AG 27-18, Chg 2 SUBPART C - STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS (continued) ‘GENERAL (continued) Page No. AC27.307A Proof of Structure os ‘AG.27308 Design Limitations cs FLIGHT LOADS ‘AC 27.321 Flight Loads - General cs ‘AG 27337 Limit Maneuvering Load Factor. 8 ‘AG 27339 Resultant Limit Maneuvering Loads. C8 ‘027.341 Gust Loads C8 ‘C.27351 —Yawing Conditions . co AC27361 Engine Torque cra CONTROL SURFACE AND SYSTEM LOADS AC27.391 Control Surface and System Loads - General cas ‘AG.27391A Control Surface and System Loads - General cs ‘AC27.395 Control System cas ‘C27 3954 Control System car AC 27.387 Limit Plot Forces and Torques. car AC 27.398 Dual Controt System. cas AC 27.401 Auxiliary Rotor Assomblise cas AC27.401A —Auxiiary Rotor Assombliss. C20 AC 27.403 Auxiliary Rotor Attachment Structure, C20 AC 27.403A Auxiliary Rotor Atachment Structure cat AC27.411 Ground Clearance: Tail Rotor Guard cat ‘8C.27.413 Stabilizing and Control Suriaces. oz AC27.413A Stabilizing and Control Surfaces. 24 AC 27.427 Unsymmetical Loads. C24 GROUND LOADS AC27.471 Ground Loads - General 28 AC 27.473 Ground Loading Conditions and Assumptions C28 AC 27.475 Tires and Shock Absorbers cz AC 27.477 Landing Gear Arrangement 29 AC27.479 Level Landing Conditions 29 AC27481 Tail-Down Landing Conditions 30 AC 27.483 One-Wheel Landing Conditions c3t AC 27485 Lateral Drit Landing Conditions C3 ‘AC 27.493 Breked Roll Conditions C82 Page v AC 27-18, Chg 3 rs0r2008, ‘SUBPART C - STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS( continued) GROUND LOADS (continued) Page No AG 27.497 Ground Loading Conditions: ose Landing Gear With Tail Whois ‘AC27.501 Ground Loading Conditons: ose Landing Gear With Skids ‘AC27.S01A Ground Loading Conditons: 635 Landing Goar With Skids ‘AC27.505 Ski Landing Conditions. 035 WATER LOADS AC27.521 Float Landing Conkitons, csr MAIN COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS AG27.547 Main Rotor Structure 38 AG 27.549 Fuselage, Landing Gear, and Rotor Pyion Structure. 638 EMERGENCY LANDING CONDITIONS ‘AC27.561 Emergency Landing Conditions General e140 ‘AC27.561A Emergency Landing Conditions - General cat ‘AC27.5618 Emergency Landing Conditions - Genera. 42 ‘AC27581C _Emorgancy Landing Conditions General 43 ‘AG27.562 Emergency Landing Oynamic Conditions, C43 ‘AC27.563_Stuctural Ditching Provisions. oat ‘AG27.563A Structural Ditching Provisions cat FATIGUE EVALUATION AG27.571_— Fatigue Evaluation of Fight Structure 83 AG27.571A Fatigue Evaluation of Fight Siuicture for Catogory A Certification C86 ‘SUBPART D - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION GENERAL Page No. 4027601 Design D4 AG 27.602 Crical Pars D2 AG27.603 Materials. D4 ‘AG27.605 Fabrication Methods D4 AC27807 Fasteners, Ds Page vi ‘90/2008 ‘AC 27.609 ‘AC 27.610 ‘AC.276108, Ac27611 AC 27 613 AC27.613A Ac27.619 AC 27.621 AC 27.623 AC 27.625 AC 27.6268 AC 27.628 A 27.653 AC 27.659 ‘AG 27.681 AG 27.663 AG 27.6634, ac 27.671 ‘AC 27.672 80.27.6739, AG 27.674 80 27.675, 80 27.679, ‘AG 27.681 (AG 27.683 ‘AC 27.685 ‘AG 27 685A, AC 27 687 AC 27.691 ‘AC 27.695 ‘SUBPART D - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (GENERAL (continued) Protection of Structure Lightning Protecton Lightning and Statc Electricity Protection Inspection Provisions. Material Strength Propertios ‘and Design Values: Material Strength Properties ‘ang Design Values. ‘Special Factors. Casting Factors, Bearing Factors, Fiting Factors, Fiting Factors Flute. ROTORS Pressure Venting and Dreinage of Rotor Blades. Mass Balance Rotor Blade clearance ‘Ground Resonance Prevention Means, ‘Ground Resonance Prevention Means, CONTROL SYSTEMS Control Systems - General Stabilty Augmentation, Automatic, ‘and Power-Operated Systems Primary Fight Control Interconnected Controls Stops. Control System Locks, Limit Load Static Tests Operation Tests Control System Details. Control System Details. Spring Devices. ‘Autorotation Cantiol Mechanism Power Boost and Power- Operated Control System, AC 27-18, Chg 3 Page No. Ds D6 D8 Das Daa D8 ps Dar Dar 28 D239 D290 Ds Dt Dot p33 D5: p36 36 37 37 D338 D40 D-40.4 41 Dat baz Das Das Daa Page vit AC 27-48, Chg 3 AC 27.723, AC 27.725, 027.727 ‘A027.7270 4027.729, ‘AC 27.731 AC 27.733, AC 27.735, ‘AC 27.737 Acar 751 AC 27.753, AC 27785 Aca7771 AC 27.773, e27.77 AC 277758 AC 27777 AC 2779 AG 27.783 AG 27.7838 Ac 27.785 AC 27.7858 AC 27.7858 AC 27.787 AG 27.7878 Ac 27.801 AC 27.805 4ac.27.807 ‘AC 27.8078 ‘AC 27.8078 ac 27.831 AG 27.833 Ac 27.853 ‘AC 27.8538 ‘Ac 27.855 Page vil IBPARI LANDING GEAR Shock Absorption Teste, Limit Drop Test Reserve Energy Absorption Orop Test Reserve Energy Absorption Orop Test. Retrecting Mechanism, Wheels. Tires. Brakes Skis FLOATS AND HULLS. Main Float uoyancy. Main Float Design. Hull. PERSONNEL AND CARGO ACCOMMODATIONS: Pilot Compartment. Pilot Compartment View Windshields and Winans Windshields and Windows. Cockpit Controls. ‘Motion and Effect of Cockpit Controls, Doors. Doors. ‘Seats, darihs, Safely Bas, and Hamesses, Seats, Berths, Safety Bets, and Harnesses, Seats, Berths, Litters, Safely Belts, and Hamesses: Cargo and Baggege Compartments Cargo and Baggage Compartments Ditching Flignt Crew Emergency Exits Emergency Exts. Emergency Exts. Emergency Exits Ventilation Heaters. FIRE PROTECTION ‘Compartment interiors. ‘Compartment interiors Cargo and Baggage Compartments ‘SUBPART D - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (continued) rs0r2008 Page No. Dar D0 250 ps1 ps1 D4 Ds. D6 D8 so 60 60 pez Des Des 268 D868 Dg, ber22 bra bra 7a D-80 B80 Deo D2 Dat Dei 9130/2008, Ac27.850 AC 27.861 AG 27.8614 AG 27.863 Ac 27.865, AG 27.8654, AG 27.8658 corer AG 27.873 ac 27.901 AC 27 9014, Ac 27.903, AC 27.9034, AC 27.907 Ac27917 Ac 27.921 ‘Ac 27.923, ‘AC 27.9234, AG 27 8238 Ac27 927 ‘AG 27 927A, Ac 27 831 AG 27835, AC 27.939 EIRE PROTECTION (continued) Heating Systeme. A rotection of Structure, Controls, and Other Parts ite Protection of Situture, Controls, and Other Parts, Flammable Fluid Fire Protection EXTERNAL LOAD ATTACHING MEANS External Load Attaching Means. External Load Attaching Means. Extornal Load Attaching Means (previously MG 12). MISCELLANEOUS (DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, Leveling Mars. Ballact Provisions SUBPART E - POWERPLANT GENERAL Installation Instaliaton. Engines. Engines Engine Vibration ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM Design Rotor Brake. Rotor Drive System and Control Mechanism Tests. Rolor Drive System and Control Mechanism Tests Rotor Drive System and Control Mechanism Tests ‘Additional Tests Additional Tests Shafting Crtical Speeds Shafting Joints Turbine Engine Operating Characteristics, ‘AC 27-48, Chg 3 Page No. D101 D105 D108 D407 D109 D410 ban D133 D133 E40 et E42 EN7 18 E19 E21 E21 25 25 Page ix AC 27-48 sig0/1900 SUBPART E - POWERS FUEL SYSTEM (continued Page No. AC 27.951 Fuel System - General. 20 ‘AG27.952 Fuel System Crash Resistance. a ‘AC 27.953 Fuel System Independence. E56 AC 27.954 Fuel System Lightning Protection Es? AC 27.955 Fuel Flow. E58 ‘AG.27.955A Fuel Fiow. E62 ‘AG27.959 Unusable Fuel Supply E64 ‘AG_27.961 Fuel System Hot Weather Operation E65 ‘AG27.961A Fuel System Hot Weather Operation E67 ‘AG 27.963 Fuel Tanks: General E67 ‘AC 27.963 Fuel Tanks: General E68 ‘AG 27.9638 Fuel Tanks: General £68 ‘AC 27.985 Fuel Tank Tests. E69 ‘AC 27.967 Fuol Tank Installation E70 ‘AC 27.969 Fuol Tank Expansion Space. E72 ‘AC 27.9694 Fuel Tank Expansion Space. oer. ‘AC 27.971 Fuel Tank Sump E73 ‘AG 27.9714 Fuel Tank Sump Ts ‘AG27973 Fuel Tank Filler Connection, ET ‘AG27.973A Fuel Tonk Filler Connection, 575 ‘AC27.975 Fuel Tark Vents E76 ‘AG27.975A Fuel Tark Vents ETT ‘AC27.9758 Fuel Tank Vents ETT C2777 Fuel Tark Outlet E78 EUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: AC27.991 Fuel Pumps. 80 ‘AC 27.9918 Fuel Pumps. E81 ‘AC27.903 Fuel System Lines and Fitings E81 AC 27.995 Fuel Valves. E82 AC27.997 Fuel Strainer or Filter E82 AG27.997A Fuel Strainer o Filter E83 ‘AG27.999 Fuel System Drains. E84 AC27.990A Fuel System Drains. E85 Ol. SYSTEM AC27.1011 Ol System - General E86 AC 271013 Ol Tanks. E86 AC27.1015 Ol Tank Tests Es? ‘AG27.1017 Ol Lines and Fitings. 88 Page x 9/30/1999 Ac27.1019 ‘AC 2710188 Ac 27 1021 AC27.1027 AC 27-1041 AC 2710410 ‘AC 27.1043 ‘AC 27.1048 ‘AG 27 10450 ‘AG 27.1081 ‘AC 27.1081 ‘AC 27-1083. ‘AC 27-1083 AC 27.1121 ‘AC 27.1123 ac 27.1141 AC 2711418 ‘AC 27.1143 AC 2711430 AC 2711438 AG 27.1145 Ac 27-1147 AC 27-1181 AC 27.1163, AC 27.1163 AC 271185 Ac 27.1187 ‘SUBPART E - POWERPLANT (continued) OIL SYSTEM (continued) i Strainer or Filter. i Strainer or Filter 1 System Drains. ‘Transmission and Gearboxes: General COOLING Cooling - General General. Cooling Taste Gooling Tost Procedures Cooling Test Procedures INDUCTION SYSTEM Air Induction ‘Ar Induction Inguction System icing Protection Induction System Icing Protection EXHAUST SYSTEM Goneral Exhauet Piping POWERPLANT CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES Powerplant Controls: General, Poweiplant Controls: General, Engine Contos, Engine Contro's Engine Contro's Ignition Switches. Mixture Controls Rotor Brake Controls Powerplant Accessories POWERPLANT FIRE PROTECTION Lines, Fitings, and Components Flammable Fluids Ventilation. AC ITB Page No. E88 E59) E90 E90 E02 E98 E98 E97 £98 E29 E109 E-100 et e113 et EN7 E18 E18 E19 E19 E120 120 121 E122 E124 E125 E126 Page xi AC 27-18, Cha 3 80.27.1189 AC 27.1191 AG 27.1193. AC 27.1193 AC 27.1194 AC 27.1195. A027.1301 AC 27.1303 AC 27.1305, AC 7.13058, AC 2713058, Ac27.1307 AC 27.1309 AC27.1921 Ac 27.1902 Ac 27.1323, AG 27.1325, AG 27.1327 AG 27.1329, AG.27.1335 AG 27.1337 AG 2713378, AC 27.1951 ‘AC 27.1353 AG 27.1387 ‘AG 27.1364 ‘AG 27.1365, ‘AG 27.1367 Page xi ‘SUBPART E - POWERPLANT (continued) POWERPLANT FIRE PROTECTION (continued) Shutoff Means. Firewalls Cowling and Engine Compartment Covering Cowling and Engine Compartment Covering (ther Surfaces Fire Detector Systems ‘SUBPART F - EQUIPMENT GENERAL Function and Installation. Flight and Navigation Insiruments Powerplant Insiruments Powerplant instruments, Powerplant instruments Miscellaneous Equipment Equipment, Systems, and Installations. INSTRUMENTS - INSTALLATION ‘Arrangement and Visit. ‘Waring, Caution, and Advisory Lights ‘repeed Indicating System Static Presaure Systems Magnetic Direction Indicator ‘Automatic Pilot System Flight Director Systems Powerplant Instruments Powerplant Instruments ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Eloctical Systems and Equipment - General Storage Battory Design and instalation Cireut Protective Devices. Master Switch Electic Cables. Switches ‘30/2008 Page No. E27 E128 E132 E133 E134 135 Fa Ft FT FB Fa Fn Fas F34 F.3d F-30 40 Fat Ft 50 Fst F82 55 F58 Fez Fed Fed F-66 ersor2008 AC 27-18, Cha 3 ‘SUBPART C - STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS, FATIGUE EVALUATION AC 27.571, §27.571 (Amendment 27-26) FATIGUE EVALUATION OF FLIGHT ‘STRUCTURE. a. Explanation. An evaluation is required to assure structural reliability of the rotorcraitin fight. This evaluation may take the form of elther tests or analysis. During tho certification process, fatigue tosting is more offective than analysis alone in identifying and preventing cracking that may occur during service. Analysis used for substantiation should be validated by tests, (1) Chapter 3 AC 27 MG 11 contains background information and acceptable ‘means of compliance with the requirements. A safe life may be assigned or the structure may be fil safe as prescribed or a combination of these may be Used. (2) Mandatory inspections, service life (replacement times) etc., determined in ‘complying with the standard shall be placed in the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (also called Maintenance Manual). See ‘Appendix A of FAR Part 27, paragraphs A27.4 and paragraph AC 27.1529 for information, (3) Amendment 27-26 amended the standard to require evaluation of the landing gear and their related primary attachments. (4) Amendment 27-26 also amended the standard to require evaluation of {ground-air-ground cycies on the rotorcraft, and if applicable, of external cargo ‘operations. Previously external cargo operations ware evaluated whenever the rotorcraft cargo combination exceeded the “standard” maximum certificated gross weight, and the CG range specified in § 27.25(c). If these limits were not exceeded, an ‘evaluation was not required by the standard prior to Amendment 27-26. b. Procedures. (1) The fatigue evaluation requi 1§ Consideration of the following factors: (Identification of the structure/components to be considered (i) The stress during operating conditions. (ii) The operating spectrum or frequency of occurrence including frequency of ground-air-ground cycies, as well as external cargo operations, Page C - 63 AC 27-18, Chg 3 ‘9/30/2008 (iv) _ Fatigue strength, andlor fatigue crack propagation characteristics, residual strength of the cracked structure. (2) Since the design limits, e.., rotor RPM (maximum and minimum), airspeed, ‘and blade angles (thrust, weight, otc.) affect the fatigue life of the rotor system, itis necessary that fight conditions be conducted at limits that are appropriate for the Particular rotorcraft and at the correct combination of these limits. It will be the responsibilty of engineering and fight test personnel to determine thatthe fight strain program proposal includes conditions of fight at the various combinations of rotor RPM, airspeed, thrust, etc, that will be representative of the limits used in service. The flight test personnel should assure that the severity ofthe maneuvers to be investigated is such that actual service use will not be more severe. Verification that proposed maneuvers are suitable may be achieved by: (Flying a representative set of maneuvers with the applicant's pilot in the test aircraft at noncrtical combinations of weight, CG, and speed. (An FAWAUTHORITY letter for specific test authorization would ordinarily be required.) If the procedure is used, the applicant should provide adequate preliminary fight strain data from development or other tests to confirm a cleared (non-critical) fight envelope for conduct of these representative maneuvers. (i) Flying a representative set of maneuvers with the applicant's pilot in 2 similar (certited) model to assess and agree upon the required maneuvers, control deflections, and sircraft rates, The required maneuvers or conditions will be specified in the fght strain program plan (ii) Flying a chase aircraft which has a fight envelope appropriate to allow visual confirmation of the proposed and programmed fight maneuvers. (iv) Observation of telameterad fight data to assure desired control deflections, rates, and aircraft attitudes. (¥)_ Some combinations of items b(2)i through b(2)(W) above. (3) Assessing the operation spectrum and the flight loads or strain ‘measurement program will involve airframe, propulsion, and fight test personnel, (4) Variation in the operating or loading epectrum among models, and variations in the spectrum for a particular model rotoreraft, should be evaluated Figure AC 27 MG 11-7 contains typical fight load measurement program conditions to be investigated. ‘An example of a twin turbine spectrum is presented in Figure AC 27 MG 11-9. The tables should be used only as a guide and should be modified as necessary for each particular rotorcraft design. Page C - 84 9130/2008, AC 27-18, Chg 3 (5) The difference in loading spectrum for different modets that may be anticipated js illustrated by comparing the percentage of time assigned to level fight, Conditions, specifically 0.8 Vs to 1.0 Vj for three different rotorcraft designs as shown in figure AC 27.871-1. (Vj is the maximum airspeed at maximum continuous power in level fight.) The first column applies to a single-piston-engine powered small rotorcraft sed in utily operations. The second column is appropriate for a single-turbine-engine powered seven-place small business and utility rotorcraft. The third column is appropriate for a twin-engine-powered 13 passenger transport rotorcraft. It should be ‘noted that the level fight percentage of occurrences shown in figure AC 27.571-1 for the turbine utiity business and turbine transport rotoreraft are examples of particular designs. The high percentage of time shown in this level fight regime could be ‘unconservative for some designs, especially ifthe stresses under these design conditions produce an infinite fatigue life forthe particular component. The fatigue spectrum percentage of occurrences should be modified according to the intended ‘operation usage of the rotorcraft. However, a conservative application should be considered. This variation illustrates the “talloring” of the loading spectrum for the type of rotoreraft and the anticipated usage, FIGURE AC 27.571-4 Comparison Percent of Time in Level Flight Turbine Piston Usiity Twin Turbine ty Business Transport O8Vsc = 25% = 0.BVn 16% 08 15% 10Vs 15% 09V4 21% 09V, 20% 10Vve 3% 1.0Vy 2AM 1.0V, 38% Total 43% 61% 73% (8) External cargo operations are a unique and demanding operation. A “logging” operator may use 50 maximum power applications per fight hour to move logs {rom a cutting site to @ hauling site. Power is used to accelerate, decelerate, or hover prior to load release. Lifting loads over an obstruction or natural barrier is another ‘example of very frequent high power applications for takeoff and for hovering over the release area. Similar types of operations require fight loads data to assess the effects (on fatigue critical components. (7) The impact of the external cargo operation on standard configuration limits should be assessed to determine whether or not the component service ives, inspections, otc, wil be affected. The assessment may be done by calculating an “external cargo configuration” service life for each critical component. The lowest Page C- 85 AC 27-18, Chg 3 ‘9/30/2008 service life obtained from standard configuration fight loads data and loading spectrum, or from extemal cargo configuration fight loads data and loading spectrum or from frequent ground-alr-ground cycles is generally the approved service life or replacement time, Since the regulatory maintenance and operating rules do not require recording time in service for the different types of operations, this procedure could be used if an “operational cycies” equation for equivalent fight hours is not approved (see (8) below). (8) The Airworthiness Limitations Section of the maintenance manual shall ‘contain the required information derived from complying with the standard. fan “operational cycles" equation for "equivalent fight hours” is approved under the standard, the equation is included inthis approved section of the manual (8) The applicant should plan to conduct a flight loads survey program for both a standard configuration and an external cargo configuration, if applicable. The {gfound-air-ground cycle is inherent in thase conditions. This procedure will avoid delays associated with reinstallation and calibration of equipment, AG27.571A. _ §27.574 (Amendment 27-33) FATIGUE EVAL F FLIGHT STRUCTURE FOR CATEGORY A CERTIFICATION, a. Explanation. Amendment 27-33 added Appendix C to specify the requirements {or Category A certification of normal category rotorcraft. The requirement for fatigue tolerance evaluation will require test evidence to support the analysis. b. Procedures. For Category A certification, the tests specified in paragraph AC 29.5714 are required for fatigue tolerance evaluation Paragraph AC 29.571A is repeated in this section (1) Fatigue test evidence is necessary for the fatigue evaluation of gears. The test evidence should be provided by rotating tests of complete gearbox specimens operating under power. The tests provide the basis for analysis leading to the establishment of safe life. (2) The tests are conducted specifically for the purpose of gear tooth evaluation, and components subjected to the tests do not have to be considered serviceable on completion of the test. Excessive wear on bearings and shafts and ‘marking (Including spalling) of bearings and gear teeth are acceptable provided no fatigue damage is evident on the gear teeth. However fatigue damage other than tooth fatigue should be considered for test validity and the integrity ofthe affected part confirmed as necessary. (3) The test concitions (torque versus number of cycles) should permit the setting of mean strength curve(6) to be associated with each primary gear in the drive train, The test conditions, should at a minimum, encompass those power levels for Which repeated application inservice is expected under normal circumstances. The S-N ‘curve(s), forthe material and type of gear, should be reduced by a factor of safety to Page C - 86 ‘9/30/2008 AC 27-18, Chg 3 take into account material and manufacturing variabilty. The factored curve will then be Used in conjunction with the flight power spectrum to determine a life (limited or unlimited) for the gears in the primary drive system. (4) Special procedures, which do not affect fatigue evaluation of the gear teeth, may be allowed to facilitate completion of the test provided they have been justified and they do not affect life determination. These include periodic interruption for inspection, etc, placement of non-ortical parts and the use of special lubricants, special cooling systems, and methods to prevent unrepresentative deflections at the test torque levels (5) From evidence in relation to the strength of steel gears of conventional design, itis acoepted that adequate fatigue strength can be demonstrated by the use of the above safety factor of 1.4 for a single test, 1.35 for two tests, 1.22 for three tests, and 1.3 forfour or more tests. Where several tesis are to be conducted, specimens should be selected from ifferent manufacturing batchas if practicable. (6) The demonstration of infinite life for gear teeth will normally require tests of minimum of 10” cycles duration at factored power levels. Use of shorter duration tests should be justified. [The remainder ofthis page intentionally left blank ] Page ¢ - 87 AC 27-18, Chg 3 9130/2008, Linus page intentionally ie blank.) Page C - 88 sigorz008 AC 27-1B, Chg 3 (2) Location of stops in close proximity to each end of a control system will allow the stop to provide its function most efficiently without undue deflections between the stop and its adjacent surface or its adjacent cockpit control lever or pedals. The location of stops close to the contol lever or surface will help meet the requirement that the stop (and its function) not be appreciably affected by wear, slackness, or take-up adjustments. Consideration should be given to limiting the total amount of take-up adjustments of both the stop and the control systems to preclude a hazardous adjustment of the control surface range of travel by either normal or extreme take-up adjustment. (3) Each stop is to be substantiated for critical design conditions from either pilot effort, aerodynamic loads, hydraulic loads, and other ertcal loads, as applicable. ‘The stops can be substantiated for limit loads by the tests of § 27.681. (4) The stops to limit the main rotor blade about its hinge points should be positioned to prevent the blades from striking any part of the structure, particularly ‘during startup and shutdown operations. These stops should also limit the flapping of the static main rotor blades of the rotoreraft when they are subjected to ground gusts and rotor wash from nearby taxiing rotorcratt. Provisions should be made to prevent overloading the stops or the blade under conditions of ground gusts and rotor wash effects or during autorotational landing flares. The need for provisions to prevent possible overloads due to ground gusts and close taxiing by adjacent rotorcraft and by autorotational landing can be determined usina the instrumented fight load survey aircraft by hover-taxiing another rotorcraft near the instrumented aircraft and by Conducting autorotational landing flares with the instrumented aircraft. Substantation for the final main rotor flapping stop design can be demonstrated by similar tests, (6) If features of design are added to the main rotor stop assembly which activate certain portions of the stap assembly only an the ground to meet the requirement that the blade not hit the droop stop during any operation other than starting and stopping the rotor, such features of design must be substantiated to reliably operate by both ground tests and flight tests, as appropriate. Wear and rigging tolerances should be considered in these demonstration tests, [The remainder ofthis page intentionally left blank ] Page D-39 AC 27-18, Chg 3 ‘9/30/2008 ‘AC 27.679. § 27.679 CONTROL SYSTEM LOCKS. a. Explanation. The rule requires that if control system locks are provided, means are necessary to prevent the rotorcraft from taking off with the locks engaged or, once airborne, to prevent the locks from engaging in fight. . Procedures. Three main approaches may be used to meet the requirements of this rule, (1) The first approach is to provide a means to disengage the locks “automatically” as the pilot operates the controls. If this method is used, the means must disengage the locks in a manner so that they will not automatically re-engage during fight. The means may be physical removal of the locking device from close proximity to the control system interface, with deliberate crew action necessary to return the lock to the control system interface, or the means may be that the mechanism ‘geometry or actions, or both, prevent the locking device from engaging inflight. (2) The second approach is to provide locks that prevent take off withthe locks ‘engaged. Acceptable means are features which prevent engine startup or which restrict ‘collective control operations to prevent sufficient lft for takeoft. (3) The third approach is to provide a means that warns the pilot when a fight control lock system is engaged, such as through a non-cancelable waming message or through distinct control lock markings which are clearly visible to the pilot under all conditions (day and night). (4) Unless it can be shown that the control locks cannot be inadvertently engaged (taking into account manufacturing tolerances and maladjustmonts), a means should be provided that allows, in fight, a single pilot to safely disengage any fight control lock. For example, the control lock design might include frangible ftings, Further, the RFM should describe the appropriate pilot corrective action needed to disengage the control lock system while in fight. (8) The rotoreraft Instructions for Continued Airworthiness should include appropriate maintenance checks and procedures to be completed following modification (for example, via STC or field approval), maintenance, alignment, or adjustment that affects the fight control system locks. [The remainder ofthis page intentionally left blank] Page D 40 srg0/2008 AC 27-48, Chg 3 AC 27.681. §27.681 LIMIT LOAD STATIC TESTS. . Explanation (1) The rule requires static tests of the control system in showing compliance with limit load requirements, (2) The tests are specified to include each fiting, pulley, and bracket of the control system being tested and to include the "most severe loading.” (3) Also, the rule requires that compliance with bearing factors (reference § 27.623) be shown by individual tests or by analyses for control system joints subject to motion, b. Procedures, (1) Compliance with the requirements of this rule is obtained by static tests ‘conducted on either a static test airframe or on a prototype flying ship. In either case, ‘conformity of the control systom and related airframe is necessary to validate the tests. (2) The rotor blades or aerodynamic surfaces may be used to react pilot effort loads through the control system, or they may be replaced with fixtures. If fitures are used, they should be evaluated for geometric and stiffness efforts to ensure test validity. (3) The loads to be applied during the limit load static tests are specified in §§ 27.395, 27.397, and 27.399. The loads are applicable to collective, cyciic, yaw, and rotor blade control systems as well as any other fight control systems provided by the design (4) Although Part 27 does not explicitly specify the bearing factors to be used in control system rotating joint tests or analyses, the factors of § 29.685 have been used in past programs. These factors are 3.33 for push-pull systems and 2.0 for cable systems {or joints with plain bearings and manufacturers’ ratings for ball and roller bearings. [The remainder ofthis page intentionally left biank] Page D 40.1 AC 27-18, Chg 3 93012008, [hie page intentionally lft blank.) Page D - 40.2 gg0/1909 Aacar1B (10) Section 27.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations. b. Explanation. (1) The rule requires an alternate system if @ power boost or power-operated control system is used. (2) The alternate system must, in the event of any single fallure in the power portion of the system, or in the event of failure of all engines: (Be immediately available. (il) Allow continued safe fight and landing. (3) The alternate system may be: ()Acduplicate power portion ofthe system; or (i) A manually operated mechanical system. (4) The power portion of the system includes: (The power source (such as hydraulic pumps); and (i) tems such as valves, lines, and actuator. (5) The failure of mechanical parts (such as piston rods and links) must be considered unless their failure is extremely improbable (6) The jamming of power cylinders must be considered unless their jamming is. considered extremely improbable. ©. Procedures. Itis assumed in the following discussion that the power boost or power-operated control system being utlized isa typical aircraft hydraulic system, (1) The rule requires, without respect to the probability of failure, an alternate system for the power portion of the system. The power portion of the system, by ‘example in the rule, includes hydraulic pumps, valves, lines, and actuators. It has also been interpreted to include seals, servo valves, and fitings. (2) If duplicate power portion of the system is used to meet the requirements, of the rule, the requirements may be met by providing a dual independent hydraulic system, including the reservoirs, hydraulic pumps, regulators, connecting tubing, hoses, servo valves, servo-valve cylinder, and power actuator housings. There must be no Page D - 45 AC27-18, Chg 3 ‘9730/2008 ‘commonality in fuid-carrying components. A break in one system should not result in fluid loss in the remaining system. (3) Dual actuators should be designed to ensure that any single failure in the duplicated portion of the system, such as @ ctacked housing, broken interconnecting input, or broken interconnecting output link, does not result in loss of total hydraulic system function, (4) A manually operated mechanical system may be used as the alternate system to a single hydraulic system if, after the loss of the single hydraulic system, the pilot can control the rotoreraft without exceptional piloting skill and strength in any ‘normal maneuver for a period of time as long as that required to effect a safe landing, ‘The control forces should not exceed those specified in § 27.397 and fight characteristics should meet the requirements of §§ 27.141 (b) and (b)(3). (5) The substantiation of the various system components should include consideration for operation in the normal and alternate system modes. (6) The “oxtromoly improbable" criteria noted in § 27.695(c) for failure of mechanical parts may be satisfied by performing component fatigue testing and establishing a service life through this technique, (7) Fatique substantiation of the control actuator is required under § 27.71 and ‘should consider both the stresses imposed by fight loads and the stresses imposed by hydraulic pump pressure pulses. Fight loads factored in a conservative way may be an ‘acceptable means to take into account both effects (8) The possibilty of jamming of the power cylinder may be shown as “extremely remote” through a failure analysis that considers every possible system ‘component failure such as, but not limited to, ruptured lines, pump failure, regulator failure, ruptured seals, clogged fiers, jammed servo valves, broken interconnecting servo valve inputs, broken interconnecting output links, etc. (2) Three acceptable means to meet the requirements of § 27.695(a)2) could be as folons: (Provide two transmission-driven hydraulic pumps, provided the pumps are driven by the transmission during all fight conditions including autorotation (i) Use two electrcaly

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